Author Topic: My Newbie AAR  (Read 9789 times)

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Offline Hyfrydle (OP)

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #105 on: May 18, 2010, 06:28:37 PM »
A brand new update and missile combat is finally starting to make sense by analysing combat the method to combat an opponent starts to come together.

Hope you all enjoy.

Offline Hyfrydle (OP)

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #106 on: May 19, 2010, 03:07:49 AM »
In my ongoing battles with the Tau Ceti aliens I have very little knowledge of there weapon systems or ship specs. Is there anywhere this info is stored? I have checked the intelligence screen and all I know is the estimated speed and tonnage.

In combat I get missile info and details of there sensor ranges but after combat this is not stored.

Also I sometimes find in combat that the enemy contacts disappear from the system map then when I increment time they reappear is there a reason for this.?

Offline Hawkeye

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #107 on: May 19, 2010, 10:26:56 AM »
First a comment on to your blog :)

Your Cerberus has a horrible failure rate, despite having 1073 MSP. I am assuming, those parts are in the form of Maintenance Storage Bays? If yes, converting some of those into Engineering Spaces might be sensible, or your collier will use up most of the spares to repair its own systems.

re. intel:
Yes, the intelligence screen is the one you should be looking at.
Note that the sensor-range is only an estimate, based on your own technology, i.e. EM-sensor strength. I have made the (painfull) experience, that the actual range of hostile sensors is often a lot larger.
I don´t think info on enemy missiles is stored anywhere, except if your intelligence manages to steal the secret from the aliens, i.e. you capture enough crew/officers from enemy lifepods to get an intelligence event or a espionage team scores. This can reveal the secrets of an enemy missile, which you can build from that moment on, though you know nothing about the tech used in it (You can, for example get a missile, that uses an engine tech, you don´t have researched yet. You can build this missile, but will gain no knowledge of the engine tech)

As neither, missiles (which can be changed for the next round) nor sensor (range only a guestimate) are hard facts, they are not stored at the intel screen.
What I do is to type in stuff I noticed in the "Notes" space. I also rename the enemy ship type to what I think they are, for example, if I suspected the broadsword to be a PD ship, it will be named CE Broadsword, if I suspect it to be a missileboat, it would be named CG Broadsword and so on.

Any hard facts, you find out about the enemy ship will show in the "Weapon and Sensor Data" window.
Ralph Hoenig, Germany

Offline Hyfrydle (OP)

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #108 on: May 20, 2010, 03:22:00 PM »
It's all over the Tau Ceti aliens proved too much and my early mistakes came back to bite me. I learnt lot's and hope I helped others get there head around this fantastic game. Going to upgrade to the latest version and try another game. No AAR this time though I want to hone my skills and improve then I will put something else together.

Thanks for reading and also for all the help over the last month and a bit.

Offline AndonSage

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #109 on: May 20, 2010, 06:00:25 PM »
Did you happen to get a message just before the Earth was destroyed that said "Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish?" :)

I enjoyed your AAR. Good luck on your next game! BTW, you might want to turn off Precursors, until you get a better feel for building ships, and combat. At least you'll only have to worry about NPR's, instead of Precursors and [spoiler:3j84oolp]Aliens coming out of wormholes[/spoiler:3j84oolp].
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Offline Hyfrydle (OP)

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #110 on: May 21, 2010, 02:13:36 AM »
The Tau Ceti aliens had a colony on a planet and also seemed to improve tech do Precursors do this? What are the differences between and NPR and Precursors?

Offline Hyfrydle (OP)

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #111 on: June 30, 2010, 04:57:19 AM »
Once I finish my current game I'm going to start a new AAR which will hopefully include some ideas and strategies again from a beginners perspective. The things I'm going to concentrate on are setting up mineral supplies via mass gates and freighters. Also I'm going to attempt some kind of fiction which is something I've never been much good at but I'm going to give it a shot any tips are much appreciated.

Another area I want to cover is combat which I'm still slowly getting to grips with also I want to include more pictures.

So as I said above any comments to help or things you would like covered please let me know.

Offline MattyD

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #112 on: July 01, 2010, 12:23:49 PM »
In terms of fiction, it depends exactly what you want to achieve with the AAR. If you are seeking to educate, to lay out your choices and make mistakes like your first one then keep the fiction down somewhat.

You tried a little in your first AAR - 'Kate Wallace sitting at a desk...', that was  a nice short piece that set the mood for the rest of the post. I would recommend that you continue with something similar, although using a different font or colour would help distinguish it.

Not blowing my trumpet, but I've started to throw in a little scene in the start of my AAR to give a feel to the main body of the post. I was inspired by the little headers in Frank Herbert's Dune - quotes from the Orange-Catholic Bible or Letters from the Princess Irulan. It adds a little flavour before I detail my mistakes and current situation and goals.

It's funny that you are going to concentrate initially on mining and resources. I feel your pain there in my current game. The limited starting resources become a real wall if you are not prepared for them.

When you get to combat, go slow. It's about the only part of the game I am yet to experience and there is a real lack of detailed information for the newbie there (me).
My Newbie AAR

Offline Hyfrydle (OP)

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #113 on: July 01, 2010, 01:11:51 PM »
Quote from: "MattyD"
In terms of fiction, it depends exactly what you want to achieve with the AAR. If you are seeking to educate, to lay out your choices and make mistakes like your first one then keep the fiction down somewhat.

You tried a little in your first AAR - 'Kate Wallace sitting at a desk...', that was  a nice short piece that set the mood for the rest of the post. I would recommend that you continue with something similar, although using a different font or colour would help distinguish it.

Not blowing my trumpet, but I've started to throw in a little scene in the start of my AAR to give a feel to the main body of the post. I was inspired by the little headers in Frank Herbert's Dune - quotes from the Orange-Catholic Bible or Letters from the Princess Irulan. It adds a little flavour before I detail my mistakes and current situation and goals.

It's funny that you are going to concentrate initially on mining and resources. I feel your pain there in my current game. The limited starting resources become a real wall if you are not prepared for them.

When you get to combat, go slow. It's about the only part of the game I am yet to experience and there is a real lack of detailed information for the newbie there (me).

Fiction is not my strong point but educating is also not easy and mixing the two especially with a game like Aurora is doubly difficult. I'm enjoying your AAR it's good to see how different people play the game I wish more people would document there games and help lessen the learning curve.

I'm on my third proper game at the moment about 30 years in and as before I've learnt tons of stuff I didn't know the main thing been building a good network of supply for minerals as this can really slow things down. As far as combat goes this is one area that really needs an in depth tutorial with perhaps a saved game attached so practical experience can be achieved. My combat always ends in tears and lots of nuclear explosions.

All I can say is good luck for when you get involved with the aliens they will make you feel a real fool and you start to really understand the importance of good ship design.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: My Newbie AAR
« Reply #114 on: July 03, 2010, 06:05:27 AM »
Quote from: "Hyfrydle"
The Tau Ceti aliens had a colony on a planet and also seemed to improve tech do Precursors do this? What are the differences between and NPR and Precursors?
Precursors don't have populations and don't improve tech. They are robot-controlled ships that guard ruins and occasionally systems without ruins. NPRs are empires similar to your own. They will explore, found new colonies, bulid new ships and advance their technology.
