Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Cetshwayo on January 05, 2012, 10:50:34 AM

Title: [SOLVED] Missile Design updates
Post by: Cetshwayo on January 05, 2012, 10:50:34 AM
Hey guys. 

Had a search for this question but it I only seem to get AARs as results.    While the stories are fun they don't quite answer my question.   ;)

Quick two-part question on the missile design mechanic.    Let's say you have a particular missile design and some in stockpile with nuclear pulse tech missile engines.    You then research magneto-plasma missile engines.    If you select your previous design on the left drop-down menu you will see that your missile has increased in speed in the proposed area on the bottom of the design screen.    I assume that the missiles in your stockpile would still have the old engine technology and the new missiles you construct would have the new technology.    Or does it work in a completely different manner? :)

Is there perhaps another way to view the components and stats of a missile that was designed with older technology?


EDIT - Consider this post solved :)
Title: Re: Missile Design updates
Post by: chrislocke2000 on January 05, 2012, 11:01:20 AM
Hi there

On the missile design screen the improved speed you are seeing is just showing you what you will ge if you design a new missile with the same allocation of space as per your previous design. To get the benefit of the new missile engine tech you will need to create a new research project with those revised stats, research that and then build the new missile.  I normally do this by creating a series of missles with the same name and then just add mk2 etc to the end so I can differentiate them.

If you want to look at all your stats for different missles and old tech you can see this from the tech screen summary, can't remember which F button it is off the top of my head but its one of the main buttons at the top of the solar system screen. Click on that then select missles and it will give you a full list of the stats of all of the missiles you have invented.
Title: Re: Missile Design updates
Post by: Cetshwayo on January 05, 2012, 11:09:11 AM

I found the tech screen summary with my missile types.   Very handy indeed.   As I'm still researching missile tech quite rapidly it was quickly becoming confusing with my new designs.   I did like you do and add a variant of MK2 etc to the names also.   It was just quite overwhelming how often a new missile tech got researched and constantly redesigning them.   

Finding the tech screen summary easily let me keep track of what my metal tubes of death were capable of and what they were designed with.   

Again thanks for your help!
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Missile Design updates
Post by: blue emu on January 05, 2012, 11:28:45 AM
I find it helpful to name the missiles by their characteristics... so that an "ASM 4-50-2026" would be an Anti-Ship Missile with a warhead of 4 and a 50 m-km range, designed in 2026. That gives me a quick summary of the missiles characteristics in any spot where the missile's name is mentioned.