Author Topic: Campaign Updates  (Read 49829 times)

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Cold War: Colonial Union Update Month 185
« Reply #180 on: June 23, 2021, 11:12:08 AM »
Colonial Union Update, Month 185
Total Income (All Sources): 65,000 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 32,715 MCr’s (50%)

United Colonial Defense Fleet Dispositions:
1st Battle Group (Epsilon Indi): 3xSD, 3xBB, 9xBC, 6xCA, 6xDD (En route to the Sligo system)
Kowloon Patrol Group: 3xCA, 1xFGS, 1xEXS (trade contact point with the Bjering)
Managua Patrol Group: 2xFGS, 6xCT, 1xEXS (suspected closed warp point in the system)
Sandhurst Patrol Group: 3xDD, 2xFGS, 6xES, 3xEXS (known contact point with the Alliance beyond this system)
Zephrain Patrol Group: 1xCT, 6xES, 3xEX (Known contact point with the Bjering)
Epsilon Eridani Squadron: 12xCA, 2xCL, 6xDD, 1xFGS, 3xCT
Sigma Draconis Squadron: 3xBC, 1xDDC, 1xFGS, 5xEXS
Sligo Squadron: 10xBC, 3xCA, 8xES, 2xEX
Sol Squadron: 3xCA, 1xFGS
Kirov Squadron (Border Defense): 6xBC, 3xCA, 3xDD, 4xFGS, 3xCT, 5xEXS
Redwing Squadron (Tlatelolco Watch): 6xDD, 3xFGS, 1xEXS

Under Construction: 12xSD, 2xBC, 3xCL, 9xDD, 1xSS(SY), 1xAF(599 HS)
Refit: 2xCL, 2xBS3, 2xBS2, 14xBS0
Repairs: 1xBC
Reactivate: 2xCA, 3xCL (For the Union Assault Corps)

The Colonial Union is in political disarray.  Information recently leaked about a border skirmish with the Tomsk Union in which a number of UAC spacers lost their lives.  This information, which the government has refused to comment on, is causing outrage among the more reactionary elements of the population.  Although the information is not yet clear, and the government has remained silent, the information alleges that some sort of battle occurred either in the Kirov system or in the Tomsk system itself.  There is no information on how the conflict started, and the more reactionary segments of society are claiming that the Tomsk government, aided by the alien Bjering, tried to start a war with the Colonial Union by launching a surprise attack.  The government has not commented, but pundits have noted that the United Colonial Defense Fleet redeployed significant forces to the Kirov system prior to the rumored battle, seemingly supporting the rumor that something has happened.  In addition, it has been noted that if the Union Assault Corps is involved, perhaps it was the Colonial Union that attacked the Tomsk Union in the first place.  The more conservative systems in the Union are questioning the actions of the UCDF and the UAC, who they fear may have tried to provoke a conflict with the Tomsk Union.  In any case, there is unrest throughout the Union as the population reacts to this revelation. 

Even as word of the possible battle in the Kirov system spreads across the Union, the government has been focused on the rebellion amongst the Tarek in the Sligo system.  Forces, including the 1st Battle Squadron, have been dispatched to the Sligo system to reinforce the Sligo System Squadron, and the majority of the press has been focused on this ongoing event.  Tarek authorities claim that there is no rebellion, and that nothing has changed, but a small patrol disappeared in the capital city last weekend, and has not been accounted for, increasing the death toll and leading Captain Howard, the military attaché to Sligo Governor Wilford, to urgently request reinforcements for the Tarek containment forces.  The Colonial Army has recently opened its records for reporters to review, and the revelations from the released information has shocked the general population.  The Tarek have been recalcitrant and uncooperative since almost the first, and have only grudgingly complied with the treaty of incorporation.  The number of containment personnel who are lost and presumed dead, while relatively small, was shocking to the citizens as it had been kept a secret by the government prior to this release of information. 
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Cold War: D'Bringi Alliance Update Month 185
« Reply #181 on: June 24, 2021, 06:03:19 AM »
Alliance Update, Month 185
D’Bringi-Rehorish Alliance:
Total Income (All Sources): 86,313 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 49,865 MCr’s (58%)

Fleet Dispositions:
Alliance 1st Fleet (Rehorish Home): 12xBC, 1xCVL, 3xCA, 1xCVS, 12xCL, 3xCVE, 21xDD, 2xCT(pinnace), 16xCTV, 8xPinnace, 144xF0
Alliance 2nd Fleet (D’Bringi Home): 10xBC, 8xCA, 1xCVS, 3xCTV, 60xF0
Alliance 3rd Fleet (Kure System): 15xBC, 5xCA, 3xCL, 12xCVS, 11xDD, 3xCT(pinnace), 15xCTV, 12xPin, 384xF0
Allied forces assigned to Alliance 3rd Fleet: 3xBC, 9xCA, 3xCL, 3xDD, 3xCTS
Alliance 4th Fleet (Phyriseq System): 18xBC, 8xCA, 12xCVE, 9xDD, 180xF0
Allied forces assigned to Alliance 4th Fleet: 3xBC, 15xCA, 3xCL, 3xDD, 2xCTS
Border Patrol (Roban): 3xCTV, 18xF0
Border Patrol (Juath): 3xCTV, 18xF0 (known contact with Mintek, closed warp point location not known by Minetk)
Border Patrol (Kawasaki): 3xCA, 3xCVE, 3xDD, 3xDD, 36xF0 (Upstream from the Kure system)
Border Patrol (Phyriseq WP #5): 3xCA, 6xDD (contact point with the Confederated Systems)
Border Patrol (Sapporo): 6xCL, 6xDD (Contact point with the Confederated Systems)
Patrol Group – Bir (Bir Home): 3xCTV, 18xF0
Patrol Group – Chirq (Chirq Home): 3xCTV, 18xF0

Under Construction: 1xBB, 20xPrefab BS0, 42xF0
Refit: 13xBC
Assemble Prefab: 5xBS0

The Alliance has largely turned inward, and is focused on improving its infrastructure, colonizing worlds overlooked prior to the merger between the Rehorish and the D’Bringi, and preparing for the merger with the T’Pau.  Alliance forces have largely been upgraded to the HT-8 standards, and the next building push will be focused on increasing the number of carriers available to be deployed with the fleets.  In addition, the Alliance High Command is looking at increasing the number of heavy cruisers in the fleet, to be deployed to frontier stations such as the Bir and Chirq home worlds.  There has been pressure in the Alliance Council to increase the deployments to these areas, but the Council is wary of sending battlecruisers too far from the main fleet bases.  Heavy cruisers seem a good compromise, however, the number of heavy cruisers available declined precipitously during the transition to battlecruisers, as most active cruisers were sold off to the allied nations.  As an alternative, the Council is looking into the possibility of requesting that the Doraz or Torqual dispatch some of their fleets to garrison the Chirq and Bir home systems, at least until those races can build their own defenses.   

T’Pau Syndicate:
Total Income (All Sources): 39.176 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 12,436 MCr’s

Fleet Dispositions:
Assigned to Alliance 3rd Fleet: 3xBC, 3xCA, 3xCL, 3xCTS
Assigned to Alliance 4th Fleet: 3xBC, 3xCA, 3xCL, 2xCTS
Home Fleet (Home System): 3xBC, 18xCA, 9xCL, 5xCVE* (*Note: These CVE’s are prototypes, and don’t have hangar bays or fighters, yet)

Under Construction: 1xBB, 13xCVE* (*Prototypes with H’s in place of V’s)   

The T’Pau are completely focused on their upcoming merger with the Alliance.  As such, they have halted the process of upgrading their fleet to HT-7 standards, as they have reached HT-8 and will soon have access to HT-8 systems, once the merger is complete. 

Communes of Torqual
Total Income (All Sources): 20,561 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 8,618 (42%)

Fleet Dispositions:
Assigned to Alliance 3rd Fleet: 3xCA
Assigned to Alliance 4th Fleet: 6xCA
Home Fleet (Home System): 6xCA, 3xCL
Equity Patrol Squadron (Equity System): 3xCA, 3xCL
Unity Patrol Squadron (Unity system): 3xCA, 3xCL
System Patrol Group: 3xCA, 3xCL (On patrol through all inhabited systems)
Ships en route to the Home System, returning from the 3rd Fleet: 6xCA

Refits: 5xBS2, 3xCA

The Torqual are completing the refit of their fleet to HT-5 standards, and with Alliance assistance are well on their way to achieving HT-6.  When approached by the Alliance Council about the possibility of stationing some of their fleet in the Bir and Chirq home systems, the Torqual refused and instead sent a message informing the Alliance that they were withdrawing the bulk of their forces from the Alliance 3rd and 4th Fleets due to needs at home.  This was yet another disquieting development within the Torqual territories, and has caused increasing concern within the Alliance Council.   

The Council’s disquiet is largely due to the disturbing reports that have come out of the Torqual nation lately.  The conversion of the home system to their new form of government was not without strife, but the old order fell relatively quickly, and the Council thought that if they were given room the new Torqual government would establish itself and things would settle down.  However, once it was in control, the new communist government immediately implemented sweeping changes in Torqual society that it claimed were intended to ensure equality and future prosperity.  Many of these changes seemed poorly thought out, or appeared to be intended to impoverish or ruin potential enemies of the new order, and resistance sprung up almost immediately.  These changes caused the main colony systems to fear for their fate, and the two most populous, the Cambridge and Calgary systems, sent representatives to the Alliance Council to plead for their intervention.  The central Torqual government intercepted the representatives before they could reach the Alliance, and warships were dispatched to the two colony systems.  The warships escorted transports full of the new government’s enforcers, and they thoroughly purged the colonial governments and installed puppets sent from the home planet.  The systems were renamed Equity and Unity, and the central government proclaimed them to be bastions of the new order.  Everyone who objected, or who even looked like they objected, were disappeared.  This action quelled incipient rebellions throughout the colonial territories, but the government feared the growth of underground movements and put together a squadron to patrol the colonial territories and show the flag.  All of these deployments completely depleted the Home Fleet at a time when the new government couldn’t appear to be weak, so they were forced to recall the forces assigned to the Alliance Fleets.   

The Alliance Council is monitoring the situation with concern. 

Doraz Contingency
Total Income (All Sources): 11,906 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 4,528 MCr’s (17.6%)

Fleet Deployments:
Assigned to Alliance 3rd Fleet: 3xCA, 3xDD
Assigned to Alliance 4th Fleet: 6xCA, 3xDD
Home Fleet: 6xCA, 3xDD, 6xCT

Refitting: 3xBS3, 3xCA

The Doraz are in the midst of refitting their ships and bases to HT 6 standards, and have just completed development of HT-7, with Alliance assistance.  Unlike the Torqual, who have been rocked by instability and political change, the Doraz have united under their Overboss, who was formerly the leader of their military under the old government.  The Doraz have welcomed the opportunities that membership in the Alliance has offered them, including specifically the military technology that their association with the D’Bringi has brought to them.  The Doraz are avid militarists, but recognize that a strong economy is necessary for a strong military.  The Doraz Overboss responded positively to the Alliance Council’s request for forces to guard either the Bir of the Chirq’s home world, and negotiations are underway to dispatch a cruiser squadron, with escorts, to one of the two systems. 

Zir Contemplative Union
Total Income (All Sources): 24,533 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 5,561 MCr’s (23%)

Fleet Dispositions
Home Fleet: 6xDD, 9xFG, 9xCT
Frontier Fleet: 6xDD, 3xFG, 6xCT

Refits: 3xBS4, 6xDD, 3xCT
Reactivate: 6xCT

The Zir are in the midst of upgrading their fleet to HT-6 standards, and are working on HT-7 with the Alliance’s help.  Some Zir have finally realized that the universe is a potentially dangerous place, and that they may need a bigger fleet to deal with it, so a force of destroyers and corvettes have been brought out of mothballs and is being upgraded.  In addition, a Frontier Fleet has been established in the Villiers system.  The Villiers system contains no less than five habitable planets, all colonized, and thirteen warp points.  Four of the warp points link to inhabited systems, making the Villiers nexus incredibly important. 

Bir Meritocracy
Total Income (All Sources): 773 MCr’s
The Bir are currently at Ind-2 tech level, and busily working on HT-1, with Alliance assistance. 

Chirq Cooperative
Total Income (All Sources): 2,391 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 161 MCr’s (7%)

Construction: 1xBS2, 1xES

The Chirq are at HT-2, and are busily working on HT-3.  The Chirq have established colonies on three planets outside of their home system, and are working on expanding their survey fleet at the current time.  In month 185, Chirq survey ships discovered a new race on a planet in the system beyond their primary colony system.  The new race is low-tech, at approximately a steam level of technology, and the Chirq intend to make contact next month.   

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Cold War: Independent Update, Month 185
« Reply #182 on: June 25, 2021, 09:58:29 AM »
Confederated Free States Update, Month 185
Total Income (All Sources): 11,933 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 4,066 MCr’s (34%)

Fleet Deployments
Patrol Fleet (Home System): 3xCA, 6xDD

Refits: 1xSS

The Confederated Free States reached HT-7 in Month 177, and has been working on developing several systems at that level, specifically, datalinked point defense, improved tractor beams, and pinnaces.  For the most part, the government of the Free States realizes that its real protection is not in the form of a strong military, but rather in maintaining good relations with the two super-powers that border it.  Therefore, most of the Free State’s resources have gone into expanding its colonial empire rather than the fleet, although defenses in the home system, which also happens to be the contact point in between the Colonial Union and the D’Bringi Alliance, have been strengthened somewhat over the last ten months. 

The Confederation’s relationship with both the Alliance and the Colonial Union has been good, as the D’Bringi want no trouble during their consolidation process, and the New Dawnist government of the Colonial Union is intent on showing the Confederation the benefits of joining the Colonial Union, even though there is no realistic way that could happen without war with the D’Bringi. 
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Cold War: Mintek Update, Month 185
« Reply #183 on: June 25, 2021, 09:58:49 AM »
Month 185 Update

Total Income (All Sources): 35,924 MCr’s
Total Upkeep: 30,149 MCr’s  84%

Current Fleet Deployments:
Home System Defense:
1st Assault Group: 9xSD, 3xCV, 2xCA, 3xDD, 126xF1
2nd Carrier Strike Group: 1xCV, 2xCVL, 3xDD, 10xCVE, 210xF1, 3xApin
Mintek Prime Defenses: 1xAF(267 HS), 2xSS(CV)(100 HS), 3xPDC(AM)(75xHS), 186xF1, 3xApin
Mintek Secundus Defenses: 2xSS(CV)(100 HS), 3xPDC(AM)(75xHS)
Mintek Tertius Defenses: none

Gortyn System, Bedu Watch Force
1st Carrier Strike Group: 2xCV, 7xCVL, 1xCVS, 3xDD, 10xCVE, 1xCT, 390xF1, 9xApin
Fast Attack Group: 15xBC, 13xDD, 3xCT

Alowan Home system Patrol Group

Under Construction: nothing

The Mintek Universal Union is currently focused on two things, protecting its home system and spreading the truth to the Bedu.  Mintek pilgrims have spread out across the Bedu colony planet designated by the Bedu government as the trade site, and are making inroads towards discovering the location of additional population centers to continue their work.  An increasing number of Bedu have agreed to travel to the Mintek colony in the adjacent Gortyn system, to attend the seminaries there to become pilgrims before returning to spread the truth to their race.  As of yet the Bedu government has not reacted. 

Chancellor Durkhon was called before the Curia to explain the lack of progress in preparing for the assault into the D’Bringi Alliance.  During this discussion, which grew heated at times, Chancellor Durkhon proposed sending a diplomatic mission to the D’Bringi to discuss peace.  The bulk of the Curia found this idea repellent, as a lasting peace treaty would consign the D’Bringi and their associated races to the depths of the pit, unenlightened and unredeemable.  However, the Chancellor explained that the peace would merely be a ruse, intended to by the Mintek to gain time to repair their economy and settle their borders.  It might, as well, convince the D’Bringi to lower their guard.  In the end the Curia agreed, and CD’s will be sent next month to the D’Bringi in the Phyriseq system requesting a meeting. 

The economic situation within the Mintek Universal Union continues to be difficult.  What little income remains after paying for upkeep is being spent to increase the defenses of the home system, however, there is little left for anything else, including basic research or colonization.  Indeed, there are those within the Curia that have grown concerned that their technological lead is almost certainly deteriorating and may be lost if something isn’t done.  Unfortunately, currently the only way they have to increase the funds available to be spent is to mothball ships, and Curia and the government is dead set against this as the fleet is at the bare minimum considered necessary to defend the faithful.  No decisions have been made, but certainly these difficulties are giving impetuous to those looking to make peace with the D’Bringi.   
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Cold War: Month 188, T'Pau Amalgamation
« Reply #184 on: July 12, 2021, 10:46:45 AM »
Month 188, D’Bringi Alliance
On this month the T’Pau formally entered into full membership in the Alliance.  The merger went off without a hitch, as expected. 

With the amalgamation of the T’Pau complete, the Alliance focuses on reorganization and the construction of internal infrastructure.  The T’Pau were the last race likely to be amalgamated in the near future, as the Torqual are embroiled in internal troubles and the Doraz are still struggling to advance their technology to the point that they could be considered ready for full membership.  Therefore, the Alliance Council has decided to begin a reorganization of Alliance territory to improve governance throughout the entire length and breadth of the Alliance.  To this end the Alliance will be establishing Sectors, with Sector capitals and Sector Patrol Fleets.  For the most part this will not affect the primary deployments of the Alliance fleets, which will continue to be concentrated at the three home worlds and in the critical contact points with the Mintek. 

With the amalgamation of the T’Pau complete, the Alliance has grown far beyond what either the Rehorish or the D’Bringi originally intended when they united against the humans.  The Alliance Council, during the negotiations that led to the amalgamation of the T’Pau, agreed to set up subdivisions within the Alliance to help govern what was increasingly becoming an ungovernable expanse of colonized worlds.  Originally, the three primary races of the Alliance intended to set up sectors based on the racial colonial territories of the three member races, however, this idea quickly fell afoul of the reality that the territories of the three races were heavily interpenetrated, particularly those of the T’Pau, and thus creating clean sector borders depending on the racial makeup of the colonies within the Sectors would have been impossible.  From there the committees working on the concept moved on to a more functional approach, resulting in the format that is being implemented now. 

Core Sector: The Core Sector contains the home worlds of the three member races, as well as their oldest and most populous colonies.  Although it isn’t the largest sector in terms of the number of stars contained within the sector, it is by far the most populous and productive.  As currently organized, the Core Sector contains forty-six systems, twenty-two of which are inhabited.  The Core Sector accounts for 56% of the Alliance’s productivity.   Currently, the Sector’s capital is located on Rehorish Prime, however, there are tentative plans to have the capital rotate through the three home systems of the primary races.  Alternately, proposals have been put forward to locate the Sector Capital in the Otaru system, which contains relatively large populations of all three primary races.  No decision has been made yet. 

Far Frontier Sector:  The Far Frontier Sector comprises 88 systems, including twenty-two inhabited systems.  The sector accounts for 22% of the Alliance’s production capacity.  The Sector Capital is in the Stahat system, which contains colonies from all three primary races, and is the central warp nexus that the sector is built around.  Plans are under way to boost the populations of several of the colonies in the Stahat system to support the infrastructure of the Sector Capital, and to build up the military infrastructure to support fleet operations throughout the Sector. 

Chruqua Defense Zone: The Chruqua Defense Zone is intended to be more militarily oriented than the other sectors, as evidenced by its name.  The Zone contains contact points with the Confederated Systems, the Tomsk Union, the Mintek, and the Colonial Union, and thus its defenses are of primary importance to the Alliance.  In addition, the Chruqua Nexus is of primary importance to the Alliance, as it is the only route to the Doraz and Torqual races, as well as to many colonial systems, and is the primary route to the Far Stars Sector, although secondary, more circuitous route has been found in the outer reaches of the Core Sector.  The Sector Capital is located in the Kumamoto system, which contains five inhabited planets.  As with the Far Frontier Sector, efforts are planned to boost the population of the Kumamoto system to support the infrastructure needed for a Sector Capital. 

There are several more sectors tentatively planned for the future.  The current plans leave eighteen inhabited systems, with thirty-four colonized planets outside of the established sectors, and this is by design.  Both the Doraz and the Torqual home systems, along with their colonial territories, have been left out of any sector, with the intention that when they become full members new sectors will be set up to encompass their territories.  In addition, a portion of the Rehorish colonial territories called the New Colonies has been left out with the intention of eventually creating a sector in that area, once the populations there have grown and become more established. 
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Cold War: Month 185-186 D'Bringi Alliance
« Reply #185 on: July 27, 2021, 08:05:51 AM »
Month 185, Day 28, Torqual Home System
Three Torqual cruisers, recalled from the force assigned to the Alliance 3rd Fleet in the Kure system, jumped into the Torqual home system after their long voyage home.  The crews were looking forward to shore leave after their long assignment in the Alliance, and the ship’s officers were looking forward to promotions and reassignment. 

When the ships materialized within the home system, they were met by the three cruisers and three light cruisers of the home fleet.  The ships of the home fleet all sent “welcome home” messages, and the Admiral in command sent his personal congratulations.  All three returning cruisers also received messages informing them that shuttles would be docking with them shortly, carrying critical updates for their computers, and delicacies for the crew to reward them for meritorious service.  The crews were overjoyed when word of this leaked out, and there was cheering on all three ships as the shuttles docked with the cruisers.  The joy quickly turned to horror, though, as armed and armored soldiers rushed out of the shuttles and secured the cruiser’s boat bays. 

One board the Reliant, one of the three returning cruisers, Lieutenant Besal was on duty in the comm room when they transited into the home system.  With little to do now that they were in the home system, aside from monitoring the data uploads and downloads taking place, he had tapped into the video feeds from the boat bay to watch the shuttle from the home fleet arrive.  He wasn’t suspicious, exactly, but rumors had been flying between the comm officers of the Torqual cruisers assigned to the 3rd Alliance Fleet about events back home, and some of them had been pretty bad.  To add to matters, no one in the fleet had heard from their loved ones back home in a while.  Officially, the government was blaming rebels for comms network failures, but it was hard to tell what was going on, and rumors abounded.  And so, Lt. Besal was watching when the shuttles had opened their bays and armored soldiers had rushed out, shooting down anyone in their way. 

Besal froze for a second, unable to believe what he was seeing, but then, realizing that the rumors he had heard on the comms network about the purges in the home system were true, he had leapt into action.  Working fast, he typed out a warning message.  By the time he had finished the short message, the boarders had begun shooting crewers they encountered, sometimes because they tried to impede the boarders and sometimes for no apparent reason.  Working furiously, Lieutenant Besal linked recordings of the video feeds from the areas around the boat bay that had caught the boarders in action to the message and slotted it for transmission to the Alliance ICN buoy sitting a short distance away.  He used a comms code he wasn’t supposed to know to change the message’s origin to something more innocuous, and then hit send.  Around the time the message went out, alarms belatedly began ringing throughout the cruiser, but just a few short seconds later the boarders reached the bridge and engineering.  The crew didn’t have a chance.  By the time the boarders reached the comms room they found Lieutenant Besal laying on the floor with his arms over his head and his console shut down.  His apparent compliance didn’t help Besal, who was on a rather long list.  Besal and a number of other officers and crewers never made it back to Torqual, having been spaced shortly after the fleet set out for the home planet.  Like many others throughout the crews, Besal was guilty of being related to persons under suspicion of anti-government activities, and the new government knew of only one way to deal with anyone under suspicion. 

Month 186, Day 3, Alliance SN-069 system, Returning Torqual Squadron
The Torqual warships were in Alliance territory, returning to their home system from their assignment with the Alliance Fleet.  A comms officer aboard the Torqual cruiser Adamant was a friend of Lt. Besal, and when the message arrived, he was pretty sure it consisted of Besal boasting about enjoying the fleshpots of the home world to annoy him.  Afterall, that’s what he would send to Besal if their positions were reversed.   To his horror, the message instead warned of the fate that had fallen the Reliant and all of the other cruisers that had returned to the home system.  Lt. Kison realized that the same fate assuredly awaited them when they transited into the home system at the end of the month, so he requested a private meeting with the captain.  The captain, already suspicious of events back home, had readily believed Besal’s message, and had called a halt to their progress back home.  The five other cruisers halted as well, and the captains conferred.  In short order they agreed that they would not continue towards the home world, and instead sent a message, signed by all of them, to the commander of all out-system forces, Admiral Fason with the 4th Alliance Fleet in the Phyriseq system.  The message was carried by the Alliance ICN to the 4th Fleet, which was just three jumps away.  In the meantime, the six Torqual cruisers remained in the starless nexus, awaiting orders.  The nexus was just an empty patch of space, but it was heavily traveled, as it was adjacent to the Rehorish home system, and the cruiser’s presence and lack of adherence to their travel plan was noted by the Rehorish, who also sent a query to Admiral Fason. 

Month 186, Day 3, Phyriseq System, Alliance 4th Fleet
The message from the returning cruisers containing the warning from the home system was not really a surprise to Admiral Fason, if he was honest with himself.  Admiral Fason had been dreading this moment since the admiralty had begun ordering his ships home, but his fears had no facts to back them up, and he couldn’t bring himself to believe that his own people would betray their defenders in this manner.  He had underestimated the fear and determination of the new government, though, and the crews of the first three cruisers to return had paid the price. 

After considering the situation for a short period of time, Fason realized he didn’t really have any choice.  He dispatched orders to the ships in the starless nexus to remain in place and ignore any orders from the home system.  In addition, he sent the commodore in command of the squadron of cruisers still assigned to the 3rd Fleet the same orders and the warning message sent by Lt. Besal.  Then he went to meet with the commander of the 4th Fleet, Cho-sho Half Hand. 

The D’Bringi admiral met him in the boat bay of his command battlecruiser and conducted him to the nearby conference room.    They had always got on well together, as two old warriors tended to do, so the tone was casual and light, until they were alone in the conference room. 

“I must bring up a most difficult matter, Cho-sho.” 

Cho-sho Half-Hand took in the Torqual admiral’s formal tone, and noted that his head was down, not looking directly at him.  “What can I do for you, old friend?”

“Things have gotten considerably worse back home.  I have just received word that the ships I recently sent home were ambushed at the warp point in our home system by forces loyal to our new government.  The ships were boarded and their crews have been, at best, imprisoned.  I fear much worse has befallen them.”

Cho-sho Half Hand, no stranger to internal politics after leading his clan through a lifetime of the bitter internecine conflicts that characterized D’Bringi politics prior to the interstellar age, leaned forward in interest.  This was a new development.  “What is your intention now?  Surely if your government has started this, they will continue moving forward, and request all of your ships return, bit by bit.”

“Yes, of course.  Already a second group of cruisers was en route, but fortunately a warning from a quick-witted comms officer reached them before they entered our territory.   I have ordered them to hold position in the SN-069 system and await further orders.”

Cho-sho Half Hand grunted.  “A fact the Rehorish have surely noted, given SN-069’s proximity to their home system.”

“That is why I am here.”  The Torqual admiral looked down, away from the D’Bringi admiral’s eyes.  “I am forced by events to request asylum for my crews.  If they return, they will be interned and likely killed by the butchers in the new government.”

Half-Hand leaned back in his chair, considering the situation.  At his level, the decision was simple enough.  “I will grant you and your crews’ temporary asylum here.  Order all of your ships to concentrate here, in the Phyriseq system.  In the meantime, I will send this matter up the chain.  The Alliance Council will have to decide on this matter.  It is to them that your government will go when your ships do not return.”

“I will do as you ask.  But…we will not return.  We’ve seen the warnings, and heard the rumors.  It is death for us if we go back.  The government forces that took our returning cruisers opened fire on the crews without provocation.  I will not lead my people into that cauldron.”

“And I will not order such a thing.”  Half-Hand stood.  “The Council may order the return of your cruisers, but I will ensure that you and your people will have a place here, regardless of what happens on your home world.”

Admiral Falson stood; relief evident on his face.  “Thank you.  I will issue the orders to concentrate my forces here.”

Cho-sho Half-Hand escorted the Torqual admiral to his shuttle, then began composing messages to Fleet Command, the Alliance Council, and to his government.  This new development in the continuing slide of the Torqual state was disturbing.

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Cold War: Month 186, Chirq Cooperative
« Reply #186 on: July 28, 2021, 08:03:31 AM »
Month 186, D’Bringi Alliance, Chirq Cooperative Territory
The Chirq are a junior member of the Alliance, having just recently reached HT-2.  The D’Bringi conquest united the feudal states of the Chirq home world into one world-spanning government, and ever since then the Chirq had been striving to become useful members of the Alliance, and to build their strength so that they would not have to depend on others for protection.  It was a long road, though.  The Chirq had fully exploited their home system, and had established three out-system colonies in two systems.  Their commercial freight network had grown to include twenty-four small personnel transports and forty-four freight transports, almost all of which were kept busy every month either transporting new colonists out of the home system to their new homes, or on runs supporting the newly established colonies. 

The Chirq had managed to build an orbital station over their planet boasting three shipyards, and using those shipyards they had deployed a small survey fleet consisting of nine explorer class ships.  Just this month the Chirq had launched a brand-new escort class patrol ship for their fledgling navy, and a light cruiser-sized base intended for planetary defense.  The D’Bringi maintained a three-ship squadron of scout carriers in the system, to watch out for Alliance interests and provide for local defense.  All in all, the Chirq were a rapidly growing young race eager to make their place in the Alliance. 

On Day 10 the freighter CFN-021 jumped out of the Modi colony system, into the un-colonized Hymir system, en route back to the home system with a cargo of resources and raw materials mined by the new colony.  The jump was uneventful, and the small freighter set out for the home system, its crew already bored and looking forward to setting down on the home world.  They never got the chance, though.  The CFN-021 disappeared somewhere in the Hymir system, without a trace. 

When the freighter didn’t arrive in the home system, no one was very worried, at least to begin with.  Schedules slipped all the time, and the colonies were notorious for delaying freighters with their slipshod scheduling.  Still, when the freighter hadn’t made it to the home system by the end of the month, alarms began ringing in several levels of the government.  The loss of the resources from the colony was disturbing, and costly, but the government was also going to have to replace the lost freighter if it didn’t turn up, and for the Chirq government, the combined expense of the lost resources and the freighter came to about a quarter of their net-monthly budget.  On day 30 the Chirq government dispatched its new patrol ship, accompanied by a D’Bringi scout-carrier, to check the freighter’s route and try and determine what had happened. 

With this disruption going on, the Chirq government decided to delay contacting the planet-bound race they had discovered beyond the Modi colony system. 

Month 187, Chirq Cooperative
No trace of the missing freighter is found by the search ships.  The Chirq are concerned, but the commander of the D’Bringi patrol group dismisses their concerns, claiming that “freighters disappear every once in a while”.  The Chirq Cooperative, concerned about the suddenly hostile nature of interstellar expansion, delay plans they had to contact the newly discovered low-tech race on their border and instead focus on building more patrol ships. 
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Cold War: Month 187 Torqual Troubles Continue
« Reply #187 on: July 30, 2021, 09:43:06 AM »
Month 187, D’Bringi Alliance Territory, Phyriseq system, Day 1
Torqual Admiral Falson entered the briefing room on Cho-sho Half-Hand’s flagship with some trepidation.  With the break with the home planet now open, his forces were completely dependent on the Alliance for not only shelter, but for food, fuel, and maintenance supplies as well.  Their grant of asylum from Cho-sho Half-Hand had been temporary, subject to the approval of the Alliance Council, although Half-Hand had made it clear that he would not allow the Alliance to send any Torqual crewman who wanted to stay in the D’Bringi territories back to Torqual Prime, no matter what the Council decided.  For weeks they had waited while the Council debated, and now it appeared that an answer had arrived. 

Cho-sho Half-Hand was standing when the Torqual admiral entered, his back to the door, staring at the wall mounted screens set to show the view of space from the cameras on the hull.  The effect was mesmerizing, as the monitors stretched the length and height of the bulkhead, and their seamless integration made it seem as if the bulkhead didn’t exist and the viewer was looking directly out into space.  The Torqual admiral came to a halt and braced to attention.  The two admirals were a study in physical opposites.  The Torqual were humanoid, with grey skin and a tall, skeletal, almost ethereal appearance, while the D’Bringi were shorter, lizard-like, with a crocodilian head and a thick, scaley hide, but for all of those differences Admiral Falson felt a fellowship with the D’Bringi Cho-sho, who had proven himself a capable fleet commander and who appeared to care about those who served under him. 

When the Torqual admiral entered, Cho-sho Half-Hand turned and gestured at one of the chairs, which had been modified to accommodate Torqual physiology.  The two sat down, and Cho-sho Half-Hand, blunt as always, plunged ahead without any preliminaries.  “The Council has agreed to my grant of asylum for your ships, and ordered you to concentrate your forces here, in the Phyriseq system.  I assume that will not be a problem?”

Admiral Falson felt hope kindle in his heart for the first time in a while.  “It will not.  I will dispatch the orders immediately.”  The Torqual admiral paused, to gather his thoughts, then continued.  “I…we all appreciate this, but I have to ask, what of the future?  Many of my crews have family at home, and they worry for their safety.”

Cho-sho Half-Hand shook his head.  “This decision was reached over the strong objections of the Torqual representative to the Council.  She demanded the return of all of your ships and crews, immediately, and threatened to withdraw from the Alliance if their demands were not met.  For now, the Council is united in denying that ‘request’, however, the political currents are uncertain and that may change.”  Seeing the Torqual admiral’s unsettled look, Half-Hand quickly continued.  “I have been assured, though, that under no circumstances will your officers and crews be required to return, although the Council may decide to return your ships, at some point.  To be honest, at the current time the Council is not particularly well-disposed towards your people.  The stories of the purges and violence that has been coming out of your territories for the last few months is unsettling to many, and while the Council has no direct authority to interfere in the internal matters of a member state, they are unwilling to support your government, which seems to be little more than a death cult, based on its current actions.  I believe that they will eventually offer to make your fleet an Alliance force, supported and maintained directly by the Alliance.”

Admiral Falson sagged in his chair.  “Thank you.  On the behalf of my officers and crews, we all thank you and your people for your support.”  Admiral Falson looked down in shame.  “I cannot justify what my people are doing now.  The Council is wise to suspect the motives of my government, as they are using the original D’Bringi conquest of our planet to justify their harsh measures now.  They claim that it was your conquest that destabilized our planet to begin with, which has a measure of truth, but they take it further and claim that the Alliance Council continues to meddle in our politics, with the goal of destabilizing our nation and keeping us down.  I ignored this propaganda, knowing it was baseless, but once they convinced some of the people that their true enemy was the Alliance, they used their distraction to begin purging everyone they believed were their opponents, or who might oppose them, or who was related to someone like that.  Our rulers are fools, and the fervor they stirred up will not just go away, even now that the people have seen the true faces of those that they have put in power.  Eventually they will leave the Alliance, as they will have to continue stirring the anger of the people to continue to distract from their purges and mismanagement, and once out of the Alliance they will plot to attack those they blame for their troubles.  It is inevitable, and will lead to disaster for all.”

Cho-sho Half Hand listened to the rant, thinking furiously.  The Torqual admiral’s appreciation of the situation matched his own, and crystalized something he had been considering for some time.  “Admiral, as I said, the Council is concerned about the actions and intent of the current Torqual government, but has no power to intervene in the internal affairs of a member state.  However, I agree with your fears about the future actions of your government.”  Half Hand paused, wondering how the Torqual admiral would take what was to come.  “You have said your officers and crews fear for your families.  And you clearly fear for the fate of your people as a whole.  You will have a significant force here, once your detachments are assembled.  Fifteen heavy cruisers, if I’m correct, including both long and short-ranged variants.  If the Alliance were to allow you to return home with your ships, do you think you have the forces necessary to overthrow your government and restore sanity to your people?”

The room fell silent as Admiral Falson considered the question.  Truthfully, he had considered little else since the government had seized the first force of cruisers that had returned to the home system.  “I have fifteen heavy cruisers under my command.  As you said, six are long-range variants, three D’Bringi export Imperial Favor class cruisers equipped with capital missile launchers, and three Rehorish export Akagi Long-Range cruisers with advanced missile launchers.  The remaining nine cruisers are all Rehorish export Akagi III short-range cruisers equipped with force beams.  Against that, the Home Fleet, to my knowledge, has three Imperial Favor long-range cruisers, three home-built long-range heavy cruisers equipped with advanced missile launchers, and three home-built light cruisers.  The central government was forced to draw down the Home Fleet to provide forces to patrol and control the colonies, which explains the depleted forces in the home system, and why they are so desperate to get their fleet back from the Alliance.  I have tracked the ongoing deployments, and the central government has deployed another nine heavy cruisers and nine light cruisers throughout our territories to attempt to control the colonies and support their political cadres that they have sent to decapitate and take control of the local colonial governments.  Finally, there is the orbital defense network of three cruiser sized bases in orbit over the home world.”

“If you return at the head of your fleet and declare your opposition to the central government and its excesses, will the Home Fleet fight?  They are outnumbered, but are they motivated?”

Admiral Falson grimaced.  “They will fight.  I know the people the central government has put in charge of the home fleet and its ships, if only by reputation.  They are bloody-minded fanatics.  But their ships are poorly crewed.  By all reports they butchered most of the experienced officers and crews, or at least sent them to reeducation camps on the surface, and replaced them with politically reliable people that they felt that they could trust.  That means that the crews of the Home Fleet will only barely know their jobs, and my ships are crewed by the best in our navy, even before the central government started its purges.  We can take them, even if the central government gathers its entire force in the home system.  If the central government manages to marshal its forces at the warp point and we have to force entry into the system, though, our losses will be heavy and we may not succeed.  If we can get into the system without opposition, though, then they will not be able to stop us.”  The Torqual admiral paused, considering the D’Bringi Cho-sho’s intentions.  “My people would all die to free our homeland from the nightmare that has swept across it, but we are a deep-space fleet.  I have no ground troops.  Even if we defeat the Home Fleet and sweep the skies clear, I will not bombard my own planet, even to rid them of the darkness that has taken over there.  And without ground troops, I cannot force change on the planet.”

“I see you have been thinking about this.”

“I have thought about little else.  If you allow it, I can take my fleet back home and sweep the skies clear of their filth, but then what?  If I call for a rebellion against the central government some people may rise up against them, but I cannot know how successful they have been in crushing resistance.  And without troops I can do little to affect events on the ground without bombarding the surface, which I would not order my crews to do, and they would not do even if I ordered it.”

Cho-sho Half-Hand grimaced.  “I too have been considering the situation.  I believe that if we present a credible plan for your return to the Council they will agree.  They are disgusted by the excesses of the Torqual government, and wish to effect change, but are limited in what they can directly do to affect change in your system.  I believe I can convince them to allow your fleet to return, which is merely acceding to the demands of your government, if not quite in the manner in which your government intends.  The ground forces are a more difficult issue.  Although I see a possibility there as well.”  The D’Bringi Cho-sho stood, and Admiral Falson stood as well.  “Admiral Falson, prepare a plan for your return to your home system.  I will work with my contacts to develop a solution for the gap in your capabilities, and we will present our plans to the Council.”

Admiral Falson bowed to the D’Bringi Cho-sho.  “Thank you, Cho-sho, for this opportunity to redeem my people.”

The two left to begin their planning. 
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Cold War: Alliance Internal Issues, Month 187-188
« Reply #188 on: July 31, 2021, 04:48:41 PM »
Month 187, Torqual Home System, Day 1
The Central Government began a new program this month, loudly and universally announced as a patriotic resettlement program.  The program, the government claims, will be relocating the flower of the Party and the nation to beautiful, bountiful benign planets discovered by Party exploration ships in recent months.  These colonists, fully supported by the home world, will establish happy and productive communes to carry the Torqual race into a new future.  In reality, all of the colonists are “selected” from those placed on lists maintained by the Party of undesirables, or unreliable elements.  The colony transports are old and poorly maintained, unlike the glittering ships seen in the broadcasts, and the colonists are given little in the way of support.  For now, all of the colonists are being sent to the colony of Equity, a world charitably rated as “harsh’ by the prior administration, where they are unceremoniously dumped outside the existing colony and told to fend for themselves.     

Month 187, Day 25, Phyriseq system
“What is the latest, Admiral?”

Admiral Falson settled into the chair opposite Cho-sho Half-Hand and shook his head.  “It’s not good, sir.  My officers and I still have a few contacts back home, and they tell us that the government has started a massive fleet enlargement program.  As of the start of this month, they have eleven light cruisers under construction.  Combined with the forces they have scattered across the colonial territories; those new ships will make it difficult or impossible for my fleet to succeed.”

“Time frame till they are launched?”

The first group of six will be launched in month 190.  After that they will launch another five the following month.”

Cho-sho Half-Hand settled back in his chair.  “That gives us a definite time frame, then.”

Admiral Falson sat up straight.  “Sir…does that mean the operation is approved?”

Cho-sho Half-Hand gestured in the positive.  “It is.”

“But what of the ground forces?”

The D’Bringi admiral looked a bit uncomfortable.  “The Alliance Council cannot be seen to be openly supporting one side in this conflict.  Therefore, we will be working with Special Operations Command, who will provide access to ‘irregular forces’.”

“Irregular forces?  What does that mean.”

Half-Hand leaned forward.  “You might not be aware of this, as immersed in your own race’s problems as you are, but my race is going through a large societal shift as well.  Perhaps it is more ordered and less violent than your own, but it is no less unsettling.  Our amalgamation with the Rehorish has given the reformers in our society, of which I am one, the political clout and authority to finally enact sweeping changes to reduce the dominance that our major clans have had over our civilization for centuries.  This has long been needed, and has resulted in an unprecedented economic boom, but it has not been without pain and dislocations.  In particular, there are large numbers of young military aged D’Bringi who would have been employed in one clan or another’s military forces.  With the changes that have swept our nation, many of those youths were transferred into our new national military, but more were thrown out of work, not needed or wanted by the new professional military.  Some of the clans that better managed the changes that swept our nations were able to care for and reeducate their members, and find employment for them.  Many others were not so lucky, as their clans are faltering, unable to adapt to the new environment.  Some have disappeared into the fringes of our empire, while others have joined new “private mercenary groups”, many of which have their roots in the old clan forces.  The government has contracted with the better organized of these groups to provide security on the more distant colonies, and the Special Operations Command has been tasked with keeping track of these groups.  They have been told to work with us to locate and contract with groups that would be suitable for our operation.”

“Contract?  With what?  I have no access to funds.”

“No, you do not.  But by tomorrow you will have access to letters of credit which should suffice to contract with a small force suitable for assaulting the planetary capital and assisting a local revolution.  It will be expected that you will repay the loans out of the national treasury once you are in power, of course.”

Admiral Falson felt untethered.  “Me?   But why…”

Cho-sho Half-Hand stood.  “Who else?  Your ensign waiting outside?  Perhaps your wife back home?  Your men follow you, and for now that is enough.  Once you are in power you can set up any kind of government you want.  The Alliance wants a stable government in the Torqual system, and they will get it one way or another.”

Month 188
Two D’Bringi freighters operating in the Far Frontier Sector are declared overdue.  The freight carriers are calling for increased patrolling throughout the frontier, but the Alliance Navy points to the increased crime in the old D’Bringi Expanses as a likely cause of the missing ships, implying that insurance fraud or some other similar crime is responsible for the loss of the ships. 

In the territory of the Torqual Communes, forced emigration to the colony of Equity continues, but word of the harsh conditions on Equity has leaked back to the home world, causing unrest across the planet.  Stories of the ‘colonists’ being used as slave labor in the mines of the rich planet abound, and riots have broken out in several cities.  The central government has ordered the Army into those cities, and the units deployed have been given orders to harshly deal with anyone who resists them.  Anyone captured is sent straight to the relocation camps to be sent to Equity. 

Meanwhile, the Free Torqual Fleet has moved to the Chruqua Nexus in Alliance Territory, along with several Alliance squadrons, and is preparing to return to the home system.  Several clandestine messages from the Free Torqual Fleet to the Central Government on Torqual Prime, sent through the Alliance ICN, have been intercepted by D’Bringi Naval Intelligence.  A hunt is underway for the persons responsible for sending the messages.  Naval Intelligence isn’t confident that it has intercepted all of the messages. 

In Doraz space, a Doraz exploration ship discovers a system with three habitable type T planets, and all three have large to very large populations.  The ship, which entered the system through a warp point in the outer reaches of the system, observed for a short time then jumped out, escaping detection.  Interestingly, it seems that two separate races inhabit the planets in the system.  For now, the Doraz are keeping this discovery to themselves. 

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Cold War: Month 188, A look inside the Colonial Union
« Reply #189 on: August 21, 2021, 08:29:19 AM »
Primary Extra-Solar Population Centers of the Colonial Union

System: Epsilon Eridani
System Type: Binary Yellow Star/Red Star
Primary System: 1xExtreme, 1xBenign, 2xDesolate, 1xGas Giant, 7 moons
Secondary System: 4xGas Giant, 1xIce, 1xAsteroid Belt, 21xMoons

Colony: Epsilon Eridani -A II (New Plymouth)
Moons: 2
Colonization Rating: Benign/Very Rich
Predominant Terrain: Savanna, varied
New Plymouth Population: 160,780,000
System Population: 25,455,000
Total System Production: 3,118.4 MCr’s (5% Total Colonial Union Production)

New Plymouth is located just three jumps from Earth, and was discovered by Western Coalition survey ships in month 61.  It was settled directly from Earth, with the bulk of the colonists coming from North America.  As it is located close to Earth, and has a benign environment, it was a primary target for the resettlement of refugees from Earth after the last nuclear war, and its population swelled as a result.  At the request of the New Plymouth planetary government, the refugees came primarily from North, Central, and South America, although there were a significant number from Europe and Asia as well. 
The primary language of the colonies in this system is English, and every citizen is taught this language in school, however, every community may decide on its own what other languages it wishes to teach to its citizens, as long as English is taught as well.  The New Plymouth government has gone to great lengths to ensure that the refugees that arrived from Earth were supported and placed across the planet to prevent the formation of slums or ghettos that have formed on some other colonies in the Union. 

Landing is the site of the first colony, and is the planetary and system capital.  Landing has a population of fifteen million, while most other cities on the planet contain between 100,000 and 1,000,000 people, by design.  Although some of the cities have been allowed to grow haphazardly, Landing and most other cities on New Plymouth were carefully designed and crafted to exist in balance with the planet and its environment.  The first colonists, and their descendants, were determined to avoid many of the mistakes made by humanity on the home world, and for the most part they have succeeded. 

The government of New Plymouth is a form of absolute democracy, where the people are asked to vote directly on almost all issues, and the colony’s leaders are bound to carry out the expressed will of the people.  This is made possible by the extensive information network that blankets the planet, and access to this network is guaranteed by law for every citizen over eighteen years of age.  The system breaks down somewhat when extended off planet.  Light-speed lag proved to be problematic even for the colonies on the moons of New Plymouth, much less for the populations around the secondary star, so every colony within the system is ruled locally by its own population/voting system, with system-wide decisions made by New Plymouth itself, based on input from the other colonies throughout the system. 

New Plymouth has largely avoided the more fervent forms of New Dawnism that have spread throughout much of the Colonial Union, and has become the base for the newly formed New Conservative party that opposes New Dawn in the Senate.  The more virulent New Dawnists in the Colonial Union have denounced the New Conservatives as “alien lovers”, and “peaceniks”, but in reality the New Conservatives support a balanced approach to the known alien races, and reproachment and demilitarization of humanities relations with the alien races within the Colonial Union’s borders. 

System: Sigma Draconis
System Type: Single Yellow Star
Primary System: 1xBenign, 1xHarsh, 2xDesolate, 2xGas Giant, 2xIce, 1xAsteroid Belt, 20xMoons

Colony #1: Sigma Draconis I (Plateau)
Moons: 2
Colonization Rating: Harsh/Normal
Predominant Terrain: Lowlands minimally habitable, extensive high plateau with earth-like conditions
Plateau Population: 125,050,000

Colony #2: Sigma Draconis III (New Moscow)
Moons: 1
Colonization Rating: Benign/Very Rich
Predominant Terrain: Forested plains, extensive oceans.
New Moscow Population: 294,520,000

Other System Population: 20,865,000
Total System Production: 4867.8 MCr’s (8% Total Colonial Union Production)

Sigma Draconis is located adjacent to Earth, and this fact dominated its early development.  The great power rivalry between the Coalition and the USSR ensured that they couldn’t both colonize the single benign planet in the system, and the two nations nearly came to blows over colonization rights to the planet that would eventually become New Moscow.  Eventually, though, the Coalition had discovered New Plymouth in Epsilon Eridani, and in exchange for the rights to that planet and its associated warp chain, the Coalition agreed to allow the USSR to settle New Moscow, while the Coalition would settle the less desirable Plateau.  In spite of the great power rivalry, the governments of the two colonies in the Sigma Draconis system have always gotten along well and have been able to work well together to administer the system. 

The Sigma Draconis system was briefly occupied by the D’Bringi during the war between the USSR and the D’Bringi Alliance, however, their occupation was light and never had a chance to consolidate itself before the D’Bringi were forced out of the system by the allied USSR and Coalition fleets.  After the D’Bringi were chased away, with the great powers distracted by first the war with the D’Bringi and then their own divisions and conflicts, the colonies of Plateau and New Moscow were forced to put together an ad hoc system government to control aide and relief efforts after the D’Bringi withdrew.  This ad hoc government later grew into the System Governance Board, jointly administered by the two main colonies. 

When the USSR and the Coalition destroyed themselves, and much of the rest of the Earth, the Sigma Draconis system became the primary clearing house for refugees from the home system.  Plateau took in most of the refugees from the former Coalition territories, while New Moscow took in the refugees from Russia, Europe, and most the rest of the world.  Out of necessity, the two colonies handled this influx of refugees much differently.  Plateau, as a “Harsh” world, had a limited carrying capacity and thus most of the refugees were sent on to other systems, like Epsilon Eridani, Sligo, and other frontier colonies.  New Moscow, on the other hand, as a Very Rich/Benign planet, could handle larger numbers of refugees, and thus more refugees were resettled there instead of being moved on to other systems.  Plateau itself struggled to handle the influx of refugees, even the relatively small number that stayed, and without assistance from New Plymouth and New Moscow it’s almost certain that the colonial government would have fallen and the colony itself would have descended into chaos.  As it is the colony is only now recovering from the influx of refugees.  New Moscow, on the other hand, used its vast resources to resettle many of the refugees in new settlements across the Bravo continent, which had remained largely unexploited during the initial colonization wave. 

The Sigma Draconis system is a staunch supporter of the New Dawn Party, and the New Dawn Party’s headquarters is located in the capital city of New Moscow (also, unoriginally, named New Moscow).  Much of this support comes from the Russian refugees that resettled on New Moscow in the aftermath of the war in the home system, and support for the New Dawn Party is weaker on the other populations of the system. 

There is a heavy military presence in the Sigma Draconis system, as it connects to the Centaurus system, which is known to contain a closed warp point to D’Bringi space.  In addition, the Sigma Draconis system is the Solar System’s sole connection with the rest of the galaxy, making it an important gateway, although that importance has waned with the decrease in the Earth’s population and importance.  The Fleet is very popular throughout the system, and recruiting for the Fleet, and in particular the Assault Corps, is very heavy in the system. 

System: Sligo
System Type: Binary - Yellow Star/Yellow Star
Primary System: 1xBenign, 1xHostile, 2xGas Giant, 1xToxic, 1xAsteroid Belt, 7xMoons
Secondary System: 2xHarsh, 1xHostile, 1xDesolate, 1xAsteroid Belt, 2xGas Giant, 13xMoons

Human Colony #1: Sligo-B II (Wunderland)
Moons: 1
Colonization Rating: Harsh/Normal (Benign/Normal)
Predominant Terrain: Steppe/Forested/Artic
Wunderland Population:  111,280,000

Tarek Home World: Sligo-B III (Tarek Prime)
Moons: 1 (Tide-locked)
Colonization Rating: Harsh/Poor (Benign/Poor for Tarek)
Predominant Terrain: Mountainous/steppe
Tarek Prime Population (Tarek): 3,097,750,000

Other System Population: 34,525,000 (Tarek)
Total System Production: 4867.8 MCr’s (8% Total Colonial Union Production)

Wunderland is four jumps from Earth and was settled from North America by the Coalition.  Although the Coalition government was against the colonization of Sligo-B II, due to the presence of a native race on a nearby planet, several powerful corporations pushed for authorization to begin colonization, and ultimately began colonization even before receiving approval.  With the Coalition Senate deadlocked on the matter, and the colonization effort already underway, the Coalition government decided to look the other way while efforts were begun to contact the Tarek.  Of course, those efforts went disastrously awry, with the Tarek proving to be implacably hostile from almost the first.  Some within the government and the Senate posited that the Tarek’s hostility was due to humanity’s theft of a planet in their system, and certainly that didn’t help, but events since then have shown that the Tarek believe all other life exists only to serve their Emperor, and that they don’t really consider other races to be intelligent or equal to their own race.  An early, misguided attempt by a non-governmental organization, operating with the support of the Coalition Senate, to negotiate humanity’s withdrawal from Wunderland in exchange for peaceful relations proved disastrous and nearly resulted in the consumption of the human negotiating team by the Tarek.  In any case, it would have been difficult to convince the Wunderlanders to leave their planet, something they have been singularly unwilling to consider even in the face of unrelenting Tarek hostility. 

 The original settlers of Wunderland were mainly from the American Midwest, and they set up a loose coalition of city and town governments to run the colony under the Coalition, mostly as a mutual-assistance organization rather than a government.  The unrelenting hostility of the Tarek, though, quickly changed the mindset of the original colonists, though.  When it became clear that the Tarek were hostile, and that the Coalition government was more interested in the threat presented by the USSR and the D’Bringi, the colonists realized that their safety was largely in their own hands.  The Coalition allowed its colonies to organize a small militia for defense against wildlife and criminals, but extensive ground military organizations, while not exactly illegal, were discouraged.  The Wunderlanders ignored this and began spending large sums of money and resources on recruiting, equipping, and training a militia to defend the colony should the Tarek attack.  In addition, large civil defense expenditures were made, constructing defensive bunkers around cities and bombardment shelters for the citizens.  Over time the Wunderlanders’ society became much more militaristic, a trend that only accelerated after the fall of the Coalition. 

After the fall of the Coalition, with the powerful Coalition navy no longer available to overawe the Tarek, The Wunderlanders focused on what they believed was the primary threat to their existence, the Tarek.  The Governor of Wunderland put together a coalition of surrounding colonies, seized Coalition Naval units in and around the system, and launched an assault on the Tarek, which failed.  The Tarek then launched a counterattack against Wunderland, which also failed.  The failure of their attack on the Tarek, and their mistreatment of refugees from Earth, resulted in the fall of the Wunderland government and its reorganization along lines more acceptable to the coalition of colonies that it led.  The Tarek threat was ended by the return of the Coalition Fleet shortly thereafter.

In the aftermath of their short war with the Tarek, Wunderland turned to absorbing refugees from Earth, most of whom came from North, Central, and South America.  Many of these refugees were sent on to frontier colonies to bolster their populations, but even so Wunderland’s population swelled, making it inevitable that it would regain its position as the regional leader.  The refugees brought the New Dawn party, which was just getting organized on Earth, to Wunderland with them.   The New Dawn Party, with its pro-defense, anti-alien, Human-First policies, found fertile ground in Wunderland, where fear of the Tarek still dominated the culture.  Indeed, Wunderland is one of the most fervent strongholds of the New Dawn Party, and while it has seen setbacks elsewhere, it continues to dominate politics on Wunderland.   

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Cold War: Month 189, Torqual Refresher
« Reply #190 on: September 12, 2021, 09:32:46 AM »
The Situation on Torqual Prime
On Torqual Prime, instabilities introduced by the conquest of the planet and the forced imposition of a government by the D’Bringi, ultimately resulted in the fall of that government.  This government was unpopular, and was largely seen by the populace as a puppet of the Alliance, so the rebellion was popular amongst the people.  In the chaos of the fall of the puppet government, a group of dedicated Stalinist communists seized power and used discontent with the puppet government, and the old regime that ruled before it, to cement their power on the home world.  The new Revolutionary Council promised the sun and the moon to the people, and then used the resulting rush of enthusiasm to secure their power.  The people’s joy at their newfound freedom soon turned to fear and discontent as the People’s Revolutionary Council established an iron hold over the people’s daily necessities and began rooting out all opposition, no matter how slight.  Adherents of the old governments were arrested and either disappeared, publicly executed, or deported to the colonies.  Soon, any one that even looked like they might oppose the new government were being treated in a similar manner, and along with them were many ‘innocent’ people who merely displeased one of the Council’s informers or enforcers.  The Revolutionary Council was able to gain an iron grip on Torqual Prime’s population in a fairly short period of time, however, vast amounts of discontent surged just beneath the surface. 

The Revolutionary Council initially focused all of its efforts on the home world, ignoring the colonies.  The Council believed that its future would be secured if they could control the home world, and that the colonies would fall in line once the industrial powerhouse that was the home world was under control.  A news blackout was enforced around the home system, ensuring that the only information that was sent out was propaganda approved by the Council.  Grand dictates were sent to the colonies, but little was done to ensure that they were being followed.  Unfortunately, the Council did not have as much control as they thought, and numerous messages were slipped out by family members to their relatives on the colonies, warning them of events on the home world.  The colonies, seeing the madness that was sweeping Torqual Prime, began recruiting and arming militias, and the various colonial governors met in secret to discuss a plan of resistance, but the reality was that any overt resistance they put together would be swept aside by forces from the home world the second the Revolutionary Council turned its attention back towards the stars.  So instead, the governors put together a plan of covert resistance, and began sending messages to the Home Fleet and the Torqual ships assigned to the Alliance Fleet, begging for assistance. 

The Revolutionary Council was largely composed of academics and criminals, none of whom had military experience.  As a group they hated and distrusted the military, and viewed them as nothing more than the puppet government’s thuggish enforcers.  They therefore didn’t trust the Torqual Home Fleet, or understand the mindset of its officers.  The Council’s first step in establishing control over the fleet was to require the fleet’s officers to swear allegiance to the new government.  The Torqual Fleet had long had a culture of supporting and defending the legitimate government, and the fleet’s officers had been divided over the legitimacy of the new government.  In the end, having no other real options, they agreed to swear allegiance.  With that completed and on a more secure footing on the ground, the Revolutionary Council began carefully purging the Home Fleet’s officers, starting with the highest levels and then working down the chain.  During this process the fleet was required to send its missile stocks to ground storage locations, ensuring that it had no power to interfere with events on the surface of the planet.  At first the transfer of power was above board, but then the Council began disappearing officers that had been recalled to the surface, resulting in an event called “That Night” by the crewers that survived it.  With rumors of the mistreatment of the recalled officers circulating, the Council sent teams of its elite Council Guard Force into orbit with orders to seize control of every ship, arresting every officer and senior NCO that remained of the ‘old fleet’.  With the assistance of the Council’s tame officers already in place the assault on the fleet was successful, and in one fell swoop the officer corps and the senior NCO’s were replaced with personnel carefully selected for loyalty to the new regime. None of those officers or crewers would be seen again.  Their replacements knew next to nothing of ship-board operations, and the efficiency of the Home Fleet fell to next to nothing overnight.   Fatal and near-fatal accidents skyrocketed, and moral fell to rock bottom.  Still, the Council was satisfied, as they only really cared about the loyalty of the officers assigned to the fleet’s ships, not their technical training or strategic or tactical capabilities. 

With the Home Fleet under control, and resistance on the home world either eliminated or driven deep underground, the Council began implementing the changes to Torqual society that it believed were absolutely necessary to secure the happy and prosperous future they desired.  These changes were sweeping, and covered nearly every aspect of Torqual society.  As part of this new program, everyone identified by the Council as potential recidivists were arrested and deported to the colonies, particularly to a harsh planet in the newly named Equity system.  The arrests were always conducted at night, and usually were more indiscriminate sweeps than targeted affairs, and they fed the growing hatred and contempt that the people felt for the Council, a fact that the Council was largely blind to, given their institutional paranoia and dismissal of all opposing views as simple recidivism. 

It was at this point that the Council turned its attention to the Torqual forces assigned to the Alliance Fleets in Alliance territory.  As these forces outnumbered its own, caution was required, and the Council began calling back the out-system forces piecemeal.  Fortunately for the out-system forces a brave comms officer got a message out to warn them when Council Guard forces assaulted their ship shortly after returning to the home system.  This led to the out-system forces putting together a desperate plan to retake their home system before the Council was able to build enough ships to overwhelm them.  The out-system forces, under the command of Admiral Falson, have under-the-table support from the Alliance, which wants the Revolutionary Council replaced by a government more friendly to the Alliance. 

Torqual Fleets as of Month 189

Free Torqual Fleet
The Free Torqual Fleet is composed of ships that were assigned to support Alliance Fleets, and were in Alliance territory when things began going wrong on their home planet.  Being assigned to the Alliance and away from Torqual territory meant that the ships and crews of those ships were insulated from what was going on back home, although rumors and inuendoes did make their way to the fleet. 

Eventually, though, the situation changed when the revolutionary government on Torqual Prime turned its attention to the recidivist crewers and officers on board the ships assigned to the Alliance.  To the revolutionary government these crewers were a threat, as they were not indoctrinated in the current politically correct mindset, and thus could not be trusted.  Therefore, the government started to call the ships back to the home system for rest and replenishment, at which time the crews would be replaced with politically reliable crews.  Unfortunately for the government, their enforcers were a bit too eager and jumped the gun, giving the crew on one of the returning cruisers a chance to get a warning out to the rest of the fleet, leading to the current situation. 

The Free Torqual Fleet is composed of long-service crews, many of which have served the Torqual race going back before the invasion by the D’Bringi.  Most of the ships in the Free Fleet are crack, with the remainder being elite.  As such they are seen as an intolerable threat by the revolutionary government, and must be eliminated. 

All Free Fleet ships have full magazines, curtesy of the Alliance.   

Free Torqual Fleet (Rear Admiral Falson-crack)
3xImperial Favor R3 class CA’s (crack)
3xAkagi(LR) r3 class CA’s (elite)
9xAkagi r3 class CA’s (3xElite, 6xCrack)
1xSupply ship

Both the Akagi(LR) and the Akagi class werepurchased from the Rehorish and have not been refitted since that time. 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI(LR) R3 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x10Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDRa(II)DRaDDRaMgM2Xr(II)LhQ(II)(II)F [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1128/ 169.2
HTK 51 S0x10  Aix9  Dx4  Fx1  Rax6  Mgx1 
172x SM, 8x EDM (Mg)

Code: [Select]
AKAGI R3 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)F(II)FDF(II)DFDDFM2Xr(II)Lh(II)PgQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1156/ 173.4
HTK 48 S0x8  Aix9  Dx4  Pgx2  Fx5 

The Imperial Favor class was purchased from the D’Bringi.
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL FAVOR(R3) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x7Aix8ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)QRcRc(II)RcRc(II)DzRcRcXrsDzLhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1076/ 161.4
HTK 43 S0x7  Aix8  Dzx2  Rcx6  Mgx1 
90x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)

Commune Fleet Forces (Marshal Yullen-green)

Home Fleet (Torqual Prime)
6xBangor v1.1 class CA’s (3xGreen, 3xPoor)
6xImperial Favor r3 class CA’s (6xGreen)
6xHalifax v1.3 class CL’s (5xGreen, 4xPoor)

Out-system Forces (Spread across the Torqual Territories to secure colonies)
3xBangor v1.1 class CA’s (1xGreen, 2xPoor)
6xIroguois v1.2 class CL’s (3xGreen, 2xPoor, 1xInept)

All of the ships assigned to the out-system forces are missile-armed units, as the revolutionary government of Torqual Prime expects those ships to threaten the colonial governments into complying with the enforcement teams it has sent out to each colony, and beam armed ships would not be able to threaten ground targets.  Because of cost-cutting, and the general disdain that the revolutionary government holds for the military, the magazines of the loyal forces are only partially filled. 

The Bangor class is the Torqual main battle unit, conceived and built before the D’Bringi and the Rehorish began selling their older ships to the junior members of the Alliance.  Although similar to the Akagi(LR) class, the Bangor has more missile launchers, at the cost of point defense, passive defenses, and secondary beam weaponry.  It is intended purely for long range combat and fleet doctrine dictates that it must always be escorted by light cruisers capable of prosecuting close-in engagements. 
Code: [Select]
BANGOR V1.1 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx5Aix7ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)Q(II)(II)(II)DRax4XrRax5D?0LhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +1     Cost =  1075/ 161.2
HTK 44 Sx5  Aix7  Dx2  Rax9  Mgx1 
150x SM

Another native design, the Iroquois is intended to be used for long-range scouting and to screen the larger cruisers. 
Code: [Select]
IROQUOIS V1.2 class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx5Aix5ZHs(BbM)(I)(II)Qs(I)(II)(I)WWM1WQsWWDXrWMg(II) [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:2     Cost =  705.5/ 105.8
HTK 34 Sx5  Aix5  Dx1  Wx6  Mgx1 
150x SM

This class is intended to act as an escort ship for close-escort of the heavy cruisers. 
Code: [Select]
HALIFAX V1.3 class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx5Aix7ZHs(BbM)(I)(II)Qs(I)(II)(I)FFM1FQsFDF(II) [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:2     Cost =  733.5/ 110
HTK 33 Sx5  Aix7  Dx1  Fx5 

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Cold War: Month 189 Grand Alliance
« Reply #191 on: September 26, 2021, 09:02:09 AM »
Just a quick one...

Month 189
The Alliance Council voted this month to formalize the new name of the Alliance.  While most people just called it the “Alliance”, its actual name was the Alliance of the D’Bringi and Rehorish.  Once the T’Pau joined that name was no longer accurate, and rather than continuing to add race names to an already overly long name that no one actually used, the Council decided on a new name, the Grand Alliance.  This is actually a compromise that took weeks of delicate negotiations to work out.  In spite of all of this internal wrangling, most people will continue to just call it the Alliance.   

The Grand Alliance reaches HT9 this month and invests heavily in developing new systems. 

The Grand Alliance recalls all of its survey groups to the three home systems for refit and reorganization.  Currently, the Alliance has seven survey groups, all of varying composition and design, as they were originally built and fielded by the three member races.  Four are composed primarily of explorer class ships, while the other three are made up of corvette class ships.  The Alliance Combined Naval Command has decided that the explorer class ships are too small and vulnerable to be used in front-line exploration groups working beyond the borders of the Alliance.  Therefore, all explorer class ships will either be refitted to a scout design to be used in the main fleets, or will be reserved for planetary survey of systems already discovered by the main exploration fleets.  The composition of the main exploration fleets is under examination, but the core will likely be a heavy cruiser design capable of defending itself if necessary.  The Rehorish have begun work on reactivating three heavy cruisers which will act as testbeds for the new exploration ship design, although designs have not yet been finalized and there is strong pressure to wait until the systems now under development are ready for deployment. 

The Chirq Grand Council votes to establish contact with the low-tech race recently discovered several jumps from their home system, but the Alliance Ambassador, a D’Bringi, advises against this course of action.  The D’Bringi Ambassador recommends delaying contact until the Chirq have more of a defensive force built up in their home system.  Deferring to the D’Bringi, the Chirq decide to delay contact again. 

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Cold War: Month 189 - Torqual Civil War
« Reply #192 on: September 27, 2021, 11:58:46 AM »
Month 189, Day 1, Chruqua Nexus, Grand Alliance
Elements of the Grand Alliance’s 4th Fleet were drawn up in front of the warp point to the Torqual home system, along with the Torqual Fleet under Admiral Falson.  At Admiral Falson’s orders every ship in his fleet now proudly bore the banner of the Free Torqual Fleet, and, in an emotional dedication ceremony Admiral Falson had dedicated the Fleet to gain the freedom of the Torqual People.  Now, with transit imminent, Cho-sho Half-Hand and Admiral Falson were having one last meeting aboard Admiral Falson’s command cruiser. 

Cho-sho Half-Hand had observed the Torqual crew of the cruiser hurrying about their business as he was led to the conference room where the Torqual Admiral awaited him, and had noted their professionalism and determination.  The striking dedication ceremony and the closeness of action seemed to have given them a new energy and enthusiasm.  Unfortunately, he was sure they were going to need every bit of that in the coming days. 

The junior officer escorting the D’Bringi admiral gestured to the hatch in front of them, and Half-Hand nodded and walked through, to find Admiral Falson finishing up something on his console.  “It never ends, does it?”  At the other’s questioning look, Cho-sho Half-Hand shrugged.  “The paperwork associated with command.  Every year they tell us that they are going to reduce it, and every year it gets worse.”

“That must be a universal truth, I think.”  Admiral Falson rose and bowed to the D’Bringi admiral, as was the Torqual custom with superior officers.  Cho-sho Half-Hand waived that away, as he always did, and sat in front of the desk.  “Everything is ready?”

“We are as ready as we will ever be.  Every day that we delay now merely means that they will get stronger, I fear.  And more vicious, if the latest reports are true.”

Cho-sho Half-Hand grimaced.  He had seen the same reports.  “These people that have seized power, they seem to love killing and death, don’t they?”

Admiral Falson shook his head in negation.  “They would deny that, Cho-sho.  They would claim that they are merely doing what is necessary to secure the future of our race, as they see it.”

“As they see it.”  Cho-sho Half-Hand looked appalled.  “I truly do not wish to understand their vision of the future, then.”  They fell silent for a few seconds, then Cho-sho Half-Hand decided to broach the subject that was his true reason for meeting with the Torqual admiral.  “Our intelligence sources have confirmed that the revolutionary government knows you plan to return, although they aren’t sure of the exact timing.  Our sources also say that the revolutionary council seems to be confident in a plan to defeat you, should you return.  Have you seen the information we have forwarded?”

The Torqual admiral’s eyes seemed to be lit with a fire deep within them that now blazed brighter.  “I have seen the information, and I believe I know how they believe they can stop me.”  Falson waived his hand over the control station in front of him, and a comparison of the forces available to the revolutionary council and the Free Fleet appeared over the table.  If they were all assembled in the home system, the revolutionary council’s ships would outnumber and out mass the Free Fleet substantially.  The Free Fleet had fifteen cruisers, while the revolutionary government could field fifteen cruisers and twelve light cruisers.  “For a direct conflict, the situation is actually better than the bare numbers would indicate.  While their entire fleet outnumbers my own, they cannot assemble the entire fleet in the home system without running a risk that the out-system colonies would rebel, and I believe that they are actually more worried about that possibility than the risk my fleet represents.  After all, if the out-system colonies rebel, and manage to get a message to any of the Alliance embassies, what would the Council do?”

“This has been discussed.  If that should happen then the Alliance will send in peacekeepers and supplies to assist any planetary government that requests such assistance.”

The Torqual admiral nodded.  “So the revolutionary council believes, and they cannot risk a colony breaking away as they do not wish to break with the Alliance yet.  Eventually, yes, but not yet.  Right now, they need the profit from the trade with the Alliance to help secure their power base.  Once they are secure, they will turn on the Alliance just as surely as the sun will rise on each of our home worlds.”

This brought them to the subject that Half-Hand wanted to make sure that the Torqual admiral understood.  “The Alliance Council is aware of the plans of the Torqual Revolutionary Council.  Therefore, the Council has voted unanimously to authorize a military intervention into the Torqual Home System should your fleet fail.  This may cause a political crisis within the Alliance over internal interventions, but the Council feels that delaying will only make things worse.  One way or another the Revolutionary Council’s depredations will come to an end.”

The Torqual Admiral nodded.  “As I suspected.  Even more reason for my fleet to succeed.  Although it appears that the vast bulk of the people on my planet hate and fear the Revolutionary Council, Alliance intervention would appear to be yet another alien invasion, and, even when the Council was gone, troublemakers would long be able to use the intervention to justify rabble-rousing.”

Cho-sho Half Hand looked at the Torqual admiral curiously.  “You understand the Revolutionary Guard’s likely strategy, right?  They will not fight fair, or fight at all if they can avoid it.”

The fire in the Torqual Admiral’s eyes were like banked coals now, burning steadily.  “I’ve seen the reports. They have tried to clamp down on information flows but the home planet leaks like a sieve.  Too many people hate them to remain quiet.  They have been scouring the Capital and the camps for anyone related to my officers and crews.  Already they have sent messages to myself and many others, informing us that should we fail to surrender they will do horrible things to our loved ones.”  The Torqual admiral closed his eyes for a few seconds.  “One of those messages had an attached video clip of the torture and killing of my middle child at the hands of the depraved beasts of the Revolutionary Council.  They threatened to do the same to rest of my family if I decline to surrender my fleet.”

Half-Hand could see the pain in the eyes of the other admiral.  “As I understand it, that was their preferred way of dealing with officials from your former government during their uprising.”

“Yes, and of course it works more often than not, because who among us doesn’t love their family?”

“How did your officers and crews react to these messages?”

“They haven’t seen them.  When I first realized what was going on, and that we couldn’t return home, I had my intel officer divert all messages from home to a hidden buffer system, where they will remain until this campaign is over.  Then I explained my reasoning to the crews and officers, and showed them the video of my middle child’s death.  I wanted them to understand exactly what they were facing.  For our return, I have had my tech people deploy a jamming system on board all of our ships, to prevent the animals that control my home from contacting any of the crews.  There will be only one open channel, and I will be the only one that has access to that channel.”

“And if they tell you they have your wife, or your other children?”

“They will try it.  I will not believe them, though.  We have sources of information from within the Capital, and they have told me that my middle child was the only one taken by the Revolutionary Guard.  The rest of my family is either dead or has disappeared into the chaos that has seized much of my home world outside of the capital city.”   

Half-Hand stared at the Torqual Admiral for a few seconds, not envying him the days to come.  He wanted to ask what he’d do if the Council actually had any of his family, and confronted him with new videos, but he could see in the other admiral’s eyes that it wouldn’t make any difference to the man.  He would not be deterred from removing the monsters from their seat of power.  Finally, he stood and saluted Falson, wishing him good luck.  For now, that was all he could do. 

The Torqual Home System
Six Alliance battle cruisers burst through the warp point, in close order combat formation.  A courier drone had preceded their entry, informing the Torqual government that the Alliance was planning on entering the system as part of a naval patrol moving across Alliance systems.  The attached information made it clear the patrol would enter the system and then depart after a short period of time. 

The Torqual government had not believed the message, but was not ready to tangle with the Alliance, so there was nothing at the warp point to meet the Alliance ships when they entered the system except for a sensor and comm buoy pair set to watch the warp point. 

A few minutes passed, during which time the battlecruisers confirmed that the area around the warp point was clear, and then they dispatched a CD back through the warp point.  Soon thereafter, the cruisers of the Free Torqual Fleet began transiting into the system, followed by transports.  The Free Fleet had returned.   With little fanfare the entire force set out for the inner system.  The Alliance battlecruisers remained on the warp point, in contact with the Free Fleet as it moved in-system. 

Month 189, Day 7
For six days the Free Torqual Fleet had sailed through empty space, approaching their home.  For that entire time their home had ignored them.  Admiral Falson had monitored the home world’s communications networks and there hadn’t been a single mention of the approaching fleet, nor had there been any alerts or warnings.  It was almost as if they didn’t exist.  Almost.  There had been several attempts to open communications with the fleet from the home world, but Admiral Falson had ignored the attempts.  Falson knew what the butchers now controlling his planet were capable of, and he knew that no good would come of opening communications with them, now or ever.  The Free Fleet made its own attempts to contact the home planet’s people, to warn them of their approach, but it was clear that the Revolutionary Council was jamming all frequencies. 

Instead of news about the attacking fleet, the home planet’s airwaves were filled with patriotic revolutionary propaganda, extolling the virtues of service to the state in the name of the people.  These broadcasts were accompanied by videos documenting the torture and killing of anti-revolutionary forces, who, to Admiral Falson, mostly appeared to be defenseless men, women, and children.  After the intel staff examined the videos to ensure they were clean of subversion attempts, Admiral Falson approved the videos for broadcast throughout the fleet, so that the crews could see the monsters that they had come to stop.  Eventually Admiral Falson had to restrict access to the transmissions, as the anger of the crews had grown so much that the officers feared they would lose control once they were within range of the enemy.   

And then, as they broke the seventy-two light minute detection barrier around the home planet, their sensors detected drive fields activating near the planet, and whatever it was left the home planet, headed out to intercept them.  Admiral Falson didn’t believe that the revolutionary government didn’t know that he was here, so they had waited for his approach before moving out to intercept his fleet.  For some reason. 

In any case, the motivations of the revolutionary government, no matter how strange or convoluted, wouldn’t matter soon.  Either he and his fleet would sweep aside the revolutionary guard, as the defense forces had taken to calling themselves, or the defenders would defeat them, and he and his officers would all be beyond caring.  Either way it would end soon. 

Month 189, Day 8
The two fleets closed on each other, neither interested in evading or trickery.  This was to be a battle for the future of the Torqual race, and both sides wanted the battle done with.  There had been too much killing and brutality already for there to be any talk of peace, surrender, or quarter.  Every crewer on the ships of the Free Fleet had had friends or relatives on the ships that now faced them, and they all knew that those friends or relatives were gone now, replaced by reliable crews of true believers.  They knew this because the transmissions from the planet told them so, detailing with great glee the fates that had befallen the recidivist militarists of the old fleet.  Every crewer felt nothing but hate for the minions of the bloody council that now ruled their world, hate and absolute determination to rid the universe of the scum that had dominated their home system.  They had faith in their abilities and those of their comrades, a faith honed through battle and innumerable drills.  They would prevail in this fight, as they had all of the others that had come before. 

On board the Revolutionary Guard ships, a curious mix of emotions ran through the corridors of the fleet.  The officers and political watchdogs exuded confidence in the Guard’s ability to defeat the lackies of the old regime, and utter contempt for the misguided recidivists that so misguidedly followed the old ways.  The crews wanted to believe them, after all, the old government had been so corrupt, and fallen so quickly to the Revolutionary Council’s onslaught, that it almost seemed like the political officers had to be right, however…a creeping fear stalked the crewers of the Guard fleet.  The officers talked more about faithfulness to the Council than they did attention to their jobs, something most of the crewers knew just enough about to survive in space.  Their pre-battle briefings had been filled with exhortations to remain faithful to the cause, rather than discussions of strategy or tactics, or even attention to their duties.  As the traitor fleet approached, more than one crewer or junior officer looked around at his companions and wondered if any of them knew their jobs any better than they did.  As the two fleets closed on each other, the fear in the Guard fleet mounted. 

Just before the two fleets reached weapons range, Admiral Falson opened an all-ships channel, and spoke to his crews.  On every ship his face appeared in every compartment and duty station, and for a few seconds everyone turned their attention to their leader.  Admiral Falson appeared serious, but determined, and anyone looking at his face would have thought it cut from stone.  “I speak now to all of the crewers of the true Torqual Fleet.  The betrayers now in control of the government call you recidivists, adherents to the old ways, and traitors, but it is they who are traitors!  I know you, and you know me!  We are defenders, and we have always been defenders!  We defend the Torqual people, as we have always done!  As we will always do!  The people now in charge on home world have no new ideas, no plan, so instead they tear at everything that makes us a people.  They destroy and they kill because they have nothing to replace it with.  They are just killers, and they have been in control for too long.  We are here to stop them, and stop them we will!  It ends now!”

Cheers rang out across the fleet as everyone, on all of the ships, jumped to their feet and screamed their agreement.  The fleet had returned!  “Now get to work, and let’s clear our skies of this scum!”

At ten light seconds, the fleet plot updated with the latest information on the revolutionary government’s fleet.   Falson frowned.  They had fewer cruisers than he did, but more ships and more mass.  Also, they had more long-ranged combatants.  The government forces had six Imperial Favor class cruisers, to his three, and six Bangor class cruisers, to his three Akagi(LR) class ships.  On the other hand, the enemy had only six light cruisers equipped for close-range combat, which meant that he held the balance of power in close range combat with his nine Akagi class close-range combatants.  After watching the government fleet close on his for a while, he came to a decision and began issuing orders.  Throughout the Free Fleet the officers and crews leapt into action like the well-oiled machines they were.   

On board the government fleet, Marshal Yullen, Grand Commander of the Defense Fleets of the Revolution, and Commander of the Revolutionary Guard, peered at the plot tank nervously.  He had not been given the position of commander of the Revolutionary Guard because he was a military person, or because he knew how to lead a fleet in battle, but because of his loyalty and service to the Revolutionary Council.  Originally, he had been a junior petty officer on board the old government’s fleet, and he had had the good luck to survive the battle with the D’Bringi that had brought his race into the Alliance and began the fall of the old order.  Put out of work by the conquest, he had joined the revolutionary guard early, before it had become clear they were going to win, and thus had established his loyalty early.  His prior military service had helped serve his ambitions well, once he had proven his loyalty by betraying other former military members to the Council’s security services.  He had carefully hidden the fact that he had been assigned to a maintenance unit in the engineering department and had never led more than six crewers at a time.  In any case, his former assignment hadn’t really mattered to the Revolutionary Council, as they disdained the old military and its hide-bound customs.  Yullen had risen far and fast in the new order, and his appointment to command the Revolutionary Guard was his crowning achievement.  Of course, it also meant that he had ended up here, leading a fleet in battle, something he had never planned on or wanted to do.  Still, if everything went right, there would be no battle, aside from cleaning up scattered resistance, something the Revolutionary Guard was really good at. 

Working with the Revolutionary Council’s dreaded Enforcement Bureau, Yullen and his staff had gathered every relative or even acquaintance of a crewer or officer aboard the oncoming fleet still alive.  Unfortunately, there were actually only a few that were both still alive and in the hands of the government.  Many were dead from the purges, or disappeared into the areas outside the main cities that had stubbornly resisted government control, or had been deported to the colonies.  Still, they had some, and they were all with his fleet now, and would act as hostages to the good behavior of the oncoming fleet.  Plus, the revolution had documented most of the torturing and killing that had gone on during the purges, to ensure that the general population would remain terrified and compliant, and those records would now be used against those on the rebel fleet.  The recording of the ‘correction’ of the traitor Falson’s daughter had already been sent to weaken the commander of the rebels, and other such recordings were available for many within the oncoming fleet.  Yullen, and the Council, believed that these recordings, and the hostages, would be more than enough to stop the rebels, to make them ask for terms.  Yullen had been authorized to offer the rebels anything they might believe to get them to surrender, because, of course, the Revolutionary Council did not consider agreements with traitors binding in any way.  Once the rebels surrendered, they and their families would be treated exactly as traitors should be treated.  The fact that the rebels might know that, and factor that into their thinking, had never occurred to Yullen.  This strategy had always worked before, with the corrupt officials of the old government, and they were confident that it would work again. 

Unfortunately, the traitors on board the incoming fleet had refused all communications, which had made Yullen look bad back home.  He had confidently predicted that he would be able to talk the traitors into surrendering, especially as the revolutionary guard had gone to so much trouble as to collect the surviving family members of the incoming fleet’s officers and hold them against this eventuality.  In the face of the rebel fleet’s lack of response, Yullen sent of lists of names of the rebel’s family members and the loyal revolutionary guard ships they were held on, to let the rebels know the price their continued resistance would cost them.  And still the rebels were silent.  Their silence had unnerved Yullen, who Yullen hadn’t bothered to come up with a battle plan.  Oh, he had directed his staff to develop a plan as a backup, not because he believed they would need it, but as a way to give them something to do.  He hadn’t even really bothered to look at that plan, so sure was he of his primary plan’s chance of success.  Now he was beginning to realize that his confidence might have been misplaced.  He had thought that he could dangle their precious families in front of them, especially Falson’s daughters, and the weak, cowardly recidivists would crumble as they always had.  Instead, the incoming fleet had remained silent throughout its approach, and if Yullen was going to be honest, their silence had intimidated him.  He would never admit it, though, so he remained silent and tried to project confidence.  It never occurred to him that everyone else on board his flagship and the other ships of the fleet were just as intimidated, or that he wasn’t very good at hiding his fear.  It had never occurred to him that the officers and crews of his fleet mattered in any real way.  As long as they followed orders like the machines they were expected to emulate, he was satisfied.  As he paced his bridge he radiated uncertainty, and those around him picked up on that.  It made them even more unwilling to approach him, as he was an unpredictable and harsh taskmaster at the best of times. 

As Yullen watched the plot, the recidivist fleet accelerated to combat speed and began closing on the government’s forces.  They weren’t in range yet, but they would be soon.  Increasingly, Yullen was in shock.  He really hadn’t believed that the republican recidivists on board the fleet would actually attack the duly appointed defenders of the government.  He turned to his comms officer.  “Can you punch a signal through the jamming yet?”

“Yes sir, barely.” 

“Then do so.  I want to talk to Falson.”

As the two fleets closed, the monitor on Yullen’s station lit up with the face of Admiral Falson.  “Falson, you idiot!  You cannot do this!  We outnumber you!  And we have your families!  You’ll get them all killed, and for what?  Nothing!  Surrender now or face the consequences!”

Admiral Falson’s face remained calm, eerily calm, and his voice was steady as he answered.  “What choice have you left us, traitor!  We are dead, one way or another, and we know it.  If we didn’t know before entering this system, we know it now.  You and your fellow revolutionaries have gone insane!  So much killing, so much death.  You’re drunk on it, and it must stop!”

Yullen could feel the fear rising in him as he watched the approaching fleet.  “Wait, Falson, you must think of your family!  We have them and…”

Admiral Falson’s face never changed its calm demeanor, but at the mention of his family Falson calmly reached out and closed the comms channel.  Yullen stared at the monitor in shock, not believing that anyone could be that callous.  Well, anyone outside the Revolution, of course.  The leaders of the Revolution had been willing to sacrifice their own families to take power, and many of them had.  They believed that that was what gave them the advantage when dealing with the corrupt old government. Taking family members hostage had always served the revolution well in their efforts to overthrow the government installed by the D’Bringi, and he couldn’t believe it wasn’t working now.  His train of thought was derailed by an announcement that rang across the bridge. 

“Enemy fleet now at eight-point-five light seconds range.” 

Yullen didn’t know a lot about space battles, but he knew that they were now just barely outside combat range.  He finally realized that a battle was actually going to happen.  That thought, of course, led to the inevitable corollary that his own precious skin was at risk here, something he hadn’t actually believed until now.  “All ships will open fire as the enemy enters range!  Plan Alpha!  Plan Alpha!”

The revolution’s leaders were callous and ruthless.  They viewed the great mass of citizens as little more than tools to be shaped by the party into a force that could create the great future that they had envisioned for their race.  Like any tool, they were to be used and discarded, and could be replaced at a whim if they broke or faltered.  No one cared about a tool, except to the extent that it was capable of doing its job.  That attitude extended to their military forces, which they openly disdained.  Now that they had broken the officer corps to the party’s yoke, and set watchers among them to ensure obedience, they viewed the fleet as yet another tool to be used when necessary and then put away and ignored until it was needed again.  They would have scoffed at the idea that of morale, honor, pride, and experience could have any effect on the upcoming battle, which to them was a mere matter of numbers and equations.  The ship’s crews had largely been replaced by the faithful from among the party’s membership, and if they weren’t trained as well as those they replaced, they were at least loyal, which meant far more to them than mere battle prowess.  After all, what use was a sharp sword that turned in your hand and stabbed its wielder?  Better a blunt sword that actually hit its enemy.  They believed that the honor and duty that the old fleet had believed in was actually a weakness, not a strength.  Yullen had believed that as well, as he had watched to old admirals in command of the fleet give up, one after another, at the merest threat to their families.  After all of their nattering about honor and duty, their complete surrender had convinced him of the supremacy of the Party and the Council.  Now, watching the returning fleet implacably advance on him, personally, Yullen was beginning to doubt his previous beliefs. 

The oncoming Free Torqual Fleet hit the seven-point-five light second mark and the nine Akagi class short-range and medium range cruisers actually accelerated towards the government fleet, exceeding maximum military speed by detuning their engines.  This made it difficult for them to target anything, but they were far beyond the range at which their beam weapons could hit their targets anyway.  It also meant that they were overstressing their engines, which could suffer damage at some point, but that mattered little as it wasn’t clear that they would survive the next several minutes, much less any time longer than that.  Following Plan Alpha, the government’s ships had come to a halt and begun modulating their engines, to make themselves harder to hit.  To Falson’s practiced eyes their formation appeared ragged, but they all managed to come to halt in something resembling decent order. 

Both sides had nearly perfect intelligence on the enemy’s ships, and thus both sides knew the capabilities of the enemy ships facing them.  The government’s six capital missile cruisers concentrated their fire on one of the Free Fleet’s three capital missile cruisers, while the Free Fleet’s missile cruisers targeted one of the enemy’s beam-armed light cruisers.  The Free Force’s missiles reached their target first.  The targeted light cruiser was evading, and its panicked CO launched all three of its EDM’s as the missiles closed in on the ship, in spite of the fact that clearly over half of the eighteen capital missiles targeted on it were going to miss.  Three got through the ship’s point defense fire and EDM’s, knocking down the light cruiser’s shields and scoring its armor.  The return fire from the government’s two capital missile datagroups was targeted on the Free Fleet’s lead capital missile cruiser, which launched two EDM’s in its defense and took four hits, knocking down its shields and causing light armor damage. 

The Free Fleet continued racing towards the government fleet, with its beam ships still detuning.  The Free Fleet’s medium range cruisers stopped detuning and continued towards the enemy force, now within range of their missile launchers.  On board the government fleet, Marshal Yullen had been watching the Free Fleet race towards his fleet, perplexed at how they thought they could win.  The fear that had been growing within him was bubbling just below the surface, as he had realized that even though his fleet would surely win the battle, he personally might not survive.  The second salvoes from both fleets were on their way when he hit the communicator button on his console.  “Admiral Torson, your squadron will advance on the traitors and engage them closely!”  Yullen hated the rising note of barely suppressed panic in his voice, but he had to get the Guard’s light cruisers out in front of the fleet.  Out in front of his command ship, to be specific.

Admiral Torson’s face on Yullen’s monitor was dull, and his voice was edged with just as much fear as the Marshal’s.  “What?  Are you insane?  Plan Alpha calls for us to remain with the fleet and screen at close range!  I will not abandon the plan now!”

Marshal Yullen was practically shaking with rage as he replied.  He knew cowardice when he saw it. “You get your ships out there, Admiral, or I will have you executed!” 

Torson cut the channel as Yullen jumped to his feet and began pacing.  “The coward!  What is he thinking, refusing my order!  Security!”  Marshal Yullen’s chief enforcer, an Intelligence Directorate thug named Eroll, stood up from his station.  “Dispatch officers to arrest Admiral Torson immediately!”  The officer turned to leave. 

Yullen’s flag captain hesitantly rose.  “Sir, is it wise to cause confusion in the chain of command at a time like this?” 

The Flag Captain gestured to the tank and Yullen could see that the missiles launched by both sides were arriving.  Yullen’s eyes narrowed.  “Are you questioning me?  Now?”  the panic in Yullen’s voice was even more apparent.  “Arrest him!”

“Sir, no!  I merely….”  The captain stumbled to a halt as the omnipresent security officers rushed forward and grabbed him, hustling him off the bridge. 

Unnoticed as everyone on the bridge focused on the drama, the missiles launched by both sides rained down on their targets.  Capital missiles launched by the Free Fleet’s single capital missile armed group, augmented by capital missiles from their external racks, overwhelmed the defenses of a Guard light cruiser and stripped away its armor and shields, along with half of its engines.  The Free Fleet’s medium range cruisers, armed with rapid firing standard missile launchers, targeted the light cruiser damaged by the first salvo of capital missiles and ravaged it, getting eighteen hits against the hapless CL, which had no more EDM’s to launch in its defense.  Return fire from the Revolutionary Guard fleet’s capital missile cruisers was focused on the same Free Fleet capital missile cruiser as before.  The two squadrons of Revolutionary Guard cruisers managed to score just two hits against the Free Fleet cruiser, whose point defense seemed impenetrable.   The two Guard squadrons armed with advanced standard missile launchers only managed to score one hit between the two squadrons, slightly weakening the shields of one of the Free Fleet’s standard missile cruisers. 

Marshal Yullen didn’t notice this exchange of fire, as he was ranting against the disloyal officers under his command, but the other captains in the fleet noticed this disparity of results.  Fear was growing throughout the Revolutionary fleet, where the crews and officers were beginning to understand that their revolutionary master’s insistence that fervor for the cause was an acceptable substitute for competence on the job was perhaps not based in reality. 

Yullen’s eyes had turned back to the tank just as Security Officer Eroll returned to the bridge.  “Marshal Yullen!”  Yullen turned at the near shout.  “My forces on board the Equality tried to arrest Admiral Torson but were barred from the bridge when Torson locked it down.  They have been unable to penetrate its defenses.”

Yullen just stared at the security officer in disbelief.  What the hell was going on?  His mental line of questioning was halted by a call from his new flag captain, formerly the second in command of the flagship. 

“Sir!  The Equality is leaving the line!” 

Yullen wheeled around to peer at the tank.  He immediately saw that his new flag captain was right.  The light cruiser Equality, the flagship of the light cruiser squadron that was supposed to be protecting his cruisers, had turned and was running back towards the home planet.  Yullen was filled with rage, forgetting his fear for a few seconds.  He stabbed the all-ships button on his console. 

“All light cruisers will fire on the Equality!  It has turned traitor and will attack our planet to assist the recidivists!”

Even as Yullen issued the orders the Free Fleet continued to close on the government ships.  Two of Yullen’s light cruisers turned their force beams on the fleeing light cruisers and wiped it from space as missiles from the approaching fleet began impacting the firing light cruiser’s shields.  Yullen felt a surge of delight when the treacherous admiral’s cruiser disappeared in a deluge of force beam fire, but then one of his loyal light cruisers blew up.

“What just happened?”  Even as he asked the question a second light cruiser’s light code began to rapidly blink, indicating that it had received serious internal damage. 

Yullen’s Flag Captain gestured at the tank.  “The enemy is concentrating their fire on the light cruisers.  All of their ships are within range now.”

Yullen watched incredulously as one by one, his remaining light cruisers received enough damage to cripple them.  His eyes turned to the icons for his cruisers, which remained reassuringly steady.  “What damage have we done to them?” 

The bridge remained silent.  After a second Yullen rounded on his unfortunate flag captain.  “Captain!”

His skin turning duller, the Flag Captain stood up.  “Sir!  We have disabled the shields on four of their cruisers.”

“What!?”  Yullen’s eyes were drawn to the tank, where he could see the traitor short-ranged cruisers charging seemingly straight at him.  For a second, he was tempted to order his fleet to run ahead of the approaching fleet to try and maintain the range, but he instantly dismissed that thought.  If he ordered his ships to abandon their positions, he was pretty sure they would panic and run, and wouldn’t stop until they reached another system, if then.  “All ships will concentrate their fire on those short-range cruisers!”

The Free Fleet short-ranged cruisers closed to one point two five light seconds before they fired again.  Yullen watched in shock as the three lead cruisers fired their force beams at three of his crippled light cruisers, wiping them from space.  The three light cruisers had been crippled, reduced to one sixth speed and only retaining a weapon or two, but the traitors wiped them from space without hesitation, not even calling for a surrender.  Despite everything, Yullen was shocked.  That wasn’t how the Fleet worked.  How many times had he and the other Council members laughed about the old regime’s stupid adherence to its values, even as it went down in flames.  For the first time he began to realize that perhaps they had pushed them too hard.  Too far. 

Then one of the loyalist Bangor Class Heavy Cruisers exploded when it came under fire from traitor cruiser group.  It was followed quickly by one of his capital missile cruisers.  Yullen blanched when he saw that, for it was one of his flagship’s data-group members.  Standard and capital missiles sleeted in on a second Bangor class cruiser, overwhelming its defenses and causing serious damage.  Yullen stared at the traitor fleet, hoping that his fleet had been able to inflict commensurate damage, but his hopes were dashed.  His ships had focused their fire on a single traitor Akagi class beam cruiser, and while they had managed to knock its shields down, and penetrate its armor, the damned ship was keeping up with its squadron mates and was maintaining coordinated fire on his battered fleet.  Nothing seemed to deter the traitors.  They were coming in like beasts from hell, and their effectiveness compared to his fleet was staggering. 

The command deck had broken down into chaos around Yullen as officers shouted at each other and into their comms channels.  Yullen staggered back to his station and collapsed.  How could this have happened?  His eyes settled on the comms button and he realized that he had one chance left.  He hit the channel to the traitor fleet, and was surprised when his monitor lit up to show Admiral Falson. 


Yullen was briefly taken aback by the venom in the other’s voice, but rallied.  He was the survivor of numerous political battles within the Council, some of them bloody, and showing weakness never worked.  “Traitor, you must cease fire!  You are killing your own people!  We have your family on board our ships, and the families of your officers and crews!  Every missile you fire, every beam, kills someone you know!  Now stand down and you and your families can all live!  We’ll even release you to the Alliance, if that is what you want!”  Yullen watched the other’s face as he spoke, but he didn’t see what he wanted.  There was no weakness there, not sentimentality.  Only an implacable hatred.  He tried again.  “You saw the videos I sent of the hostages we have on our ships!  You have to believe me!”  Thinking of Falson’s child that had expired at the hands of the Council’s torturers, he tried another approach.  “If you don’t care about your family, what of your crews?  What about them?”

“My officers and crews know their families are dead.  They have accepted that, and now they want justice.  And they will have it!”  The channel closed with a finality that Yullen felt in his soul.  He sat at his station, unbelieving and beyond thought or emotion.  Finally, he roused himself when Flag Captain Horson shook him. 

“Sir!  The Fleet!”

 Yullen turned dull eyes towards the tank and saw his fleet unravel as the enemy charged towards them.  Government cruisers scattered in as many directions as there were cruisers.  Their missile launchers fell silent as they ran, each ship hoping that the enemy would cease firing if they did.  It didn’t work.  The enemy fleet mercilessly chased down the fleeing ships, firing as they came.  Yullen realized that the battle was over, lost.  Now it was every person for themselves.  “Captain, get us out of here!”

The captain turned and began yelling orders.  The flagship got underway, racing after the other fleeing cruisers.   In quick sequence five government cruisers were savaged by force beams, plasma guns, and missile fire.  Somehow, miraculously, Yullen’s cruiser escaped the barrage.  The government cruisers got the message, and one by one they dropped their drive fields, surrendering to the Free Fleet.  All except Yullen’s cruiser.  It continued to run as its officers were sure of their fate should they surrender.  It didn’t get far, as the next salvo from the Free Fleet was concentrated on that one ship, wiping it from space.

The Free Fleet, having suffered only minor damage, closed on the drive-field down ships of the government, force, and soon had them under control.  The officers and crews were stripped and imprisoned in their own brigs, while the hostages, the few that remained, were freed and reunited with their families and friends.  The Free Fleet, having suffered minor damage in the battle and now reinforced by three Bangor class cruisers which had surrendered intact, set out for their home planet.  The first battle was over, now came the battle to free their planet and their people.

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Cold War: Month 189 - Torqual Civil War part 2
« Reply #193 on: September 28, 2021, 01:32:08 PM »
Month 189, Day 9, Torqual Prime
The Free Fleet approached their home planet cautiously, but as it turned out their caution was unwarranted.  The planet was orbited by six shipyards and three light cruiser sized defensive bases, but the shipyards weren’t armed and the bases powered down and dropped their drive fields before Falson’s fleet entered orbit.  It was clear that they knew that any battle with the approaching fleet would be extremely one-sided and short, and so the crews had largely abandoned the bases before Falson’s fleet reached orbit.  In one case, the crew abandoned their base after killing their officers, who had tried to stop them.  On the other two bases the officers had abandoned the bases first, leaving the crews to their fate.  After that, Falson’s crews had little trouble securing the orbital bases and shipyards. 

Admiral Falson’s Free Fleet arrived over the home planet to find it in chaos.  Word of the defeat of the government’s fleet had leaked out, and the general public had risen against their tormentors across the entire planet.  Nearly every city was in flames, and general combat between vast crowds of enraged people and the government’s security forces raged in every city.  One of Falson’s worst fears dissipated when their orbital scans revealed the fact that the planet’s main spaceport, outside of the capital city, was deserted.  He had feared that the spaceport would be heavily defended, making a landing by the civilian transports carrying his marines and the mercenaries provided by the Alliance nearly impossible.  Given the fighting in the nearby capital Falson suspected that any units assigned to defend the spaceport had been diverted to defend the main Council buildings in the capital.  Based on orbital surveillance, it appeared that the Revolutionary Council was still holding out, although how much of the planet they actually controlled was an open question. 

Once in orbit Admiral Falson ordered his transports to land and establish a beachhead at the spaceport.  The transports carried an eclectic group of ground forces, made up a of a hodgepodge of D’Bringi and Torqual mercenaries, Torqual marines, and a scattering of troops ‘hired’ from the other races of the Alliance.  Most of the troops were light infantry, although they did have a significant air defense capability, and several rapid strike units equipped with light armor and air assets.  It wasn’t enough to conquer the planet, certainly, but there were enough to take and hold the capital city, if they were lucky. 

While Admiral Falson paced on his command deck, the transports descended through the atmosphere.  This was the critical point of the entire operation.  His fleet was unable to support the fragile transports without nuclear bombardment, and he wasn’t certain he could order bombardment of his own planet.  For that matter, he wasn’t certain that his people would follow him if he ordered such a thing.  What he didn’t suspect was that his crews, who had always respected him, now revered him.  His defeat of the government fleet, capturing most of the Guard ships without losing a ship of his own, had raised him to near mythical status amongst his own people.  The fact that every officer and crewer on the fleet knew of the torture and death of Falson’s daughter at the hands of the Revolutionary Guard meant that their respect and devotion to him now knew no bounds.  They would follow him to hell and hack, if he ordered it. 

In any case, Falson needn’t have worried.  The transports made it through their descent without incident and were soon on the ground at the spaceport, disgorging their troops. 

Admiral Falson had planned to wait an hour as the troops on the ground set up their firebase before moving to the next step, but it actually took longer, as he should have anticipated.  Eventually, though, the starport was secure and its defenses were as good as they were going to get. 

Admiral Falson stood in the center of his command deck and nodded to a tech, who activated the recording network.  The recording would show Admiral Falson surrounded by Free Fleet personnel, all looking determined and serious.  Once the recording had started, Admiral Falson stepped forward, towards the pickup.  “I am Admiral Falson, and I command the Free Fleet of Torqual.  For months we have heard rumors of unrest and discontent back home, as we served our nation representing the Torqual people to the Alliance, providing for our mutual defense.  These were just rumors, denied by the government, but they were disquieting.  Then, one by one, our relatives and friends dropped out of contact.  We weren’t told why; we were told to do our jobs.  Then, one by one, the government started calling our ships back to the home system, for refits and crew replacements, they said.  Only they lied.  When our ships returned home, instead of receiving the honors they had earned, our crews were murdered by the very people they had defended!  Because the government is incompetent and vicious, they allowed the word of the murders to get back to us, and that started us on the road to where we are now.”  Admiral Falson stepped closer to the pickup, now dominating the view, and there was no mistaking the rage and determination in his face.  “But I do not have to give a list of our grievances to you, the people who have suffered under the Revolutionary Council’s control for the longest!  You already know their excesses, their corruption, and their utter descent into depravity.  But that is now over!”  He stepped back and gestured around the command deck, at the command crew calmly and quietly going about their duties.  “We have returned!  And we have swept aside the regime’s defenders like the weak maxim-spouting dregs that they are!  The Council’s fleet is no more!  My fleet, reinforced by the ships we took from the Council, now controls the orbitals.  Nothing will enter or leave this planet or this system without my approval!  The Council’s days are numbered!  Already many of you have risen against the Council and their minions.  That’s good, because I and my crews can’t finish this alone.  My forces control the Capital Spaceport, and soon we will control the Capital City, but we need your help!  Work with my people on the ground, cooperate, and soon we will see the end of these barbarians who have wormed their way into the heart of our great nation!  To the Council, buried in their bunkers and cringing at the sounds of a vengeful people outside their doors, I call on you to surrender now!  If you surrender then you will be taken into custody and tried.  If you continue to hide, like the cowards you are, then we will dig you out and kill you all, like the animals that you have become.  To the leaders of the groups fighting against the Council’s forces, I call on you to coordinate with my ground forces as we move the end this disaster that the Council has brought upon us all!  Together we will return our planet to peace prosperity for all!”

The tech cut the recording and Falson turned and gestured for the recording to be broadcast across the entire planet, as they had discussed.  Soon it was out, being broadcast by every ship in the fleet, with enough power to break through the nearly omnipresent jamming that blanketed the surface.  Six hours later a column of troops left the spaceport, headed for the capital city.  Their mission was to establish contact with the rebels fighting against the Council’s forces, and to begin digging the Council out of their bunkers in the palace complex in the center of the city. 

With that underway, Admiral Falson turned to the next item on his list.  The Torqual Army was relatively small, but well-armed and professional.  Like the Navy it seemed the Council had penetrated the upper levels of the Army to establish control, but unlike the Navy the Council had been forced to be more circumspect with the Army, given the fact that they were stationed on the home world.  Most of the Army’s bases were outside of major cities, and based on surveillance it seemed that most of the Army was still in their bases, not helping or hurting the uprising against the Council.  It would be Falson’s job to convince the Army to join his cause, at best, or at least to stand aside and not help the Council.  If he couldn’t convince the Army to help, or at least remain in their bases, then he would have only a short window to react before columns from the bases reached the cities they neighbored.  And, of course, his only possible reaction would be to bombard the columns from orbit, something he desperately wanted to avoid.  But they were committed now, and there was no going back.  He had already decided that half measures would doom them all.  They had won in space, but they could still lose on the ground, and that thought gnawed at him throughout the day as events unfolded on the ground.   

Month 189, Day 11, Torqual Prime
As expected, the Council refused to surrender, or even to contact the fleet that the government’s propaganda still called traitors and reavers in its broadcasts across the planet.  Falson’s ground force had entered the Capital, but going was slow as they were trying to avoid conflicts with those who were fighting the Council.  That seemed to be a hodgepodge of criminals, regular people driven to the brink by the Council’s bloody policies, and deserters from the various military and security forces.  All of those groups were mixed in with Council Security forces of various capabilities, organization levels, and effectiveness in a seemingly wild free-for-all that had consumed the bulk of the city.  It had soon become clear that no one on either side was in control, the chaos having broken down the Council’s command and control efforts on the one side, and on the rebel’s side there never was a coordinated effort to begin with.  Falson’s ground effort then transformed into an effort to organize the rebels into a coherent force before they could push further into the city, and Falson had been forced to relocate from orbit to lead this effort.  Fortunately, his efforts with the Army had at least convinced them to remain in their barracks for the time being.

Month 189, Day 17, Torqual Prime
The Coalition to Free Torqual, organized by Admiral Falson, now comprised the bulk of the forces fighting the Council in the Capital City, and they were beginning to reach out to the other cities.  As it turned out, the Army was both less and more of a factor in the fighting than Falson had thought.  The Army hadn’t been fully trusted by the Revolutionary Council, so long before the rebellion their ability to independently intervene in events outside their bases had been limited by turning the bulk of their transport capability over to the Revolutionary Guard’s control.  This meant that once the uprising occurred, the commanders of the various Army units stationed around the planet could only intervene in the fighting in the cities by marching on foot, and the Revolutionary Guard had threatened to use their air power to prevent the Army’s move on the cities, not trusting the motives of the Army commanders.  This led to a large number of the rank and file ‘deserting’ and leaving the bases independently to go to the cities and help their friends and neighbors who were on the front lines.  On some bases this was actually desertion, and opposed by the leadership, and on others it was condoned by the commanders, who allowed entire units to leave with all of their equipment.  Some of the deserters fought for the Council, as true believers, but most fought with the people and brought a core of trained manpower to the ongoing fights in the cities against the Council’s security services. 

In the Capital City, many Army units were dispersed among the rebels, and these Army units rallied to Admiral Falson’s cause, recognizing the need for unified leadership.  They brought with them the civilians they had been leading, and Admiral’s Falson’s coalition quickly coalesced from there. 

Now, eight days after landing, the Coalition was ready to move.  The first step was coordinated strikes across the city against the scattered security forces that still resisted.  With the help of Admiral Falson’s troops and orbital surveillance, the battle was over by the end of the day and most organized resistance had ended outside of the palace complex at the center of the city.  Next, the Coalition would expand to the other cities around the world, while the palace complex was invested. 

Month 189, Day 30, Torqual Prime
Fully one tenth of the cities on the home world were under the control of Falson’s Coalition to Free Troqual, while fighting went on in most of the other cities around the globe.  The ships captured from the Council’s fleet were waiting to go into the yards for repairs, while Falson tried to decide what to do with his fleet.  With events moving forward on the ground, Falson had returned to orbit to determine the next steps for his fleet.  Information captured from the Council’s fleet indicated that the Council had assigned three heavy cruisers and six light cruisers to patrol the colonies, while they withdrew the remainder of their fleet to the home planet to oppose Falson.  Those ships would have to be dealt with, and the Council’s hold on the colonies broken.  Based on what information he had, it appeared that the Council had focused its efforts on two colony systems, which it had renamed Equity and Unity.  Falson suspected that the bulk of the Council’s remaining forces were located at one or both of those colonies.  Unfortunately, he didn’t know if they were dispersed between the two or concentrated at one. 

In any case, the first step would be to secure the home system’s warp points.  To this end he dispatched six heavy cruisers to each warp point, to establish a guard on the warp point and to replace the officers and crews, if necessary, of the trio of battle stations placed at the warp points to guard against intruders.  With the warp points secure and the bases under his control he would be able to plan campaigns against the Council’s two primary out-system strong-points. 

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Cold War: Month 189 - Torqual Battle Analysis
« Reply #194 on: September 29, 2021, 11:29:57 AM »
A recent post in the comment thread got me thinking about this, so I decided to lay out the forces in the recent battle, and discuss some of the issues surrounding the fight in a quick post. 

A comparison of the Torqual Free Fleet and Revolutionary Council’s forces:

Free Fleet:
3xImperial Favor R3 class CA’s (crack)
3xAkagi(LR) r3 class CA’s (elite)
9xAkagi r3 class CA’s (3xElite, 6xCrack)

That’s fifteen heavy cruisers, all graded crack or elite. 
Hull Spaces: 900

Revolutionary Council Fleet:
6xBangor v1.1 class CA’s (3xGreen, 3xPoor)
6xImperial Favor r3 class CA’s (6xGreen)
6xHalifax v1.3 class CL’s (5xGreen, 4xPoor)

That’s twelve heavy cruisers and six light cruisers, all graded poor or green:
Hull Spaces: 990

As you can see, by the bare numbers the Revolutionary Council’s fleet had a significant advantage at long and medium range, with the Free Fleet gaining the advantage at close and point-blank range, if they could survive to get there. 

The Revolutionary Council’s fleet chose a poor strategy, though.  Instead of running ahead of the attacking Free Fleet, forcing them to close through hail of missiles and emphasizing their missile advantage, they instead held still and modulated their engines to make themselves harder to hit.  This strategy didn’t work.  Their engine modulations didn’t do enough to counteract the advantages the Free Fleet’s grade was giving them, and staying still merely allowed the Free Fleet to close to beam range very quickly, especially as they were detuning their engines. 

In point of fact, in spite of being outnumbered in long range missile launchers by two to one, and in medium range missile launchers by three to one, the Free Fleet consistently scored more hits on the Revolutionary Council’s fleet than they received in return.  Worse, the Revolutionary Council’s fire was scattered against several different ships, and the firing priorities kept changing every turn. 

After the first two turns of firing, by which time both long and medium ranged missiles ships were engaged, it was clear that the Free Fleet had a nearly overwhelming advantage, no matter what the bare numbers said.  This surprised me, and I decided that it would demoralize the Revolutionary Council’s fleet, causing them to break and run, as the Free Fleet had passed through missile range largely unscathed and was now entering their most effective range. 

I purposefully gave the Revolutionary Council’s fleet a less than optimal strategy because they were so inexperienced, as was their commander.  I was pretty sure before the battle that their poor strategy would doom them, but after playing it out I realized that there may not have been a way for them to win.  They could have inflicted more damage on the Free Fleet, but the grade imbalance really screwed them. 

I’d say that no one would be stupid enough to hamstring their military before going into an all or nothing fight, but that’s exactly what the USSR did before WW II.  I’m sure with a little thought there are other similar incidents scattered throughout history.  As always, national leaders are almost always focused on internal political threats and opportunities, rather than external threats. 

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