Aurora 4x

VB6 Aurora => VB6 Mechanics => Topic started by: Bgreman on April 19, 2012, 02:12:38 PM

Title: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Bgreman on April 19, 2012, 02:12:38 PM
More things that may or may not have been lost from the Board Crash that I'm wondering about.

This thread:,2465.0.html has some quoted information.  However, the post from this thread:,715.0.html that the former is quoting has been edited and doesn't contain all the information that the quotes do.  Does this mean functionality was changed and that post was edited to remove the references to changed functionality?

I'm basically wondering if all those equations are still right.  Moreover, I'm wondering about the mechanics of how conquered populations progress from "Conquered" to "Imperial Population".

I also see references to a "Political Status Protection Modifier" and a "Political Status Occupation Modifier."  What are these values for each status?

I don't mean to be such a hassle bringing this stuff up each time I can't find it, I'm just genuinely curious about the numbers under Aurora's hood.  A lot of it is well documented, but a lot of it isn't (or, more likely, the documentation was lost and no one ever bothered to get it back).
Title: Re: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Erik L on April 19, 2012, 02:24:54 PM
The posts were posted prior to the change from phpBB to SMF (along with a subdomain change). The conversion process did not like apostrophes. It used them as end quotes, so a lot of information got truncated :(

As for the information, it's around a year old. The only one who can say if that info is still valid would be Steve I'd think.
Title: Re: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Bgreman on April 19, 2012, 03:00:15 PM
As I should have done in the first place, I crunched some of the numbers myself and compared them to the displayed values in Aurora, and it seems like at least the Police Strength / Modifier equations are still right.  Occupation Actual / Required seems right as well, but I won't know until I subjugate a colony.

I think I can dig the Occupation / Protection Political status modifiers out of the DB.  Incidentally, "Slave Colony" is still in the DB.

Protection Modifiers (used to determine required PPV):
Vanquished: 1
Conquered: 0
Occupied: 0
Subjugated: 0.5
Client State (but it doesn't look like any Political Statuses update to this type): 2
Candiate Population: 1
Imperial Population: 1

Occupation Modifier (used to determine required occupation strength):
Vanquished: 0
Conquered: 1
Occupied: 0.75
Subjugated: 0.25
Client State (but it doesn't look like any Political Statuses update to this type): 0
Candiate Population: 0
Imperial Population: 0

I still would like to know the dirty details of how a pop goes from Conquered/Vanquished through subjugated and occupied up to Imperial population.  I can suss out the progression lines, and there is a value called "SPRequired" (sovereignty points? (edit: looks like it's "status points")), but I don't know how it accrues.

Vanquished -> Subjugated -> Candidate Population -> Imperial Population
Conquered -> Occupied -> Subjugated -> Candidate Population -> Imperial Population
Title: Re: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 19, 2012, 03:09:25 PM
I haven't gone through the quoted posts but I haven't changed anything in this area for quite a while.

Title: Re: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Bgreman on April 19, 2012, 03:25:43 PM
I haven't gone through the quoted posts but I haven't changed anything in this area for quite a while.


Yeah, that seems to be the case from my experiments.  In that case, all I need to know is how Status Points accrue for a population.
Title: Re: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Thiosk on April 19, 2012, 03:39:08 PM
It seems a planet with sufficient occupation force will move to the next status level in about a year.  However, an insufficient occupation appears to entirely stop status increases.
Title: Re: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 20, 2012, 03:07:23 PM
Yeah, that seems to be the case from my experiments.  In that case, all I need to know is how Status Points accrue for a population.

Status Point Modifier = 1.5 - ((Species Militancy + Species Xenophobia + Species Determination) / 300)
If Radiation Level > 100 Then Status Point Modifier = Status Point Modifier/ (Radiation Level / 100)

Population Status Points = Population Status Points + ((Time increment in Seconds / 86400) * Status Point Modifier)

Once the status point reach the amount required for the next status level, the population status changes and status points go back to zero.


Title: Re: Unrest and Political Status Questions
Post by: Bgreman on April 20, 2012, 04:02:14 PM
Status Point Modifier = 1.5 - ((Species Militancy + Species Xenophobia + Species Determination) / 300)
If Radiation Level > 100 Then Status Point Modifier = Status Point Modifier/ (Radiation Level / 100)

Population Status Points = Population Status Points + ((Time increment in Seconds / 86400) * Status Point Modifier)

Once the status point reach the amount required for the next status level, the population status changes and status points go back to zero.


Thanks again Steve!