Author Topic: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread  (Read 55800 times)

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #375 on: September 26, 2020, 09:28:30 PM »

2) I deleted a colony because I couldn't get rid of the population.

3) Finally I am missing the wreck of my survey ship which was in the Kar Duniash system.
I am aware that swarm eat wrecks but as far as I can tell the ship was destroyed by missiles which I believe are not used by the swarm. I'm not sure how to definitively check if the race is the swarm or not.

2) Maybe if you add ground force construction complex the task will show up and you will be able to remove it?

Swarm was reworked significantly and they now have missiles, so you most likely encountered Swarm. I think they always use Tyranid portrait so you can easily check this.

That's a good idea, sadly it didn't work. I found that after closing and reopening the population it does remove the population so that means I'm not left with a perpetual error on those colonies.
The portrait doesn't match your description, but if it's the swarm then I might struggle. I'm in an awkward position where I'm about to unlock magneto plasma drives and then spend a few years upgrading all my ships. I figured if it was an NPR I might be ok swatting survey ships and gate builders for a while.

I did notice that it didn't properly delete the units which were stationed at the colony, if you change the ground forces view so that it isn't grouped by location then they show up.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 09:37:00 PM by Migi »

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #376 on: September 27, 2020, 03:26:24 AM »
Not sure if its been mentioned before, but refitting a missile ship to only beam without unloading missiles makes them "stuck" on ship. There is no way to unload them.
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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #377 on: September 29, 2020, 05:48:49 AM »
1. 11. 0 - first time playing.   Windows 7.   All of the below is for the default fresh-install game.   I've not done anything at all except what's described below; hopefully that makes debugging easier.   :-)
Quite a long list, don't be disheartened.   :-) The TL;DR is that there are a lot of UI issues that could be solved with a few hours of TLC to improve the consistency and usability/readability of the UI. 

Common problems
* Upon opening many menu dialogs, some/many/all (varies by dialog) of the drop-down boxes are displaying as though they are selected.   Sometimes one of them actually will be selected, but certainly not all of them.   You have to actually select then deselect them to make them display properly unselected. 

* Column widths.   The column titles (i.  e.  , View Tech) and contents (i.  e.  , Race Comparison) are often abbreviated and it's not possible to see what they say: "Range (m.  .  .  " means what? Especially annoying as I have a lot of screen width that isn't being used.   There's no shortage of desktop screen real estate in 2020.   Suggestions: Auto width columns so you can read the titles.   Much wider minimum column widths.   And/Or wrapping (which one or two dialogs have). 

* Impossible to resize dialogs.   At least by selecting the dialog borders.   Can only use full-screen which leads to massive screen wastage. 

* Inconsistent UI, Breaking of UI Convention: I thought initially that green text meant the value could be changed.   But there are numerous dialogs where this isn't the case.   There's no obvious indication that a value can be changed because there is no text box around changeable values as is the global UI convention. 

* Breaking of UI Convention - The game allows me to select table rows in various panels where there's no reason to be able to.   They shouldn't be selectable if they can't be changed or don't have an associated button that requires one be selected. 

* The orbital paths randomly disappear.   I've not done anything yet other than pan around and zoom in/out.   The planetary orbital paths just randomly disappear when I pan to certain points, this happens even if the applicable planet is on the screen. 

View current game information
* I pressed "New Game" - now the dialog has got wider, but the content got even wider and it's the dialog is not wide enough.   I can see "These game c" as the title for the next (third) panel, but no more. 
* I then press "cancel", and the dialog shrinks, except it shrinks too much, and now the second panel is half missing!
* The "Delete game" button on that dialog has black text on a dark blue background; completely unreadable.   I guess the button is meant to be disabled, but it should still be readable. 

* I select the Solar Admiral and see that s/he has had 9 promotions on 1st Jan 2500.   Every other commander has all their promotions on that date too. 
* The columns on this dialog don't have headers so it's not clear what they relate to. 

* Events window
* The scroll starts at the bottom.   Ok, so you're adding new events to the bottom.   Except that the column names are at the top and thus invisible.   I'd suggest making the column titles sticky so they're always shown (probably should be done to all tables). 
* "Last time increment" in seconds isn't number formatted. 
* The first column is called "Race" but actually has a date-time in it for most entries. 
* The time on the datetime is cut off for longer months (September/October etc). 
* I changed "Max Events" to "5".   It resized to show 23! 6 are actual events, and the other 17 are the timestamp items. 
(I suspect these next ones apply to many inputs). 
* Setting it to 0 is identical to 1. 
* Setting it to -1 shows 1 item.   (Sanitize your inputs! ;-) ). 
* If I enter "001" it correctly interprets it as 1 (or at least, treats it as 1), but doesn't change the visible typed in value to "1". 
* Deleting the value from the box gets me an error dialog: "Input string was not in a correct format.  ".   But the box remains empty after I've clicked ok.   Should show the previous value as that seems to be what's being applied. 

Sector Management
* the bottom right panel has no title - not clear what it's representing (I happen to know that 2 of the items listed are nearby star systems and the third is a galaxy.  .  .   doesn't really help though). 

* I can put my cursor in the titles like "Max CC" and "Duanium". 
* The values are things like "0  0.  1" - no idea what this means, but that's an odd way to represent 0.   My current theory is one is storage and one is input? In which case the convention and clearer way of showing would be something like 0 (+0.  1).   I can change the values but doesn't seem to do anything. 
* The page starts empty.   I had to click "search" to be shown stuff. 
* Clicking "Create Colony" when nothing is selected does nothing. 

Galaxy Map
* System names outer circles (2nd one and above) and become unreadable. 
* System names overlapping the green lines are hard to read.   Both can be solved by using a mask around the text. 
* There is almost no contrast between the lime green circle and the cyan dot - near impossible for me to see and I have "normal"/good vision. 
* Lots of other cartographic issues with this, but going to leave that for now.   I dread to think how hard this is going to get to read once a game gets going!
* For some reason there's a string "Known Systems:" in the top left.   It doesn't seem to relate to anything. 

System Generation and Display
* Content doesn't fit on the dialog by default.   Have to full screen it.   Stops just after the top right panel begins. 
* Having now had to full-screen, the dialog isn't filling the screen.   The main panel has scrollbars, but can easily be made wider/taller to fill the 1/3rd empty dialog (both width and height wise). 
* Distances are using "m" and "k" suffixes.   Problem is, this makes them hard to visually compare. 
* Header column is trying to wrap around but is being but off.   Can only see the top of the word "Cost" for example. 
* I select something and click "Create Colony" - nothing happens. 

Race Info
* The right panel has all the info squished into one column.   Would definitely benefit being two with the right one have the value. 

Offline Elvin

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #378 on: September 29, 2020, 08:54:08 AM »
@HepHep A number of the UI-related issues you've outlined are fixed by the AuroraMod. While it'd of course be great to get them fixed in the base game, this mod does a bunch of it:

Offline Desdinova

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #379 on: October 02, 2020, 02:06:07 PM »
I created a game to pit some ship designs against each other. See the "New Game Name" game in the attached database.

I have two player factions and no NPRs. I was instant-researching tech with spacemaster, instant-building ships, and making them battle. The only "cheating" was done with the instant research, instant build, and SM ordnance refill buttons. It was all working fine, until the latest round. I have no idea what I did to break it.

Now every time I advance time I get multiple instances of :

Function #1951: An item with the same key has already been added.
Function #1943: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Function #478: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Additionally the "Douglas" class destroyer should be able to see the enemy on active sensors, but can't.

I tried deleting the ships and spawning new ones but it didn't help.
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Offline Barkhorn

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #380 on: October 02, 2020, 02:15:11 PM »
The function number:  N/A
The complete error text:  N/A
The window affected:  Tactical map and Event Log
What you were doing at the time: Conquering an enemy planet
Conventional or TN start:  TN start
Random or Real Stars:  Random
Is your decimal separator a comma?:  decimal
Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?:  Never seen it before, but other people in the discord have.
If this is a long campaign - say 75 years or longer - let me know the length of the campaign as well :  79 from game start.
I landed an army on New York - A1 and defeated the NPR ground forces there.  But the population never surrendered.  There is still a 0 ton enemy ground force signature there, and in the event log I get a message every 8 hours saying the estimated enemy force is 1 infantry.  I have 128,000 tons of ground forces there and after several weeks they still haven't killed off that enemy ground force that I suspect is actually empty.  I have conquered other enemy positions successfully without this issue.

I have attached my DB.  I had to zip it or the upload would keep failing.

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #381 on: October 04, 2020, 08:13:29 AM »
The function number:  Unfortunately I didn't screenshot it before restarting the game
The complete error text:  N/A
The window affected:  Entire database, it appears
What you were doing at the time: Changing difficulty settings
Conventional or TN start:  TN start
Random or Real Stars:  Random
Is your decimal separator a comma?:  decimal
Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?:  Never seen it before
If this is a long campaign - say 75 years or longer - let me know the length of the campaign as well :  The year is 2060, so not super long so far

The one alien civ I ran into other than spoilers was pretty mild, so I changed the difficulty setting from 100% to 200%.  I believe this is the root of the issue, but am not certain.  Later, when I tried to save the game.  I was so worried that it wasn't saving at all that I failed to capture a screenshot.  I could tell my saves were updating since the file dates were "now", but I kept getting the error when ever I tried to save.  I played for another few hours, saved again, and restarted to try to clear the error.  When it restarted I got one final error that seemed to be different, but it no longer threw an error when I saved.  However, another few hours later I realized I hadn't seen any aliens in a while, and checked the alien screen, only to find no other alien civs were listed.  I sent scouts to the homeworld as well as both places I'd run into spoilers, and everyone was gone! No sign they'd ever been there.

I have attached my DB.

Offline Alphard

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #382 on: October 05, 2020, 01:06:44 PM »
The function number: N/A
The complete error text: N/A
The window affected: Tactical map and fleet organization window
What you were doing at the time: Attempting to switch views to another solar system using the drop down on the tactical map.  But it also occurs if you try to center on anything else on the map using any functionality.
Conventional or TN start: Conventional
Random or Real Stars: Real Stars
Is your decimal separator a comma?: Yes
Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?: Easy to reproduce
If this is a long campaign - say 75 years or longer - let me know the length of the campaign as well: Has been occurring the entire span of the campaign as far as I am aware.

On the tactical map: If I have a ship selected in the fleet organization screen, even if the fleet organization screen is not even open, AND I have a ship selected on the "military" tab in the tactical view (at any point in the campaign apparently), I cannot center to anything other than that ship no matter what I click - it just goes back to that ship.    By that I mean it centers the camera onto the selected fleet disallowing me to center anywhere else or change systems (even if I click options that normally center to other things).  I can still pan normally.  Toggling the button "Select on Map" in the fleet organization window does not do anything, either on or off, to relieve this issue.  In fact, toggling that checkbox is reset every time I reopen the fleet organization window to unchecked.   Closing the fleet org window with it checked or unchecked does nothing.  Leaving the fleet org window open and checking/unchecking does not help either.

The only way I've been able to stop this is to make sure a naval admin command is selected before I close the fleet organization window, then I can change systems in the tac map as expected

When I start a new game, this issue disappears.

Since this seems to be rather difficult to explain I have made a youtube video demonstrating the issue: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=AXTmq5DL0-I

Offline Vainglory

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #383 on: October 06, 2020, 06:06:20 PM »
The function number: 2196
The complete error text: " Object reference not set to instance of an object. "
The window affected: Economics and tactical map when incrementing time
What you were doing at the time: Incrementing Time
Conventional or TN start: TN
Random or Real Stars: Real Stars
Is your decimal separator a comma?: No
Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?: Once appeared it never goes away
If this is a long campaign - say 75 years or longer - let me know the length of the campaign as well: 28 years

Someone else has experienced this same bug in earlier C# versions but I don't think anyone has reported it for the current version.  It appears to be related to a shipyard at my own homeworld, Earth.  A civilian shipyard disappeared when this problem began. . .  but at the time I was actually engaged in combat with an NPR race, after destroying four of their space stations orbiting their capital this bug started and won't go away.  Every time increment I get the warning, and every time I open economics I get the warning. 

When viewing the colony summary the correct tonnage and slipways appear, as though the yard still exists, and the four ships being built at the yard still appear in jobs.  They even continue to progress as time advances.  However, I cannot see the yard under the appropriate tab.  I can see my other civilian yard, but if I add a new civilian yard via SM add, I cannot see the new yard either.  However, the new yard's tonnage and slip shows on the colony summary page.  Furthermore the class tooled at the yard can't be deleted because it's tooled at a yard.  The yards appear to exist, but can't be seen in the relevant tab.  I tried various things to "clear" the bug like deleting all related jobs, I even deleted the entire colony, and then the entire race, but the 2196 error message persists.  If anyone has an idea how to rectify this I'd love to not abandon my 28 year campaign.

Also, I've not exhaustively read every post in the thread, so I'm not sure if this has been reported before, but my ground forces were also affected.  I'm not sure if this was coincidental: the same ground forces bug struck my game once before, and I only noticed it after loading a save, so it's possible the ground forces bug is caused by save/load processes, and I only noticed after reloading; I saved after the bug appeared (I took a copy before hitting save but the bug had already taken hold from my previous save just slightly earlier, and my tertiary backup is seven years prior. . .  oops).  It's possible this is a known bug and coincidental.  IDK.

For the ground forces bug, EVERY formation throughout the race has had its hierarchy cleared.  Furthermore, something between 50,000 and 75,000t of ground units has disappeared.  This did happen once before, all hierarchies on all formations everywhere got cleared, and a whole 4,000t "Brigade" disappeared from the colony it was on. 

At all but three locations no units have disappeared.  At the three that have, some entire units have disappeared, while parts of others remain.  The missing units were "divisions" made of a 500t "division HQ" unit containing support elements, with three subordinate 1000t "brigade HQ" units containing HQ, logistics, and fire support, each with three 1000t battalions beneath them.  In a troop transport orbiting Earth, which had two divisions aboard, four of the six Bd HQ formations remain, but none of the eighteen battalions, and neither of the two Div HQ.  On Earth, four entire divisions disappeared with nothing remaining, although other units including an entire STO division remain.  Lastly, on an asteroid in another system entirely, another entire division disappeared except for two formations that were originally Bd HQ units; they lost all elements except artillery and were attached to new Bd as artillery batteries.  The only thought I have is that POSSIBLY all the units that have disappeared were built AFTER a given time, such as a save; IIRC the entire divisions gone from Earth were all new-build, whereas some Bd HQ were previously in combat, whereas the subordinate Bn were destroyed and replaced. 

I've attached my db.

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #384 on: October 07, 2020, 12:58:47 AM »
The function number: 2196
The complete error text: " Object reference not set to instance of an object. "
The window affected: Ground Formations
What you were doing at the time: Making a Jump Assault from Los Angelas to Chicago, boarding an enemy ship
Conventional or TN start: TN
Random or Real Stars: Random
Is your decimal separator a comma?: No
Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?: Never seen it before; have done a handful of boarding actions without this problem
If this is a long campaign - say 75 years or longer - let me know the length of the campaign as well: 86 years
Upon jumping into Chicago, I found the JP guarded.  I set up all my fire controls and ordered a boarding action on the enemy vessel "Luxor 001".  The enemy began to flee, and I suffered losses on the boarding attempt; 71 Marine Assault Troopers and 18 Marine Assault MG Troopers out of ~200 made it aboard.  The single logistics trooper was lost.  I got no messages about the command element.  I also got the aforementioned error, but ignored it as I have had it resolve itself in the past.  Several increments later, I noticed I wasn't getting any ground combat events.  Upon checking the Ground Formations tab, I find that my boarding party "Grossi's Ghosts" is nowhere to be found.  I scrolled back through, and found I never got a single ground combat event beyond the one informing me that the marines had landed.  I think it may either have had to do with the fact that I forgot to set the aliens to hostile for one increment, or it may have been the fact that these aliens could move.  All other aliens I have boarded were hostile or stationary.  Either way, I don't think it's intended that my marines would vanish.

I have attached my DB.  I had to zip it to get the upload to work.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 11:53:45 AM by Barkhorn »

Offline Droll

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #385 on: October 07, 2020, 05:01:57 AM »
The function number: 2196
The complete error text: " Object reference not set to instance of an object. "
The window affected: Ground Formations
What you were doing at the time: Making a Jump Assault from New York to Chicago, boarding an enemy ship
Conventional or TN start: TN
Random or Real Stars: Random
Is your decimal separator a comma?: No
Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?: Never seen it before; have done a handful of boarding actions without this problem
If this is a long campaign - say 75 years or longer - let me know the length of the campaign as well: 86 years
Upon jumping into Chicago, I found the JP guarded.  I set up all my fire controls and ordered a boarding action on the enemy vessel "Luxor 001".  The enemy began to flee, and I suffered losses on the boarding attempt; 71 Marine Assault Troopers and 18 Marine Assault MG Troopers out of ~200 made it aboard.  The single logistics trooper was lost.  I got no messages about the command element.  I also got the aforementioned error, but ignored it as I have had it resolve itself in the past.  Several increments later, I noticed I wasn't getting any ground combat events.  Upon checking the Ground Formations tab, I find that my boarding party "Grossi's Ghosts" is nowhere to be found.  I scrolled back through, and found I never got a single ground combat event beyond the one informing me that the marines had landed.  I think it may either have had to do with the fact that I forgot to set the aliens to hostile for one increment, or it may have been the fact that these aliens could move.  All other aliens I have boarded were hostile or stationary.  Either way, I don't think it's intended that my marines would vanish.

I have attached my DB.  I had to zip it to get the upload to work.

Did you lose contact of the alien vessel during the boarding attempt?

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #386 on: October 07, 2020, 11:53:00 AM »

Offline ivanmixo

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #387 on: October 07, 2020, 05:13:13 PM »
I can't see the date research will be finished.   It's really damn annoying.  This is on a 1080p monitor, so I don't think it's a resolution issue.

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #388 on: October 07, 2020, 05:22:39 PM »
I can't see the date research will be finished.   It's really damn annoying.  This is on a 1080p monitor, so I don't think it's a resolution issue.

Since when does aurora give the actual day for the date?

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Re: v1.11.0 Bugs Thread
« Reply #389 on: October 07, 2020, 05:38:08 PM »
I can't see the date research will be finished.   It's really damn annoying.  This is on a 1080p monitor, so I don't think it's a resolution issue.
Known issue.  Don't know if a fix is planned.  Auroramod has a fix for it, but it's a mod so bugs are a possibility.