Aurora 4x

Fiction => Aurora => Topic started by: Maul_Junior on June 10, 2014, 11:06:43 PM

Title: The Altarian Imperium--A Privateer's AAR
Post by: Maul_Junior on June 10, 2014, 11:06:43 PM
Talon Karrde strode through the halls of the Imperial Fleet Command building, ignoring the stares that followed him and his motley crew.   All around him, stiff-backed military men in stiff, unyielding formal military uniforms glared at the small procession.   Far from having their intentions of making him feel uncomfortable, if anything the spit-polished boots began to carry even more of a swagger, and Karrde made a subtle hand motion that made his burnished velvet cape flare out dramatically behind himself. 

It wasn’t, Karrde mused ruefully, just the fact that despite wearing formal attire, he looked woefully underdressed compared to the military beatniks….  .  No.   It was probably more the fact that many of these officers had been assigned to hunt him down during the Wars.   His rueful smirk widened.    Many had tried to hunt his Smuggler’s Alliance down.   But all had failed. 

Now the war was over, and an Imperium fully established.    The centimated population of the planet Earth, renamed “Terra” in lieu of the Imperium’s intentions of post-solar colonization, had been in desperate need of cargo ships.   Nearly all of the civilian liners and freighters had been destroyed in the fighting.   And Karrde’s offer of going legitimate with his fleet of freighters in exchange for absolute, unconditional pardons for himself and all of his men was greeted by the populace with wild adulation.   His proposal had been accepted.   

Although the reactions from the men in charge ranged from ecstatic to downright fury.   They didn’t appreciate having the man who had flagrantly flaunted them at every turn, and done everything short of open fire in direct violation of their laws, suddenly go from the number one most wanted human in existence to a terrestrial folk hero.   No, his victory grated on them. 

Karrde’s face tightened grimly.   And what he was about to force through would grate on them further.   It had taken five long years of subtle backchannel maneuvering, information gathering, and outright blackmail to make it to this point.   

The Marine guard standing formally in front of the doors nodded gravely to him, and reached for the doors to open them slowly, stately.   Karrde brushed past them and threw the doors out him, making sure that the motion would artfully cause his cape to billow dramatically.   The Marines responded instantly, moving in synch, and managed to prevent the doors from banging against the interior walls. 

A shame, that, Karrde thought grimly.   But it couldn’t be helped. 

A smuggler, a con man, and the consummate performer, Talon Karrde had worked his way up from being a homeless shipyard brat to commanding a fleet that at the end of the war rivalled that of any single Imperial Task Force itself.   But what did he care about power? At the end of the day, he had been about helping his fellow man while the Imperials cared more about protecting their precious reputations against the upstart Colonials. 

Idly, Karrde wondered if the muckety-mucks in the Imperial High Command knew that the core of Karrde’s Smuggler’s Alliance were Colonials.   Sure, they had never fired a shot in anger against the Imperials, but they were Colonials just the same. 

Karrde let a beautific smile spread across his face as he gracefully slid into the chairs obviously assigned for him and his forces in a single, smooth motion.   He glanced across the faces of the High Command, and didn’t see anything he didn’t expect to see.   Outrage, resentment, and several resigned faces. 

If they could, they would throw him out of the chamber.   But Karrde had grown to be especially well-loved after the war.   He had done everything he could do to foster his reputation as a man of the people.   Landing a freighter next to orphanages and unloading thirty tons of food, medical supplies, toys, and candy.   Delivering food and medical supplies to parts of Earth that had been in desperate need even before the Solar Wars broke out.   Even taking time out to deliver gifts of food, luxury goods, and supplies to various military vessels, outposts, and waystations. 

Several of which had been strictly classified, and unknown even to the Colonials. 

And then there had been providing the Emperor’s daughter a luxury cruiser with full paramilitary escort for a shopping trip halfway across Terra. 

And so he sat here, before the most powerful men in the Imperium.   They glared down at him, hating him from the bottom of their socks.   And yet he was untouchable.   He was much loved by the people, and had cultivated several high-ranking friends amongst the military establishment—friends who just so happened to be friends with highly connected members amongst the Emperor’s staff.   Staff who would not look kindly upon aggressive moves against their pet military commanders. 

But still, it would not do to make himself overly casual, even flippant, towards these, the highest ranked military commanders in the Imperium.   Even if he probably could do so with minmal consequences.   So he and his men sat straight, legs together, hands folded on their laps—the perfect image of genteel little lambs. 

The Commanders blustered at him for some time.   It was all well and good.   “Greater Good of the Imperium!” Why, of course, sirs.   I could imagine nothing else.   “….  being such a smart-ass!” Why, never.   I have been nothing but respectful.   “……should be thrown into the sun.  ” Karrde merely looked at the Admiral who had said this and gave him his best innocent smile.   Karrde was rewarded with an audible snarl.   “……say what you came here to say and get the frell out.  ”

Karrde looked down at his hands for a moment, pretending to gather himself.   Putting on a show that he anticipated a tough time passing this through.   Then, with great dignity, he rose to his feet. 

He made the required introductions and was overly obsequious.   He dithered as the politicians in the bureaucracy expected, and waited until he saw the first Admiral begin to shift in his seat—eyes partially glazed over—before he began his true speech.   Immediately, the Admiral snapped back to the present, only to face Karrde’s knowing smile.   He had won yet another victory. 

“…And yet, for all their firepower, hundreds of tons of minerals and technology were rendered unrecoverable.  ” He could feel their hatred now, and basked in it.   He knew that he would pay for this down the road, but it was worth it.   To stand here in their private sanctum and dictate orders that he knew they would have to follow through on.   “And yet, That is the way of war, isn’t it? To destroy the enemy utterly before they can destroy you?”

He paused dramatically, and raised a glass of water to his lips.   He didn’t need the drink. 

“But what if there was another way?” One of the Admirals he hadn’t blackmailed, and that didn’t necessarily hate him for who he had been, only for being an insufferable prat, stirred at this and focused on Karrde a little more strongly.   “A better way.  ”
For once he didn’t pause for effect.   “In the Solar Wars, starships were destroyed indiscriminately.   Military and civilian alike, to keep the other side at a disadvantage.  ” He smiled.   “This has been the way of the war for the last 500 years.   But it has not always been so.  ”

Karrde reached a hand behind himself, and found the tube waiting for him.   Carefully, he unscrewed the top and gingerly pulled out the painting that was inside.   It was wrapped in the latest in protective screens, but it would still crumble if exposed to the slightest atmosphere or even handled roughly.   Several of the Admiral leaned forward despite themselves.   

Carefully, with the help of his second in command, he unrolled the painting, almost 700 years old.   It was a masterpiece of an engagement of two warships during the Age of Sail (not the Age of Solar Sail, of course).   Smoke clouded the engagement, but humans could be seen on the masts of both ships, firing weapons at each other or engaging each other man to man with swords. 

“Long ago, there were military forces specially trained to take over enemy ships.   They—“

“Were pirates!” One of the Admirals shouted dismissively. 

“Were privateers,” Karrde corrected him politely.   

“Same thing!” The Admiral retorted, glancing to either side of himself, hoping that he could find the support to throw Karrde out.   But there were too many stony faces that were resigned to put this mummery show through. 

“Very closely so,” Karrde said quietly, loud enough for the recorders and the Admiral to hear him.   “Except that they were authorized by a power to raid ships of the opposing fleet for a Patron.  ”

“Is this what you’re offering?” The Admiral who had spoken earlier demanded.   “Offering to take over ships to add to your own private fleet?”

Karrde kept a smirk from his face.   The Admiral had fallen exactly where he had been expected to fall.   “No, sir.   I expect to turn them over to yours.  ” Karrde let his face show his true intensity for the first time.   “If the Privateer Project goes forward, 80% of the supplies would end up directly in the Imperium’s storehouses.  ” The Admiral scoffed.   “And so would the shipping.  ”

The Admiral opened his mouth to object but Karrde cut him off.   “Think about it.   Instead of having to send Salvage ships to loot technology and minerals from the wrecks of your enemies, the ships would instead fly directly to a shipyard, where they could be disassembled and studied at your leisure.   Any stocks of missiles, maintenance supplies, minerals, even civilians could be put directly to work.  ”

The Admiral glared at him.   “We don’t have anywhere near the technology required to put this plan of yours into action.   And besides, how would you even get close enough to try?”

Karrde grinned wolfishly.   “I’m glad you asked.  ”

In the end, they didn’t give him everything he asked for.   But then, he got exactly what he wanted. 

A base on Luna to conduct research into his new technologies, a Shipyard to construct new ships according to his designs, a Ground Force Training facility, and the freedom to do as he pleased with his new resources. 

Oh, and the little matter of the colony of formerly smugglers and outlaws he had founded on Luna’s dark side long before the Solar Wars officially recognized as an official Colony of the Altarian Imperium.   He waited until he was safely ensconced in his new colony before he announced its official name of “Smuggler’s Moon.  ”

It was everything he ever wanted. 

But at the same time, he knew, it was all that they ever wanted.   

He was bottled up on the moon after making grandiose promises.   All of his most fervent supporters would rush to join him on Smuggler’s Moon.   If he failed to come through, or he lost favor with enough of the Imperium, it would be a simple matter to wipe Karrde, his supporters, and his endeavors off the face of the moon. 

But if he succeeded, he would be the hero that brought forth a new age of warfare for the Imperium.   

The risks were high, but the rewards were so much higher. 

And that, to Karrde, is what made it so damn fun. 

Talon Karrde, is, obviously, a direct reference to the Karrde in Zahn's Thrawn novels.   He will only be a part of this AAR, where I will be trying out a Privateer fleet as a portion of the Imperium fleet.   I will have a more traditional laser/missile fleet, but I will also be experimenting with high-frequency microwaves and Combat Drop modules. 

Basically, I intend to churn out a small Privateer fleet dedicated to preying on Civilian shipping, and possibly even nipping at the heels of smaller, isolated military forces. 

My plan is basically to get a small group of fast-moving Fighters/FACs armed with High-Frequency Microwaves to knock out hostile Sensors/Fire Control, and then get other (potentially FAC-sized) ships to initiate combat drops onto the temporarily defenseless (except, of course, for ramming) ships.   I am strongly considering making the Fighters/FACs based off of a Carrier escorted by PD/ASM/AS-armed escorts--all equipped with Stealth technology, allowing for sudden, unexpected strikes. 

That's not to say that the Privateer fleet could function on its own.   commandeered ships would need an escort back to safe space.   the Privateer fleet would operate in tandem with or in support of a larger, traditional fleet designed to simply blow up any enemy ships that are there. 

Of course, if successful, the Privateer fleet could potentially expand and take over more and more fleet resources.  .  .  .  . 

In addition to a general start (with a few bonuses to make it easier for this complete noob), Luna will be colonized by the Smuggler's Alliance, have a Shipyard with a single, 6000 ton slipway, a single Terraforming unit, a GU training facility, and a few other things.   I have not actually set the game up yet, but I will be doing that over the next few days. 

As for why I'm doing this--I tend to like Privateering in other games, and would love to try this out here. 
Title: Re: The Altarian Imperium--A Privateer's AAR
Post by: MWadwell on June 11, 2014, 02:32:30 AM
Sounds like an interesting start!
Title: Re: The Altarian Imperium--A Privateer's AAR
Post by: Maul_Junior on June 11, 2014, 11:23:15 PM
I.   .   .   .   HAD a rather long writeup of recent history, but Word apparently ate it >.   < I'll post a TL:DR now, and then make a point of mentioning when it gets edited into this point.   

I will write it up, again, but for now, a TL:DR

Basically, Earth discovers TN metals/Tech, and abandons Earth as they head for the Solar system.    Earth becomes the Terran Planetary Penitentiary (think Australia, without the sexy accents), trapping the ultra-poor that were not able to get tickets off Earth with the worst criminals of humanity.    Humanity expands until it can't expand anymore, then turn on each other.    There were super shipyards (30k ton military vessels, similarly impressive civ vessels), but were destroyed in the war.    Basically everyone blows everyone else up, only to go "Oh no! We don't have the tech to build any more ships!" And then "That's your fault, you asshat!" "Mine? You attacked me first, douchebag!" "Liar!" "Oh hai there, nice colony.    While you two are fighting each other, please accept the gift of these bombardment missiles to the face.    PWNED!"

So on and so forth.   

Eventually, the Colonies that were set up become independent of everyone else, and use what limited resources they have to survive.    The solar system becomes infested with Raiders, marauders, and used starship salesmen, making starship travel exceedingly dangerous.    And, because all the shipyards were destroyed and no one power has enough resources to build another one (it would just be blown up or captured if it was anyway), the quality of ships degrade rapidly.   

forward a hundred years or so, and the situation largely remains the same.    Except the people of Terra have banded together and have pieced together enough abandoned technology that they are able to once again reach the stars.    Why only Earth? Because everywhere else they have to keep Infrastructure in place to keep death from showing up to dinner.    Earth is still remarkably pristine.    Aside from being an open sewer, a planetary prison, and property values shot to hell.    They manage to build a shipyard, defend it from raiders, and launch a war against everyone.   

Despite being at a tech disadvantage, they have the advantage of their ships not being held together with spit, prayer, and pocky.    They wipe out the Raiders, and the Colonies send them a diplomatic vessel in the hopes of opening negotiations.    The former inmates and descendants of people who were judged an inch too short of the "You must be this Cool to leave Earth" line blew up their ships and sent the remains back in a Colonial freighter that had accompanied the diplomats.   

Long story short, Colonies were wiped out, the Altarian Imperium (As the Terrans were calling themselves) realized that they wanted to expand but didn't have the shipyards or the ships to do it.    A bunch of Outlaws showed up, headed by Talon Karrde, and offered their services.    Karrde was good at manipulating folks, got the remains of the Martian colonies to settle his disreputable folks in (close enough to keep an eye on, far enough away that the Imperium couldn't smell them), and a shipyard to pursue his dreams of Interstellar Piracy Privateering--for the greater good of the Imperium, of course.    Mars was renamed "Smuggler's Rest" because Karrde's folks were people that were smuggling the Colonials supplies during the war.    Smuggler's Rest may also happen to contain a handful of Colonials that escaped the Imperium's wrath, but I don't see how that could POSSIBLY go wrong.   

TL:DR for the TL:DR--backstory and fluff, bitches.   

Depending on how things go, the Imperium will either smack down the Smugglers because Karrde's privateer idea didn't do well at all, or if things go really well the Smugglers might leave the Imperium with a "So long Suckers, and thanks for all the fish!"

I'm also experimenting with SM to leave Human Ruins on various moons/planetoids that used to have human populations.    Yes, I'm still working on setting this up.   

This is, in general, the naming conventions and doctrine I plan to use.    Starting fleets will be low-level Destroyer/Frigate fleets with an Escort Carrier or two, gradually working up to Cruisers and better.   

Military Ship terms defined (All sizes relative to shipyard capacity/capability and tech level):

Jump-Capable Ships designed specifically to ferry/assist with non-Jump Capable Ships will have a [J] in their prefix

Fighter [F] : 300-500 Ton Craft designed for operations of 1-6 months—generally use Box launchers if available, intended for massive alpha strike versus Ship or Station-based targets.    Based off of either a Carrier, PDC, or Orbital Station

Bomber [ B ]: 500-1000 Ton Craft designed for Anti-Ship use with multiple, reloadable Launchers.    Intended to pack a larger punch and able to operate slightly longer than their F-class cousins.    Based off of either a Carrier, PDC, or Orbital Station

Attack Fighters [A]: 300-500 Ton Craft generally armed with Beam Weapons intended for anti-Fighter/FAC use.    Based off of either a Carrier, PDC, or Orbital Station.   

Electronics Superiority Fighter [E]: Armed with Focused Microwave Emitters, the E-class Fighter is intended to support Privateer fleets.    If they are not assigned to Privateer fleets, their primary goal is to shorten engagements by knocking out Fire Controls/Active Sensors of Point-Defense/Point-Blank (ie energy weapons) to augment the main fleet’s Firepower.   

Privateer Fighters [P]: Privateer-class Fighters each carry a single Marine Company, Fuel Tanks for the journey, Engines to enable them to travel at otherwise ludicrous speeds, and very literally nothing else.    They rely on what Smuggler scientists are calling “Speed Tanking.   ” Intended to be tasked in the Privateer Task Force.    However, if successful, P-class Fighters may be assigned to major fleet engagements.   

Jump Scout Fighter [J]: A small, jump-capable fighter intended to traverse jump points to make sure larger fleets do not run headlong into trouble.   

All Fighters should have a fuel capacity measured in hours.   

Fast Attack Craft [FAC]: 1-2000 Ton Ships that are based off of a station, Carrier, or PDC.    Generally have fuel supplies for 1-2 weeks of operation.    FAC notations denote their intended purpose—ie FAC/A; FAC/B; FAC/F; FAC-OFF; FAC-U; etc.   
Privateer FAC [FAC/P]: In lieu of armament, Privateer FACs carry a Marine Battalion.    Intended Targets for FAC/P are Civilian shipping or lone military vessels who have had their Fire Control sensors knocked out by Microwave emissions.    Like their Fighter cousins, P-class FAC rely on speed and the stealth of their parent task force.    And, if all else fails, a larger, more conventional force not far away.   

Corvette [COR]: Small, Very fast vessel that is capable of autonomous, inconspicuous operation.    The primary defender of civilian shipping while larger task forces are occupied elsewhere.   
Larger than a FAC, Smaller than a Frigate.    Between 2,000 to 3,499 tons

Frigate [FR]: Small, fast vessel designed to support a fleet
Larger than a Corvette, smaller than a Destroyer.    Between 3,500 to 4,999 Tons

Destroyer [D]:
Mainstay of Early-game Task Forces
Point Defense Destroyer [PDS]: Relegated to Point-Defense Missions
Anti-Ship Destroyer [DD]: Generally armed with Anti-ship Missiles
Between 5,000 and 7,499 Tons

Cruiser: Generally one of the more numerous later-game ships, intended to comprise the bulk of the tonnage of any major task force.     Generally an Anti-Missile ship, though depending on performance, Point-Defence and Privateer models have not been ruled out.   
Between 7,500 and 9,999 Tons

Strategic Cruiser [CS]: Medium-sized vessel not designed for much actual warfare.    Instead, the Strategic Cruiser is equipped with above average armor and very long range (500M+) sensors, along with a few Point Defense systems.   
Strike Cruiser [CL]: Medium-sized vessel designed for long-range engagement.    Usually holds a large complement of LRMS, and a number of CIWS and PD Missile Launchers for fleet support in medium-range combat.    Generally hang well back in standard fleet engagements, relying on Strategic Cruisers for targeting data, and attempting to overwhelm Point Defense Systems from long range while the main fleet engages at more normal ranges.   

Battlecruiser: 10,000 and 13,499 Tons

Battleship: 14,000+ Tons

Carrier [CV]: A large, minimally armed ship designed to carry and service much smaller craft in its Hangar Bays.    At minimum they are capable of carrying 400-2000 ton Ships (or smaller ships of equal displacement).    Generally armed with Point Defense capabilities (if anything), medium-range Active Sensors, and little else.    In pitched combat they tend to stay behind the main battle group.   

Jump Carrier [CVJ]: Intended to ferry FAC-size (or smaller) ships in their Hangars between systems if no Jump Gate is present.    Often a variant of an Escort Carrier (see below).    Note that Jump Carriers are ALWAYS referred to as CVJ, even if their overall tonnage is in the CVE range.   

Escort Carrier [CVE]: A smaller carrier (generally 7,500 tons or less) that brings needed forces to a smaller task force.    Escort Carriers are generally specialized.    Various specializations include Exploration Task Forces (ie a Jump Carrier holding multiple Survey vessels, and Frigate/Destroyers as support), Privateer Task Forces (Jump Carriers holding Assault Shuttles, Electronic Superiority Fighters [Microwave-armed Fighters] intended to prey on civilian/minor military forces), etc.   

Survey (Geo/Grav)[SGE/SGR]: FAC-size Survey Vessels.    Initially sized 2k-4k Tons, housed in a specially designed Jump-Capable Survey Carrier.   

Missile Types:

Point Defense Missile [PD Series]: Size 1 Missiles intended to shoot down other missiles
LRM: Long-Range missiles (200M km+) with Strength 1 Warheads.    Intended for use long before (or concurrent with) an actual engagement to winnow down potential enemy Point Defense capabilities (if PDMs are being used).    Long Range, High Speed.    Possible variants might include a Long-range stage with multiple PD-series Missiles
MRM: Medium-Range Missiles with varying strength warheads.    Primary offensive missile type
SRM: Short Range Missiles.    Probably won’t get much use, but one or two may be designed.    Short range, very high speed missiles intended for launch as close to a target as possible, with high yield.