Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Llamatoesl on June 19, 2014, 01:08:10 PM

Title: A Xenology question
Post by: Llamatoesl on June 19, 2014, 01:08:10 PM
I have just lugged a Xeonolgy team out to some ruins. They are there. if have received nothing about it in the Events screen, and on the information screen, it says that a Xeno team is required.
Do I need to anything else or is that normal?
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Theodidactus on June 19, 2014, 02:11:49 PM
xenological research takes a very long time, up to several years.
The better your team of professionals are, they more likely they are to finish the project ahead of schedule.

As long as they are parked on that planet, they'll continue to do research.
Eventually you'll get an update saying they've successfully investigated the ruin and figured out things about the species that lived there.

Until that point it will say "xenology team required" when you try to find out that information.
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Barkhorn on June 19, 2014, 04:06:31 PM
I'm also under the impression that they never completely finish.  There's always more to be found, there's just diminishing returns.  And the worse your xenology team is, the faster the returns diminish.  Imagine it like this:
A bad xeno team is like a bunch of careless archaeologists.  Yeah, they manage to dig up some stuff, but they also break a lot of stuff, and make it harder to find more.  A good xeno team would be more careful, break fewer artifacts, and generally not ruin the site.

At least that's my understanding.
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Erik L on June 19, 2014, 04:26:27 PM
Ruins have a finite amount of buildings. This is based on the size. And buildings is really a misnomer as a recovered "building" could be a stockpile of minerals, fuel, or missiles.
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Llamatoesl on June 20, 2014, 12:22:59 PM
Thanks. I'm getting on with my regular business. I have two teams on site, and I'm dragging experts around in an attempt to get stuff working.
The joys of a having a system where the JP is 0.1 light years from the planets.
Also, does it matter if I have a colony (by colony I mean people, not just the designation) at the same time.
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Erik L on June 20, 2014, 12:43:32 PM
Thanks. I'm getting on with my regular business. I have two teams on site, and I'm dragging experts around in an attempt to get stuff working.
The joys of a having a system where the JP is 0.1 light years from the planets.
Also, does it matter if I have a colony (by colony I mean people, not just the designation) at the same time.

No it doesn't. But if you recover infrastructure, your civilian colony ships might think it's fair game and you'll have people there before you know it.
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Cocyte on June 23, 2014, 10:40:52 AM
Don't forget you will need two things to properly make good use of the ruins :
- A Xenoarcheology team in order to identify the ruins,
- One or several engineer brigades in order to exploit the ruins.

No it doesn't. But if you recover infrastructure, your civilian colony ships might think it's fair game and you'll have people there before you know it.

Actually, it does... Having a few nervous and coward civilians around when tinkering with potentially dangerous ruins may lead to some unexpected issues...

If the engineer brigades find automated robots, then those blasted civilian may surrender due to the relatively huge collateral damage and you will lose the colony... Unless it was fixed, last time it happened to me was a long time ago on V5.6
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Haji on June 23, 2014, 10:54:45 AM
Recovery of the installations is now done by construction brigades, not engineers.

As for the bug, I don't know if it's been fixed or not but I never had a problem with it. It can be entirely avoided by not attacking, allowing the spoilers to waste themselves on your defenses.
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Jaque_Thay on June 23, 2014, 02:12:15 PM
Bug is still in play.  Lost a colony to it a few real-life days ago.  Frustrating thing is that reinforcement infantry battalion was only five in-game days away when it happened.
Title: Re: A Xenology question
Post by: Wolfius on June 23, 2014, 05:37:26 PM
Ruins have a finite amount of buildings. This is based on the size. And buildings is really a misnomer as a recovered "building" could be a stockpile of minerals, fuel, or missiles.

I tend to imagine those are warehouses or bunkers. Same with recovering ship components.

Recovery of the installations is now done by construction brigades, not engineers.

I've also found that a construction brigade's commander's Xeneology rating makes a huge difference in their success at recovering instalations, but that might just be the RNG messing with my head.

Oh, and I always move a healthy garrison in first. Especially with multipule construction brigades, you can have several caches of robotic guardians attacking you at the same time, and I've seen groups of up to 9 enemy battalions from just one cache, with three caches uncovered at the same time or on the 5 day incriment after the first.