Author Topic: Galactic Chronicles: Addendum - Planets of the United Systems  (Read 2056 times)

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Galactic Chronicles: Addendum - Planets of the United Systems
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:25:00 AM »
Here is a comprensive list with description of the planets colonized by the United Systems.
Updated continously


Population: ~ 10,000 Millions
Surface Temperature:  22° C
Day:  24 hrs

The homeworld of mankind is the biggest and most populated planet of the United Systems. During the last century the population concentrates in the cities, full of high skyscrapers, allowing for a better re-forestation of the rural areas. Thanks to TN technologies the ecological situation, endangered by pollution in the last century is now returned to pre 2000 situation.

Home of the government, in the artificial island of Pax Astra in the Atlantic Ocean, the Earth remain at the head of the US.
With the foundation of the Einstein Complex, a scientific citadel, in the late 2100, the Earth is the main sources of new discoveries and technologies and with big industrial complex it is the first production sources of men.

It's basically the same planet that was in the beginning of the new millennium, but with a technological exponential development.

Population: ~ 1,400 Millions
Surface Temperature:  30° C
Day:  24.6 hrs
Dimension: Half the Earth diameter

Mars was started colonized in 2033, and for nearly 40 years huge terraforming installation pump oxygen and hydrogen in its atmosphere, that become breathable in 2069. The long terraforming process was mainly caused by the primitive terraforming installation built in 2033.
It's the second most important colony of the Sol System and the first planet colonized.

Renowned for his big Military Shipyard Complex of the Starfleet, it also houses one of the finest military academy of the USAF (United Systems Armed Forces) along as a huge military training site where experimental and last generation weapons are tested.
Mars is also defended by the 4th US Legion "Astartes", one of the finest division in the army.

Population: ~ 1,250 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -147° C
Day:  15.9 Earth days
Dimension: Less than half the Earth diameter

Titan, the biggest moon of Saturn, was colonized in 2078. The terraforming process allow to transform the athmosphere breathable in 2082 but due to the distance from the sun, the extremely low surface temperature forced the population to live supported by huge infrastructure in closed complex.

The day cycle of more than two Earth weeks leave half of the planet for a long period of time in the dark. Definitely not the better place to live, Titan becomes anyway the third most populated colony of the Sol System and the fifth of the whole US thanks to major investor fundings in local factories, that allow the planet to hosts ten big financial centers.

Population: ~ 600 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -3° C
Day:  24.6 hrs
Dimension: 600 times smaller than Earth diameter

Phobos is all but a planet. It's one of the Mars satellite and it's dimension compared to the actual population left a careful reader without words. This is because the "Rock" as Phobians call it, is all developed underground. With an artificial athmosphere, the satellite is protected by the famous "Red Stripes" Marine Brigade.

Was colonized in 2108 with the purpose of an auxilliary base for the Starfleet ships.

Population: ~ 450 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -19° C
Day:  27.3 Earth days
Dimension: 1/4 the Earth diameter

Luna was colonized in 2034, mainly with the purpose of mining TN materials. It was terraformed to allow humans to breathe the air of the satellite but its temperature is always under the zero, so the environment is not really perfect.
Over the years many earth citizen migrated to Luna for working in the mining industry that yet flourish and is the primary source of wealth in the colony.

Population: ~ 350 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -1° C
Day:  42 hrs
Dimension: 1/4 the Earth diameter

Io is one of the moon of Jupiter and it was colonized in 2075. The terraforming process allow to breathe and live without particular infrastructure. It's industry is based on mainly on mining and many corporation built here their headquarters.

Population: ~ 300 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -141° C
Day:  1.59 Earth years
Dimension: 150 times smaller than Earth diameter

Caliban is one of the smallest moon of Uranus and it was colonized in 2104. It's surface is full of buildings to support the relative big population compared by the extra low temperature and it's the seat of the Marine High Command.
It is the "moral homeworld" of every Marine and for this reason is protected by two marine brigades.

During the years the legacy with the USMC lead the population to adopt the fashion of them leading to live the life in a spartan way, basing their action on morality and courage.

Population: ~ 200 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -184° C
Day:  6 Earth days
Dimension: 1/6 the Earth diameter

Triton was colonized in 2094 and terraformed the render the surface nearly habitable, but the really low temperature keep the colonist inside infrastructure. It's popular by the vast agricultural habitats that spread through the planets and the mining complexes that was built here in the first years of colonization.

Population: ~ 121 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -185° C
Day:  6.4 Earth days
Dimension: 1/12 the Earth diameter

Charon is the only moon of Pluto and it was colonized for mining purpose in 2101. It's population is composed mainly by mining complexes worker and is the outermost colony of the Sol System. It's temperature of -185° Celsius renders its environment really extreme causing the use of infrastructure to support the colonists.


Population: ~ 2,400 Millions
Surface Temperature:  5° C
Day:  24 hrs
Dimension: Twice the Earth diameter

Aurelia is the second biggest colony of the US. With 1/5th of Earth population, it's the biggest in the Alpha Centauri System. Opposite to Earth it hasn't a real hydrosphere, like the oceans of Earth, but it's fertile soil absorb the precipitations dropping them on canals under the surface. Also called "the green planet" thanks to it's vegetation, it hosts several big cities that holds the 80% of the planet population.

Aurelia was populated initially by terraformer colonists in 2081, and after 10 years it's athmospere was fully breathable. It's various lifeforms span from the giant Gruskels a simil elephant mammals, to millions of tiny insects, and it's a researched spot for tourists of all the US.

Population: ~ 1,800 Millions
Surface Temperature:  30° C
Day:  20 hrs
Dimension: More than twice the Earth diameter

Warmer than Earth, Hope is a big desert planet mainly colonized after the discovery in 2090 of an enormous archeological site that revolution the human view of the galaxy, letting them know that they weren't alone. Here the name "Hope", hope to find friendly entities through the galaxy. Hope was finished terraformed in 2120 due to the extreme hot conditions, and to testify this, no oceans and huge desert are still visible from space.

With neary 2 billions population, it's the major competitor of Aurelia in the administration of Alpha Centauri System,  its rapid population growth is mainly due to the ruins (called "The Dig") that is being studied from over 50 years and many commercial mining companies have estabilished here their headquarters.

Population: ~ 800 Millions
Surface Temperature:  0° C
Day:  24 hrs
Dimension: Tree times the Earth diameter

Tarsis is the biggest planet colonized in the Alpha Centauri System, but it's population is only of 800 millions, this mainly because of the recent colonization in 2150 and it's surface covered for the major part by snow with only a little percentage of water (5%) concentrated in the enormous lake Lapidum.

Through the planet several cities were built and the Marine High Command use one of the icy regions for extreme condition training. An high number of ordnance building companies keep on tarsis their main stockpile and production centers due to the low temperature that reduce the explosion risk.

Population: ~ 300 Millions
Surface Temperature:  14° C
Day:  86 Earth days
Dimension: Equals the Earth diameter

Solstice is an acquatic planet and the only colonized (in 2134) that orbits around the second star of the Alpha Centauri system (the B). It's vast oceans cover the 95% of the planet surface leaving the rest 5% to humans that colonized the fertile ground. In addition, many artificial island was built to support the local industry. Obviously the planet biggest income derives from tourist that invades many atolls around the globe in the warmest period of the year, considering also that it's long days (86 Earth days) make it perfect despite the not really warm temperature.


Population: ~ 1,200 Millions
Surface Temperature:  22° C
Day:  104 Earth days
Dimension: 3/4 the Earth diameter

Solaria was the first planet colonized in Luyten, and the biggest in population. It's ecosystem is similar to Earth one and the 58% of its surface is occupied by oceans. The name "Solaria" derives that the warm temperature that allowed the comfortable colonization of the planet in 2113.

It's hosts one of the most prolific commercial spaceport thanks to the variety of products fabricated by the local industry and agriculture.

Population: ~ 500 Millions
Surface Temperature:  8° C
Day:  34 Earth days
Dimension: Less than half the Earth diameter

Cadia is a rocky planet colonized in 2140. It's the second in Luyten 726-8 System and it's population is subdivided in three major cities through the planet. It hosts a military academy and a huge military shipyards where many US starships where built, being able to support the parallel construction of two ships to a tonnage limit of 1,000,000.


Population: ~ 200 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -180° C
Day:  2 Earth days
Dimension: 1/4 the Earth diameter

Stygies is the biggest colony of humans in the Barnards Star System. It was colonized in 2154 and it host one of the biggest and most recent human military academy. It's population is supported by a network of infrastructure due to the low temperature that left the planet surface completely frozen. It's industry is mainly based on starship refitting and maintenance.

Population: ~ 151 Millions
Surface Temperature:  -187° C
Day:  6 Earth days
Dimension: Half the Earth diameter

Sanctuary is the second planet in the Barnards Star System, its temperature is comparable to the Stygies lows and it was colonized in 2167 making the planet the last colonized by humans, always sheltered inside infrastructure and residential complexes.

It's name derives from a huge cave called "the Shrine" under a portion of the planet surface that brings thousand of fanatics to practice here their religious cults.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 02:35:35 AM by rawghi »