Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Daniel_Dorn on June 17, 2013, 12:34:36 PM

Title: Constantly 60 second Increments
Post by: Daniel_Dorn on June 17, 2013, 12:34:36 PM
I opened up SM to see that the reason why I only get 60 seconds increments is that a ship is within firing range, but I can't see anything on the active sensors.  I blasted a homesystem of an alien race, they don't have anymore ships. 

Is there a way to get rid of them completely?
Title: Re: Constantly 60 second Increments
Post by: SpikeTheHobbitMage on June 17, 2013, 01:07:22 PM
If he has stealth capability or ECM, you may have to get closer to be able to see him.
Title: Re: Constantly 60 second Increments
Post by: Hawkeye on June 17, 2013, 02:39:14 PM
There might also be ships of one NPR in range of another NPR.

In that case, there is not a lot you can do.

Check the "Auto Turn" box on the system map, hit the 1-day or 5 day button and go read a book, watch a movies or surf the net. Check back every once in a while if the NPRs are done fighting.