Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Shadowyeclipse on December 14, 2012, 10:56:53 PM

Title: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: Shadowyeclipse on December 14, 2012, 10:56:53 PM
Alright, so I had recently gotten back into this, and following the tutorial, tinkering around with ship design, etc.

I made a cargo ship that was way, way too big for military standards, and Fast OOB'd it in, not knowing the fact it had a horrible maintenance rating.

So it crashed, and I've since refined the design, getting 6 years of maintenance and an IFR of 6. 8%, so it's decent, I suppose.

But slight problem, I have a wrecked Resolution hull, (I'm pretty sure the crew died, they don't show up anymore,) and I have no idea how to scavenge or get rid of it.  Also, if this happens again, how do I assort a Search and Rescue-type ship to go and rescue the survivors?
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: Erik L on December 14, 2012, 11:08:46 PM
To salvage a ship you need a ship with a salvage module on it. Then click the wreck in the F12 screen and issue the proper order. You will need to check the Wreck box.

For lifepods you just need to send a ship to them and rescue survivors.
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: Shadowyeclipse on December 14, 2012, 11:10:07 PM
Ah, thanks.   

need to research the module, but at least I can sleep at night knowing my little spreadsheet people won't die horrible deaths next time this happens.   

Also, not going to create a whole new thread about this, but Crew Morale is starting to flag from my survey/Alpha fleet ships out surveying/training, so I'm wondering how I fix morale.   I'm going to move them to Earth and see if "staying" there increases morale.   I don't know if just moving or picketing or what is the right command though. 

EditEdit: Hahah, yes, it worked.  My Alpha Fleet has completed shore leave is and ready to go kick imaginary ass as they go back to train.

I need to set up some jump gates and go kick real ass with my badass Alpha fleet.  Consisting of 4 ships.  With 12cm visible light lasers.  Only 2 of which have turrets for those lasers.
Totally kick ass.
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: Paul M on December 15, 2012, 12:12:16 AM
Is there a way to just remove a wreck in SM mode?  I goofed during my refit of a PDC and now have a wreck of the old base that I would like to get rid of but looking through the SM tools didn't seem to give a way to do it.
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: SteelChicken on December 15, 2012, 12:42:48 AM
Is there a way to just remove a wreck in SM mode?  I goofed during my refit of a PDC and now have a wreck of the old base that I would like to get rid of but looking through the SM tools didn't seem to give a way to do it.

Salvage it
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: Traveler on December 15, 2012, 09:32:42 PM
Is there any further step to be completed after salvage?  I get a notice that minereals were recovered.  Are those added back to my stockpiles?  Is that the final step in salvaging a wreck?
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: Erik L on December 15, 2012, 11:09:35 PM
Is there any further step to be completed after salvage?  I get a notice that minereals were recovered.  Are those added back to my stockpiles?  Is that the final step in salvaging a wreck?

If you salvage components, you can reverse engineer them or use them for yourself.
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: ExChairman on December 15, 2012, 11:30:53 PM
Dont forget cargobays on your salvager. Then move to a planet an unload your minerals and ship components...
Title: Re: What to do with wrecks/survivors?
Post by: Conscript Gary on December 16, 2012, 12:42:16 AM
The salvager itself doesn't need a cargo bay if it's in a fleet with ships who do, but it's not a bad idea to have one for the independence