Minimum Refuel OrdersI've added two new orders.
- Refuel to Minimum from Stationary Tankers
- Refuel Stationary Fleet to Minimum
These orders function in exactly the same way as the existing 'Refuel from Stationary Tankers' and 'Refuel Stationary Fleet', except that instead of using max fuel capacity for the ships being refueled, the minimum fuel level of their parent class is used.
For example, assume a ship has current fuel of 100k litres, fuel capacity of 1m litres and its parent class has a minimum fuel of 250k. A tanker ordered to 'Refuel Stationary Fleet' will add 900k litres, while a tanker ordered to 'Refuel Stationary Fleet to Minimum' will add 150k litres.
For the existing orders listed below, the Max Item textbox will appear. If a value above zero is entered in this box, the order will fuel each of the ships in the target fleet to that specified amount. So if a 'Refuel Stationary Fleet' order is given with Max Items set to 200k, every ship in the fleet will be given sufficient fuel to take their fuel amount to 200k (assuming the tanker has enough). For example, a ship with 50k in its tanks would receive 150k.
- Refuel Stationary Fleet
- Refuel from Colony
- Refuel from Refuelling Hub
- Refuel from Stationary Tankers