Author Topic: Introduction 5: Organism further details  (Read 3522 times)

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Offline symon (OP)

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Introduction 5: Organism further details
« on: June 12, 2010, 05:19:36 PM »
Names and reproduction
The Organism do not reproduce in the conventional sense as recognised by many sentient species. Instead new and replacement population are produced to order in Replication Wombs, organic containers where a unit with the desired characteristics is generated and matured to adulthood. Produced from a single cloned cell from a bank of stored genetic material, one of many ‘Incept lines’ will be selected and then perhaps slightly customised to produce a unit with the desired characteristics and even potentials in the case of senior castes. Initial instruction is given the unit via pheromone exposure and direct feed to the nervous system so that lower caste units are decanted with all required skills whilst more senior castes have sufficient skills to rapidly acquire competence in their work assignment. For the past one thousand years, the replication wombs have been run at reduced capacity, providing replacements only. Recently, production was ramped up to maximum

Organism units are allocated names during forced maturation. Organism names have three components and are used in descending order of preference:
The designation, an arbitrary but customary set of phonemes, this is the most commonly used name.
The incept line, indicating the principal genetic pattern used prior to caste optimisation, always beginning ‘Y-‘, meaning ‘of’. These are the designations of units credited with providing the basis of these initial genetic patterns. A few human designations were added in the past few hundred years.
The serial number, twelve digits starting from 000000000000 and lapping round at bbbbbbbbbbbb. (The Organism use base12 arithmetic).

Designations are divided into customary male and female designations Thus an Organism female might be known as Nyxya, Nyxya Y-Nynlyl or Nyxya Y-Nynlyl-650936571996, making her the 650,936,571,996th female named Nyxya Y-Nynlyl since the serial number lapped round to 0. If she met Nyxya Y-Nynlyl-650936571997, they would both refer to themselves and each other in full if ambiguity needed to be avoided. She would not feel any relationship closer than that she might feel to Bya Y-Shango-198826650021. Other sentients might be tempted to see the two ‘Nyxya girls’ as sisters especially as they would look identical but all other Organism units could tell them apart by their pheromone emissions if nothing else as these would differ very slightly.

Ground unit organisation

Organism ground units are part of Security Division when deployed defensively but attached to Conflict Division for Planetary assaults and similar power projection operations.

The basic Battalion-sized unit is referred to as a Section (which proved confusing for Federation troops where a section was a rather smaller affair). Four Sections are commanded by a Subgroup Command Section and form a Subgroup. Commanding four Subgroups is a Group Command Section, similarly forming a Group. Organism Subgroups are usually formed with one Armour Section, one Assault Section, one Mobile Section and one Mobile Defence Section. The Mobile and Mobile Defence Sections are of very similar composition but are usually differentiated by their deployments, although either is capable of covering for the other. All three Section types are vehicular, with Armour equipped with heavy armoured grav vehicles, Assault equipped with heavy armoured grav vehicles and grav APCs and Mobile equipped with grav APCs and support ordinance.
Security sections garrison planets and installations. These are usually directly subordinate to the relevant planetary command.
Construction Subgroups are engineering units, usually attached to Construction Division.

Organism Soldier Units
Organism Infantry use a Grav rifle with an overslung grav missile launcher as their basic small arm. A unit carries five clips of ammunition for the Grav rifle each weighing 1 lb and containing 1000 rounds of 0.001mm hyperdense, sliver ammunition. The rifle has a cyclic rate of fire of 1200 rounds per minute. Flight velocity is 20%C and the rifle is equipped with gravitic compensators. The projectiles have an extremely high armour piercing capability and explode into plasma when they penetrate giving good antipersonnel performance, even against combat armour and excellent capability against lightly armoured vehicles. Squads of five organism soldiers were easily able to disable Human MBTs or incapacitate their crews by directing bursts of automatic fire at the side profile of the vehicle.
The integral, reloadable missile launcher contains one light, supersonic grav missile with smart guidance and a comprehensive sensor package. An Organism unit typically carries 5 reload missiles with warheads optimised for the tactical situation. These include SEFOP, Aerosol, Swarm, Hypercore and EMP. If warranted, light tactical mini-nukes with yields selectable from 0.01 to 1 kilotons can be issued.
The rifle is equipped with a dedicated HUD link to an Organism combat helmet and compact multispectral sights with IFF and targeting software.
An arm pod contains three knife missiles and provides light, semi-autonomous anti-personal armament. These homing weapons have contragrav mobility capable of ten minutes flight time and can strike a target or targets at 200 mph. They usually survive the impact undamaged. They are especially effective against lightly or unarmoured opponents and can be recovered at any time by the unit to preserve flight time or allow recharge. They have a secondary function as reconnaissance drones.
Offensive weaponry is rounded out with five smart mini-grenades (about golf ball size) with HE fragmentation warheads and a mono-edged combat blade.

Personal protection is normally limited to a combat helmet, rigid composite laminate chest and upper leg protection and combat boots. The combat helmet can be sealed in conjunction with the clamshell chest armour and is equipped with HUD, GPS and inertial navigation, hearing protection, radio with IFF, near miss indicator, radar/laser detector, filtermask and twenty minute air supply. In hostile environments this is supplemented by a nanoweave skinsuit with an oxygen supply of at least eight hours.

More mundanely, the typical Soldier Unit has twice the speed, reaction time and strength of a twenty-first century human soldier and using specialised hormone glands, can render themselves impervious to pain and fatigue. They can also trigger other mental or physical states on demand such as reaction or strength over-performance factors of up to 200% for short periods. Inter-Unit communication can be supplemented by pheromones unless fighting in a sealed environment.
"You fertility deities are worse than Marxists," he said. "You think that's all that goes on between people."

Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light. 1971.

Offline symon (OP)

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Re: Introduction 5: Organism further details
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 12:01:33 PM »
Integral Fire Support and other weapons

Other commonly deployed weapons include

Grav Machinegun. A heavier version of the standard grav rifle. Using the same ammunition, the higher cyclic rate of fire of 6000rpm and a higher flight velocity grant more than twice the penetration. They can be fired on the move by one Soldier unit as they are mounted on a grav-stabilised weapon harness and are fed from an ammunition cassette of 4000 rounds. Typically, every five-member Organism squad will carry one GMG.

Grav sidearm. Issued to vehicle crews and commanding units, this is simply a cut down version of the Organism grav rifle with a lower velocity and optimised to a machine pistol format with a 500 round magazine.

Striker grav missile. A grav missile capable of attack speeds of 2,000mph and with a range of up to 320 miles. Equipped with a sophisticated sensor suite and targeting options, this 5kg missile is widely used by the Organism and is deployed with APEP, HEMP, SEFOP, APHD or tactical nuclear warheads.

These support weapons are routinely carried by Organism infantry units and are standard equipment in Organism APCs.

Light Pod Mortar, containing sixteen 40mm HEMP mortar rounds in four tubes. This disposable remote mortar unit is very portable weighing less than 30kg when fully loaded.

Tholym Remote Attack Drone. This sophisticated attack drone weighs 120kg and is designed to carry and launch four Striker missiles. Capable of 2000 mph, a range of 500 miles and a loiter time of days, it is designed to be re-usable but if the tactical situation warrants, can itself mount an attack, detonating a tactical mini-nuke warhead.

Remote Machinegun. A slaved GMG directed by integral targeting systems. Equipped with a comprehensive sensor suite and sophisticated targeting software, this can be directed remotely or commanded to be completely autonomous. Weighing 50kg, ammunition is provided by eight reloadable 4000 round cassettes that are identical to the squad support weapons.

Remote Missile Launcher. Similar to the RMG, this remote or autonomous launcher weighs 40kg and holds four striker grav missiles.

To supplement the two RADs mounted in the outer hull, a Vagimus APC will typically carry an RMG, an RML, 20 LPMs plus substantial ammunition for the squads, including tactical nuclear missiles.

Organism Combat Vehicles
The Organism standardised on two front line combat vehicles. A grav MBT and a grav APC. A lightly armoured grav carrier has been adopted as the standard platform for combat support functions and a larger un-armoured grav carrier adopted for supply and other rear-line functions.

The Pudendix grav MBT is capable of supersonic flight and is heavily armoured with the same ceramic composite armour as starships. With a crew of three units, primary armament is a turreted Grav Cannon supplemented by twin box launchers for a total of eight vertical-launch striker missiles. Two remote turreted Grav Machineguns in two single turrets provide Antipersonnel and point defence fire. A substantial sensory and electronic warfare suite and three reconnaissance drones round out the vehicles abilities.

Lightly armoured with ceramic composites, the Vagimus grav APC has a crew of two and carries ten other Organism units and their support equipment. Intended to provide fire support to the squads, it is armed with sixteen striker missiles in four box launchers and two reusable remote attack drones. Four remote turreted Grav Machineguns in two twin turrets provide Antipersonnel and point defence fire.

Intended to carry assets and supplies that are not expected to be exposed to frontline combat, the Mamirax grav carrier is very lightly armoured and equipped with a single remote turret with a grav machinegun to provide antipersonnel and point defence fire to protect the support equipment carried. Typical configurations include Meson artillery, Strike Missile launch and control, battlefield recovery/engineering, command and control, etc.

Used in rear areas for resupply and bulk transport, the Theranox grav carrier is soft-skinned and unarmed but has a substantial lift capacity.

Combat Support Units
These assets are available at the subgroup and group level and allocated to subordinate units at need as force multipliers. Most are deployed in or by grav carriers. Typical support units and their equipment include:

Pod Mortar, containing thirty 65mm mortar rounds in six tubes that can be remotely fired either singly or as a single barrage. Warheads are HEMP, SEFOP, swarm or tactical nuclear. They are deployed from a grav carrier in seconds and are ideally recovered when the battlefield is clear. Weighing 80kg, a grav carrier can carry one hundred such pods.

Meson artillery, capable of fire on the move support that is extremely difficult to track with counter-battery techniques. With a range of over 200km and a maximum rate of fire of 600 strikes a minute, this light meson cannon mounted in a grav carrier provided devastating support in the conquest of Terra.

Autonomous Strike Missiles, a vertical launch platform for one thousand Striker grav missiles. Up to one hundred can be targeted and launched every five seconds. Reloading takes somewhat longer.

Remote Attack Drone Carrier, a dedicated launch and control platform for the same RADs deployed from the Mamirax grav carrier, this carrier is capable of deploying forty such drones.
"You fertility deities are worse than Marxists," he said. "You think that's all that goes on between people."

Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light. 1971.

Offline symon (OP)

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Re: Introduction 5: Organism further details
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 06:53:25 AM »
Ammunition types:

SEFOP: Self-Forging Projectile. A smart fused warhead, detonates some distance from the target explosively forging its warhead into a high density penetrator. Capable of functioning as a more conventional HE round against unarmoured targets.
Aerosol: A dispensing round for an airborne chemical agent.
Swarm: A dispensing round for a nano-swarm.
Hypercore (APHD): Armour Piercing Hyperdense Dart. A long fin-stabilised dart with a hyperdense penetrator.
EMP: Emits an electromagnet pulse with an effective radius of several yards.
HE fragmentation: A standard High explosive round with a fragmenting case.
APEP: Armour Piercing Enhanced Penetrator. A cheaper alternative to APHD with a performance similar to depleted uranium.
HEMP: High Explosive Multi-Purpose, a shaped charge round also capable of functioning as a more conventional HE round.
"You fertility deities are worse than Marxists," he said. "You think that's all that goes on between people."

Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light. 1971.