Aurora 4x

Fiction => Panopticon's Fiction => Aurora => Community Game II => Topic started by: ardem on October 08, 2011, 06:23:34 PM

Title: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: ardem on October 08, 2011, 06:23:34 PM
Use this thread for public debate and discussion.

The diplomatic situation as it stands on January 1st 2035 is fairly decent, nations generally trade with each other fairly and regard each other as fellow survivors, with a bond that transcends national borders. At least that is what they say to their loyal public. In reality the only major things agreed on is trade and mutual defense against more Invader incursions. Relations are cordial though in most cases.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Vynadan on October 11, 2011, 07:33:01 AM
The Antarctican Harbour took interest in the Yucatan Peninsula only after it was declared a neutral area for diplomatic affairs. In general, Antarctica was a reclusive nation, showing little interest into international politics - until their appearance in Chicxulub. The isolated position at the South Pole makes trading or visits both hazardous and expensive due to the floating ice and long travelling routes. Hence, for some nations it was quite a surprise to hear of this new state. Prior to the embassy, contact with the Antarctican Harbour was limited to the various exclaves.
The embassy is a small compound constructed and staffed similiar to their exclaves, albeit much smaller. The construction was started without notice, but unhindered due to its small scale and the neutral status of Yucatan. While no large military divisions are stationed here, guards in winterised parade uniforms can be seen around the perimeter during all times of the day.

The ambassador is an elderly former general-turned-politican named Arturo Yanes from Brazil. When the embassy was fully constructed he held a very brief speech in portuguese, introducing the Antarctican Harbour formerly to the embassies. Later, a transcript of the speech was available in both english and spanish.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: shadenight123 on October 11, 2011, 09:56:00 AM
The Original himself, or so it is said, stands as the ambassador.
He simply stays there with his cohort of guards, interesting himself with small talks and gossip. He doesn't even seem to care about external politics or states. He gently refuses proposal for backstabbing people and simply cares for neo-italians future.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on October 12, 2011, 02:21:45 AM
The American Dominion ambassador is Admiral Max Oland. The delegation arrived somewhat late, and maintains a larger presence at the Crater than most.

During initial talks the AD made it clear they would deal fairly with all nations, but would be keeping them at arms length, showing little interest in signing treaties beyond pacts of nonaggression and restricting the movement of foreign citizens within the country.

Near the end of 2035 the Ambassador released an announcement:

The last decades have proven that the peoples of this planet cannot be lax in defense, it was only through the greatest strokes of luck, and of sacrifice that the human race still exists at all. The American Dominion firmly believes in the right of all peoples to see to their self defense in the manner they see fit. However being a good citizen of the world also imposes some obligations on all nations to provide some disclosure of the steps they are taking.

To that end we are announcing the construction of a new installation intended for defense of the American Dominion and her interests. The Sentinel class PDC is under construction even now in our factories and the first units will be fully operational within the next year. We assure the peoples of the world that this is not an offensive structure, merely a bulwark against possible aggression and a protected command center and troop base. There will be no other information released on it's capabilities, so don't bother asking, thank you for your time.

Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on October 12, 2011, 01:52:57 PM
Approaching the podium for the first time, the ambassador,dressed in a jet black uniform with silvered buckles, with a silver dragon buckled where the normal rank insignia goes and  flanked by two soldiers,  speaks. "We of the veil have come to let the world know, we have no quarel with any other nation. Our only interest is seeing to the safety of our people. To that end, our borders are closed, anyone caught entering or attempting to spy within our sovern lands will be executed by firing squad. There will be more forth coming at a later date." With that the man, who must be an officer, steps down and retires to the embassy
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: FGRaptor on October 14, 2011, 03:53:06 PM

The New Southern Commonwealth send a construction team to the Chicxulub crater as it was declared neutral grounds. The construction team started building the NSC embassy, looking more like an office building than anything else, surrounded by a large electrified fence. The entrance had a guard office and soldiers were patrolling the grounds. All the guards are very well equipped and at least one armored transport can be seen on the embassy grounds from time to time.
When 5 NSC high speed jets arrived the embassy was almost done. The jets delivered a whole lot of staff as well as the NSC ambassador and other representatives. Namely these were Ambassador Michael Chaine, Rixon & Smith Representative Elisabeth Fortworth, Detanor International Representative Dr. Phil. Richard James Smith, Ember Arms Company Representative George Hammond, and Primus Industries Representative Dr. Trevor Locke.
Some days after their arrival the ambassador and the representatives gave a public announcement.

"The New Southern Commonwealth is looking forward to working with all of the other nations that survived the terrible invader incursion," Ambassador Chaine said. "We will have more hard times before us, but we can probably go towards the future together." Representative Fortworth gave some insight on Rixon & Smith Pharmaceuticals, then ended with an offer: "Rixon & Smith Pharmaceuticals offer nations that suffer diseases or plagues in the aftermath of this war medical deliveries, as long as these nations can pay."
Representative Dr. Smith simply introduced himself and Detanor International, also saying that they are looking forward to establish more and better trade routes across the globe. The EAC Representative introduced himself, but gave little information about their accomplishments.
"We are improving our military technologies and equipment constantly," he concluded. "Any remaining invader forces and anyone else seeking to harm us should be aware of this."
Primus Industries Representative Locke ended the speech. "We are working on technologies to progress into space. We are looking forward to meet again up there."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Naismith on October 14, 2011, 09:29:10 PM
The New Canadian embassy is a elegant building on a large well landscaped property.
Emperor Gregor's personal representative Harvey Briggs is making an address on the south lawn.

"The Empire of New Canada is pleased to see the development of this international assembly.
It is our hope that this will lead to a new era of peace.

We would also like to follow the example of the American Dominion, and publicly announce our own defense PDC.
Nuclear weapons are a threat to us all. And there are many ICBMs from before the war that are still unaccounted for.
The Guardian Missile Defense Base will provide protection from rogue nations and other terrorists that might seek to use these weapons to the detriment of all. It is our hope it will never be used, but we must be prepared."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Vynadan on October 15, 2011, 11:57:38 AM
Late 2036

Transmitted from the Antarctican embassy is an elderly Brazilian man with grey hair and a bald spot on top of his head: Ambassador Yanes, sitting in a brown armchair behind a wooden desk. The room the television broadcast comes from is flanked by bookshelves, among which are numerous folders - most likely his office within the embassy. Just moments after the broadcast is turned on, he adresses all listeners in portuguese:

"In the name of the proud Antarctican harbour, I, ambassador Yanes, adress the Chicxulub Embassies." He pauses and glimpses on a couple sheets of paper lying on his desk in front of him. "I wish to adress the recent events of september. We, the Antarcticna Harbour, built and launched the first trans-newtonian spacecraft of mankind." He pauses, looks back onto his papers, and his shoulders heave with the breath of an old man. "The mission of the Zambia and its captain, Lieutenant Commander Kilgallon, was to visit each planet and moon in the Sol system, surveying it for any Invader remnants and trans-newtonian minerals and indexing them unlike any old probe could have. Until today, the ship transmitted encrypted several reports of the inner Sol system on narrowband sensors back to Antarctica. After evaluation, the Antarctican Harbour government decided to provide this information to any nation for a small reparation in form of industrial equipment to the Antarctican continent." He pauses yet again and keeps silent for a few seconds, perhaps pondering his following words "Information on whom did or did not take this offer will not be disclosed, and all requests should come in written form to the Antarctican Chicxulub embassy. Potential equipment would need delivery to any Antarctican exclave, preferably Brazil. The Antarctican government is open for propositions on further survey data shares from any willing trans-newtonian nation." Ambassador Yanes stops and looks towards the camera for a second, then the broadcast stops apruptly.

Later, the broadcast is repeated, but with an english and then spanish sound overlay in a different, but similiar sounding voice.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on October 25, 2011, 01:36:26 AM
The American Dominion has made available through channels that they are seeking technologies in the area of ground unit combat and missile weapons tech, on offer to trade is Active Sensor tech or Beam Weapon Fire Control. Interested parties should contact the AD through the usual methods.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on October 29, 2011, 07:24:41 PM
The Ambassador to Shadow veil steps up to the podium. "The Veil would like to release a statement concerning the recent fighting. The swedish forces have been secretly attacking our borders, attacking our civilians and trade with our neighbors. We simply removed a terrorist organization that was operating on the face of the planet. Anyone else would do no less. Our spies have confirmed their government sanctioned those actions, they are now apart of the Veil. All civilians will be treated fairly as any one of our citizens as long as they do not continue terrorist activities. We will not accept foreign personal on our soil. Thank you." The ambassador steps down and heads back to the embassy.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on November 04, 2011, 01:38:48 PM
The AD is adding to it's list of available technologies for trade: Mining improvements, Cargo Handling, Meson Technology. We remain interested in technology in all areas.

Or a trade could be worked out for facilities, we are interested in purchasing a new Commercial Shipyard as well as Research Facilities, if any empire wants to make a deal constructing such facilities in exchange for technology then they may contact us as well.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on November 15, 2011, 06:15:31 PM
Approaching the stand a Veil repressentative surveys the scene. He takes a deep breath and says, "The Veil would like to make an announcement, we are annexing old Russia. The government has collapsed and the few remaining survivors are barely scrapping by a living in the radiated lands. We will be taking in all survivors and providing full medical treatment and proper living arrangements. The stranded parts of humanity can no longer be left out in the cold. We will take no questions at this time." He steps down and heads back to the embassy.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: shadenight123 on November 21, 2011, 06:41:39 AM
"A Titan patch of land, "province" has been claimed in the name of the Galactical Neo-Italian meritocracy" is the announcement made by the Neo-Italian dictator.
"we are now massively in the process of colonizing it, and soon mass drivers are going to start flinging resources. We deemed necessary inform you in order to avoid unpleasant accidents were your ships to end up on the same route of collision as of the minerals packets."
a little time to let everyone understand the news and then
"colony ships are already in the process of being designed and built, and soon Titan's "Province" will be the second Neo-Italy, once, we hope, our pool of scientists terminate research on terraforming agents to help colonization process."
a little time to let this notion be understood, and then the final words:
"from our understanding right about now, the so called Horde of men is facing to a standstill the veil forces and the Antarctican Dominion, while we remain neutral in such regards, we hope such bloodshed to be kept away from the Neo-Italian borders. and Neo-Italian citizens."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: mavikfelna on November 21, 2011, 08:27:42 AM
I'm afraid you cannot claim Titan. I have a colony there already and per the Sol treaty, it may not be claimed by any one nation.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: shadenight123 on November 21, 2011, 08:36:26 AM
? shheeesshhh i didn't know that.
i'll edit it with "a titan province" and i did not sign the sol treaty, mind you.
i'm simply abiding by it momentarely trying not to make too much of an hassle, but bare in mind, i'm under no treaty at the present.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on November 21, 2011, 08:40:48 AM
[ooc]What Sol treaty? Any treaties we created were during the last game and haven't happened in this one, unless I missed something. And treaties done in real life have no bearing on this game as basically none of the original countries exist.[/ooc]

"The American Dominion recognizes Neo-Italia's right to colonize Titan, but not it's right to exclusivity, we all know Titan is one of the most accessible sources of may TN minerals in the Solar System and refuse to deny ourselves access to those simply because of a few thousand colonists in protective domes on the surface."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: shadenight123 on November 21, 2011, 08:42:19 AM
[ooc]i corrected myself in the previous statement, to avoid the error i made, i thought titan was unoccupied. since it is actually occupied, i retracted to "the places where the colony is built is neo italy"[/ooc]
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on November 21, 2011, 11:28:33 AM
"The Veil has no issue with Neo italys colonization of titan. Venus is from this moment on a military outpost and salvation for the people of the veil. With the attack of the horde on our native soil and large amounts of nuclear arms on earth we can no longer feel safe. Gearing up to the exodus is in process and any hinderence to our evacuation of earth will be met with deadly force. "
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on November 21, 2011, 02:06:59 PM
Random commentators response to the news of the Veil wishing to evacuate:

"Can I have your stuff?"
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on November 21, 2011, 02:35:17 PM
"Those that remain on this world may indeed have whatever we leave behind. Though that will be a few years."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: ardem on November 21, 2011, 03:42:40 PM
[ooc]Panopiticon is correct the SOL treaty was a dream of the past, not reality in this game. The question is anyone wish to claim rock or moon is whether they can back it up by force or not. And well the person who attacks it could meet that force or risk the losses associated even in winning.

As for the treaty it would not be too hard to reintroduce.

Even with treaties they are not GM rules so they can be broken. I leave this game as open ended as I can. As for colony claims, if requested by the party if they wish to do oribtal scan with geosurvey ships on a planet I will let them know if a colony exists or is a fabrication. And the type of colony a mining colony or habit colony, listeningpost. But don't blame me if there is a person on the ground nuking your geosurvey craft for snooping. You can get thermal sensor from other craft but will to get those piece of deal, you just thermal size.

I will not class teams or an administrator on a planet as a colony, neither will aurora.

Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: mavikfelna on November 22, 2011, 01:42:01 PM
[ooc]My bad. Thanks for the correction.[/ooc]
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Dutchling on November 22, 2011, 01:59:07 PM
[ooc]Just in case people thought the Trade League still exists as well: It's is just the name of the alliance between the Dutch, Canada and Zion now.[/ooc]
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Vynadan on November 25, 2011, 10:03:48 AM
Late 2046

One would have expected some form of commentary from the Antarctican Harbour regarding their intervention in Europe with the Horde. However, the elderly embassador - now nearing his 80ths birthday - had retired earlier this year. While it is the general assumption that it was because of his high age, no official statement was ever given.
Surprisingly, it had taken the better portion of the year for the Antarctican Harbour before a new ambassador was appointed to the Chicxulub Embassies, as the government down south apparently failed to do so prior to the old ambassador's retirement. Dubious voices blamed this on a change in international politics brought by the new Prime Minister Kuznetsova.

Regardless, the new ambassador moved into the Antarctican building in Chicxulub come october. Sun Wu Shan formally introduced himself in a lengthy speech to the embassies in fluent English, during which he also adressed several announcements now officialy made by the Antarctican Harbour.

"... which brings me to the recent happenings in Europe, or more specifically the Horde. Several news agencies have reported about Antarctica's military operation and it is now, almost half a year later, due time for us to officially comment on them. While we certainly had no interest in interfering with Shadowveil or American Dominion matters, we felt the time to strike the Horde was right. The events of 2045 did show that despite their combined efforts the Horde was merely fought back with losses on both sides. Favourable circumstances - among them the brave fighting of the previous year - lead to our decision to finish the obviously aggressive and intolerant warband ..."

"... Another matter is the existance of The League and the non-TN nations that make it up. Although the Antarctican Harbour has previously annexed the area of pre-Invader Brazil, we hold no ill will against the unity that these remnants of the previous Earth represent. In fact, we officially acknowledge the sovereign existance of The League as an alliance of equally sovereign nations of Earth, with all entitlements that come with nationhood. We further urge all TN nations to think twice about any actions against the states that form up The League, as they would trespass the sovereignity of a fellow country. Further, we wish to encourage any other TN nation to follow our example and officially acknowledge the soverignity of The League. Besides, similiar to Brazil, there are countless so far nationless territories on Earth that require more help and provide better opportunities for expansion than aggressive actions against The League ..."

The apparently Chinese ambassador is surprisingly young with his twenty-eight years. Despite his age, he formerly held the rank of Brigadier General in the Antarctican Harbour Army, although no detailed records of him are publicated by the embassy. Unconfirmed rumours tell of him as the commander of a unit during the attack on the Horde and others again blame his presence there for his inability to take over the embassy earlier this year, despite the obvious time gap in between.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on November 28, 2011, 11:29:05 AM
"The veil would like to publicly thank AH for their assistance with the horde, the attack was not required but appreciated."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on December 05, 2011, 02:20:08 PM
"The Veil would like to simply state, no, the league of Non TN nations cannot have a voice in our affairs off world. They have no stake in anything that happens off earth. They shall not have a voice here."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on December 05, 2011, 02:49:10 PM
The American Dominion is in complete agreement, if the League of Non TN Nations manages to get off world, then it may have a voice in those areas.

Furthermore, the League's very existence and name is confrontational and appears directly in opposition to the goals of the nations of this assembly. Humanity barely survived it's first encounter with Trans-Newtonian technology, Israel, one of the League member states, only survives today due to the intervention of a TN nation, and the League desires that we ignore this option? That way lies extinction. The AD makes no commitment to respect the views of the League in regards to any TN issue until or unless major changes in attitude occur.

The AD does however acknowledge the League as a nation with all the rights and responsibilities thereof in regards to on planet activities. And will respect their territories for the time being, as well as allowing trade, tourism, and immigration at our new city in Brazil.

Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: shadenight123 on December 05, 2011, 02:54:30 PM
[ooc]made a post in game discussion for a suggestion...but if you prefer public decision[/ooc]

Neo italy mantains a completely neutral attitude. Simply not deciding on a vote but suggesting:
"voting matters should be done in neutrality and anonymous conditions to avoid intimidation, attrition among states, and to guarantee fairness. For that purpose, Galactical neo Italy is more than ready to take on the role of neutral scrutiny party and attest the votes, which in their anonymity would be delivered inside prepared rooms of the neo italians ambassy at the crater...if you prefer public announcements however, wherever the rest votes for free will or to avoid conflict lies in doubt and might lead to annulment of vote..." is politely stated.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on December 05, 2011, 03:19:09 PM
The AD sees no need for a vote, moreover a vote would be pointless. This forum is not an administrative body, merely a place for our ambassadors to meet and negotiate with each other, we don't even have the influence the old UN had before the Invaders.

If Neo Italy is proposing we form such a body then that is a discussion we can have, however the statements made so far should represent nothing more than our respective national policy.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on December 05, 2011, 03:54:19 PM
"We must agree with AD's ambassator, while a vote to allow them to speak here could be had, the veil wishes to have no involvement of the league in our activities, on planet or off. Should you wish to consult a secret vote, do so you all know our place. On a side note, should the league feel our statement is unsatisfactory and wish to push the issue with force, we are of course ready to respond in kind."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Vynadan on December 06, 2011, 03:09:17 AM

Ambassador Sun Wu Shan of the Antarctican Harbour adresses the current issue with The League of NSN:

"We have to speak in favour of The League and their request to join the other currently significiant nations in the Chicxulub Embassies. It is understandable how many trans-newtonian nations are currently averse to this request, but there is no doubt for us, that The League must be given a voice.

They have shown in their commentary that they wish to speak out for their own interests here on Earth, something that simply cannot be denied to them. Even with our common utilisation of trans-newtonian minerals, we all still inhabit this planet and our political decisions impact humanity's birthplace equally as strong as other planets within Sol that now feature human presence.
It is true that The League has no interest in interplanetary flight, but this gathering here is not solely focused on such, either. The League is well aware of this, and should remain silent in everything that goes beyond Earth and perhaps Luna orbit, but they nervertheless have reason to be represented here for all terran matters.

We cannot forget that despite today's situation, only about half of Earth's surface is actually claimed by trans-newtonian nations. The League and yet unclaimed territory make up a large portion of our plant's area and populace. Furthermore, the former nations which The League represents have held their own during the Invader invasion and indirectly aided the struggle of all others.

In regards to military means, we do not wish to indulge further into this topic at the moment. We are well aware that every nation, be it trans-newtonian or not, will point out its military strength and do so with vigor. A 'fair' comparison of this military might won't be achieved until war - and that should be no goal from any of us."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on December 06, 2011, 05:12:14 AM
At no point have objections been raised to the League having an embassy and a voice here. The AD only objects if the League chooses to attempt to influence our policy in areas in which it has no interest, such as space exploration. We welcome additional voices in discussion of Terran issues, but must reiterate that the embassies here do not constitute an administrative organization, and does not set policy for humanity at large. Nothing discussed in this forum has the force of law behind it, only the policies of individual nations.

On the topic, what has the league done to strengthen non TN nations on Earth? The Horde was destroyed by the combined efforts of the TN nations, and if left unchecked would have destroyed at least one of the Leagues current members, the League has yet to even speak on the situation in Mexico, which the AD is currently forming plans to resolve, and how does it intend to help its member nations should another Vault open? Ask for help? If the League wishes to be viewed as a serious power, it must actually take action at some point, currently all we have heard is condemnation of the TN nations for annexing territories and expanding into space.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Naismith on December 06, 2011, 08:40:48 AM
The ENC agrees that a secret vote is not required. This is simply a place for open discussion and our opinions should be public unless there is a clear reason it should be otherwise.

It is our belief that the League of Non-Spacefaring Nations should be given a voice here to speak on any subject they feel concerns them.
Although it should be noted that that voice may not carry much weight in matters beyond Earth orbit.

Also since the topic of Mexico has been raised, the Empire of New Canada would like to take this opportunity to offer the government of Mexico our assistance in dealing with these criminals. The Horde has taught us that issues such as these are a concern to all nations and must be dealt with before they get out hand.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on December 06, 2011, 11:57:47 AM
"As the nation who suffered the attack of the horde, the mexico issue will be dealt with swiftly before it becomes a danger to us all. You will thank us when you do not get nuked."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: ardem on December 07, 2011, 06:42:04 AM
Embassy of the League of NSNs. Charles Waverly addresses the forum, however he has noticed the number of seat empty to which he smiles disappointingly at.

I would like to thanks the supports of the League in particular the Antarctican Harbour for it kind words.

Our charter is simple, this planet is our only habitable planet and we want to make sure the planet is sustainable and is not destroyed by power and reckless use of technology.

We would like to see an end to all Earth bound missile technology of mass destruction, we do understand its peaceful purposes in space. But the need for ICBM and TN missile technology as a threat to this planet is too great.

We would propose a treaty that ensures missile technology made on earth to have a trigger switch that cannot be detonated on Earth or in the altitude of Earth, of course the installation and trigger assembly may be made by an independent body from all nation to oversee the project.

We understand this is a great leap of faith for all nations, but at the very least we could start with a simple promise. A treaty that no missiles of mass destruction will be used on Earth. Conventional and TN forces to resolve disputes or issues within the planet.

Our stance on nations that are recovering, we will open our arms and support any nation in the league and provide defence personnel, but we cannot interfere in another countries politics or internal issues. So in the case of Mexico they have refused to join the league so our hands are bound. History has too many time the promise of a saviour only to be a new type of tyranny.

We have already started to work with so TN nations we look forward to working with others in the future.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Destra on December 07, 2011, 11:21:48 AM
"While the idea is a good one, who's to say that if we take those tiggers that they would even be installed into the missiles? If you are even thinking of gaining access to the Veils missile stock then you have another thing coming. No inspector will ever lay eyes on our missiles. You would only have our and any other nation who doesn't want their missile silos exposed, word for it."
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: Panopticon on December 07, 2011, 12:33:39 PM
The American Dominion will happily sign a treaty prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons on Earth, but will not permit outside inspectors into our most secure of locations, nor will we permit safeties outside of our direct control to be installed. The very idea is madness.
Title: Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
Post by: shadenight123 on December 07, 2011, 12:43:44 PM
"we could generate a batch of mindless clones" is suggested by the original.
who is told to be The Original, the ruling force of the galactical neo-italy himself.
what is not know is that it's simply a clone of The Original, as the Original is hiding inside a safe house in the depth of the Vesuvio.
"or declare a specific area completely neutral, with automated machines to install those triggers."
is added then.
"but i'd too rather not deal into revealing our Clusters missiles." he adds.