Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: jimz on August 03, 2012, 03:22:56 AM

Title: Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
Post by: jimz on August 03, 2012, 03:22:56 AM
I'm currently using Windows 7 and the installation etc.  worked perfect.

So now I wanted to try this game out, first time playing it, and I have encountered several strange things.

I can't assign a civilian admnistrator to my earth.  Seriously, I spend 30 minutes clicking everywhere and on everything but nothing seemed to work.
I was at the "Leaders" window, selected the administrator. . .  but now what I'm supposed to do?
Is it actually ment to be able to change the personalitie traits of my leaders? I just gave one brave and cowardly and nothing happened.
Class creation.
Of course I wanted to make a ship to explore the space.  :P
Read the tutorials and then went to the Class Design window.
First question why is there no "New" button?
All I can see is rename and automatical rename etc.
I even flipped the whole damn screen to see if I miss something because my vertical resolution isn't high enough.  (1600x900)
Title: Re: Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
Post by: fflaguna on August 03, 2012, 03:32:17 AM
Personality traits have no effect in-game. They are for "roleplay flavor" only.

I made a nice picture to describe how to assign administrators:

Title: Re: Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
Post by: fflaguna on August 03, 2012, 03:38:30 AM
Here's where the "new ship class" button is. Enjoy:

Title: Re: Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
Post by: jimz on August 03, 2012, 03:40:28 AM
Oh my god. . .  My screen has eaten most of the buttons down there. . .  damn. . .  it seems the resolution was the problem.
Thanks for you help and for the fast answer.
(And I mean really fast. )
Title: Re: Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
Post by: Steve Walmsley on August 03, 2012, 03:42:59 AM
Oh my god. . .  My screen has eaten most of the buttons down there. . .  damn. . .  it seems the resolution was the problem.
Thanks for you help and for the fast answer.
(And I mean really fast. )

There is a "Reduced Height" mode under Game Parameters on the main menu bar.

Title: Re: Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
Post by: jimz on August 03, 2012, 03:47:23 AM
Thanks guys.

Now everything is working.
Title: Re: Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
Post by: Theodidactus on August 03, 2012, 10:01:36 AM
Is it actually ment to be able to change the personalitie traits of my leaders? I just gave one brave and cowardly and nothing happened.

Naw, this is just to facilitate playing pretend in your head (I'm a grown man and I do it). As a favorite example, I had a high admiral with a Czech name who was nepotistic and from a rich family. I imagined everyone in the starfleet hated him because of all his connections with the old country. At best, they probably saw him as an ineffectual chair-polisher who didn't deserve his amazing salary.

Here's the thing...he was actually a kickflip admiral, in terms of bonuses applied to the fleet. His leadership lead to a major space victory, and his particular ship showed incredible courage under fire. Now his subordinates see him in a new light.

Isn't this game awesome?