Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Detros on March 10, 2017, 04:45:25 PM

Title: Escorting through jump point
Post by: Detros on March 10, 2017, 04:45:25 PM
Battlefleet got escorted by few other TGs, all at 10-40k km around it. Some of them have jumpdrives.

Battlefleet jumped through a jump point. No error appeared. All escorting TGs continued in the same pack. But in some random direction and _in the same system_. For the rest of the interval, five days.

Ehm whaat? I guess escorting through JP may work only with standard jump and all escorts at the same place as the main TG, not few 10k behind it.
Title: Re: Escorting through jump point
Post by: Detros on March 11, 2017, 01:42:03 PM
More confusingly, while battlefleet moving through jump point leaves all its escorts (at least those following in range) behind and they now have "no protected TG" shown, if one uses "Save escorts"-"Recall escorts" even these previously-escorts-now-showing-as-not-escorts will get the command. This will generate bunch of "target TG is in other system" errors.

One needs for these left-behind-escorts to select some other TG and then back to "No protected TG" to truly brake the escort-connection.
Title: Re: Escorting through jump point
Post by: TheDeadlyShoe on March 11, 2017, 03:44:23 PM
The 'intended' way to use this is only to break the TG into battle formation in system; escort behavior has some wonkiness like this.  Just got to keep an eye on it, but for the most part i'd recommend not breaking into formation unless battle is likely.