Aurora 4x

Fiction => Senate => Aurora Community Game => Detjen's Fiction => Aurora => Ministries => Topic started by: areyoua on May 31, 2011, 03:55:35 PM

Title: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on May 31, 2011, 03:55:35 PM
January 1, 2063
Captain's Log
Today was a wonderful day. Today was the day George Payne, newly minted Infrastructure Minister, moved into his new office, his new, enormous office in the capitol building. Today was the day Payne got to finally, finally begin making his mark on the Terran Federation.
"What does a man have to do to get a coffee here?" He said as he finished dragging in his desk, a task he would trust to no one but him self.

"Pay your poor, beleaguered assistant a lot more," said his well-treated and very well compensated assistant Nathanial Murphy, "And get a coffee maker."

"Details, details," said Payne with a wave of his hand as he rolled in his favorite computer chair, a task he would have freely given anyone if they had been around, " I have more important things to do. Get your tablet ready, Murphy, I have my orders for the factories."

"First of all, let's get our industry rolling, I want 25% of construction to go towards creating more Construction Factories and 10% to go towards creating new Manned Mines"

"Then, start construction on a new Commercial Shipyard with 20% of capacity and a new Military Shipyard with another 20%. We must go to the stars."

"Finally, when we get to those stars, we must be prepared for what lies there, so we must devote production towards making academia flourish. We must allow for 25% of our capacity to be used to create new Research Laboratories."

"Didn't you promise to build ship components with industry in your time as Infrastructure Minister?" challenged Murphy.

"I did, but reality got in my way. We have but one shipyard, and that will hamper expansion much more than a longer construction time," replied Payne.

"Moving on, I plan to delay any expansions or slipway additions until we get a design from the Survey or Military ministries that can be built there, and if we can get the shipyard Payne Shipyard that would be great."

"Really?" asked the bemused assistant.

"Well, if the public is really against that we can name it something worse such as the New Hope Shipyard, Armstrong Shipyard (or Gagarin Shipyard), or some other such nonsense," relented Payne

"Alright," said Murphy, "I think that's it, I'll get it sent out, with a few changes for tact."

"Tact?! I'll show you tact!"
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Detjen on June 01, 2011, 02:00:15 PM

   President Jayne Casey was shown into the Ministries office, the president was in his late 50's and balding, the top of his head was devoid of hair and all that remained was a small crown around his ears and along the back of his head.  in one hand he had with him a small tablet.   "Mr. Payne I hope you can spare me a moment of your time,  I read your initial reports on your intentions,  and I had a few questions and comments let see"  he made a small "hrmmm" noise as he filled with the tablet "Yes, lets see I have no problem with your percentages though I do worry a little bit about our mineral resources being able to handle this kind of output so soon.   I also saw you were intending to build a second military shipyard already."
  He looked up, the face that many said was a well groomed capitalists face a hard determined look that was somehow softened with almost grandfatherly features.   "As well as naming our first shipyard Payne Shipyards." He smiled a bit at that as he helped himself to a seat "if you are not too busy for me, I would love to hear your ideas about a second military facility.  I also happen to like the idea of Armstrong shipyard,  though I think that should be reserved for the commercial yards as consumers would no doubt love the name, it brings up images of strength and freedom."
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Sheb on June 01, 2011, 02:23:00 PM
As Commerce minister, I also would like explainations about your strategy. Defending ourselves from eventual aliens is fine and all, but shouldn't our priority be to colonize other planets, especially Mars? We need freighters and colony ships, not missile frigate.
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 01, 2011, 03:26:42 PM
"Ah, hello President Casey, welcome to my humble office," said George Payne, waving to the very humble office with Payne's precious desk, his computer chair, and the chair that the President was sitting in across the desk from Payne, "Murphy! get us some drinks!"

"I acknowledge that our warehouses have relatively little stockpiles of minerals, but most of the minerals that I will be using to build my installations are in high accessibility. The only two exceptions are Vendarite for the construction factories, but carriers for fighters have not been requested by the Military, so fighters will not be needed. Therefore, Vendarite will have only one use, industry, and while new installations are being built, more minerals will be mined out, increasing our current stockpiles"

"Some coffee for the President," announced the young assistant, Nathanial Murphy, "and a margarita for Mr.Payne."

Although Payne didn't say anything, the look he gave Murphy would have been sufficient to give the Navy its first laser. "Anyway, Mr. President, my decision to name the shipyard Payne Shipyards was based of course on my, um, family's discovery of... On second thought, I'm sure that the other senators will have a good idea on naming the first shipyards."

"I know that my decision to create a second military shipyard has been a little controversial, I've heard a few of the Ministers have complaints, but I believe that the new military shipyard would allow us to build smaller ships, perhaps survey ships capable of surveying the gravitational points that scientists have been saying will lead to new advances. I am willing to change this decision, but I hope that you will see my reasons for doing this."

"I know I am getting long-winded, but I have just one more point to make. I think that an addition to our academy would be a very great addition to our world, but as of yet, there are no demands for commanders outside of scientists and geological teams, so I would wait on building another academy until at least our new shipyards are completed"
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: ardem on June 01, 2011, 08:39:28 PM
Senator Charles Winston strolls into the Ministry of Infrastructure, reviews the marble columns and busts of past industrial greats. Chuck rolls his eyes, only the Ministry of Infrastructure seem to have an abundance amount of resources.

Walking up to the reception, Chuck smiles gently and enquires "Is Senator Payne in?"

"I am sorry he is currently in a meeting at the moment"

"No worries I am here to drop off our preliminary survey results of Earth, and a personal message" (

The receptionist smile accepting the E-paper, "Senator can I ask you something" she enquires. "Sure what is it" Chuck puts his hand to his chin in a thoughtful pose. "When will we be able to fly to another solar system"

Chuck thought for a moment, "Well I cannot tell you the exact time frame, but it will be while yet we will not be requesting an grav survey craft until the geo survey of this solar system is complete, that why in that little note there, I have request a civilian shipyard asap. Geosurvey craft are better prepared in that environment" Chuck noticed that her shine had faded a little from her eyes, "But don't worry your pretty self, I can see in the next 10 years we will not have just visited one other solar system but many"

"Thank you Senator" her smile quickly returned.

Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 01, 2011, 09:50:17 PM
Just as George Payne was ending his half of his discussion with the President, his earpiece, which would be virtually invisible to any bystander, started talking.

"Mr. Payne," chirped Nathanial Murphy's, "I feel it is necessary for me to tell you that the Survey Minister, Chuck Winston, has advised us to build a civilian rather than a military shipyard as it would be more efficient in building geosurvey craft."

Payne, thinking quickly, knew that the only reason a second military shipyard was to be as place to build survey ships, but if the Survey Ministry wanted to build a commercial ship, then there was no use for the second military ship. He also knew however that is would seem very bizarre to the President if he all of a sudden he changed his policy in the middle of a meeting with no obvious reason, but he knew what he had to do for the people.

"Actually, upon thinking about the decision to create another military shipyard a bit more, it seems like it would be a better idea to scrap that project in favor of accelerating progress on the commercial shipyard to 40% as the military shipyard would have no use. As my assistant now told me, the Survey Minister planned to build commercial rather than military geosurvey ships like I had assumed. Therefore, the Military shipyard would have really have no use in the near future, and would just be a drain on both the workforce and our industrial capability."

As Payne finished his statement, Murphy walked in to the office one more time to take away the coffee and the margarita, even though the margarita was still full.
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Detjen on June 01, 2011, 10:01:26 PM
"I see" He stands up slowly offering a hand to shake to both Nathan and then George "I believe Ms. Bradely should take her policy ideas to the minister.   Mr. Payne I will approve your policy or Ms. Bradleys if you wish to prose that one.   although I do think we could build survey ships with the one we have now,  you never know what someone else might want to build,  and I chose you because I believe you have more experience in these matters,  Im just here to oversee.  you have a good day now."
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 02, 2011, 03:13:41 PM
After the President had left, Payne called his assistant over to finalize his report for the factory workers into a much shorter and easier to read format and the final version was as thus:

25% Construction Factories
10% Manned Mines
40% Commercial Shipyard
25% Research Labs
0% Idle

Additionally, he decided to put out a call to the manager of the only current Military Shipyard to have them officially change its name to Sori Shipyard in honor of the inventor of Sorium Fuel, and to keep on waiting for a design from the Military Ministry about what to build. He also made a note on the wall to remind him to name the first Commercial Shipyard Armstrong Shipyard.

The more important aspects of his Ministry having been decided and not much more to do, he ordered another coffee from his assistant and he received a cup of warm, steaming tea.

[ooc]I have rewritten my post above to better reflect what I want from Payne and Murphy's relationship, and I struck Elanor Bradley from the character roster as I thought she just wouldn't be important enough in the future. [/ooc]
Title: Memorandum
Post by: Father Tim on June 04, 2011, 06:50:43 PM
TO:  Minister of Infrastructure
FROM:  Minister of Technology

Pursuant to our meeting of 2 June, I must renew my request to establish additional Academies for the education of Civilian, Military, and Scientific personnel.  At this time research efforts are critically hampered by the absence of skilled & trained team leaders able to marshal our several million research staff into productive, well-directed teams.

Dr. Phineas T. Vendar

Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 05, 2011, 10:01:24 AM
After a long day on the senate floor, George Payne was back in the office watching the clock. 4:45. The time to go home was just so close. Just a little more time and he could go home and stay home until the next legislative session. 4:49. All the debates were done, his policy was complete, only one more vote left on the docket, and the decisions would be over. 4:54. *ding* "Oh, come on!"

In came a message from the Ministry of Technology, and in came Nathanial Murphy with the tablet to record Payne's response. 4:56

"The initial plan I had was made under the assumption that we would have more than just two young, inexperienced scientists. With higher numbers of more experienced scientists, as I had thought we had when I came out with my initial plan, academy extensions could wait until at least we had a commercial shipyard. Now, however, as the Technology Minister has suggested to me, I must change my policy. New labs would be much less efficient way of increasing scientific output than better, more experienced scientists, so with that in mind, I will change the 25% of industry going to new Research Labs to building an extension to our academy. I would also recommend that our academy be named in order not to be called the rather nebulous "academy"

5:00. Payne manages to finish his response just in time to quit, but the messages to the factory managers still must go out, and he knows enough to let Dr. Vendar respond, so he sits down in his computer chair and requests a coffee. Murphy, however, had already left.
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Sheb on June 05, 2011, 10:14:37 AM
It has a name, it is called Earth University! That's where I got my PhD you know!
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Father Tim on June 05, 2011, 12:52:34 PM
TO:  Minister for Infrastructure
FROM:  Minister for Technology

I have read your revised plan and am pleased with the changes to be implemented.  I recommend 'Winston-Payne University' as a name for the new institution.

Dr. Phineas T. Vendar
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: ardem on June 06, 2011, 10:46:12 PM
TO: Minster for Infrastructure
FROM: Minister of Surveys

Minister we have selected a survey design which we would like to commission, although we do need to wait for the Commerical Thermal Drive to be created, I believe all the other components are ready to go. Could you proceed with building as fast as possible, I know in a private meeting we committed to the idea of two survey ships, but the size of the survey ships are smaller then first thought and hoping to squeeze in a 3rd if at all possible.

We have decided to award Starion Heavy Industries the contract the design is as follows

Code: [Select]
Columbus class Surveyor    1,750 tons     67 Crew     158.5 BP      TCS 35  TH 62  EM 0
1771 km/s     Armour 1-12     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 57 MSP    Max Repair 100 MSP

DaZmar Nova E1 (1)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 10%    Signature 62.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 5,000 Litres    Range 51.4 billion km   (336 days at full power)

AVT Electronics Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Full component list is as follows:
2.6x Chemicals Unlimited! Duranium Durasteel Armor
1x DaZmar Nova E1 commercial engine
1x Life Systems Crew Quarters - Small
1x Arkayan Command Module
1x Sori Fuel Storage - Tiny
1x General Dynamics Engineering Spaces
1x AVT Electronics Bridge

The commission name of the ships should be as followed in the order

John D Rockefeller
Peter Munk
William K D'Arcy [ooc]can drop the ' if it interferes[/ooc]
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 07, 2011, 03:20:24 PM
February 1, 2063
Dear Journal,
With the plan laying starting to end, George Payne had little to do in the month following his appointment than to spruce up the office and go observe the buildings being worked on. Over the month of January, a new filing cabinet had been placed behind his desk and to the right to store copies of the reports he had given out, but nothing else had been done as his old office had been pretty bare as well. All in all, it had been a pretty boring month in the Ministry of Infrastructure. *ding* "Finally!"

In came the first message since Payne had been sent a plea from he factory managers to stop asking them how construction was going. 5 times. The message recorded by Nathanial Murphy read as follows:

"It is with great excitement that I give the orders to finally give Sori Shipyard its first orders. Today, February 1, 2063, marks a new dawn for our great nation, a dawn that will never see the sun go down. Today, we being construction on the first two Trans-Newtonian Spacecraft, the Columbus-class John D Rockefeller and Peter Munk. Immediately after those two ships leave the shipyard, I want not one, but two more Columbus-class ships laid down on the Shipyard to fully utilize our two slipways. One will be the William K D'Arcy and the other will have its name be decided anyway. Although the Ministry of Survey tells me that only three are necessary, a fourth could be built at no great cost to either time, as a third would require another round of ship construction anyway, or minerals, as the ships are so small."

With the momentous message done, Payne immediately ordered a bottle of champagne to be uncorked for use in celebration, but Murphy brought nothing more than a simple cup of tea.
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: ardem on June 11, 2011, 09:11:32 PM
Note to Senator Payne:

Thankyou for the option for a four ship, I have chosen the ship to be named. Clive Palmer
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 12, 2011, 08:11:40 PM
June 1, 2063
It was a dark and stormy night
While the Ministry of Survey was celebrating, George Payne still had some work to do before trying to sneak into the party. He still did not have any confirmation from Commerce on what ship to begin to build or start expanding the shipyard for. The closest to a confirmation was a suggestion that the designs have been forwarded to the sub-committee of design Selection. He sent a message to that effect to the Ministry of Commerce and looked outside and requested a umbrella from his assistant Nathanial Murphy.

He also decided that a more thorough review of the assets available to the Ministry of Infrastructure was necessary for not only his own Ministry, but to better facilitate the activities of the entire Federation. Therefore, he dispatched the workers in the Ministry to commence a massive operation to count all the Mines, Construction Factories, Ordinance Factories, and other Trans-Newtonian Industries on the Earth, and a census to be conducted,
[ooc]Essentially, I would like a screenshot of the Summery tab of the Economics Window.[/ooc]
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Detjen on June 12, 2011, 10:27:47 PM
( (

[ooc]Anything else my leige?  :p[/ooc]
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Sheb on June 13, 2011, 03:45:14 AM
I'm confused, I was sure our designs reached your office.

Here they are: the Jenner class Freighter from Ushinov Design and the Conestoga class Colony Ship from Starion Heavy Industries, both ships of 31,250 tons.

As soon as a shipyard is ready production should start on the Conestoga class. Ships are to be named Conestoga, Oxen, Mule, Horse and Donkey.
A single Jenner class Colony ship should also be produced, but it can wait as I hope the private sector will fill in the gap. It shall be named Jenner.

I would also like to request 100 units of safe, airtight housing for our future colonists on Mars (Infrastructure).

Code: [Select]
Jenner class Freighter    31,250 tons     161 Crew     270.5 BP      TCS 625  TH 250  EM 0
400 km/s     Armour 1-88     Shields 0-0     Sensors 2/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 5 MSP    Max Repair 16 MSP
Cargo 25000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 5   

Nuclear Thermal Engine E1 (4)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 10%    Signature 62.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 70,000 Litres    Range 40.3 billion km   (1166 days at full power)

Thermal Sensor TH0.5-2 (1)     Sensitivity 2     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  2m km

Code: [Select]
Conestoga class Colony Ship    31,250 tons     241 Crew     1212.5 BP      TCS 625  TH 250  EM 0
400 km/s     Armour 1-88     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 24 MSP    Max Repair 16 MSP
Colonists 100000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 10   

DaZmar Nova E1 (4)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 10%    Signature 62.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 15,000 Litres    Range 8.6 billion km   (250 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 13, 2011, 08:35:10 AM
[ooc]For the purposes of RP, I have decided to assume anyone who doesn't specifically say they are sending me a message is actually in my office for a meeting.[/ooc]

Upon hearing Senator Tho's statements, Payne delivered his advisement, "I am loath to question one as skilled in the ways of commerce as you, but are you sure you want five colony ships? At our current rate of production, it will take about 2.3 years just to get one colony ship off the shipyard making it take over 11 years to get all those requests filled, but only about half of a year to get each Jenner up and running. Additionally, is just one cargo ship enough? The private sector will have ships for us to use, but will there be enough to meet demand? These decisions I will leave for you to decide upon, but I hope you will consider my advice. You have a long time to consider as the Commercial Shipyards will not be building anything for about 2 years."

"The 100 units of housing for Mars will be built in lieu of building mines as I believe that any shortages are at least a little way down the road."

Report to Factory Managers

40% 1 Commercial Shipyard
25% 1 Military Academy
25% Construction Factories
10% 100 Infrastructure
0% Manned Mines
0% Idle
[ooc]Just modify the percentage for mines to 0% and add a 100 Infrastructure Project at 10% so as to avoid having .35 of a mine.[/ooc]

After Infrastructure is complete:

40% 1 Commercial Shipyard
25% 1 Military Academy
25% Construction Factories
10% Manned Mines
0% Idle

After 1 Commercial Shipyard is complete: follow previous reports.

Report to Commercial Shipyard once completed:
Add 10,000 tons to capacity then,
Add 10,000 tons to capacity then,
Add 1,000 tons to capacity then,
Add 500 tons to capacity then,
Retool for Conestoga then,
Begin Construction on Conestoga and,
Add extra Slipway

While this meeting was going on, Murphy realized that he had no idea who the Governor of Earth was and sent out a request, in Payne's name of course, to be informed about who the Governor was and his skills.
[ooc]No screenshot needed, just the attributes of the Governor of Earth.
Also, can I have this moved to the Ministry board?[/ooc]
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Sheb on June 14, 2011, 06:23:08 AM
[ooc]How stupid I am! While writing up my message, I got confused between the Colony and Freighter. I of course wanted five freighters and a colony ship.[/ooc]

Ooops, I'm afraid the note my assistant gave me had a typo in it. Of course, we request five Jenner and a single Conestoga. The Conestoga will be name Conestoga, while the five Jenner will be called Jenner, Wagon, Cart, Train and Truck.
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Detjen on June 28, 2011, 12:23:05 AM
Christina Sheth is the governor of Earth
Rating 4
Political 10%
Shipbuilding 5%
Factory Production 20%
Wealth Creation 5%
Mining 10%
GU construction speed 20%
Logistics 20%

The civilian shipyard is compleate so the attached below is what I have currently set for construction, please advice
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 28, 2011, 08:34:58 AM
Reports to Factory Managers

40% 1 Military Shipyard
25% 1 Military Academy
25% Construction Factories
10% 100 Infrastructure
0% Manned Mines

Once 100 Infrastructure is done

40% 1 Military Shipyard
25% 1 Military Academy
25% Construction Factories
10% Manned Mines

Once 1 Military Academy is done

40% 1 Military Shipyard
25% Research Labs
25% Construction Factories
10% Manned Mines

[ooc]Any orders without a number are constant expansions.[/ooc]
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: Sheb on June 29, 2011, 07:12:44 AM
When will the Jenners be ready?
Title: Re: Ministry of Infrastructure #1
Post by: areyoua on June 29, 2011, 07:41:56 AM
George Payne whips out his trusty calculator before answering, "Well, considering both the time required to get the shipyard up to capacity and the time to build a Jenner, I estimate that it will take..."
Payne Punches some numbers into the calculator, "Overflow years! No, wait, that's not it. One second please."
Payne takes out a larger calculator this time from the depths of the bottom left drawer of his desk, "Error Years! Shoot, that's not it either. Well, you get the point. It won't be any time soon, but if you really want an estimation I can get it for you."
This time, Payne simply leans back on his chair with his hand on his chin, "Ow my brain hurts. But the answer is about 1 year 10 months to get the shipyard up to capacity and 6 months to build the Jenner, so today is July 1, 2064 and the ships will be rolling off the shipyard at around November 2066."