Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Beaker on September 05, 2015, 01:40:52 PM

Title: Seniority of officers in a task group
Post by: Beaker on September 05, 2015, 01:40:52 PM
How is it determined who is the senior officer in a TG? Right now I have a squadron of fighters for whom the senior officer is listed as a commander, but there is a captain elsewhere in the group.  I would like to get someone with a better initiative in charge, but I'm not sure how...
Title: Re: Seniority of officers in a task group
Post by: Father Tim on September 24, 2015, 02:10:11 PM
The highest ranked officer should be the Task Force C.O., but Aurora doesn't check the whole T.F. when you add a new ship.  Try removing the ship the current C.O. is on and hopefully it will check all the current officers to find the new highest rank.  If not, then it is probably going by order of 'date added to T.F.' and you might have to cycle ships in and out until the C.O. you want is the one who's been in the group the longest.

Also, I may have typed 'Task Force' when I meant 'Task Group' and vice versa through this whole post.
Title: Re: Seniority of officers in a task group
Post by: Erik L on September 24, 2015, 06:12:18 PM
Are you sure the captain is in the same TG as the Commander?
Title: Re: Seniority of officers in a task group
Post by: Beaker on September 25, 2015, 09:49:37 AM
I figured out the problem.  When the fighters were on the carrier, the captain of the carrier was SO.  When I launched the fighters and separated the TG, the game didn't recalculate who the senior officer was - it just put the commander of the first ship in that position.  Swapping one commander forced it to recalculate and all was well.