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General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by db48x on Today at 03:26:30 AM »
If you check the help text that appears when you mouse over the number of systems, it states that doesn't apply to Known Stars games.

I think I’ve requested this before, but would it be worth thinking about the design of the New Game screen some? It could use a few improvements.

For example, the Known Stars option is a big choice that really defines how the rest of the game feels. When enabled, it causes several other options to be ignored. Perhaps this should be a big hint that should inform the design of the screen. Imagine having radio buttons to select between Random Stars and Known Stars. When Random Stars is selected, the options that only apply to Random Stars game are enabled and those for Known Stars are disabled, and visa versa. For easier comprehension, these options should be visually arranged so that the association is obvious at a glance. Or see the attached picture. Of course it is a GTK Assistant window rather than a Windows Wizard window, so it looks different.
General Discussion / Re: Can't load back colonists
« Last post by vorpal+5 on Today at 12:20:02 AM »
Ok, I'll post the save in the debug thread. These ships are standard colony ships, they drop & load, except in this specific case, they don't want to load back.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by nakorkren on Yesterday at 08:38:10 PM »
Is there a way to make the system names pull from the System theme in random order, instead of alphabetical order? I'd swear there was supposed to be a check box for randomizing it, but for me it always run alphabetically which is kind of boring, and as a result I manually rename every system.
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by nakorkren on Yesterday at 08:36:26 PM »
I started getting error "2.5.1 Function #1500: constraint failed UNIQUE constraint failed: FCT_ShipDesignComponents.SDComponentID" every time I save. Doesn't seem to harm anything, although I haven't since tried closing the game and loading the save, as I'm afraid it might not actually be saving or might be corrupting the save.
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by pedter on Yesterday at 08:11:00 PM »
In v2.5.1, the smallest increment of jump drive tonnage, 10t, rounds to the nearest hull size in increments of 50t when checking if it can jump ships. A jump drive rated for 370t can only jump 350t, while a jump drive rated for 380t can jump a full 400t.
General Discussion / Re: Can't load back colonists
« Last post by Garfunkel on Yesterday at 07:00:23 PM »
That's for civilian shipping lines and does not affect player-controlled colony ships.

The colony needs either a spaceport or a cargo shuttle station, or each colony ship needs its own cargo shuttles. Sounds like covered all iterations (save&load, construction cycle) so this does sound like something being wonky.
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by ISN on Yesterday at 06:48:20 PM »
Minor issue: ramming attacks seem to occur once every sub-pulse, i.e. five per five-second increment, rather than once every five seconds. If you turn off one second sub-pulses they go back to attacking once per increment.

(I don't think I've ever actually seen a ramming attack succeed, even attacking five times per increment, so this doesn't really matter much, but they probably should be consistent.)
General Discussion / Re: Can't load back colonists
« Last post by Noriad on Yesterday at 06:16:11 PM »
I'm not an expert on this game but in the economics screen, tab "civilian/flags" you can set a colony as "source of colonists", "destination of colonists" or "stable".
However, if the population is less than 10 million, you can only select "destination of colonists".
The system themes are almost all created by players, so you can create an add your own. However, as the systems in a random game bear no relationships to known stars, any system theme would just randomly assign real star names to whatever system was generated.

Steve, this is a bit off-topic, but would it be feasible to add an option to use a system naming theme for Real Stars games? This would be a great help for multiple-player-race games with some player races as aliens and thus starting in other systems. It's a little weird when a player-controlled alien race from Zeta Reticuli transits their first jump point and discovers Gliese 182 or something.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Caesar on Yesterday at 04:53:09 PM »
Cheers! I'll use temporary waypoints, then. :)
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