Aurora 4x

Fiction => Ardem's Fiction => Aurora => Clan Benkei => Topic started by: ardem on April 30, 2014, 03:28:04 AM

Title: Post 14
Post by: ardem on April 30, 2014, 03:28:04 AM


Yoshi exited the airlock leaving the runabout behind and entered into his ship the FF Kaohsuing. His first officer with tablet in hand, was already there to greet Yoshi.

“Productive conference, sir” enquired Lieutenant Kurogane, with a minor pause he continued “I did not think it would be a three day conference”. The corners of his lips showed the hint of a smirk but not enough to warrant a dressing down.

Yoshi had spent the last eight months trying to keep morale high for the stranded crew of the two frigates. The destruction of the only Jump Frigate in the fleet had left them with the inability to get home to New Osaka. Fleet had communicated it would take two years to construct another Jump Frigate which was in the works. There was however brighter news the Jump Gate Construction Ship Bronosauraus had arrived three months ago and could be seen out the porthole windows hurrying along with their work. Although it was at minimum six month project to create an operational Jump Gate.

As morale dropped , so did ship maintenance standards. Yoshi  was damned if he was going to lose another ship under his watch, however technically he did not lose the Jump Ship, that was on Yuka’s head. Since recuing Daisa Yuka and his 91 survivors, he had become nothing more than a lost soul that drifted through the Kaohsuing decks. He specifically avoided Yoshi or any other officer, he was a broken man. His fate had been signed with the loss of his ship, now all that was left was the final execution of a court martial which awaited him upon their return.

The loss of a ship, the overcrowding and the news that the government had been replaced, made all the crew nervous with the tension in the air could be split by a knife. Fortunately it seemed too have been a bloodless coup or a return to a great empire dependant of which side of the fence you stood. Apart from a few lower mess fights which received heavy disciplinary actions, the news only had brought grumbling and frustrations to a higher level.

Yoshi wondered if the main fleet was at New Osaka could he have prevented it, or actually would he have taken such action. Yoshi clearly had not made up his mind about the situation, nor had he the time.  The taskforce inability to move seemed to take more effort than standard manoeuvres. A minor bright note in the situation on New Osaka was the structure of the fleet had changed very little. Noro Sen was still in charge, only now reporting directly to the Emperor or the Daij?-kan (Great Council, advisors to the emperor).

However Lieutenant Kurogane smirk was for none of these frustrations around the current situation or political events. It was due to a certain first officer on the Mardas who Yoshi had been spending a lot of time with. Serving as an officer in the fleet had not left Yoshi with many opportunities to find love. Being stranded with only the analysis of maintenance and crew reports as company, he had managed to find something or should he dare say someone to occupy his time more productively.  He however had not broken any military regulation but it was clear to both himself and Lieutenant Sieko they were becoming closer. He had perhaps spent two days more on the Mardas then needed, but damn Kurogane smirk, he was allowed to have a break every now and then.

Yoshi felt the tension rise in his chest, his jaw clenching and his knuckles gripped tightly turning white, he could not stay his emotions.

“Very productive Mr Kurogane!  and you can wipe that silly smirk off your face” his words exited vehemently and would had been received  very harshly. Lieutenant Kurogane face distorted to that of a scolded puppy, within that instant Yoshi anger turned to shame and disappointment in himself.

“Damn this waiting is getting to everyone including myself.” Yoshi thought to himself.

“I am sorry Hotaka, my apologies. Let us look at these reports you have for me’ Yoshi motioning down to the tablet in Kurogane’s hand.
Kurogane’s face brightens immediately “Well sir I have come up with a way to increase morale, I have organised a play to be performed by several of the company member’s, you would be surprised at the number of failed actors in our crew sir.”

Yoshi turned and vaguely looked over the tablet ‘A Midsummers Night’s Dream’ was the header, he smiled politely as Kurogane happily went into his planning as they walked down the corridor. Internally however Yoshi was thinking ‘Oh Brother, and I am expected to attend and watch this and show delight’ there was going to be a great display of acting, however he doubted it would be on the featured stage.