Progress update 2018-11-13:
3 more tabs of the Colony Summary (aka Population and Production) plus most of the controls along the bottom done for now, including:
Main: Hide CMC checkbox, Group by function, set Capital, Rename system body, Abandon population, and the other buttons that open other windows
Wealth Trade tab: numbers are all calculated correctly now
Ground units tab: ground forces dropdown, required/actual occupation, police strength/modifier, text for copy paste, ground units list, rename ground unit, convert GU to cadre, disband GU, transfer HQ, Clear HQ, transfer GU to PDC or pop
GU training tab: units training list, rename unit in training, add task, delete task, use cadre, cadre stats, rename unit type
Also made a bunch of fixes for other windows I'd broken without realizing, so the prototype demo is less crashy.
Regarding Godot, I did have a bit of wrestling with it to support the types of controls I needed. Specifically dropdown menus, Trees for the table layouts, and the bordered panels required some work to get right, but I managed to do it all with the built in controls and theme tools provided. I had to make a couple concessions for layout, such as tabs, and haven't visited how to limit the height of a dropdown that has many items.
Regarding ground units, it should ideally be identical to A4x 7.1 just as any other feature.
Regarding AI, I'm actually pretty excited for what I have in mind for that. Rather than do it all myself, I plan to expose AI logic in external config files, one file per AI "personality", and allow players to design their own AI to use and to share. (Modding, in other words) The files would be a scripting language that is as simple as I can make it with a well documented set of functions available (like GetShortestPathToSystemBody("Luna") or whatever). So, while I would include AI "personalities" that seem to resemble AI in A4X as close as possible, I would be using the same external config system that anyone else would use, and developing that system in parallel. And anyone else that wanted to could try making their own AI variant. I'd like to have a way to pit one AI type against another and watch both sides, since I need to do that anyway to test that AI is working correctly. So it might be fun to see whose AI can beat the others
AI is a LONG way off, but now you know my vision for it
I'm actually a little more nervous about galaxy and race generation. Might externalize that into config files as well!