Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Zincat on January 17, 2014, 04:54:09 AM

Title: Troops and PDC
Post by: Zincat on January 17, 2014, 04:54:09 AM
I can't find some informations on this anywhere so I ask here.

So, ok, I can put troops into PDCs with barracks. But...

What is the bonus of doing so?
Do NPR actually invade you, like, ever?
Do troops into PDC still lower unrest and such the same as troops outside PDCs?

And, regarding troops in general

Is it really viable to conquer enemy planets?
Title: Re: Troops and PDC
Post by: alex_brunius on January 17, 2014, 05:39:02 AM
I can't find some informations on this anywhere so I ask here.

So, ok, I can put troops into PDCs with barracks. But...

What is the bonus of doing so?
Do NPR actually invade you, like, ever?
Do troops into PDC still lower unrest and such the same as troops outside PDCs?

Not sure if its updated but some info exists:

"When an attack is carried out, the total attack strength of the attacker is compared to the total defence strength of the defender to create the Combat Ratio. For example, if Race A had an attack strength of 300 and Race B had a defence strength of 200, the Combat Ratio would be 300 / 200 = 1.5. Although defenders do have an advantage, this is already built into the attack and defence strengths of each unit type so the combat ratio is unaffected unless a PDC is involved. If the defenders are in a PDC, they gain a defensive multiplier equal to one third of the PDC's armour. For example, defenders with a total defence strength of 50 within a PDC with 8 armour would have a modified defence strength of 50 x 8/3 = 133.33."

"†††: Combat Engineer Battalions fight at double strength when attacking or defending a PDC.
‡: Marines fight at double their listed strength when performing boarding actions against ships and PDCs."

And, regarding troops in general

Is it really viable to conquer enemy planets?

Yes, in fact it is the only way to take over well defended planets with thick atmospheres somewhat intact since the only other option is a large numer of nukes that tend to cause collateral damage.
Title: Re: Troops and PDC
Post by: Zincat on January 17, 2014, 06:02:23 AM
Ok, I must be blind or something because I completely missed the wiki page, so thanks a lot for pointing it to me.

But one question does remain. Do the NPR races actually invade you, ever?
Title: Re: Troops and PDC
Post by: Alfapiomega on January 17, 2014, 06:14:23 AM
Ok, I must be blind or something because I completely missed the wiki page, so thanks a lot for pointing it to me.

But one question does remain. Do the NPR races actually invade you, ever?

Nope. But you can stumble upon robotic defenders and someone mentioned one of the spoiler races is an exception.
Title: Re: Troops and PDC
Post by: sloanjh on January 17, 2014, 08:12:43 AM
Another advantage - when troops are in the open they can be nuked (from orbit) directly.  When in a PDC the attacker needs to dig through the PDC armor.  OTOH troops in a PDC do not train.
