Author Topic: Aurora increments Vs Missle interception  (Read 2941 times)

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Offline Kaiser (OP)

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Re: Aurora increments Vs Missle interception
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2020, 05:24:41 AM »
Anyway, I think this is the problem, a glitch from the VB6 has been inherited in C version.

I was reading te ship combat page on the Wiki and I found this:

Warning: there is a glitch in the game that can prevent incoming missiles from being detected and fired upon by your automated defenses if you choose a long increment time in battle. It's safer to stick to increments of under a minute.


Offline Jorgen_CAB

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Re: Aurora increments Vs Missle interception
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2020, 12:13:23 PM »
The problem here guys, is that entering in a new system you never know if it is populated with some hostile aliens or not.

Let's say my battle fleet just entered a new system, my active sensor did not spot anything (for whatever reason) everything looks quite, then you give order to go to this nice planet 3 billions far from your JP with a 5 days increment, suddently all your ships are destroyed by incoming missles that your point defence did not recognize because the 5 days increment.

If you had used a 8h increment or less you would avoid this, but you could not know it.

That is not hugely likely to happen as the NPR will likely set the pulses to allot lower long before that so you should get a fair warning when something is about to happen.
NPRs do not set pulse times.  Aurora is supposed to override your player selected pulse time while fire controls are active and/or missiles are in flight but it isn't reliable.

But that is the same thing... the game change pulses based on what the NPR does not just what the player does...