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Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Comments Thread
« Last post by paolot on May 04, 2024, 10:22:51 AM »
The NPRs do consume fuel and have to produce it. They just don't suffer any penalty for being out of fuel except the overriding priority to refuel, so they will run out eventually.

Maybe I should modify minor races so that at some point they do develop jump capability, but not for several decades after creation.

Another option might be to have minor NPRs ignore the overriding priority for refuel, resupply, etc., either if they're out of fuel completely or at least reducing the priority of that order so they can effectively defend once they run out of resources. Since they are limited to a single system, the go-home-to-refuel behavior isn't as important from the perspective of simulation for the benefit of the player.

Another one can be every, let's say, two or three years the game regenerates minerals in the minor race system, and this triggers a (new) geosurvey to find them. This regeneration ends when the system is discovered by another race (the player or a NPRs), and the minor race can now discover/buy/steal the jump drive technology.
Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Comments Thread
« Last post by nuclearslurpee on May 04, 2024, 09:55:23 AM »
The NPRs do consume fuel and have to produce it. They just don't suffer any penalty for being out of fuel except the overriding priority to refuel, so they will run out eventually.

Maybe I should modify minor races so that at some point they do develop jump capability, but not for several decades after creation.

Another option might be to have minor NPRs ignore the overriding priority for refuel, resupply, etc., either if they're out of fuel completely or at least reducing the priority of that order so they can effectively defend once they run out of resources. Since they are limited to a single system, the go-home-to-refuel behavior isn't as important from the perspective of simulation for the benefit of the player.
Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Comments Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on May 04, 2024, 02:49:55 AM »
Now I'm wondering... with the Imperium occupied by clearing out Necron encampments and now the presence of the T'au (yet to come: Tyranids, Chaos), it seems increasingly likely that the Jotun will stick around for a while as they're too difficult to dislodge yet not a threat to anyone.

Which brings to mind a question: how do the minor NPRs handle the eventuality of running out of resources? With a normal NPR there is always the possibility of expanding to other systems to fuel the war machines, but a minor NPR lacks that option and so would eventually run out. I know NPR ships are, for uhhh reasons, not limited by a lack of fuel or MSP, but the AI pretends that it is and tries to refuel, resupply, etc. those ships - I imagine that drive could cause some difficulties if the minor race is defending their entry JP after 100 years and the refueling AI starts to override the "defend in place" AI.

The NPRs do consume fuel and have to produce it. They just don't suffer any penalty for being out of fuel except the overriding priority to refuel, so they will run out eventually.

Maybe I should modify minor races so that at some point they do develop jump capability, but not for several decades after creation.
Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Comments Thread
« Last post by nuclearslurpee on May 03, 2024, 06:51:09 PM »
Now I'm wondering... with the Imperium occupied by clearing out Necron encampments and now the presence of the T'au (yet to come: Tyranids, Chaos), it seems increasingly likely that the Jotun will stick around for a while as they're too difficult to dislodge yet not a threat to anyone.

Which brings to mind a question: how do the minor NPRs handle the eventuality of running out of resources? With a normal NPR there is always the possibility of expanding to other systems to fuel the war machines, but a minor NPR lacks that option and so would eventually run out. I know NPR ships are, for uhhh reasons, not limited by a lack of fuel or MSP, but the AI pretends that it is and tries to refuel, resupply, etc. those ships - I imagine that drive could cause some difficulties if the minor race is defending their entry JP after 100 years and the refueling AI starts to override the "defend in place" AI.
Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Updates Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on May 03, 2024, 10:19:29 AM »
The second invasion of Golgotha II took place on March 28th 4028 and comprised the primary invasion, plus a second, smaller wave a couple of days later, staged via a temporary base on Golgotha I.

First Wave
Janus Corps: 240 Heavy Mortar (ST/MB), 180 Departmento Munitorum Vehicle
  1st Janus Regiment: 3,200 Guardsmen – MK II Las Rifle, 240 Chimera MK II (LV/CSAP), 240 DM Section
  2nd Janus Regiment: (as above)
  3rd Janus Regiment: (as above)
  4th Janus Regiment: (as above)

1st Armoured Corps: 200 Departmento Munitorum Vehicle
  Konig Armoured Regiment: 100 Leman Russ, 2 Salamander Command Tank, 24 DMV
  Jantine Patricians: 42 Leman Russ, 49 Leman Russ MK II, 2 Salamander Command Tank, 35 DMV
  Grey Lancers: 100 Leman Russ MK II, 2 Salamander Command Tank, 24 DMV
  Arcturan Dragoons: 100 Leman Russ MK II, 2 Salamander Command Tank, 150 DM Section

Second Wave:
  1st Cadian Shock Troops: 3200 Guardsman – MK I Las Rifle, 240 Chimera MK I, 240 DM Section
  2nd Cadian Shock Troops: (as above)
  4th Cadian Shock Troops: (as above)

Almost three thousand guardsman, seventeen Leman Russ battle tanks and sixty Chimeras were lost on the first day, but the robotic Necron forces also took heavy losses, so the decision was made to press ahead with the battle. The second day, casualties were almost as high, but by the end of day three some Imperial formations began to break through the Necron lines. On day five,, the defenders broke and it was over by the end of the seventh day. Imperial casualties were nine thousand guardsmen, sixty tanks and three hundred Chimeras, which resulting in the disbanding of three of the engaged regiments. Even so, the planet was secured.

The survey of the ruined city required two months. One hundred and sixteen locations of interest were identified. Although study of the ancient construct took six months, it was an even more valuable find. The Ordo Xenos believed it would boost power and propulsion research on Golgotha II by up to ninety percent. Plans were laid to establish a colony and begin terraforming.

In September 4028, the Emperor made a decision to distribute some of Earth’s industry, in order to make use of governors specialised in different areas. Factories would be moved to Io, which already had over a hundred construction factories to match its eight hundred mines, while financial centres would be transferred to Terra’s moon, known as Luna. Shipyards and ground force training facilities would remain on Terra, along with various command and control facilities. It would take several years to build up the populations on Io and Luna and transports the required installations. Meanwhile, many of Earth’s remaining mines would be transferred to Gryphonne II, an Earth-sized world four transits from Sol. A huge terraforming effort was underway to transform Gryphonne II’s atmosphere from 0.35 atm of ammonia and 0.1 atm of nitrogen into a breathable environment.

In December 4028, the survey frigate Torchbearer was destroyed in the Necron system of Pyhrria after completing a gravitational survey. No jump points were found. The Necron ships were waiting close to the entry jump point from Lethe and attacked when she tried to exit. A month later, an Aquila class scout was destroyed by Necron surface-to-orbit weapons located on the third planet of the recently discovered system of Cypra Mundi.

On February 4th 4029, the first pair of Dauntless III light cruisers were constructed. Cerberus and Vanguard represented a significant step up from the Dauntless II-B, mounting a completely new weapons array, new shield generators, improved armour, upgraded sensors, more powerful reactors and more fuel-efficient engines. The weapons included the Astaroth Kinetics AK-30D Weapon Battery, which extended weapon range to the limit of contemporary fire control technology at 320,000 km, and the Valentinian-Ventris V12-240B Particle Lance, which was slower firing and provided less overall damage, but focused its energy to drill straight through the armour belts of enemy ships. The new void shields increased the shield strength by two-thirds, albeit with a 20% drop in armour thickness.

Dauntless III class Light Cruiser      30,000 tons       1,020 Crew       8,209.8 BP       TCS 600    TH 4,800    EM 10,710
8000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 4-86       Shields 357-571       HTK 191      Sensors 6/11/0/0     DCR 20-6      PPV 144
Maint Life 1.71 Years     MSP 4,420    AFR 360%    IFR 5.0%    1YR 1,830    5YR 27,452    Max Repair 1,200 MSP
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

RM-300-B Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 30000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-2400-MB2 (2)    Power 4800    Fuel Use 24.94%    Signature 2400    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 749,700 Litres    Range 18 billion km (26 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-119 Void Shield (3)     Recharge Time 571 seconds (0.6 per second)

Valentinian-Ventris V12-240B Particle Lance (4)    Range 240,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 37-5.5    ROF 35       
Astaroth Kinetics AK-30D Weapons Battery (8x4)    Range 320,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 21-5.5     ROF 20       
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10C Weapons Battery (8x4)    Range 60,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 3-3    ROF 5       
MK III Energy Weapon Fire Control (3)     Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 8,000 km/s    ECCM-2
R-50 Tokamak Fusion Reactor (2)     Total Power Output 100.3    Exp 5%

MK III Small Torpedo Detection Array (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
MK III Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1)     GPS 17640     Range 111.9m km    Resolution 120
MK III Electromagnetic Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
MK II Thermal Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  19.4m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 2    Missile 2   

Another Necron system was discovered on March 11th 4029. An Aquila scout probed a jump point in Baroda, a brown dwarf system five jumps from Sol, and discovered Praetoria, a red dwarf binary with eleven planets. The 500-ton scout headed in-system and encountered a pair of Necron Jackal class ships that shadowed the Aquila at a distance. Continuing in-system, it detected active sensor emissions from two Scarab class ships, the largest known Necron design at 28,750 tons, and a 19,000 tons Phaeron, all of which were in orbit of the second planets of the primary. Before the Aquila could move within sensor range, it was destroyed by a wave of Necron  torpedoes.

Three weeks later, an Imperial squadron comprising the Gothic-B class cruiser Righteous Fury, the recently completed Dauntless III light cruisers Cerberus and Vanguard and the light carrier Defiant entered Cypra Mundi and eliminated the Necron STO battery that had destroyed an Aquila three months earlier. Two Orca class troop transports landed the remaining two Cadian regiments, consolidated after the Golgotha campaign, which quickly defeated a small Necron ground force that had presumably been acting as a guard unit for the STOs. A survey of the planet revealed a destroyed alien outpost.

The first Defiant III class light carrier, Bellator Stoicus, was launched on June 9th 4029, the fourth light carrier overall. The design incorporated the latest shields and armour and had more fuel efficient engines than its predecessors. The strikegroup comprised twelve each of the latest Starhawk and Fury design, with the Aquilas of the earlier carriers being replaced by the new Thunderhawk II assault transport.

Defiant III class Light Carrier      30,000 tons       589 Crew       5,133.1 BP       TCS 600    TH 4,800    EM 3,570
8000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 3-86       Shields 119-571       HTK 137      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 21-7      PPV 0
Maint Life 1.64 Years     MSP 3,745    AFR 343%    IFR 4.8%    1YR 1,640    5YR 24,601    Max Repair 1,200 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 9,600 tons     Magazine 578 / 0   
Captain    Control Rating 2   BRG   AUX   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Flight Crew Berths 192    Morale Check Required   

RM-300-B Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 30000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-2400-MB2 (2)    Power 4800    Fuel Use 24.94%    Signature 2400    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 848,000 Litres    Range 20.4 billion km (29 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-119 Void Shield (1)     Recharge Time 571 seconds (0.2 per second)

MK III Standard Torpedo (48)    Speed: 54,000 km/s    Range: 8.7m km    WH: 16    Size: 12    TH: 237/142/71

MK III Small Torpedo Detection Array (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
MK III Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1)     GPS 17640     Range 111.9m km    Resolution 120
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Missile 2   

Strike Group
12x Fury II-B Interceptor   Speed: 20004 km/s    Size: 6
12x Starhawk II Bomber   Speed: 16002 km/s    Size: 8
1x Thunderhawk II Assault Transport   Speed: 22801 km/s    Size: 20

Starhawk II class Bomber      400 tons       1 Crew       90.2 BP       TCS 8    TH 128    EM 0
16002 km/s      Armour 1-4       Shields 0-0       HTK 3      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 3.6
Maint Life 1.30 Years     MSP 25    AFR 80%    IFR 1.1%    1YR 16    5YR 233    Max Repair 64 MSP
Magazine 24 / 0   
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days    Morale Check Required   

Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-128-MDB (1)    Power 128    Fuel Use 600%    Signature 128    Explosion 20%
Fuel Capacity 25,300 Litres    Range 1.9 billion km (32 hours at full power)

Fixed Torpedo Launcher (2)     Missile Size: 12    Hangar Reload 173 minutes    MF Reload 28 hours
MK III Starhawk Fire Control  (1)     Range 12.4m km    Resolution 12   ECCM-2
MK II Standard Torpedo (2)    Speed: 38,000 km/s    Range: 10.4m km    WH: 15    Size: 12    TH: 158/95/47
MK III Starhawk Augur Array (1)     GPS 252     Range 13.4m km    Resolution 120

Fury II-B class Interceptor      300 tons       1 Crew       131.2 BP       TCS 6    TH 120    EM 0
20004 km/s      Armour 1-3       Shields 0-0       HTK 2      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 1.65
Maint Life 1.86 Years     MSP 30    AFR 60%    IFR 0.8%    1YR 11    5YR 166    Max Repair 60 MSP
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 0.2 days    Morale Check Required   

Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-120-MDB2 (1)    Power 120    Fuel Use 1008.59%    Signature 120    Explosion 25%
Fuel Capacity 6,800 Litres    Range 0.4 billion km (5 hours at full power)

MK III Lascannon (1x2)    Range 60,000km     TS: 20,004 km/s     Power 1.5-1.5     RM 60,000 km    ROF 5       
MK III Fury Fire Control (1)     Max Range: 80,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s    ECCM-2     88 75 62 50 38 25 12 0 0 0
R-1B Tokamak Fusion Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 1.5    Exp 15%
MK III Fury Augur Array (1)     GPS 3     Range 2.7m km    MCR 244k km    Resolution 1

Thunderhawk II class Assault Transport      1,000 tons       4 Crew       260.5 BP       TCS 20    TH 456    EM 0
22801 km/s      Armour 1-8       Shields 0-0       HTK 4      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0
Maint Life 0 Years     MSP 0    AFR 199%    IFR 2.8%    1YR 154    5YR 2,313    Max Repair 228 MSP
Troop Capacity 500 tons     Boarding Capable   
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 0.3 days    Morale Check Required   

Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-456-MDB (1)    Power 456    Fuel Use 894.06%    Signature 456    Explosion 30%
Fuel Capacity 17,800 Litres    Range 0.36 billion km (4 hours at full power)
MK III Fury Augur Array (1)     GPS 3     Range 2.7m km    MCR 244k km    Resolution 1

Ground Forces
1x Space Marines - MK II Armour

On March 30th 4029, the Imperium encountered a new alien race in the Taranis system, six transits from Sol via the shortest path, although the increasing complexity of the jump network meant that several different routes could be used. Taranis was adjacent to Baroda, was which also connected to the recently discovered Necron system of Praetoria. A survey of Taranis was already underway when a troop transport bringing an Ordo Mineralis formation to investigate the second planet detected emissions from a ship of an unknown alien race. The planet around which the alien was located had previously been surveyed, so the alien had entered the system since the survey. The transport continued onward and moved within its own active sensor range. The alien ship, which Imperium Intelligence designated as Dalyth class, was 11,251 tons and had a maximum observed speed of 13,300 km/s, considerably faster than the 8000 km/s speed of Imperial warships.

Taranis was plainly not the home system of the aliens, which meant this new race was the greatest threat encountered by the Imperium. The Jotun did not seem to possess jump technology, as they made not attempt to leave their home system, while the Necrons had been encountered in eight different systems, but seemed content to guard what appeared to be the ruins of their civilization. This new race was actively exploring, which meant they could find Terra or one of its colonies. The only short-term positive was that they did not seem to be immediately hostile and the alien ship was prepared to attempt communications.

The resources of the Imperium were mobilised. A light cruiser and a light carrier were dispatched to the area, along with a second survey frigate, with replenishment ships following in their wake. Stabilisation ships were re-directed to extend the stable jump network to the area, while the three Empyrean class jump tenders were sent to provide jump capability until that network was in place. Once the Empyreans were in place, colony ships, mass conveyors and troop transports would emplace an Imperial base in Taranis, to serve as a forward outpost against this new threat. The site chosen for the new base was Taranis II, a super-terrestrial world, 21,000 km in diameter with a gravity of 1.64G gravity. The dense oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere of almost 3 atm, with 0.75 atm of oxygen, combined with the size of the planet would make terraforming very difficult, but as it was colony cost 2.00 a population could be supported with sufficient infrastructure. The dominant terrain was mountain rainforest, making it ideal for ground-based defences.

In October 4029, a jump point was detected in Taranis. An Aquila class scout dispatched to investigate found two more alien ships stationed on the jump point: a 72,600-ton Kirla and a 6,900-to Kysan. The planned colony on Taranis II was still not established, mainly due to getting the slow-moving jump tenders into position. The Aquila transited and emerged in a red dwarf system, named Helican, with seven planets, the first of which had a thin nitrogen – oxygen atmosphere. The jump point on the Helican side was stabilised, which suggested this was the route to the main part of the alien territory and also that the large alien vessel on the Taranis side of the jump point was potentially a stabilisation ship. The scout conducted a sweep of the inner planets, finding no sign of any alien presence. A month later, full communications was established. The alien race referred to itself as the Tau Empire.

On November 13th 4029 the first Gothic II class cruiser, Invincible, was launched. She was a much larger version of the Dauntless III, mounting eight Valentinian-Ventris V12-240B Particle Lances, fifteen Astaroth Kinetics AK-30D Weapon Batteries and twenty-four AK-10C Weapon Batteries. Invincible’s shields were twice as strong as a Dauntless III, but would recharge just as quickly, giving her exceptional staying power. She would be especially effective against missile attacks with an interval between salvos of ten minutes or more, such as those launched by the Necrons.

Gothic II class Cruiser      60,000 tons       2,006 Crew       15,975.8 BP       TCS 1,200    TH 9,600    EM 21,420
8000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 5-136       Shields 714-571       HTK 371    Sensors 6/11/0/0     DCR 42-7      PPV 303
Maint Life 1.62 Years     MSP 7,989    AFR 686%    IFR 9.5%    1YR 3,574    5YR 53,611    Max Repair 1,200 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 1,000 tons     
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Flight Crew Berths 20    Morale Check Required   

RM-600-B Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 60000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-2400-MB2 (4)    Power 9600    Fuel Use 24.94%    Signature 2400    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,564,000 Litres    Range 18.8 billion km (27 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-119 Void Shield (6)     Recharge Time 571 seconds (1.3 per second)

Valentinian-Ventris V12-240-B Particle Lance (8)    Range 240,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 37-5.5    ROF 35       
Astaroth Kinetics AK-30D Weapons Battery (15x4)    Range 320,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s    Power 21-5.5    ROF 20       
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10C Weapons Battery (24x4)    Range 60,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 3-3    ROF 5       
MK III Energy Weapon Fire Control (4)     Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 8,000 km/s    ECCM-2
R-50 Tokamak Fusion Reactor (4)     Total Power Output 200.6    Exp 5%

MK III Small Torpedo Detection Array (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
MK II Cruiser Active Augur Array (1)     GPS 30240     Range 146.5m km    Resolution 120
MK III Electromagnetic Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
MK II Thermal Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  19.4m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 2    Missile 2   

Strike Group
1x Thunderhawk II Assault Transport   Speed: 22801 km/s    Size: 20

A second Gothic II, Holy Flame, was completed on December 14th. At about the same time, The survey of Taranis was completed without the discovery of any further jump points. The survey frigates Black Star and Emperor’s Light moved into Helican. A month later, the Tau completed the stabilisation of the Taranis – Helican jump point.

By the end of January 4030, the implementation of the Emperor’s decision to specialise the Imperium economy was well underway. Sixty percent of construction factories had been moved to Io and eighty percent of financial centres to Terra’s moon. Io also had nine hundred and fifty mining complexes, with a further fourteen hundred mines split between five other mining colonies. Forty-two Hephaestus class orbital mining platforms with over a thousand orbital mining modules were split between five comets, all in different systems.

Population: 2,231m
Naval Shipyard Capacity: 522,216 tons
Commercial Shipyard Capacity: 3,655,309 tons
Research Facility: 118
Ground Force Construction Complex: 15
Construction Factory: 802
Ordnance Factory: 202
Fighter Factory: 204
Mine: 40
Fuel Refinery: 105
Maintenance Facility: 493
Financial Centre: 152

Duranium:   131,543   0.60
Neutronium:   3,887   0.13
Boronide:   1,621   0.11
Vendarite:   36,705   0.32
Sorium:   6,594   0.15
Corundium:   3,778   0.13
Gallicite:   8,812   0.17

Population: 575m
Construction Factory: 1,261
Mine: 950
Fighter Factory: 40

Duranium:   3,598,788   0.80
Neutronium:   1,192,337   0.50
Vendarite:   194,099   0.40
Corundium:   355,147   0.60

Colony Cost 2.0.
Population: 107.62m
Financial Centre: 595

Gryphonne II
Population: 97m
Mine: 495

Duranium:   47,445,611   0.80
Corbomite:   29,091,841   0.10
Boronide:   33,623,027   0.50
Vendarite:   14,650,189   0.10
Sorium:   27,853,889   0.10
Uridium:   5,379,005   0.10
Gallicite:   29,064,684   0.90

Hesperus II
Population: 95m
Mine: 311

Duranium:   2,763,889   0.90
Corbomite:   2,394,111   0.70
Boronide:   3,202,150   0.80
Mercassium:   3,702,363   0.70

Kapteyn Base
Population: 61 m
Mine: 215

Duranium:   392,899   0.90
Tritanium:   294,591   0.90
Corundium:   294,591   0.90

Orpheus III - Moon 4
Population: 50m
Mine: 214

Duranium:   81,034   0.90
Corbomite:   59,422   0.60
Tritanium:   352,081   1.00
Sorium:   794,276   0.70
Uridium:   439,901   0.70
Gallicite:   565,009   0.90

Colchis Fleet Base
Population: 26.5m
Mine: 167
Automated Mine: 6

Duranium:   87,886   0.90
Tritanium:   279,608   0.70
Mercassium:   337,744   0.90
Vendarite:   439,016   0.90
Gallicite:   284,639   0.90

Golgotha II
Population: 22.7m
90% Power/Propulsion Construct
Research Facility: 6

Wolf 359 III
Population: 18m

Alpha Centauri-B V
Population: 15.4m

Moebius III - Moon 5
Population: 10.2m
Mine: 27
Automated Mine: 8

Duranium:   125,901   1.00
Vendarite:   155,819   0.90
Corundium:   89,003   0.90
Gallicite:   124,430   0.80

Major Orbital Mining Colonies

Sabatine Comet #2
300 Orbital Mining Modules

Neutronium:   52,726   1.00
Corbomite:   57,680   1.00
Boronide:   23,341   0.50
Mercassium:   73,278   0.60
Vendarite:   140,455   0.90
Gallicite:   143,617   0.70

Scarus Comet #1
300 Orbital Mining Modules

Duranium:   265,460   0.90
Neutronium:   92,336   0.60
Corbomite:   11,117   0.38
Uridium:   4,157   0.23
Corundium:   77,217   0.50

Kapteyn’ Star Comet #3
150 Orbital Mining Modules

Duranium:   344,994   0.80
Tritanium:   55,074   0.60
Boronide:   2,472   0.24
Corundium:   13,953   0.54
Gallicite:   31,646   0.95

Orpheus Comet #3
200 Orbital Mining Modules

Duranium:   90,453   1.00
Tritanium:   3,943   0.36
Boronide:   78,675   0.50
Gallicite:   124,871   0.90

Midgard Comet #6
100 Orbital Mining Modules

Duranium:   132,125   1.00
Tritanium:   27,654   0.70
Boronide:   256,423   1.00
Mercassium:   54,627   0.90
Vendarite:   60,713   0.70
Gallicite:   35,769   0.80
Zap0's Fiction / The Black Dawn Subspace Flare
« Last post by Zap0 on May 03, 2024, 09:38:48 AM »
Here a short story from the Fallen Empires multiplayer game, in which I was co-GM. That's why this forum has gotten quiet, I'm roleplaying on Discord these days :-)

The Subspace Flare worked and the second human spacefaring civilization was wiped out, with their remnants having fled and rebuilding for the reboot of the game that's starting now after a few months downtime. Check it out!

I originally posted this on November 4th 2023.

"Why? Why did the Exterminators come here and attempted to wipe out our civilization?"

There is hardly a Human that has lived in the past 800 years that has not asked themselves that question. The explanations and conjectures people come up with are manyfold. But for some the answer is that it is simply natural evolution, the logical next step for Humanity. People who believe such things are called believers or members of the Black Dawn, as they await another dark day for Humanity. When the ancient fleets emerged and reenabled communication between the surviving systems these people found each other and formed a star-spanning religious order to share their dangerous ideas and organize themselves.
These people exist on Canuxa, the main industrial planet of Xenophon's Host, too. Canuxa is a harsh world to live on. It's clime is relatively moderate, but the major population hotspots are all at unpleasant latitudes or other inhospitable regions. Planned and purpose-built for industrial efficiency by administrators who live on planet Kelainai, one orbit closer to the sun, and who will likely never set foot on Canuxa themselves. The ruling class of Kelainai are descendents of survivors of the first Human civilization, who drifted through normal space in cryo sleep for hundreds of years. For them the burning cities, the burning worlds, were still fresh in their minds. The war had never stopped. And when they set out to continue fighting it they needed laborers to build their ships. Biological reproduction being too slow, they turned to cloning more, more and ever greater numbers of people to fulfil their need.

It is uncertain whether the clones, being the blank slates they were, came up with the ideas that constitute the Black Dawn themselves or if that thought was passed on to them by some survivors that were scarred beyond hope by the destruction of their homes and all they had ever known. Certain is that in the present day believers and direct members are scattered across the breadth of Canuxan society.
Today that certainty has manifested itself through a chain of actions that starts at a Canuxa spaceport, where a large piece of machinery, easily four meters across and covered in tarp and protective covering, is loaded into the cargo hold of a vessel by an industrial-sized cargo mech, steered by rugged-looking hardhat-wearing dock workers. The ship being loaded is not a freighter however, but cryo transport Kios 003 due to haul a work crew to Kelainai to construct another facility there: All other opened loading ramps are receiving cryosleep sarcophagi. Hauled in one by one in orderly lines by ordinary forklifts, deep into the belly of the beast. Sheep to the slaughter, already in their coffins.

A few million kilometers after having broken orbit calm and routine starts to settle in with the skeleton crew operating the ship. The vast majority of the souls aboard will be asleep and frozen for the duration of their three-day journey to Kelainai. One of the crew members excuses themselves from the bridge. Not an unusual event, as now the boring part of the journey begins. As they are about to leave the bridge they rest their hand briefly against the bulkhead, and one can make out a black mark on the back of their hand. Like coal, or Ashes.
Nausea is the first sensation Imixeros has after waking up. A common side-effect of being awoken from cryosleep without the proper drugs before the cycle ends. Looking to his sides, his comrades are fighting the same sensation. He controls the impulse, righting himself and gathering his senses. There they are, the four of them chosen for this holy mission, all alone in a massive, dark cargo hold full of neatly aligned cryosleep sarcophagi, only illuminated by status light indicators. The mole in the crew who had initiated their waking up has already left. The group makes its way to the wall of the cargo hold and removes a loosened piece of wall paneling. Behind it are the tools they will require for the next part of the operation.

The massive blast catches the bored bridge crew completely by surprise. The door falls in, and two armed, robed cultists storm the bridge. During the moment it takes for the smoke to clear away through the air filters the assailants can orient themselves and take position, but it also allows for the crew to come to their senses. The crew manning the comms and navigation stations are shot before they can react, but the helmsman reacts quickly, draws his sidearm and strikes down one of the assailants before being hit by return fire from the other. The captain, a veteran of military service, reacts on instinct and takes out the other attacker with a well-placed shot in the chest. With both attackers dead, a moment passes as the captain anticipates further assaults. None come, and silence sets in. Then, a click next to his head. The safety of a sidearm being undone, held to his head by his operations officer. On the back of his hand the black line, semicircle and sunrays that make up the emblem of the Black Dawn.
Kios 003, I repeat, you are ordered to explain the diversion from your course and respond. The radio clicks, but neither the mole, still in his uniform, nor the other cultist who had arrived after clearing out engineering pays it any attention. On one of their consoles a dot starts moving.

"An Aeacus-Class Interceptor is heading our way. Heading for LP1, to be exact."

"Trying to cut us off, no doubt. Would get there before us, too. Too bad they don't know our real destination."

"No danger then. Has Imixeros taken care of the off-duty crew yet?"

"Yes, they've all been sent ahead. I swear, he loves this a little too much."

"He's bloodthirsty, but he has fire. I've set the Autopilot. Come, let's go down and help him set up."
They throw off the last of the covering sheets and spend a moment beholding the machine. It is beautiful. Both in a conventional sense, and as for what it represents to them. With nobody but the three cultists left conscious aboard the ship, they've turned the lights on in the cargo hold to conduct their work. Twin spires in the center of the machine in which the chain reaction will build. Particle generators and associated control systems to the sides, covered by heavily engraved metal sheets made of a material that almost makes them look like stone, and the machine like an altar. It takes a few hours to connect it to the power supply of the ship. As they work, one question is on their minds: Will it work? They were burning with anticipation. Only one way to find out.
The machine was charging. They've sat down to wait, exhausted from their work aboard the ship. Only old man Imixeros is still about, fiddling with a large commercial subspace broadcast unit they'd obtained from a large news agency rich enough to have something so powerful that it can send to all settled worlds in the cluster. It won't override ongoing broadcasts on other frequencies, but that is okay, as it'll send cleanly on all unused ones.

"Are you sure the transmission will even work?"

"Ah-ha! I've got it."

As if on cue to the question Imixeros clicks the broadcast button and takes position in front of the camera, the machine in the background.

"Welcome, citizens of the cluster...!"
The broadcast can be received by common household equipment throughout the settled systems. It is impossible to block.

A bony looking man past his prime in a dark robe speaks excitedly at the viewer, but the real eye-catcher is the tall machine behind the man which is what the camera is facing up to. It is beautiful, with two spires in the center slowly rotating around a central point of light. A hum can be heard, and both the noise and the light grow over time as the spires gradually rotate faster. The engraving on the machine is as aesthetically pleasing as it conveys a sense of foreboding. Even the more casually familiar can make out the iconography and imagery of the Order of the Black Dawn in the high-res video feed - not that the man in the robe is making a secret of him being a true believer.

Imixeros, the excited man in the robe, speaks about the anticipated return of the Exterminators, and how the subspace flare behind him shall penetrate into their dimension and give them a guiding sign, a prayer for their return, his tone growing in agitation as the machine behind him builds up energy.
The rotating spires eventually become too fast for eyes to follow, and the light source elongates up and down between the spires as both they and the man come to a crescendo. It becomes clear that something is not alright with him as his voice changes, and eventually as he falls to his knees, but never ceasing to preach the doctrine of the Black Dawn to the camera. More and more light leaks out of the containment between the spires and the background noise drowns out the hoarse noises the man still manages to produce. The light behind him grows into a massive flare that outshines everything else, but the camera still catches his face in the frame, literally melting from the radiation the machine must be producing on all wavelengths.

Not long after the radiation fries the broadcasting equipment too and the transmission cuts out.

17 April 3002, News report:

After building to an overload, the so-called "subspace flare" that was the item of yesterdays unauthorized broadcast destroyed itself. The Order of the Black Dawn has officially claimed responsibility for the incident, with someone purporting to be the High Prophet himself making a statement to that effect. The ship, the Kios 003 in the Xenophon home system, was found in a position on a line exactly 1/1024th of the distance between Xenophon-A and its equally-sized companion star Xenophon-B. The radiation destroyed all complex systems aboard and contaminated all other materials, making the ship a total loss. None of the crew, assailants or any of the 50 000 workers in cryosleep survived.
Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Comments Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on April 25, 2024, 04:42:11 PM »
The Necron light torpedoes started to engage the Expeditionary Force once more,  but the Imperial attack had disrupted the coordination of the waves and they now arrived in alternative salvos of twenty and twelve, posing no significant threat.
Would this be considered a bug in the NPR's targeting routines? I'd think they'd want to mass as many missiles in a given time increment as possible.

The cowardly and duplicitous Jotun would be destroyed and their resources used to fuel the Imperial war machine.
Hey - that looks to be Race040 from my race image pack! Neat to see it in the wild.

Yes, there are some issues around the NPRs not always synchronizing their salvos. The situation above, plus another in which they have different fire control ranges.

Yes, I use the pack you created. Thanks for that!
Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Comments Thread
« Last post by AlStar on April 25, 2024, 09:42:21 AM »
The Necron light torpedoes started to engage the Expeditionary Force once more,  but the Imperial attack had disrupted the coordination of the waves and they now arrived in alternative salvos of twenty and twelve, posing no significant threat.
Would this be considered a bug in the NPR's targeting routines? I'd think they'd want to mass as many missiles in a given time increment as possible.

The cowardly and duplicitous Jotun would be destroyed and their resources used to fuel the Imperial war machine.
Hey - that looks to be Race040 from my race image pack! Neat to see it in the wild.
Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Updates Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on April 25, 2024, 06:49:38 AM »
After the discovery of the Jotun, the build-up of the Imperial Navy became the highest priority for the Imperium. The development of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Drive technology led to a new round of upgrades for the Firestorm II, Dauntless II, Gothic II and Defiant classes in 4025 and 4026. Every class received the new Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-2400-MB engine, upgraded ECM components and updated fire controls to handle the 8000 km/s speed of the II-B designs.

Other new technology had also recently become available, such as Tokamak reactors, Laminate Composite armour, longer-ranged weapon batteries and a new particle lance weapon, but these were not included in the refits as the increase in capability would not justify almost doubling the refit cost. Instead, once all the refits were completed, new ships would be built to an updated specification.

On December 17th 4025, the first pair of ELINT intelligence ships were launched. Daedalus and Icarus would be used to quietly observe alien populations in order to learn their secrets. The small size of the ship and its thermally-reduced engines would make it difficult for hostile powers to detect. Daedalus was immediately dispatched to the Jotunheim system.

Daedalus class Intelligence Ship      2,000 tons       59 Crew       406.3 BP       TCS 40    TH 80    EM 0
4000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-14       Shields 0-0       HTK 22      Sensors 6/5/0/0      DCR 4-20      PPV 0
Maint Life 15.47 Years     MSP 507    AFR 8%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 4    5YR 60    Max Repair 120 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 120 months    Morale Check Required   

RM-20-B Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 2000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-160-MT (1)    Power 160    Fuel Use 67.08%    Signature 80.0    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 227,900 Litres    Range 30.6 billion km (88 days at full power)

MK II Commercial Active Augur Array (1)     GPS 1920     Range 31.5m km    Resolution 120
MK II Thermal Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  19.4m km
ELINT Module (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  17.7m km

In February 4026, known space reached one hundred systems, six of which contained alien races.

Aexe Cardinal was a young system, two transits beyond the Necron system of Moebius, with seven planets, twelve moons and three hundred and forty-two asteroids. Two survey ships were assigned, as the combination of the system age with the large amount of real estate had the potential to yield valuable mineral resources. Aexe Cardinal I, a Venusian world, was the first body to be surveyed. In addition to extensive deposits of numerous mineral deposits at medium accessibility, it had a high chance of a ground survey improving those results.

Aexe Cardinal I Survey Report
Duranium:   3,553,778   0.70
Neutronium:   216,225   1.00
Corbomite:   6,620,329   0.50
Boronide:   2,907,025   0.30
Mercassium:   4,060,225   0.10
Vendarite:   984,064   0.40
Uridium:   753,424   0.80
Corundium:   15,376   0.40
Gallicite:   1,177,225   0.70

This early indication was a sign that the system had to be secured, so the first offensive military operation of the Imperium was launched to remove the Necrons from the Moebius system. Both Gothic-B class cruisers, three Dauntless II-B light cruisers and both Defiant class carriers were dispatched to Colchis Base, an asteroid in the Colchis system that had large, accessible mineral deposits and was massive enough to support an atmosphere. The asteroid was in the final stages of terraforming and already had a population over twelve million, plus extensive orbital basing facilities capable of supporting the Imperial Expeditionary Force. Colchis Base was within striking range of three Necron systems, including Moebius, making it an ideal forward operating base.

First Expeditionary Fleet
Gothic-B class Cruiser: Imperial Wrath, Righteous Fury
Dauntless II-B class Light Cruiser: Divine Crusade, Ravenor, Vengeful Martyr
Defiant-B class Light Carrier: Archangel, Defiant
2x Thunderhawk class Assault Transport:
4x Aquila IV class Scout:
24x Starhawk-B class Bomber:
24x Fury-B class Interceptor:

The Expeditionary Force entered Moebius, paused at two hundred million kilometres and dispatched an Aquila scout to check the second planet, the location of the previously detected Necron forces, then changed course to investigate Moebius III, a gas giant with twenty-four moons. The fleet confirmed the lack of any alien presence at the gas giant and set course for the second planet, with the small scout just thirty million kilometres from the same destination, approaching without active sensors. Unfortunately, that was not enough to avoid detection and the scout’s passive sensors detected inbound torpedoes. The Aquila engaged active sensors just before they hit but detected nothing else within its fifteen million kilometre range. The salvo comprised ten size-9 torpedoes with strength-7 warheads travelling at 34,555 km/s, sufficient to blow the 500-ton scout into very tiny pieces.

The Expeditionary Force closed on the second planet and detected the same ships as the Starhawk-R mission four years earlier. A 19,164 ton Scythe class, Shroud, Cartouche and Khopesh class ships of 9,590 tons and a dozen Mephrit class ships of 979 tons. At fifty-two million kilometres, the fleet was attacked by a single salvo of ten torpedoes. The fleet used its eighty-four AK-10 weapon batteries for point defence, which resulted in massive overkill on nine torpedoes, but the tenth slipped through and impacted the shields of Imperial Wrath.

Further salvos of ten torpedoes arrived approximately ten minutes apart, with only occasional hits, then pairs of salvos which accomplished the same. A single salvo of forty-eight torpedoes, travelling at 51,844 km/s and estimated to be from the Mephrit class ships, caused more concern, so the fleet’s twenty-four Fury class interceptors were launched to provide additional point defence. Thirty-one inbounds were killed by the fleet’s AK-10 weapon batteries, four by the larger AK-25s and seven by the Furies. Four more missed, leaving just two to expend themselves on the shields of Imperial Wrath. Further salvos of ten continued to arrive in pairs five seconds apart, but posed no real threat. The Expeditionary Force moved within three million kilometres of the planet and detected a ground force signature of 22,000 tons, which probably represented a much larger force after accounting for fortifications.

At one point two million kilometres, the Expeditionary Force came under attack from waves of thirty-two small torpedoes with strength-1 warheads, travelling at 77,200 km/s and arriving every ten seconds. Despite the Furies bolstering the fleet’s point defence once again, several torpedoes from each wave impacted the shields of either Righteous Fury or the carrier Defiant. The Starhawks were launched and ordered to target the largest enemy ship, designated as Scythe class, with a wave of forty-eight MK II-B Standard Torpedoes. Once the Starhawks coordinated their targeting and launched, the Necron torpedo waves began attacking the Imperial torpedoes. The range to the planet was 800,000 km.

Thirty-nine of the Starhawks’ torpedoes detonated, but twenty-eight of those hits decoys. Ten strength-15 warheads were not sufficient to penetrate the Scythe’s armour. The Starhawks landed and began to re-arm, although that process would take too long to affect the battle further. The Necron light torpedoes started to engage the Expeditionary Force once more,  but the Imperial attack had disrupted the coordination of the waves and they now arrived in alternative salvos of twenty and twelve, posing no significant threat.

370,000 kilometres from the planet, the cruiser Righteous Fury came under attack from surface-based energy weapons, estimated to be large bombardment cannons. All thirteen shots missed. The Defiant class carriers and their escorting Furies were ordered to pull back to 500,000 km while the other five ships continued onward. At 250,000 km, four of the five Imperial warships opened fire at with weapon batteries, inflicting multiple armour hits on the four larger Necron ships. Righteous Fury bombarded the planet, trying to eliminate the surface-based batteries. Five seconds later, at 210,000 km, they followed up with lance batteries, penetrating armour on two ships, then held position at that range to avoid getting too close to the STO batteries.

The second volley from the Imperial ships penetrated the armour of all the Necron ships. A massive strength-118 secondary explosion destroyed the Cartouche; the first alien kill for Imperial Wrath and the Imperium and the beginning of humanity’s revenge. The cruiser joined her sister ship in bombarding the planet. Meanwhile, the twelve small Mephrits broke orbit and ran, while the other Necron ships charged the Expeditionary Force

The surface-based bombardment cannon fired again, inflicting four strength-8 hits on Righteous Fury, which destroyed four of them when she returned fire. The Imperial ships continued to hold their position and pounded the approaching Necrons. The Khopesh and Shroud were both disabled, followed by the larger Scythe. All fire was directed against the planet, while the fleet’s two Thunderhawks and their space marines were dispatched to board the crippled alien ships.

The end of the brief engagement was in sight. The last of the STO weapons were eliminated, while the marines boarded and captured the Scythe – an escort design with thirty-two light torpedo launchers. The Fury class interceptors were dispatched to run down and destroy the fleeing Mephrits while the marines boarded their Thunderhawks and assaulted the two smaller disabled ships.

Scythe class Escort Cruiser      19,164 tons       384 Crew       3,063.6 BP       TCS 383    TH 2,176    EM 0
5677 km/s      Armour 6-63       Shields 0-0       HTK 115      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 8-4      PPV 32
Maint Life 0.85 Years     MSP 799    AFR 367%    IFR 5.1%    1YR 937    5YR 14,061    Max Repair 520.6 MSP
Magazine 1,723 / 144   
Captain    Control Rating 2   BRG   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magneto-plasma Drive  EP544 (4)    Power 2176    Fuel Use 27.12%    Signature 544    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 750,000 Litres    Range 26 billion km (52 days at full power)

Size 24 Decoy Launcher (6)     Decoy Size: 24    Hangar Reload 245 minutes    MF Reload 40 hours
Size 1 Missile Launcher (32)     Missile Size: 1    Rate of Fire 10
Missile Fire Control FC19-R1 (7)     Range 19.6m km    Resolution 1   ECCM-2

Active Search Sensor AS16-R1 (1)     GPS 82     Range 16.9m km    MCR 1.5m km    Resolution 1
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 2    Missile 2   

The Imperium warships moved toward the planet to check for any shorter-ranged surface defences. At 90,000 km, Righteous Fury suffered a single strength-20 hit. Six other shots missed. The ships pulled back and opened fire, quickly eliminating the new threat. The fleet moved closer once again, this time without incident. The next phase would be to land Imperium troops to eliminate the remaining Necron ground forces.

Due to the Imperium focus on building its economy, the ground forces had been neglected, apart from the various Ordo formations and planetary defence regiments. Only six armoured formations with a total of six hundred Leman Russ battle tanks, were available. Each tank was 104 tons. On May 22nd 4026, they were landed on Moebius II by three Orca class troop transports. Losses were heavy and immediate. The alien forces comprised a large amount of robotic infantry supported by hundreds of larger Mech-type units with similar capabilities to the Imperium tanks, but utilising superior technology. An evacuation was ordered and half the original assault force made it back to the ships. To their credit, they managed to destroy almost forty percent of the Necron defenders. Meanwhile, an orbital survey revealed a ruined colony on the surface, apparently guarded by the Necrons. Perhaps the ruins of another fallen civilization from two thousand years ago.

A second invasion was launched several months later that included the survivors of the first assault plus four new armoured regiments with improved armour and weapons. This time there was no retreat. Thirteen days after the landing, all enemy forces had been eliminated. Losses were significantly lower than the first attack. There were no alien installations on the surface, but it was now clear for the Ordo Xenos to survey the ruins.

In November 4026, a second operation was launched, this time against the Necrons in Golgotha. This was undertaken by the same Imperial Navy fleet, with the exception of the light cruiser Divine Crusade, which was still covering the ongoing activity in Moebius. The known Necron forces comprised three Triarch class frigates armed with 25cm bombardment cannon, a pair of similarly sized Crypteks of unknown capability, two larger ships, a Dirge and a Deathmark – also never previously encountered, and a dozen Mephrit fast attack craft, each armed with four single-shot torpedo launchers.

Expeditionary Fleet
Gothic-B class Cruiser: Imperial Wrath, Righteous Fury
Dauntless II-B class Light Cruiser: Ravenor, Vengeful Martyr
Defiant-B class Light Carrier: Archangel, Defiant
2x Thunderhawk class Assault Transport:
3x Aquila IV class Scout:
24x Starhawk-B class Bomber:
24x Fury-B class Interceptor:

Necron Forces in Golgotha
1x Dirge 19,271 tons
1x Deathmark 19,212 tons
3x FF Triarch 9,553 ton, 5,686 km/s, 5x 25cm Bombardment Cannons
2x Cryptek 9,567 tons, 5,686 km/s.
12x Mephrit 979 tons.

This time there was no long-range torpedo fire, apart from a single salvo from the Mephrits. When the Expeditionary Fleet moved within one point two million kilometres of the planet, it came under attack from waves of sixty-nine light torpedoes, with a speed of 77,200 km/s. The Furies were deployed to improve point defence coverage and the Starhawk class bombers were ordered to conduct an attack on the Deathmark to distract the defenders. While the Starhawks were still coordinating their launch, the Necrons changed targeting to the bombers.

The first Starhawk exploded just as the Imperium torpedoes were launched, but they had to remain on station to provide guidance for their own torpedoes. Four were destroyed and several other damaged before they could return to the relative safety of their hangar bays. Twenty-two of the MK II-B Standard Torpedoes reached the Deathmark. Nine avoided the decoys and struck the target, with two penetrating the armour. As with the Imperial torpedo launch in Moebius, the attack also disrupted the Necron launches, reducing the effect of the large waves of light torpedoes.

The carriers and the Furies were detached at half a million kilometres as the four Imperial warships approached the planet. They came under attack from the surface and from the Triarchs, while still fending off light torpedoes, but their superior firepower was decisive. Once the alien ships began taking damage, the smaller ships ran – except for one damaged Triarch that charged the Imperial squadron. The Dirge and Deathmark appeared to be orbital bases, with the Dirge being the source of the light torpedoes. The Imperial warships blasted the bases into scrap metal, disabled the approaching frigate, then circled around the planet to chase the other four ships, while focusing their fire on the surface batteries. By the time the battle ended, the three Triarchs had all been disabled and captured, the STOs had been eliminated and every other Necron ship destroyed.
In December, a survey of Golgotha revealed a ruined city and a large ancient construct, believed to be research-related, although a ground survey by the Ordo Xenos would be needed to confirm. In Moebius the survey had been completed, revealing sixty-seven locations of interest that could yield recoverable installations or supplies.

At the end of the month, the first Imperial warship to be completed in several years was launched: the Defiant class light carrier Imperial Ghost. All further construction had been delayed due to the imminent availability of several new technologies, including larger and longer-ranged weapon batteries, new shield generators, faster-charging capacitors, better sensors and improved fuel consumption. Shipyards would be begin retooling with the next generation of warship designs at some point in 4027, with the first new ships laid down in 4028. The changes were so extensive that the existing fleet would not be refitted.

On April 22nd 4027, the invasion of Golgotha II was launched with eight armoured regiments, comprising three hundred Leman Russ battle tanks and five hundred Leman Russ MK IIs, roughly the same force that triumphed in the Second Battle of Moebius Unfortunately, the lessons of the first Moebius invasion had not been learned. The Necron forces on Golgotha II were significantly stronger than the original Moebius garrison and the invasion was a disaster. Four hundred tanks were lost before the survivors were evacuated, with the Necrons losing around ten percent of their force. It would take considerable time to build up for a new invasion.

The situation became even worse for the Imperium on February 8th 2028. The diplomatic station and Daedalus class intelligence ship in orbit of Jotunheim II were destroyed in an surprise attack by the Jotun. Communication had not been established and the Jotun seemed reluctant to engage, but there was no threat of hostilities beyond an occasional unintelligible message. The attacking ship was a 64,755 ton Midgard class cruiser, armed with forty-nine 20cm lasers plus a spinal laser and moving at speed of 5396 km/s. Eight Midgards had been identified, which gave the Jotun a 4-1 advantage in cruiser-sized warships, although their technology appeared to be less advanced. The attacking Midgard was accompanied by Hrothgar class ships of 44,000 tons, which also had military engines but did not open fire. Ten Hrothgars were known to be in service. This meant war. The cowardly and duplicitous Jotun would be destroyed and their resources used to fuel the Imperial war machine.

Gothic III - Conventional / Re: Gothic III - Comments Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on April 21, 2024, 10:03:28 AM »
It's interesting to see how the warship designs start off with a different sort of 'balance' from the conventional start, especially with limited scientist admin meaning you can't just rush MP drive tech in 10 years. Starting off with the 25cm railguns is certainly different!

I'm curious, Steve, if you've ever considered building your colony ships as hybrid colonist transport + cargo hold vessels that can transport their own infrastructure (200 or 250 per million, I would suppose). These would be pretty massive ships which feels very Warhammer to me.

Gothic class Cruiser

I admit, I'm a little offended that this isn't the Lunar class. Gothics are lance boats, dammit!  :P

That said, 60,000 tons... really liking the upscaled warship sizes in this one!

Will be interesting to see how the Jotun develop. You did start with 10 NPRs, but from the sound of it the Jotun are probably a minor race and so probably not much use as allies unless the trade income is worth it? So probably a better target for exterminatus. That said, between the Necron threat and yet-to-appear threats from the Dark Eldar, Tyranid, and Chaos factions, will the Imperium have the time and resources to carry out such a holy mission?

Yes, I got to 25cm railguns fairly quickly. The Imperium has 30cm railguns and 60,000 km range modifier, but waiting for Capacitor 6 before deploying them, as the 25cm seems better before that point.

These cruisers are much more lance heavy than any of my designs in previous AAR (and the Gothic II will have particle lances) and have no torpedoes, so I went Gothic instead of Lunar :)

I tend to have more cargo ships than colony ships and also terraform where I can, so I would carrying excess weight in a lot of cases.

I'm past 100 systems now (will be covered in next update), so every possible threat is on the table. I have a much smaller military than normal for a 40K game, so hoping I can fix that before anything too scary turns up. I am currently embarked on my first combat mission to clear a Necron system - its April 4026.
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