Aurora 4x

Fiction => Panopticon's Fiction => Aurora => Community Game II => Topic started by: Destra on October 26, 2011, 12:00:59 AM

Title: Year 2039
Post by: Destra on October 26, 2011, 12:00:59 AM
"Good day peoples of earth, I'm your host Amanda West. Today we have a few interesting things to discuss. Firstly it seems that the American Dominion has sent troops over the border and into a city called Manaus. This city rests on the amazon river and was an important city pre invaders for the brazilian people. Previously it was under Antarctican Harbour control. So far things seem to be very peaceful, no ones been killed, or hurt, theres been no fights breaking out. Only time will tell if this remains the status quo. The southern Brazilian tribes seem to be slowly disarming themselves, they seem to be accepting the Antarctican Harbour's occupation of their lands."

 "A south african treasure hunter was in brazil, he was onboard his ship when he was boarded and detained for over 200 days. He refused to comment on air but from his statement he was questioned very throughly about his knowledge.

 "We have had startling reports of the New Southern Commonewealth invading pacific islands. They are unpopulated due to the invader attacks but it seems the NSC forces are looking for something. Their troops leave mostly after they arrive, seeminly finding nothing. Perhaps they should explain their actions in this reguard and put forth if they are expanding to these lands?"

 "News from the middle east is startling to say the least, a warlord by the name of Abdul Saraif, or as he calls himself, a prophet, has lead his army in conquest inside old Israel. They have surrounded Tel Aviv in the last standing Israeli settlement, all the others seem to have surrendered or been destroyed. Perhaps a new nation is being formed? To join the world stage in the TN era? The world leaders should take note of this new development."

 "Now into china. They have destroyed another invader that has been ravaging their towns and populous. The people in southern china can sleep easier that one less monster roams the land."

 "As for outerspace, several new ships were deployed, while we are unsure as to what class they may be nor their purpose. The ENC launched two vessels and the NDR joined the space league and launched a vessel. Congraduations to them on their accomplishment. This has been Amanda West with EINS news service, keeping you informed on the goings on in earth and the solar system."
Title: Re: Year 2039
Post by: Panopticon on October 26, 2011, 03:45:49 AM
From the office of the President of the American Dominion: "The American Dominion has been viewing the activities of the Antarctican Harbour in Brazil with some alarm in recent years, after our deployment of forces to protect the locals from human rights violations we were contacted by the AH and told in no uncertain terms that their forces were on "maneuvers" and were no threat to AD interests, interesting that these maneuvers seem to involve annexing a country. Well, two can play at that game. We formally announce the occupation of North Brazil and it's establishment as AD territory. We will not go south of the Amazon and will leave the city of Manaus to the AH. All other cities north of the river are now AD territory and movement of troops into them will be viewed as an attack and responded to as such." [ooc]I really am not warmongering, but the AD is run by military people and they aren't very good with the pretty words and apparently don't feel like learning.[/ooc]

In related news, the AD announced the capital of their Brazilian territory would be a brand new city, and contracts went out for engineers, construction workers and other citizens wishing to immigrate. The intent appears to make it their hub for international trade, as they have also announced their intention to relocate all trade offices to the region and informed the remaining world powers to direct their inquiries and move their embassies as well.
Title: Re: Year 2039
Post by: shadenight123 on October 26, 2011, 04:16:04 AM
no comment is given by the neo italian embassy concerning any fact of the amazon conquering... everything is eerily silent on that regard, but after all, even when the neo-italian gained power in italy, they did say they wouldn't care as long as they were left alone.
having dully noted the fact of a new embassador needed, a bunch of neo italian diplomats began moving to Belém. to build an embassy, in the event of any italian being willing to go be a tourist in the area, which, while improbable, wasn't impossible.

[ooc]if any is wondering, i ain't dead. i never am. (and it seems i'm always the first to give out orders for the year XD maybe because i'm irresponsible! XD who knows U_U)[/ooc]
Title: Re: Year 2039
Post by: Vynadan on October 27, 2011, 04:31:55 PM
Once again, the Antarctican Harbour Embassy in Chicxulub transmits one of its ambassador's speeches. As usual, he resides in his office during the announcement and transcripts in both Spanish and English are made available later.

"The stance of the American Dominion is a political mystery. They acuse us of comitting atrocities and try to hide behind a humanitarian shield. Yet, their troops are confident to remain north of the Amazon river, where our troops are not permitted. So how does the American Dominion plan on stopping any unproven atrocities from happening? Only their own, apparently, as they appear reluctant to control Antarctican forces.
Instead, they claim territory - territory that has already been annexed by Antarctica no less - as their own and advance their imperialistic interests. Furthermore, they immediatly announce to relocate their own civilians and diplomats from other nations to territory they possess by hollow words alone, hiding not only behind the local populace, but their own citizen and those of other nations."
There is a pause as ambassador Yanes merely stares into the camera. His choice of words left little room for interpretation and the stance of Antarctica seemed clear.
"I must urge the American Dominion to reconsider they course of action. An attempt of Antarctican Prime Minister Romenel to contact the American Dominion officials directly was outright ignored, but Antarctica will refrain from any violent answers to the occupation of Antarctican soil north of the Amazon for now - but our claim on the land will not be revoked, nor the occupation be forgotten.
Contrary to popular American Dominion claims we refuse to fight a territorial war on the backs of the local populace, nor do we intend to attack any civilian shields the American Dominion apparently chooses to hide behind."
Title: Re: Year 2039
Post by: Panopticon on October 27, 2011, 06:12:18 PM
The AD makes no public response to the AH announcement.
But news does get out that it welcomes migrants and tourists from all other countries to its new, as yet unnamed city. This is the only exception to the AD policy of denying immigration and tourism from other world powers.

[ooc]I had a geography fail, Belém is already in AH territory so I can't exactly steal it. Original post has been edited to change it to a brand new city.[/ooc]