Aurora 4x

VB6 Aurora => VB6 Mechanics => Topic started by: DuraniumCowboy on June 17, 2014, 01:49:43 PM

Title: Mine Mechanics
Post by: DuraniumCowboy on June 17, 2014, 01:49:43 PM
So I think I have the design piece down.   I built a 2 stage buoy.   The base stage has a large active sensor that covers the range of my stage 2 MIRVS.   The second stage is 3 MIRVS, each a short range size 5 missile with the most WH I can squeeze in while having enough speed to hit fast.

I think I have the deployment down.   I just assign the launcher to the mines and an FC.   Move to a waypoint, and then launch at the waypoint.   Repeat as many times based on how many mines I want to deploy.

So my question, is that I assume, once laid, any hostile ship that moves within my active sensor range (on the buoy), plus is within the separation range I set, triggers the mine and the MIRV's fly off at it.   With that being said, what if there are multiple ships?  Also, I assume based on the parameters that every single mine with a target will fire off, so if I have 100 mines and the AI triggers it, all 300 MIRV's descend on that poor contact.   In that case, I would quickly need to re-seed the field because the massive overkill will completely annihilate my mine field.   Is my understanding correct?
Title: Re: Mine Mechanics
Post by: Erik L on June 17, 2014, 01:58:00 PM
Yes. Though it is fun to watch a minefield obliterate a target.

If you include a sensor on your missiles, and using them for JP defense, they may retarget to a new ship.
Title: Re: Mine Mechanics
Post by: DuraniumCowboy on June 17, 2014, 02:11:46 PM
OK, so add an active sensor to my MIRV's and they will potentially re-acquire.  My biggest concern if just the need to re-seed the field quickly.  Its means my mine layers need to be much more tactical and operate close to the front frequently.  Thanks for the help - DC
Title: Re: Mine Mechanics
Post by: DuraniumCowboy on June 17, 2014, 03:55:45 PM
BTW, it just occured to me, if I know where the bad guys are going after they jump in (like another jump point or one of my colonies), then I can lay a mine field, give the m,ine layer a slow go to command, advance the clock, lay more mines, advance the clock, lay more mines.  Of course they will see the active sensors so maybe it wouldn't work.

Can passive sensor work with a mine?  IE, if I put low fidelity thermals on on the buoy, with MIRV's with active seekers, will the passive contacts trip the separation and then allow the MIRV's to start their own active terminal guidance?  In that case, seeding the path at intervals would work nicely.
Title: Re: Mine Mechanics
Post by: Erik L on June 17, 2014, 04:09:50 PM
You can mine straight-line approaches to your colonies, yes. Just make sure each field is far enough apart that you only trigger one at a time. You probably won't catch ships flying at angles to the approach (like survey craft, or through traffic) with more than one or two fields.

One idea in addition to the straight-line is a secondary ring of mines outside the initial ring.
Title: Re: Mine Mechanics
Post by: DuraniumCowboy on June 17, 2014, 04:21:07 PM
I am still curious if the Passive Sensor approach would work if anybody can comment.  Also, with either passives or actives, is their any chance of fratricide?  I would assume I need to have transponders on to avoid tripping my own mines, but it would appear this is not the case.  Can I just assume mines will not ever attack my ships, even if they have only passive detection to trip them off?
Title: Re: Mine Mechanics
Post by: NihilRex on June 17, 2014, 09:42:07 PM
Your mines wont attack your ships, ever.

Ive found that Thermal Mines need Homing missiles of some kind, or the missiles launch and then just sit there, counting down their time.
Title: Re: Mine Mechanics
Post by: Arwyn on July 02, 2014, 04:25:16 PM
I have done passives before, but not recently. You do need homing on the missile itself, but for mines, I find that thats a good idea to prevent massive overkill.

Also, to deliver mines, there are a couple of other ways to bang them out. Large minelayers with box launchers work very well for fast minefield laying.

If you have more time, you can do the same thing with very large slow missiles with a single mine payload. I have built PDC's with large "mine launcher" missile tubes. You can put enough fuel on those to go a considerable distance in system (millions of Km) and drop the mine on a waypoint. Works like a champ, and no ships required.