Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Silvarelion on April 19, 2017, 12:47:44 AM

Title: Population vs Wealth
Post by: Silvarelion on April 19, 2017, 12:47:44 AM
Just wondering if anyone had any insights on which is better for long-term wealth management, using Administrators with a Population bonus or a Wealth bonus? 
Title: Re: Population vs Wealth
Post by: MarcAFK on April 19, 2017, 01:17:16 AM
Population growth slows down immensely as population goes up. If you need the wealth then put your best wealth administrators onto the most populace worlds. TBH the best way to increase population growth is to ship as many people as possible off your bigest world. Put the high growth administrators onto the new low population worlds to get their numbers up quickly.
If the planet isn't fully terraformed then shipping infrastrucure might be a problem.
Title: Re: Population vs Wealth
Post by: Michael Sandy on April 19, 2017, 04:16:28 PM
I would argue for the wealth bonus.  I have seen their effects in conventional starts where I had a high wealth bonus leader, and you just accumulate SO much wealth.  Basically, the benefits are a lot more front loaded than pop growth.  You can sustain more buildings with a higher wealth bonus, or buy more minerals, which allows for more growth.

I suggest that after you get the 10,000 research cost C&P techs, go for Sector Command, because that will boost your economy by a lot for the 5,000 research cost.  I figure if you have, say, a +10 miner, +10 construction, +10 shipyard, +10 wealth sector commander, 1/4 the bonus amounts to about 10 points, or roughly comparable to half the benefit you got from the 10k bonus.  And if you have a lot of Naval Academies, you will likely have better leaders than that to choose from.

I wish financial centers were transportable like other installations are.  Then you could just fill up your terraformed but mineral-less worlds with financial centers built elsewhere, and plunk a wealth bonus leader on them.  Pretend the whole planet is a giant call center, cold call selling products made elsewhere to markets all over your empire. ;)
Title: Re: Population vs Wealth
Post by: Erik L on April 19, 2017, 06:12:59 PM
I wish financial centers were transportable like other installations are.  Then you could just fill up your terraformed but mineral-less worlds with financial centers built elsewhere, and plunk a wealth bonus leader on them.  Pretend the whole planet is a giant call center, cold call selling products made elsewhere to markets all over your empire. ;)

I can see it now...

"Sir! The invading aliens have scoured Telemarketing II to bedrock!"

"Well, they should have abided by the No Call List."