Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Turmoil on September 20, 2012, 09:53:46 AM

Title: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on September 20, 2012, 09:53:46 AM
So I have been playing Aurora for about a year, and got frustrated with the fact that there were no tech trees other than the outdated wiki.   So I got access to the database and started building one on my own.   One problem though: It's massive.   I split it into several smaller trees, and am working on each tech category one at a time.   I am including the first few (3) that are 100% complete, and I will put up the rest as I finish them.   They are flowcharts in PDF pages, so the quality of the image will be pretty low, but decent enough to read.   I have included all technologies, including those which are already researched at the beginning of the game (such as the base genetics in the biology tree).   Each tech comes with the cost in parenthesis, example: Capacitor Recharge Rate 1 (1000) <-- the cost is 1000 RP.   If anyone wants an altered version of the trees, for example one with all pre-researched techs removed (I know somebody will recommend this), let me know.   If an idea has enough support, I will do it.   I would prefer not to have too many changes, because this is hard work.   The info comes *directly* from the database, with all cross-references taken into consideration, so please bear with me.   I have been at this for 3 months and only have 3 out of 9 (I think) complete.   I have uni to worry about as well, so work is painfully slow.  

Finally, I hope you all appreciate this, and feel free to transcribe it to the wiki or do whatever, as long as you attribute.   Of course, Steve has the final word considering I am using his database for the source, but so far he is fine with these being released.  

Update for v6.2 - I have the first two categories done, and a new format based on feedback from the community. I've taken down the old versions since they are now outdated and I don't want to confuse people. The new version is basically the same thing, just with a new color code, and better organization. I intend to have the next two up in a few days, but as many of you probably guessed, my schedule isn't too reliable. Without further raving on my part, here are the Power & Propulsion and the Sensors & Fire Control trees for v6.2

Added energy weapons. Chances are most of you will be reading this a few hours from now, so welcome to 2013!  ;D
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Victuz on September 20, 2012, 11:01:29 AM
God Bless you.
For a person like me who literally just started playing the game and has no real idea what a lot of the techs do this is fantastic!
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Zook on September 20, 2012, 11:10:23 AM
Great job! I've spent some hours on the wiki a few weeks ago, but I didn't update the tech tree info; actually, I wasn't aware that it's outdated. I'll post it on the wiki later.

One small thing: could you mark the tech for a default TN start? Perhaps just a different color for the text boxes.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on September 22, 2012, 03:01:01 PM
I actually was thinking of a way to mark which techs each start gets, like a green for all techs given to pre-newtonian and a red for anything additional to that in a TN start. . .  Or something like that.

And to the new guy: that is precisely why I did this, because when I started, there was no way to tell what each tech did and how they interacted.  For example, in the Propulsion section, power plants and engine techs cross-react.  I didn't know that.  And I still don't remember the tech prereqs for advanced sensors, but the tech tree for that branch answers that question.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Steve Walmsley on September 23, 2012, 05:21:52 AM
I've stickied the thread.

Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on September 27, 2012, 12:51:45 PM
Thanks, Steve.  I'm almost done with the missiles/kinetic weapons tree.  I think I already mentioned this, but I'm in uni so I only have about 4-8 hours per week, as opposed to almost 16-20 on vacation (since I still have no job, which I'm hoping will change soon. . . )
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: xeryon on September 28, 2012, 08:29:46 AM
One thing I noticed, which is kind of sad, is how extremely linear the tech tree advancement is.  I always knew this but now that it is in graphic form it becomes extremely obvious.  Something to think about for future updates would be some technologies that are dependent on the development of other technologies to be unlocked.  Thereby creating an actual tree as opposed to the current string.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Zook on September 28, 2012, 09:39:15 AM
I'm not sure if that would be better than the current system. Too many dependencies and you force placers to adopt the same research strategy each time instead of being able to ignore a branch completely, as it is now.

@Turmoil: could you mark plasma torpedoes and other special tech as not being research-able?
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: xeryon on September 28, 2012, 09:58:58 AM
You could still follow a single branch if you wanted to do so.  Kinetic, energy and missile technologies do not readily overlap.  I was thinking more along the lines of new components becoming available once you have reached Kinetic lvl X and Tracking lvl X, or missile lvl X and engine lvl X.  You know, branches?
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Dutchling on September 28, 2012, 10:48:47 AM

But, could you set the lines of Trans-newtonian Technology and perhaps Cargo Handling System to a different colour? They mess up a lot of other lines in the techtree.

edit: The same thing is suggested a few posts back. Ignore me please :P
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on September 30, 2012, 06:52:02 PM
This week I won't be doing any work.  I spent 20 hours this weekend alone on filming projects for school, and I have to spend this week editing the videos.  Next week I will start on the next tree.

@Zook: I'm confused.  What do you mean by "special techs"? In the research database, the only techs that need to be removed are "RD" which are the racial techs.  Maybe you or Steve can explain what you're trying to tell me.

@xeryon: There are branches, sort of.  Check the first tech tree (I think its the first).  A few techs don't get enabled until another line reaches a certain point.

@Dutchling: I can try, but I'm not sure if the lines will actually be able to change colors.  I remember trying something like that, and ended up changing half the tree! It's a delicate process :P I'm sure there is a way to do it with one of the hundreds of controls on the program, so when I do the next version of the trees, I'll play with the program.

Finally, my opinion on the tech tree redesign: I personally like the linear system.  For one, it makes designing a tree easier (example, the overlap between the Power System and Engine tech took me twice as long to do as the rest of that tree, because I had to constantly resize everything. ) and also because it makes tech easier to manage.  For example, if I wanted to improve my laser's speed, I don't want to waste time also increasing its power output.  That's obviously a terrible example for many reasons, but you get the idea: I would like to focus on one aspect of my technology without having to spend time on the others.

I hope the current techs are helping everyone visualize and better plan their conquests, I am going to play a little to relax for what's left of my weekend before I have to start the editing.  Enjoy your spoilers!
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Zook on September 30, 2012, 07:39:45 PM
I meant that e.g. the plasma torpedo tech is available only when you capture or steal it from others.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Marski on October 02, 2012, 03:59:04 AM
Is the only way of getting your hands on advanced railguns by salvaging it from precursor sites and ships?
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on October 02, 2012, 06:02:54 PM
I wasn't aware there were techs like that.  The database has no special notes on those, so it would require checking in SM mode on the game.  I'll go through it on the second version.  Or someone who knows the system could put the notes down here.

Also, I'm not even sure if I will finish before 6. 0 comes out, so if Steve beats me to it, I'll just finish the first version and start over for 6.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Erik L on October 02, 2012, 08:55:36 PM
I wasn't aware there were techs like that.  The database has no special notes on those, so it would require checking in SM mode on the game.  I'll go through it on the second version.  Or someone who knows the system could put the notes down here.

Also, I'm not even sure if I will finish before 6. 0 comes out, so if Steve beats me to it, I'll just finish the first version and start over for 6.

Anything labeled "advanced" is scavenged tech only. Except plasma torps as noted earlier.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: tryrar on October 03, 2012, 01:07:29 AM
what's the difference between advanced versions of a weapon and the regular versions?
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Zook on October 03, 2012, 11:00:04 AM
Advanced = stolen, i.e. you can only find it in ruins or salvage it from certain enemy ships.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Erik L on October 03, 2012, 01:43:24 PM
what's the difference between advanced versions of a weapon and the regular versions?

Advanced are one step better, i.e. an advanced 10cm laser is equal to a 12cm laser.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Nathan_ on October 03, 2012, 03:58:38 PM
railguns also get an extra shot.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on October 06, 2012, 11:06:30 AM
Thank Erik.  That will make it easier to organize.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on October 30, 2012, 09:13:21 AM
Sorry for my absence, just bought a new laptop. I am so excited for v6, and am surprised we're already on the first patch! Now I need to know if everyone would like me to continue with the v5 tech tree or modify it for v6 now. I haven't even started playing yet, so I don't know how much it's changed. Really its up to you guys and Erik.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: USMCe7 on November 22, 2012, 08:16:17 PM
Turmoil -

I deeply appreciate your work. 

Am brand new, already hooked, your tech trees will be invaluable.

Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Forster on December 02, 2012, 02:18:00 PM
I would suggest you look at 6 to see if there is a big difference.  I suspect the techs will not change all that much.  If so, you might as well do the tech tree for six while adding comments about any differences from 5.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on December 24, 2012, 02:36:59 PM
Sorry about my long absence, I had lost interest in Aurora right after v6 came out, and I forgot about my project. I noticed we've had two new versions released since I was last here, so I'll start working on the v6.2 tech tree. I'll leave the previous works up on the first post until I can catch up with the new one.

Kind of ironic that the day most people are taking a break, I'm getting back to work  :-\ Oh well... I hope everyone has a pleasant (whatever you celebrate), and I will hopefully have some useful data up within the week, if I dont get sidetracked like I usually do (although now I don't have school as an excuse.)
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Kolyin on September 13, 2013, 05:41:01 PM
As a new player this was very handy, thanks!
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: SirTrollZor on July 03, 2014, 10:25:43 AM
Is this dead again? I'm new to the game and the tech tree is overwhelming.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on January 28, 2015, 09:01:03 AM
I got caught up with uni and forgot about Aurora until recently. Since the game has gone through many changes, I'll have to start from scratch, but I need to spend some time playing and getting back into it again.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: vityav on March 08, 2015, 10:33:54 PM
I don't know if anybody would want this, but I saw you mention how long it takes to make these, followed by saying it was in a database, so I put together a little script that makes the proper queries and automatically generates the trees.   It's not as pretty or full featured as yours, but it does take less than a second to generate :)

With a "Trans-Newtonian" node included: https://i.  imgur.  com/CZnZ8Ma.  jpg
Without it (because it's nicer without with so many lines): https://i.  imgur.  com/rBTCZYd.  jpg

If there's interest I'll put up a pdf version so it's more searchable, and I can put the code up somewhere too.   I just ported it from Access to MYSQL, and then it's just two queries, a few print statements, and a graphviz command to make these.   I'm sure someone with query experience in MS Access can bypass the SQL part too (the perl library I'm using has access and sql functions, I just have zero experience with access).   I also think I can easily add the RP requirements to the nodes, if that's of interest. 
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Father Tim on March 25, 2015, 10:40:26 AM
With a "Trans-Newtonian" node included:
Without it (because it's nicer without with so many lines):

Quoted, to un-break the links.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Turmoil on April 15, 2015, 09:04:50 AM
I was about to start up building these for the new version, but your script is much better. I think what I'll do is use your script to gather the data and just design mine using yours as the information source. But I have a few questions.

Which language did you build the script in, and could I get a copy of it (and the latest result from it). Also, would you mind if I linked your work on the first post for new users to see?
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: vityav on May 17, 2015, 01:38:44 PM
Apparently I didn't correctly subscribe to this thread, sorry for the delay.

I created it with perl, bash, a mysql server, and a package called graphviz.  Feel free to link, use, and generally do whatever you want with it.  There's plenty of room for improvement, I was just in the mood to automate something.  I threw it all in a little github repo so it's easy to distribute:

https://github. com/vityav/AuroraTree

(I tried putting it in quote tags instead of url tags and it still broke the links).  Let me know if you run into trouble, assuming I get the email set up right this time.
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: SenniTreborius on March 30, 2016, 06:44:46 PM
Is this thread dead now?
Title: Re: A Conclusive Tech Tree (Ongoing)
Post by: Sparta on May 11, 2016, 10:00:47 AM
I really hope not, this was so useful as I try desperately to grasp this complex game