Author Topic: danger ratings for systems  (Read 4980 times)

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Re: danger ratings for systems
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2018, 05:29:30 PM »
Maybe add to star system a Sector Status next to Security Status. 
I think about give to star system a index with 3 diffrent status:
- Core System - capital, most important colonies and all system in center if we have enough big empire
- Rim System - not important system (low developed colonies) or to close to border to be core
- Border System - all frontier colonised system and uncololonised if we have any facility here (asteroid mine or listening station)

Then only for borders worlds player can block system for civilian.  That don't give to much, but player some tools to control. 
Also in future that could be used to other things and a lot of roleplay.  Civil War between rich core worlds and poor rimland ? Why not.  That danger could make people develop other system than homeworld. 

Don't know how to implement that into game, but could be fine in future with stable C# version.