Aurora 4x

Fiction => Elouda's Fiction => Aurora => Fiction Archive => Topic started by: Elouda on October 10, 2011, 04:18:11 AM

Title: Fractured Earth Campaign - Community Involvement
Post by: Elouda on October 10, 2011, 04:18:11 AM
In the vein of some of the other authors out there, I thought I'd open this campaign up for limited community involvement, in the form of advisors to the various governments.

This would work as follows; post the faction your interested here (there are 6 currently in play, with 2 more which will show up by 2050), along with what aspect you'd like to advise on (can also be 'everything', for the whole set), and details on your 'character' (ie, a 'person' which I will generate ingame to represent you; these can be scientists, admins, officers, etc). I will pass details of the factions current status and plans to you (similar to the Faction reports, but more in depth), and you can then make suggestions as to what direction to pursue.

Note that as the game is run every day, longer term 'strategic' level plans are much more likely to get worked in than immediate, short-term ones. Any suggestions implemented will be credited to your character in the reports, and once I start writing some more involved peices, they may show up. Initially, I would be willing to allow up to 2 people per faction, though more is possible as long as you work out a way to split your duties acceptably.

More input on how to do this in an interesting manner is welcome.