Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Xkill on July 24, 2011, 06:36:29 PM

Title: Naval Officers
Post by: Xkill on July 24, 2011, 06:36:29 PM
I'm playing Aurora right now, and I noticed that some officers have Administrator Bonuses, namely Mining and Factory Production. I get why of the Mining one - The Asteroid Miners can get bonuses from their officers (I think)

But what about the Factory Production one? What does it do? Can I get one of these officers on my planets to boast even more the Factory Production Bonus?
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Ziusudra on July 24, 2011, 07:19:33 PM
The Factory Production bonus applies when commanding a jump gate construction ship and reduces the time required.
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Thiosk on July 24, 2011, 07:24:26 PM
I have a feeling that future iterations will hold more use for the factory bonus.
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Ziusudra on July 24, 2011, 08:31:34 PM
I forgot, it also applies to salvage ships. Mining applies to fuel harvesters. See this post (,906.0.html) for more info.
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Xkill on July 25, 2011, 12:29:19 AM
Well the Factory Production Bonus is useless for me now exept for the Fuel Harvesters, Salvage Ships and Asteroid miners (I play with the 'Jump Gates on all Jump Points' option on)

Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Ziusudra on July 25, 2011, 12:40:55 AM
Well the Factory Production Bonus is useless for me now exept for the Fuel Harvesters, Salvage Ships and Asteroid miners (I play with the 'Jump Gates on all Jump Points' option on)

Just to be clear: Factory production only applies to jump gate construction and salvage ships. It doesn't have any effect on fuel harvesters or asteroid miners, that I know of.
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Xkill on July 25, 2011, 12:49:41 AM
Oh, no, right! I misunderstanded the whole thing, I thought that the Asteroid Miners and Fuel Harvesters used the Factory Production Bonus instead of the Mining Bonus. :P
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Herode on August 07, 2011, 11:17:44 AM
There is one point I am enable to clear up about Naval Officers : when I look at my F4 window for assignments, I see that some ships require an R3 officer while some other can be commanded by an R1 officer. And I can't figure what part of the design induces this "R3 officer" request.
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Hawkeye on August 07, 2011, 11:20:43 AM
You can set this yourself on the design screen. Usually, warships, ie. armed ones, are R3, everything unarmed is R1.
Personally, I leave unarmed at R1, put FACs and similarly small stuff up to and including destroyers to R1, cruisers to R2 and heavier stuff to R3 or R4
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Herode on August 07, 2011, 12:35:25 PM
OK, thanks for the tip, Hawkeye ! So it's the DAC/Rank/Information tab where you can set the rank needed for an officer to command the ship.

That's cool. The more I discover this game, the more fun I have. I love that tab :)
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Herode on August 07, 2011, 12:58:22 PM
More thoughts on the question : just for flavour & fun, I am considering the option of assigning a minimal rank for officers on each designed class, either commercial or military. But as for commercial designs, I wonder if it has any impact on existing or forecoming ships.

e.g : let's say I have a Freighter class ThisAndThat and I set it to
Code: [Select]
"Minimum Rank and Class Priority" == (Lieutenant Commander, 1)I can easily assign any of my several unassigned Lieutenant-Commanders to my own ThisAndThat freighters. But what about the civilian ThisAndThat stuff built and used by private companies ? Will they be stuck by this setting, will they auto-use some unassigned commanders, or will they ignore the constraint (maybe those goddamned foocking civilians have their own SOF-like officers, after all...) ?

Also, what does the "class priority" means here ? Is it a priority when Aurora auto-assigns officers to ships, or something else ?
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: sloanjh on August 07, 2011, 07:46:38 PM
Civies don't use military commanders to command their ships.

Priority is for auto-assign - it prioritizes which ships get the (best) named commanders first.

Don't forget - ships do NOT have to have a named commander.  If you don't assign one, it's assumed that Lt. CMDR Horace Wimp is in command.

Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: Father Tim on August 10, 2011, 05:27:27 PM
Ninety percent of my fleet is commanded by Midshipman John J. Average and his many cousins.
Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: boggo2300 on August 11, 2011, 04:26:37 PM
Don't forget - ships do NOT have to have a named commander.  If you don't assign one, it's assumed that Lt. CMDR Horace Wimp is in command.


I think I've read his Diary, I believe his wife is small, and veeery pretty

Title: Re: Naval Officers
Post by: welchbloke on August 11, 2011, 04:31:54 PM
I think I've read his Diary, I believe his wife is small, and veeery pretty

Not a very inspiring commander if all he does is stand there mubblin and fumblin  ;)