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Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #105 on: October 31, 2012, 06:35:01 AM »
[ooc]I'm open to suggestions on the drake social woes.  But given their government type and me basing them largely on D&D dragons they aren't exactly without internal conflict.  I also assume that the three races though in a partnership are still seperate.  The reason the Shanirian's have such good info on the Drakes is that they have taken over a lot of postings in the Drake beurocracy, which has improved its efficiency (as the Shanirian don't as a rule assasinate their way to the top) but it does mean the office of strategic initiatives gains a great deal of economic data that they process to determine what is going on.  The Drakes realize to a degree that this is happening but their Military mindset means they don't quite realize exactly how much "secret" information the Shanirians can determine by looking at the civillian side of the economy.[/ooc]

"Moving on to our progress over the last year."  Julius smiles, this part of the talk was more or less a feel good session for the attendees.  "The Confederation has had significant growth economically over the last year.  Our total economic output was 42, 024 MCr last month with a further 1,169 MCr being collected by rental of government owned hulls to the private sector."  He moves the two numbers upwards, "Our total population is 18 522 in the so called population units."  He sends the number to near the others, "In terms of real numbers the break down by sector is as follows:  Coreworlds sector: 40 Billion, Frontier Zone 1: 400 Million, Frontier Zone 2: 200 Million, and Frontier Zone 3: 100 Million."  He pauses and taps on the screen, "Although in economic terms Shanir represents only 19.5% of the Conferations wealth generation capacity it has the bulk of our people still.  However, we now boast 5 planets classified as medium population worlds:  Vulcan's Forge in Virconium, Gateway in Antium, Motherload in Nova Vox, Argos in Pisea, Secundus and Tercius in Byzantium."  He nods to the group from Bucolonization.  "Our plans for this fiscal year are to add another 4 worlds to the list and to see if we can double it."  He touches the screen moving the worlds over to the left and brings up the targetted planets and their data.  "Our current incentive program for industrialization has expanded year by year and this year the monthy investment is 1800 MCr."  He brings up a simplified schematic of Confederation space.  "Our current problem is that any transit time to the frontier is now on the order of 4 months with the exception of Frontier Zone 3 which is connected by Viie's newly located warp point nearly to Shanir itself.  This has dramatically reduced the cost and time need to colonize what would be otherwise an extremely long trip."  He looks around his audience "A three month trip essentially results in twice as much being spent on the transport than the colonization equipment cost.  By four and five months the transport fees become substantial."  He shrugs, "But the value of a population on the frontier is signficant and so far it has been deemed worthwhile to move people."  He highlights a couple of systems on the schematic.  "Nova Vox and Vesuvius have been designated as sector capital systems, with communication and control infrastructure in place for Frontier Zones 1 and 2 respectively."

"Militarily, the situation is looking good for the Navy and Fortress Commands.  The current maintenance budget is 45.7% of our domestic product and expansion of defences and fleet units is proceeding on schedule."  He taps on the pannel and several systems are highlighted.  "The plan to decentralize and increase our ship yard capacity is an indisputable success.  In Shanir we have three orbital stations with a total of 38 yards and 6 machine shops, in both Tarentum and Nova Vox are each 6 yards and 6 machine shops, 8 other systems have Fleet Support Stations with 2 yards and 2 machine shops, while one more is being prefabricated and another one is being assembled."  He taps on the console bringing up another set of lists, "Two construction groups with 3 pioneer class yard ships are operational, two groups with 3 mobile workshop class construction tenders are operational and two groups with 3 Forward Repair Ship class mobile docks are operational.  The Pioneers and three of the FRS ships were as stated before built by the Benthians for us under contract."  He taps more and pie charts show up by each system with construction facilites, "We are using approximately 90% over all of our yard capacity each month with several systems contributing pre-fabricated bases to the reserve stockpile."

He clears the screen and then a list of fleet deployments show up.  "At the moment Task Force 10 is on the way to the starless nexus SN984 for joint excersizes with the Drakes."  He pauses and highlights the third Task Force icon, "Task Force 30 is in Cyrene and 3rd Fleet is organizing its tasks in Frontier Zone 2.  The two Task Forces 31 and 32 are still largely understrength but the existing ships have taken over all patrol activities in that Zone."  He highlights the middle icon, "Task Force 20 and Support Group S2 have advanced into Hippo Regius and are currently picketing the warp point that leads to the Caliphate as the new race calls themselves.  The survey ships have moved on but the diplomatic mission to secure a trade agreement with the Caliphate has stalled."  He pauses for a long moment, "Given the nearness of this system to Tarentum, and the extreme importance that nexus has for our trade, this is starting to rise concerns."  He touches the screen, "Additional bases have been added to the construction queue for the warp point leading to Hippo Regius as well as more automated weapon buoys and SDAWPs."

"Diplomatically otherwise things are proceeding slowly with the Council of the Moon as they have turned down the last 2 offers to add a military defence pact to our current trade treaty.  The trade treaty with the race calling itself of all thing the Northern Lizards has been profitable and the defences on that warp point are now at a reasonable level.  The situation with the Theban's is as usual, we are securing our borders with them but they seem pre-occupied with internal matters.  The trade with the Cannon Cartel can soon be shifted to Frontier Zone 3 from the current transshipment in Angband orbit as we have found a direct connection to them."

He clears the data and brings up again the starmap.  "Exploration command has secured funding to construction of two new survey forces, one of which will be mothballed.  A large number of systems near to heavily inhabited frontier worlds that remain unsurveyed and one more force will speed up that task.  Additionally, all survey ships will be refit to a higher technological standard.  A serious issue remains supplies as it is becoming harder and harder to establish colonies necessary to produce the supply lines but each force is well equipped with support freighters and so far this hasn't been a complete show stopper."

"Alright that concludes the executive summary of the curent state of the Confederation as a whole.  I will take any questions now."

Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #106 on: February 26, 2013, 08:10:01 AM »
Note to the admirality: mixing plasma torpedoes and commercial engines on your ships is not a good idea if the foe is armed with capital missiles and military engines. (or 3 BC's blast 15 DD, 15 CA, 15 FG untill they run out of ammo and retreat, leaving all hostile ships with damaged engines and thus unable to even pursue).
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 10:31:07 AM by Starslayer_D »

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #107 on: April 06, 2013, 11:05:56 AM »
Year 19, Month 4, Day 28:  Shanir, Admirality House, Briefing Room 1

The senior members of the SCN currently on Shanir: Legate Samual Bester (CO of 1st fleet), Tribunes Ben Quan (Head of the SCN's Naval Headquarters and Administration), Susan Ivonava (Head of Fortress Command) and Frank Masters (CO of TF10), plus Centurion Scott Montgomery (incharge of the SCN's dedicated construction facilities in Shanir orbit) were gathered with the Drake Ambassador Irashaar and his Military Attache Sgt Attaakk in the briefing room.  The armoured pressure suits of the Drakes were in stark contrast to the Shanirian's undress uniforms.  The pit's holo-projector was in operation and a wire frame view of the neighborhood of the warp point joining the Drake colonial system (and warp point nexus) of Elvorfilas to the system that the Drakes call Calebririon.  

Calebririon is inhabited by a race whose government is known as the Cervii Republic.  A pair of Drake survey corvettes had been in system for several months engaging in diplomacy with the Cervii.  Things had been progressing well with full communications established and discussions about trade on-going.  This much the Shanirian's in the room were aware of.  Elvorfillias was a system in the Drakes "New Expanses" and was a well settled binary system.  Elvor-Nidar was also a garden world for the Drakes being one they could live on without the need for pressure suits and environmental domes.  Elvor-Har was a less interesting, for the Drakes at least, terran type world that had a desolate planet tide locked to it.  Several rock balls and gas giants and an asteroid belt on the outer edge of each components planets rounded out the system.  The net worth to the Drakes was over 1000 MCr per year but it was vital in two other senses.  A good part of the "New Expanses" lay beyond its warp point to Belanduil:  3 habitable worlds including the Moldovian's Homeworld.  The Moldovian's were Drake allies that they were in the process of uplifting.  Additionally Elvorfilas was a warp point nexus and of its 8 warp points 4 were un-explored, these represented the last open warp points in Drake space.  Elovorfilas was also very close to the Shanirian systems of Babylon, Rip Tide and Palymera, which made it of "strategic interest" the SCN.

Legatus Bester looked at the holo with interest noting the deployment of the Drake ships.  Effectively north of the warp point were stationed the three Skywatch bases and to the south were the Join Expeditionary Force's ships, while the corvettes of the scout fleets ringed the space in between.  All ships were at long range from the warp point itself.  The Corvettes at 3 LS while the bases were 3.75 LS, and the JEF was 4.25 LS.  Indicators for a minefield surounded the warp point and other symbols marked the location of 3 groups of bomb pumped laser buoys.

"The contact with the Cervii had been going well until some days ago.  At that point we are still unsure exactly what was said.  We think there may have been some in-advertent insult given but frankly we don't really understand why they got upset and stormed out of the meeting but they did.  Shortly after that they issued a declaration of war and our scout ships withdrew from their system.  Apparently they located the exit warp point from Elvorfilas by observing our transit."   Legatus Bester could not help but think that having extracted themselves without being seen would likely spare many lives in the future but done was done...a cloaking device would be very useful in these situations...too bad they only existed in stories.

"A message was sent on to the Homeworld via the ICN and the local commanders prepared to defend the system with the forces they had to them.  Luckily we had put some minor defences in place, the Skywatch bases were just assembled and had barely finished shakedown."  The humans nodded.  "At any rate they launched an attack some few days after the corvettes got back with the news.  Here is the recording."

The holo view changes to scanner view with a time stamp running in the corner.  Suddenly the view changed to a pair of immense jets radiating outwards from the warp point, followed by another pair and then a third.  This was followed by a  ship of alien design that flashed into existance at the anomalies event horizon, then a second and a third.  A tactical analyis showed up afterward as the progression froze.  Battlecruiser weight, 5 energy beam mounts, multiple point defence suits.  
"What in the name the hells was that?"  Legatus Bester could not remain silent...the 3 jet pairs were still visable in the picture, radiating outward on three different orientations in space.  
"Our best guess is that the Cervii attempted to send a ship the size of our prototype dreadnaught or even larger for all we know through the warp point...on their side it is limited to battleship or smaller hulls...but that is something you can only know by coming through from the Elvorfilas side."  
The Shanirian officers all looked at each other and then back to the scanner view.  
"The energy is in all spectra so far as the science ships could tell:  light, microwaves, xrays and very high energy gamma rays."  
It was an understatement to say the room was quiet as the naval officers looked at the readouts beside each pair, their faces ashen.  Since the time when it had become possible to exploit warp point connections most scientists had just said that exceeding the size of the warp point or transiting multiple ships simultaneously would result in something terrible happening to the ship or ships in question.  Now they knew what happened and it was indeed terrible.

"Their ships and ours engaged in a brief battle..."  The display advanced with the enemy ships being pounded on by the Drake ships and bases, the corvettes firing into the enemy ships rear aspects at times and then a second group of ships appeared.  More codes indicated there were 3 Battleship sized vessels apparently armed with Captial Missiles Launchers and a further 3 battlecruiser identical to the first trio.  A baddly hit battlecruiser exits the fight retreating back through the warp point.  
"The battleships engaged the bases with laser warheads."  Damage indicators spill accross the display.  The bases point defence had done a spectacular job stopping the laser torpedos, still the two missile bases show armour damage.  The detonation of the laser buoys scars the battlecruisers armour [ooc]As we didn't notice the warp point size until after the battle the SDs absorbed a lot of fire that would have gone on the can find the battle in the scenario's section if you want to see the ship designs involved.  Note:  there is no error the Drakes don't use shields or armour on their normal (non-assault) ships.  I don't see why they would not use them on bases though.[/ooc]
The battlecruisers enter the minefield and do a good job on the field itself but still damage is mounting on them as two are shields down after their wide angle beam fire eliminate the surviving mines.  One battle ship is battered by the corvettes laser fire while the battlecruisers engage the corvettes with energy beams damaging two of them extensively.  But the damage to the ships seems too excessive for the Cervii and their ships turn and slip back though the warp point.  Leaving the Drakes still in control of the system.

"As you can see we held them off, probably mostly due to them loosing the three ships they did."  
Legatus Bester replies,  "Your crews did an excellent job considering the mass differences involved."  Almost all of the intruding BCs had been damaged to some extent and one Battleship had been badly damaged.  
The Ambassador makes gesture of acknowledgement and continues, "But we will need to counter attack, and so we are requesting your assistance officially.  We don't think that our assault cruisers are up to this battle, and we will need ground troops to take their world as fighting in its atmosphere would be difficult on our troops."  
Legatus Bester looks grim, while the warp point had this time worked to protect the Drakes the size would work against them as well.  Any counter attacking force would be limited to battleships and cruisers for the most part.  "I see, well that is up to our Parilment but I will direct our engineering branch to start the activation proceedure once I get that confirmation.  Given Elvorfilas's location we will begin moving combat ships to support your position as soon as we can cut orders to them.  But mostly you will be getting more lighter ships Ambassadore at least initially."  
"That is more than acceptable to the High Council Legatus Bessterr.  We have started activating our war time force and have dispached the Council fleet and the flights to hold the system."

Some days later the Pariliment ratifies the treaty action and the SCN is instructed to demothball their warfleet and render all assistance consumate with maintaining the security of the Confederation to the Drakes.  Normally with two other partners there would be discussion of a joint endevour but the Squids and Moonies have no love for the Drakes and their Ambassadors make that clear.  The Squids, however possess few ships and the Moonies while the have a substantial force have only a few ships that would fit through the warp point so the SCN looks to them mainly for assitance if something happens on their borders while they are involved with the Drake-Cervii war.

Centurian Montgomery starts the proceedures that will begin demothballing the vast numbers of ships that have accumulated in the reserve and assualt fleets.  His efforts will get a boost in month 6 as the Prime Refit Yard station is about to come on line in Shanir Orbit.  Together with the 3 construction yards he will have 42 shipyards and 15 machine shops to devote to the task.  One small issue is that a lot of the mothballed ships are quite old and will need to be updated before joining the front line.  The planning to do this over the next 12-18 months had existed but the current crisis was accelerating the activity.

The SCN will be sending TF10(+) with its full war complement of cruisers and all the battleships the SCN has.  It will be supported by the Fleet Train and two mobile construction groups with mobile repair ships.  The Assault Fleet will be full activated and dispached.  Additionally a TG from 3rd Fleet will help secure the Duo Verge system which connects to this area of space while a TG from 2nd Fleet will move into Belanduil to assist in its defence.  The fleet train loads up ASDW's and IDEWs from Shanir's general stockpile as well as a small marine detachment [ooc]32 PCF-8A[/ooc] before departing for the border to Drake space.

As there is one unresolved contact currently ongoing only 2 systems from the vital nexus of Tarentum the SCN is concerned about moving too much of its force out of the Homeworld sector but a race that has dreadnaught sized ships is nothing to be treating lightly.  The normal builds dedicated to increasing the strength of the frontier fleets will hopefully be sufficient to the task of defending the Confederations borders.  Also the SCGF starts a recruiting drive as the need for more troops is clear.  Also the demand for the war will likely reduce the planned Colonization surge for the last months of the year much to BuCol's shagrin.  

Uploaded with

The above is the mess of the current Shanirian knowledge of the universe.  It is no longer possible to make it usable if you can see it all at once though it does give you an idea where things are.  The red circled system is where the Cervii Republic is coming from.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 01:41:36 AM by Paul M »

Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #108 on: April 07, 2013, 06:28:04 AM »
Turn 196: Reorganisation of theban survey assets.

Sire, we have come to present you with a proposal concerning an overhaul of our survey forces. Currently we ave deployed seven survey forces with two Unem-Em-Hetep cruisers, an Ua survey tender and a Ptah probe frigate. Furthermore, we inherited four survey fleets from the lemurians with three Östergötland light cruisers each, and still have two survey fleets operating the Anouket EX, which due to its lack of ranged sensors is a deathtrap in case of hostile forces operating within the same system.

Thus, we have currently 14 CA, 12 CL, 10 Tenders and 7 probe frigates in operation, and 20 explorers.

We propose the following refits and rebuilds to our survey ships, and the reorganisation of the twelve survey forces along the structure outlined below.

The Unen-Em-hetep class has served us well since its conception, but a replacement of the passive defenses with the current state of the art is adviseable, as is an upgrade of the electronics and point defence systems. Six cutters will be maintained as the small craft supplement allowing a quick survey of planets and moonlets.

The Östergötland class has its laser turret armament removed to provide space for boat bays allowing the deployment of several pinaces in the scouting and initial warp point probe role. And no survey cruiser will be able to stand up to a main line ship in a close defense role, so providing it with a limited stand off capacity seems prudent.

The venerable probe frigates shall be refit to better serve this purpose. The capital survey instruments will be replaced by a communications module, allowing long distance communication with the backup ship at the warppoint without revealing directions by the use of courier drones. An extra cargo hold allows a prolonged stay without resupply and a tiny boat bay has been added to allow the use of a cutter to remove tension from first contact situations.

And for the UA class survey tender we propose to upgrade the defense to remove the survey instruments due to the improved capacity of the fleet in this regard, and the inclusion of a point defense system for self defense. We would like to maintain the ranged sensors to allow the class to provide maintenance and backup and resupply to the Ptah class in the probing of systems role.

And the Anuket explorers shall be retired into mothballs, allthough it may be even better to answer an inquiry of a ship breaker and allow them to buy the 75 ships of the class for scrap value.

Furthermore we have two new ship classes awaiting your approval which will provide us with increased defensibility and preventing unhindered pursuit.

The Smotef class survey tender not only will allow us to increase supply carried by the fleet, but also the deployment and control of a light minefield hindering a  foe from immediate exploitation of a revealed warp point by deploying its 24 patterns of mines.

And the Atum class CVEs will have the sustained speed to keep up with survey operations and provide a hithero unavailable stand off capacity.

Each of the twelve survey forces should have an order of battle as follows:
2x Unem-Em-Hetep CA
1x Östergotland CL
1x Smotef Cl tender
2x Atum CVE
1x Ua Tender
1x Ptah probing frigate
24x F0, 4x pin, 19x ct, 24 patterns of mines

This would necessity the construction of 10 Unem-Em-Hetep CAs, 12 Smotef class tenders, 24 Atum class CVEs, 2 Ua class tenders and 5 Ptah class frigates to provide each fleet with an identical ToE, and include the allocation of full supply and small craft complements to allow prolonged operations beyond the reach of the imperial supply lines.

We would ask you Sire to allow us to recall the survey fleets for this reorganisation and authorise the upgrade and extension of our fleets.

SURVEY CA UNEN-EM-HETEP II class CA   AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x4Aix4Z(BbL)(IcIc)HWQXcW(IcIc)XcXcWM2XrW?2QLh(IcIc)DzMgDz(IcIc) [4]
60 RCP  40 MCP     Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1636/ 245.4
HTK 35 S0x4  Aix4  Dzx2  Wx4  Mgx1 
80x SM 6x ct

SURVEY CL ÖSTERGÖTLAND II class CL   AM2 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiAi(BbM)(IcIc)QsWHXc(BbM)(Ic)(BbM)XcW?2(IcIc)M2DzQsZiDz(Ic)Mg [4]
45 RCP  5 MCP     Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1178.5/ 176.8
HTK 26 S0x2  Aix2  Dzx2  Wx2  Mgx1 
40x SM, 1x EDM (Mg)  3x pin

SURVEY TENDER CL SMOTEF class CL   AM2 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x4Aix4Z(IcIc)(BbS)(MR)(MR)(ML)Qs(Ic)Hx4TiHDz(IcIc)?2XrQs(MCS)Dz(Ic) [4]
45 RCP  5 MCP     Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  797.5/ 119.6
HTK 32 S0x4  Aix4  Dzx2  Tix1 
2x ct, 24x mine pattern

SURVEY CVE ATUM class CVE AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiZHs(Ic)Q(Ic)Vx6(Ic)Vx6XrLhQDzMg(Ic) [4]
30 RCP  20 MCP  12 FCP     Trg:1     Cost =  587/ 88.1
HTK 27 S0x2  Aix1  Dzx1  Vx12  Mgx1 
12x fG, 48x fR 12x F0

SURVEY TENDER UA III class DD   (AC) AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0AiZ(BbM)(Ic)HQsH(Ic)XrW(BbM)H(Ic)HWDzMg(Ic)Qs [4]
30 RCP  20 MCP     Trg:1     Cost =  438/ 65.7
HTK 20 S0x1  Aix1  Dzx1  Wx2  Mgx1 
80x SM 1x pin 4x ct

SURVEY FG PTAH II class FG   (AC) AM 4 XO Racks 22 Hull TL 7
[1] S0S0AiZH(Ic)H(BbT)(CC)Xr(Ic)DzQs(Ic)Pg [4]
22 RCP  3 MCP     Trg:1     Cost =  418.6/ 62.8
HTK 15 S0x2  Aix1  Dzx1  Pgx1 
1x ct

Retired designs:

SURVEY CA UNEN-EM-HETEP class CA   12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 4
[3] Sx3AAZ(BbL)(IcIc)HWQXcW(IcIc)XcWM2XrWMgQLh(IcIc)DXcD(IcIc) [4]
60 RCP  40 MCP     Trg:3     Cost =  1470/ 220.5
HTK 31 Sx3  Ax2  Dx2  Wx4  Mgx1 
80x SM, 2x EDM (Mg)

SURVEY CL ÖSTERGÖTLAND class CL   AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 6
45 RCP  5 MCP     Trg:6  Bmp +2     Cost = 1239.5/185.9
HTK 27 S0x4  Dcx1  Lx4 

SURVEY FGS PTAH class FG   (AC) 4 XO Racks 22 Hull TL 4
[2] SAZH(Ic)XcXr(Ic)DQs(Ic)L [4]
22 RCP  3 MCP     Trg:1     Cost =  513.6/ 77
HTK 12 Sx1  Ax1  Dx1  Lx1 

SURVEY TENDER UA II class DD   (AC) 30 Hull TL 3
[3] SA(BbM)(Ic)HQsH(Ic)XiXrR(BbM)H(Ic)HRMg(Ic)Qs [4]
30 RCP  20 MCP     Trg:1     Cost =  396/ 59.4
HTK 18 Sx1  Rx2  Mgx1 
90x SM

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #109 on: April 10, 2013, 03:09:25 PM »
Year 19, Month 4, Day 25 Uduun

General Angkelfauch, the supream warlord of the Uruloki High Council paced around the projector at the heart of the command ships CIC.  His steps thudded into the absorbent material of the deck as his tail lashed back and forth.  "Send forth the message, we fly.  All ships to pace the battleships but no one slows regardless of who falls behind."  His instincts warred with the knowledge that he would be pushing his fleet hard yet a garden world was threatened, a lair, a nest and that was all but impossible for him to ignore.

From all around Udunn orbit, the fleets of the warlords:  Blue, Bronze, Gold and Red Flights plus the High Council Fleet, which the more cynical just refered to as General Angkelfauck's flight, moved off at the maximum speed of the three battleships that formed the heart of the High Council fleet.  They were heading for the starless nexus adjacent to Angband, from there they would enter the Shanirian Confederation system of Lugdunum and then on to the Shanirian system of Palmyra before entering the New Expanses  system of Elrawyn, then Thrurvar and finally Elvorfilas.

Even the engineering crews of the Uruloki had trouble maintaining that level of operation with engines intended only for short combat sprints and in the first week of the journey two battleships dropped behind as engine rooms had to be shut down due to engine failures.  One battlecruiser, two cruisers, 5 destroyers and a corvette reported engine failures.  The next week one battleship left behind was forced to slow to its remaining safe strategic speed as another engine room failed.  The other battleship sailed on leaving its consort behind, while the remaining battleship with the High Council fleet held its speed.  A second battlecruiser reports engine failure.  A slowed cruiser looses a second engine room, while another two cruisers reports their first failure.   Three slowed destroyers loose yet another engine room, while a further two destroyers loose an engine room.

The next week see's a slowed down battlecruiser loose two over stressed engine rooms and its engineer backs them down to safe speeds.  A destroyer looses two engine rooms, another two slowed destroyers are slowed more, and a further destroyer suffers its first failure.  The next week sees a slowed destroyer shed a further engine, a destroyer loose two engine rooms, and 5 more destroyers suffer losses.  Most of these looses are in Blue flight which until now had not suffered a single failure.

In week 4 the last battleship suffers an engine room failure but it is close enough that it will make Elvorfilas even if it is behind the bulk of the Uruloki ships.  Both battlecruisers suffer failures as well one slowed to the same speed as the battlship.  Two cruisers suffer engine failure, in once case two engine rooms go down.  Three fresh and a single slowed destroyer also loose engine rooms.

In the last week a second corvette looses an engine room.  A slowed cruiser and two slowed destroyers loose a further engine room.  One slowed destroyer has two engine fail under the strain.  A single fresh destroyers crew can not keep their drives balanced and losses a engine room.

But the ships arrive:  The flights add 4 heavy cruisers, 24 destroyers, and 12 corvettes to the defence while the High Council fleet has one battleship, two battle cruisers, 10 heavy cruisers, 11 destroyers and 6 corvettes still.  The mobile repair ships in Elvorfilas will be busy fixing the damage but unless the enemy is strongly reinforced the Uruloki don't think the warp point defence will fall.

[ooc]Don't try this with non-elite crewed ships...moving at speed is hard on I engined ships.  It is the sheer number of rolls you have to make that will get you in the end.[/ooc]

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #110 on: May 03, 2013, 06:30:30 AM »
Year 19, Month 8

Bishop Daantine closes the connection with the Heretic he is talking with from the corvette that had conveyed him from Bari.  The ship floated near the warp point its sensors had been probing the Heretic's defences and he could see the holo plot getting more and more icons added to it.  Not being involved in ship command he count make no sense of it but the naval personal seemed to be quite happy.   Bishop Daantine sighs, "We must await the Heretic ambassadore, it will take time to get him they say."  The ships commander nods, "Certainly your grace, if you want to wait in your stateroom, I'll have the watch contact you when they reply."  Bishop Daantine knew that the real reason is the navy wanted him out of the control room but he nodds and lets the marine escort him to his quarters.

"...or if this vessel is engaged.  What is your reply?"  Bishop Daantine wondered if the reply would be fire from one of the more than a dozen bases ringing the warp point.  He had not been given this task because he stood high in the favor of Signore Montefiore but should he surivive this test...well it is clear how the Maker viewed him, and through him his house.  He risked his death but he would reap much if he was successful.  The Things ambassadore replies, "I don't have...authority to make a decision like that...I need time to consult the homeworld." 

Bishop Daantine nodded.  "Ambassadore, you have five days in which to transmit your Heretical faiths surrender.  If you do not we will not hesitate to show you the error of your ways."  Though not too much force, the people had learned that genocidal bombardment was not as efficient as conversion.  It was, infact, this tenant of the "Thing of Odin's" faith that so repulsed the Synod.  The aliens religion might have been reconsilable but for that, but it made ones scale twitch to contimplate it...vile heretical priests swarming over the People's planets.  No that could not be allowed.  "If you have sense Ambassadore, you will accept Signore Montefiore's kind offer, it will save your people."
"I will convey that to my government."  With that the video link ends and Bishop Daantine looks at the ships commander.  "We shall return to Bari, and see what comes of this."

The corvette pivotes around and slides back through the rift in space time to the other side.

Fleetcom Grekko nods.  "You have a solid read on them?  Transmit it now."  A minute later he grins.  The had solid locks, the Death Blossems targeting the bases would not leave the vicinity of the warp point, except for those that would engage the two destroyers floating 8 LS from the warp point.  The buoys and mines were a concern but it was unlikely any bases would surivive, but if so he would know based on his pinnances and be able to send in the next wave to get rid of those bases.  Minimum firepower for maximum results was his goal.  He had only 540 of the Death Blossems, and though the shipyard vessels were making more he didn't want to waste them.

Days later a courier drone bursts into existance on the Bari Warp Point and broadcasts a message rejecting the RM's generous offer of unconditional surrender.  The RM's plan goes into operation and the Umberto's begin unloading their cargo of robotic craft programing them as they do.  "Sir, the Bombardment Force reports the Death Blossem's are ready, the Assault Force's pinnances are standing by."  "Good.  Initiate."  Grekko could have waited but he wanted to see how an alerted enemy would do faced with the new ships.

Orders flashed from the command ship to the Umberto's and from them to the waiting legion of robotic attackers.  Obediently they brought up their drives and headed into the warp point.  160 of them were armed with laser warheads, they were targeting the 6 larger cruiser sized bases orbiting in two groups at 4 LS from the warp point, plus the 2 destroyers.  48 of them were armed with anti-matter warheads and they were targeting the 12 destroyer sized bases orbiting 1.25 LS from the warp point.  The Death Blossems transitted in a single wave, and a number of them flashed out of existance due to interpentrations on the other side, most stopped and began seeking their targets, while a smaller group moved on from the warp point the minefield's short range missiles firing and thinning them down.  The Thing of Odin's pinnances and assault shuttles engaged the remaining pods as the warp point but 30 seconds later their robotic brains reached the launch order in thier queue.

The crews on most of the bases were in shock as a hurricane of missile fire exploded from the warp point.  Missiles screaming in at high velocity in numbers that completely overwhelmed their point defence suites and ignored their decoys as the missiles detonated in stand off mode with coherent xray radiation stabbing inwards.  5 of the bases came appart, structural steel ripped appart under the barrage.  One of the bases barely survived a wreck of smashed spars and opened compartments.  The smaller bases were next the missiles approaching these bases did not detonate at range but kept boring in, the bases lacking point defence were helpless to stop them and suddenly the missiles detonated and spears of plasma slamed into the bases.  Only three survived, random luck that the guidance systems of some missiles had failed to secure a hard lock.  The other death blossems were moving at full speed towards the now retreating destroyers.

Moments later a stream of seven pinnances entered from Bari to be engaged by 6 pinnances and 12 assault shuttles.  The transit addled RM crews did not manage to hit anything before the Things small craft numbers overwhelmed them.

Grekko not getting a single pinnance back, give the order to the 1st Assault force to transit the warp point.  Three CV(A) and three DNA's transit the ships arriving pointing in opposite directions and the carriers executing high speed turns to realign for transit back through the warp point while the more ponderous DNs are still begining to turn.  Unfortunately the ships arrive so that two of the surviving bases are in their blind spot while the other base is directly ahead.  The carriers volley their plasmaguns and regular missiles at the base while the DNA's launch anti-mine missiles into the area of the minefield the Death Blossems had moved through.  The Thing bases respond with a barrage of plasma gun fire on Saetta 001 the lead carrier.  The fire smashes the carriers shields flat and dents her armour belt.  Then the buoys detonate and bomb pumped xray lasers flash and the armour on most ships boils off leaving the crew grasping their chairs shock frames as the ships rock under the force of their own armour ablating under the fire.  Then from further away IDEW-P fire and invisible stilleto's flash into the ships.  In the case of the baddly handled Saetta 001 one of these penetrates deep into the ship and hits the magazine loaded with her anti-matter weapons.  But although the feed mechanisms are wrecked no warheads are destabalized. On board the other two Saetta's lights are flucuating as the ship diverts power to bring its brood of Fast Striker's fusion plants online.  Power flows to the small vessels as their pilots await the presser beams that will launch them the count down projected on their helmet huds.

"Full deck launch!"  "All Strikers in space!"  "TRANSIT!"  The three carriers slip back through the warp point returning to Bari.  8 Squadrons of fast strikers remain behind.  A further 3 flights of Fast Strikers launch from the DNAs.  4 Squadrons head off towards the remaining base, they are armed with missiles while the remaining four squardons split in two to engage the remaining bouys and IDEW.  The 3 flights from the DNAs turn their attention and guns on the small craft swirling around the RM's ships.

The Thing's small craft manage to kills some fighters but only one shuttle targeted by a fast striker is not destroyed.  The laser armed fighters engage the automatic weapons and thin the remaining buoys and IDEW out some.  The DNA's fire their energy beam barbettes and the bases that so badly savaged Saette 001 are silenced, and their 6 capital missiles destroy the last cruiser sized base even as their spinal force beams smash the debries into finer chunks.  Still the best efforts of the green fighter pilots is not enough and the DNA's are subject to a concentrated barrage from the bomb pumped laser buoys that leaves most of them with less than half their armour belt and then a larger number of IDEW-P fire.  The fire is somewhat mitagated by the ships ECM systems that are now up but still the ships are hurt by the invisible stilletos that destroy system after system in the ships outer hull spaces.

The fighters swoop in on the small craft and this time numbers favor them.  A fighter is lost in exchange for the destruction of the two remaining pinnances and 10 assault shuttles.   The fighters on the way to engage the base divert towards the fleeing destroyers while courier drones flash through the warp point summoning more DN's through to breach the minefield, or as it turns out two layers of mines.  It takes 24 minutes for the fighters to close on the two destroyers.  One fighter is lost from being engaged by the one destroyer's single capital point defence suite then the 4 squardons volley 3 fighter missiles from each fighter into the destroyers.  Although neither ship is destroyed they are both slowed dramatically and the fighters wheel away to return to the warp point while another strike is on the way from the newly arrived carriers.

The RM have kicked in the front the cost of 3 CV(A) and 3 DNA's out of action for 3 months.  The Marines secured the two badly damaged base 1s as well and the peoples small craft are busy collecting Thing life pods.

[ooc]We made a few errors in this battle as we were doing it verbally.  Starslayer was having issues getting VASSAL to run so we kind of adlibbed it.  We also didn't change any rules, so SBMHAWKs functioned as written in the 3rdR rules.  120 SBMHAWK1's with LT1 warheads engaged the 6 base 2's.  40 SBMHAWK1's were targeted on the two DDs but the DDs had moved out of range (they were to move for 2 turns then fire).  48 SBMAWK1s with AM warheads were to engage the 12 BS1's...only I was thinking BS0's.  So with luck a few more bases than I expected survived.  The IDEW-P (110 of them) and the DSB-L (60 of them) hurt a lot.  CV's are just to fragile for assaults when you come right down to it.  But I'm happy with the performance of the DNA's regardless of their crazy weapon mix (2xRc, Fs, 4xEc and 3xV).  There will be more to come as the Thing attempt to block survey efforts...not sure how successful that will be though....Starslayer has more of a plan for the Thing than I do for the RM given that I have zero knowledge of my enemy's empire layout.[/ooc]

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #111 on: May 03, 2013, 11:04:26 AM »
Aye, I should have placed my IDEW-P at range 1 too, a base 6 to hit took away some damage. and the small craft could have had a second round of fire on the SBMHAWKS. And we had forgotten to check if the P really exploded the Mg with AM... so no ship casuality after all, but a med vak for sure.
Overall, I dealt less attrition than I thought I would, at least against a foe of the same TL as the Thing have now. But they are now at least aware of pods existance, even if they have not any scan data.

We have more battles comming, as the trip wire triggers a response from the Thing.

So what do the Thing know: Some sort of small craft or automated weapon, dispensing missiles in large salvoes. Small craft can engage it. They have standof-capacity. The one flight stopped after moving towards the destroyers. Five days have been gained to send out messages and set fleets in motions. The enemy knew of the warp point in Eire II and exploited it aswell. The enemy penetrated Meirica, now he will have to survey both systems.

Losses so far:
Thing of Odin
Meirica: 6 BS2 AN FHIDIL, 10 BS1 TABHAIR, 2 BS1 TABHAIR captured with energy beam damage. 30 patterns of mines in a lane, 60 DSB-L, 110 IDEW-P, 12 ast, 6 pn. 1 DDT OINSEACH scuttled. 1 UTIL MINELAYER TOBAC class DD scuttled, both after eating fighter missiles wuch made escape impossible.
Eirie II: 1 Contact CT if they can chase it down with fighters. (not yet done), 20 patterns of mines.

Regia Marina
3 CV damaged, 3 DN damaged, 7 pn, 29 F1, ~ 190 SBMHAWK

This is an interresting war. First time for either of use to actually employ several technological systems in battle. The two NPR's are the heavyweight NPRs of the campaign, and both are agressive and militaristic. A federal theocracy against a belingerent theocracy.. I don't exspect many surrenders. Whoever wins this will have gained a lot of experience but will have spend a lot of ships etc. achiving victory.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 11:03:52 AM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #112 on: May 17, 2013, 04:23:38 AM »
In war, one can plan, but one cannot say what the enemy will do or be capable of when one has not a spy in his general staff.

Huskarl Beorngar was in deep thought. So much was depending on unknown quantities right now. What new technological surprises will be sprung at the fleet? As always, time was the one commodity in short supply. Two more months, and he would have been certain that the warp point to Meirica could be held.

Meirica is a very sensitive system. By itself it had no great value, just a few rockballs orbiting a dim sun. But as it was a point of contact with the pagan Regia Marina, and that species had already demonstrated a willingness to accidentally eradicate species, defending it was vital. Especially given what lay beyond it. And the Regia Marina had not allowed any traders or missionaries into their systems, making the gathering of information difficult. Via other species like the Thebans a few tidbits could be gained, like an approximation of the Regias economic strength, or that they were relatively advanced by the state of their traded consumer electronics. But what this meant in terms of military capacity only quite recent advances hinted at.
The skalds searched for historical examples of what to do, given the galactografic layout of the warp points and the peoples own technology. A heavy forward defense was erected. Heavy enough to pose a problem and force an attacker to spend ships breaking it, but not heavy enough to stop a determinate attack by an enemy with large resources.. And break it he did, deploying some sort of automated pinaces which coordinated into missile salvoes. Some of those missiles, used against the Tahir class bases, exploded with unexpected force. This broke the defense, and only the lucky survival of a few bases and the fact that the foe did not use many pinaces to sweep the buoys (who thus were eliminated easely) forced the Regia to commit ships. They came with three dreadnaughts and three very slender battlecruisers. Very slender and thus reminiscent to the much debated strke craft carriers. Anyway, the remaining bases had not the firepower to break a dreadnaught, but sure could heavily damage or eliminate a battlecruiser. And ever since the drone with the war acceptance was send a few minutes ago, the buoys where set to Fire pattern Alpha, and thus the destruction of all control systems in their bases did not matter. Luckely the ships maneuvered to  present their blind spots to two of the remaining Tahir bases, thus the exchange of fire was very one sided. The strikecraft carriers were armed, and damaged the one base facing them, but the target vessel was heavily damaged. Then the buoys struck, and bright lasers and stilettos of concentrated force stabbed at the vessels, damaging them all and taking them out of the further invasion. The strikecraft carriers launched their broods, and they engaged buoys and the defending small craft, while their mother ships left, bleeding air. Only the dreadnaughts remained and destroyed the bases with capital beams, something the people knew about, but then suffered heavily from the remaining buoys.

Then, with the exchange of fire between the swiftly eliminated small craft and the fighters settling down and no IDEW remaining, more ships of the Regia moved in system and launched further strikes, which chased down the pinace carrier and the minelayer assigned to the warp point, displaying another new technology by launching three ranged missiles each on the destroyers, damaging them heavily and making an escape impossible.

In overall, the Regia had suffered, but prevailed at way less cost than originally estimated and planned for. The favor of Wotan seems to be turned from the people, and events continued to derail, with Eire also being attacked but having no readied defenses yet. The second sign of doom was when the survey elements deployed by the Regia proved to be far more numerous than usual. Where a normal survey fleet might consist of five cruisers, the Regia deployed six contacts spreading out. As planned the fast Meirica Task force moved to intercept the survey, and was already in system and moving to intercept when the enemy contacts split into more contacts, twelve of them. And a thirteenth contact was trailing them towards the system primary and moved to intercept while the closest survey element retreated towards it. Task Force Merica split into three independent detachments as planned, with two moving to the sides to chase down further survey elements and the last moving in to gather information about the Regias capacities. Even if the survey could not be interrupted due to the sheer number of vessels used, the presence of potential raiders would force the Regia to react and buy time for the fleet to assemble a defense.

The coming days would be of blood and thunder, and the sacrifice of several vessels to gain intelligence was not too high a price.


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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #113 on: September 16, 2013, 09:20:50 AM »
(I didn’t note down how much damage was done exactly. ? Have to remember for better storytelling. This took quite a while to game out, using Vasal and all the system scale maneuvering, and some RL interuptions suince may.)

The contact had been made three hours later. The small fleet detachment of three destroyers and 3 corvettes moved close in
to scan what ships the thirteen contacts entailed. At 25 LS they resolved by drive fields into CT, 3 CA, 3 BS and 4 CL. The
fleet detachment bore in, two Slasher class CTs screening the three destroyers ahead. As they closed in at 4 ls, the enemy
corvettes moved slightly ahead, followed by BC and two flanking CA. Then the ships hanging back launched a total of 24
squadrons of fighters, which moved to engage the fleet. The Slasher CTs moved ahead to engage them, to whittle them away
according to their intended purpose as small craft hunters. Unfortunately, the plan unraveled as the enemy fighters began to
fire salvoes of missiles from a light second away, forcing the slashers to dedicate their point defenses to defense instead
of engaging the fighters. On the other hand, these point defenses made them very resilient missile targets and the enemy
split the fire between both corvettes, reducing the salvoes to solitary missiles penetrating. Facing this missile threat and
the large number of squadrons remaining, the slashers decided to concentrate on defending against further missile salvoes.

Meanwhile the destroyers closed in to engage the three corvettes as the cruisers and battlecruiser further back had not
fired any capital missiles. The fighters maneuvered around the corvettes, taking potshots with missiles, and moved to test
the destroyers defenses, but here too they found a formidable wall of point defense denying success. One of the enemy CTs
took a salvo of missiles from the destroyers at long range, surprisingly not possessing any point defense and thus taking
the shots which hit on its shields and armor. In the next half minute the destroyers closed further in, engaging the
corvette again, and the cruisers revealed their advanced missile launcher armament, engaging the destroyers while the
fighters engaged the corvettes with a new sort of laser weapon, damaging them heavily. The fight went quickly from there,
with the fighters closing in on the destroyers and also damaging them with lasers, while a third of them went to chase down
the fleeing scout corvette. The end for the thing ships arrived fast afterwards, with the scout scuttling while the other
ships were immolated, taking down two fighters and leaving the regia corvette fit only for the yards. But the omega courier
drones send away, while not holding any technological data definitely carried warnings about the capabilities of the regia
fleet in deep space.

Meanwhile, the left wing of the task force continued to chase down a survey cruiser. Over the coming day this cruiser joined
forces with another survey cruiser and these continued to flee back to their entry warp point. A slow moving fleet departed
from there and moved to meet them, but before they could join the Things small fleet detachment catches up with the fleeing
cruisers. These, seeing that further flight is not possible, turn around and start to modulate their engines. The Destroyers
move into range for their missile launchers, but before they can close the distance a salvo of external launched CM roars
towards a destroyer and apparently catches the point defense crews asleep, with four of the five missiles on target actually
hitting despite two deployed EDM defense drones and the data groups point defense web.

Then it was the destroyers turn. Like their targets, they went to heavy modulation and inched into missile range, rapidly
cycling their launchers and sending two salvoes of six missiles each towards the first cruiser. But the long range and
Modulation, and the Crews of this wing being fairly new at their job threw their aim off,  and only one missile penetrated. The two slasher class CT circled sidewise, modulating some but keeping speed. This continued over the next minute, with both fleets approaching into force beam range, adding beam sniping to the exchange while the corvettes moved gradually around the cruisers outside of beam range. Then as the fighting grew more intense, they moved in, gradually moving around and towards the rear flank of the cruisersm switching to heavier modulation as the cruisers added two energy beams each to their broadsides, chipping away at the corvettes shields and
taking out thier datalinks. Then, they dashed foreward while the destroyers closed, hoping to slip into the cruisers
blindspot, but a last minute turn prevented this. Nevertheless, the first corvette fired its plasmagun before the cruisers
could respond, but missed. Then the other corvette got hit by two energy beams, allmost taking it out of the fight at half a
light second, but the plasmagun remained, and achived a hit only allready slightly damaged cruiser, ripping away its armor.
Then the destroyers closed into sprint range and they and the cruisers continued to circle slowly around each other, the
destroyers fire ripping deep into the wounded cruiser untill its weapons fell silent, while the cruisers dispatched the wto
corvettes and damaged a destroyer. The remaining cruiser moved faster, hoping to outturn the destroyers, but they kept at it
and turned with it, and as it had foregone modulations, where able to wound it, untill the battle wound down when the second
cruiser also was bereaft of its weapons.
Then the destroyers chased down the two limping cruisers, picked up survivors of the corvettes and set out again at full
speed to slip away, the damaged detroyer following them at a lower speed.
The right wing destroyer group, after chasing as urvey group to the outer system and being followed by the carrier group
wich had destroyed the center group, slipped away once the gap between the two hostile contacts and itself was large enough
to loose contact. While the Regia Marina resumed their survey, the Things destroyers slipped past the surveying ships using
the sensor net deployed in the system to stay out of range, finally all surviving ships abandoning Meirica and comming home,
allthough with burned out engines from their fast maneuvering. Only the collier deployed with supplies and reloads was able
to return at a leisure.

Overall, the situation was not going in the Things favour. They had been able to disrupt the survey, but the Regia had
deployed far more survey ships and advanced fighters with advanced ordinace, and thus the planned raider strategy had to
abandoned. A heavier task force though could have worked, but had not been planned for. And the Regia survey ships proved to
be tougher in a fight, invalidating a missile sniping strategy with their heavy engine modulation. On the other hand, the
Alainn class destroyers and the Slasher class corvettes proved their designs. Intelligence on the Regais capabilities was
gathered, and could be used in planning. Originally a foreward defense for the warp point had been considered, but with the
advanced fighters or the Regia a success was not guranteed, and thus was discarded as too risky. Allthough a defense of the
warp point could also not be guranteed with the missile pods observed. But better than a deep space engagement against
fighters, supported by the enemy battleline.

Huskarl Borngar settled down to await the comming Events, troubled that the Regia moved sooner than thought, but aware that things could go either way. One fact was clear, thought. Whoever won would not escape unscathed and would have to rebuild.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 10:34:28 AM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #114 on: September 16, 2013, 10:30:09 AM »
For those interrested in replaying this small engagement, I list the ships used below.

3* Alainn III DD (green crews), 2 EDM
2* Slasher CT (green crews), 1 EDM
1* CTs Fraoach, 1 EDM

2* Bolzano CL

DD ALAINN III class DD     AM    6 XO Racks    30 Hull    TL 7
[2] S0x4Aix3ZHs(I)Qs(I)(I)Dz(I)(I)(I)WaWaMgM2QsDz?1F(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:3  Bmp +2        Cost =  675/ 101.3
HTK 26   S0x4  Aix3  Dzx2  Fx1  Wax2  Mgx1 
60x SM
General purpose fleet destroyers.

CT SLASHER class CT     AM    3 XO Racks    16 Hull    TL 6
[1] S0Aix4HsDc(I)(I)(I)DcQs(I)Pg [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  252/ 37.8
HTK 14   S0x1  Aix4  Dcx2  Pgx1 
APN hunter class Corvettes, can also serve against F0 strikes.

CTS FRAOCH class CT     (AC) AM        16 Hull    TL 5
[1] SSAAH(I)(I)XiXr(I)DQs(I) [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  307/ 46.1
HTK 13   Sx2  Ax2  Dx1 
Repurposed Survey ships, now serving as fleet Scouts

BOLZANO class CL     AM    9 XO Racks    45 Hull    TL 7
[2] S0x4Aix8ZH(BbS)(I)(II)QsE(I)DzEFM3XcXcXr?1(II)Qs(I)(II) [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP       Trg:4  Bmp +2        Cost =  1311.5/ 196.7
HTK 35   S0x4  Aix8  Dzx1  Ex2  Fx1 
Survey Cruisers

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #115 on: October 04, 2013, 04:24:49 AM »
Turn 199

The Undines are an old race of amphibious sea mammals who slowly evolved a technological society before rising to the stars in search of new seas. Discovered by and closely allied to the Cannon Cartell, they have spread far, allthough colonising mostly on habitable planets only unless very rich mineral resources invited them to create outposts on airless and waterless moons. They exploration has been somewhat hampered by their warplines being exactly that.. long lines of systems without much spread and long jumps between habitable planets. Nevertheless, they have gathered 28 inhabited systems under their rule and have so far been blissfully unopposed, even though they are not as gregarious as the Cartell and have not opened trade relations with every race they encountered.
Recently, in one system hidden behind a closed warp point, one of their survey groups ran into a spot of trouble, finding warp lines leading to the Regia Marina and a race very similar to the undines, but of a fanatical bend. Communications with either have not yet been established. And now a probe had been conducted into one of their richest and oldest colonies by someone who moved just far enough into range to ascertain there was a technological civilisation on the planets and moved out again. A response fleet was dispatched with alacrity to guard the system until the unknowns intentions became better know.


Baile Neal was the site of the Things first triumph over a lesser race, the now fully subjugated and intigrated Ewoks (a small bipedal race of furry mammals). Now though, the neighbouring Eirie system had fallen to the Regia Marina, a fearsome foe who allready had taken the Meirica system along another front. And now, as a glimpsed pinace made evident, they had surveyed Eirie. Most likely they now were advancing on the cut off systems beyond, but here defences had been erected.
11 BS1, 6 BS2, 6 CA, 19 BC and 3 SD had been present when the pinnace scouted, but 4 more cruisers were underway and due to arrive in a week and nine of the battlecruisers lurked beyond the sensor range of a pinace. The enemies pods can be engaged by mines, and thus the originally dense minefield had been spread out in multiple rings once the tactical impact of this had been analysed by the high command. The ships but for the nine Eagla BC clustered close, trying to annihilate any probe of the warp point by science vessels. Luckily the warp line was of the smallest size known, and thus the Regias Dreadnaughts would not pass. Unfortunately, quite a few of the close in vessels were newly of their maiden voyage, allthough the four An Gleas cruisers who were to join were all veterans of the Yeti war.
The ships all arrived and settled in at a light second from the spacial anomaly, keeping a patrol of small craft on the warp point. The Tabhair bases also kept this distance, with the missile bases farther out and three light second. Only the three Iasc dreadnaughts where a bit farther out from the warp point than the cruisers.
Then, as the month was allmost over, things changed. Allmost 530 pods appeared on the warp point and spread out. Quite a few flashed into oblivion, and while about 180 pods stayed on the warp point, the other 280 or so divided into six groups and plunged through the minefield, being engaged by waves and waves of mines as they made their way outwards, reducing their numbers by allmost half. The group passing the dreadnaughts got engaged by one whose crew was alert, and got further decimated, while all ships and the small craft engaged the pods on the warp point, whittling them somewhat down. Then the ships moved closer to the warp point, those whose crews reached their action stations engaging their modulators. Only the dreadnaughts, having started further out, did not come closer than a light second before the pods stabilised and fired. Ninety missiles slashed down on each, and more than fifty escaped the defensive fire, EDMs deployed being useless, as the missiles were tipped with laser torpedoes. The incandescent rays ate deeper and deeper into the heavy armor belts of the assault ships, and breached them, whipping out engines as they carved their way deeper. But the stupendous ships survived, battered though but not beaten. The other pods on the warp point engaged the missile bases, with 33 missiles going after each base, and leaving most of them heavily damaged, but also failing to eliminate each base.
The other pods, which had passed the mine belt and now stopped at 11.5 light seconds, spread their fire. Antimatter tipped missiles raced towards the tabhair bases and the cruisers, but with the pods spread out and the groups decimated by the minefields, the individual salvos were small and not overwhelming, easily handled by the cruisers.. The bases though had only an EDM as defence, being build for close in devastation, and thus many suffered ablated shields and armor, a few with heavy internal damage and one being blown into glowing gas by an unlucky concentration of missiles from various pod groups. Other, laser tipped salvo-ed were targetted on the battlecruisers, but also here the small salvos and the presence of additional targets in the Eagla BCs diluted the fire, and thus mostly armor was abraded and XO racks damaged but no ship was breached.
The Aesir had smiled on the faithfull this day, and provided a miracle. Reinforcements would arrive soon, and allow pulling out the most damaged ships for repair. And the technological systems used by the pod attack had been caught by multiple long-range scanners, and now could be analysed and researched.    
And the Aesir smiled further....  in the next week, in month 200, a probe by a survey corvette through a newly discovered warp point in a distant reach of the empire revealed a small population of the Regia on the closest of the multiple habitable worlds. The corvette immediately turned and retreated, before coming closer into scanning range of the planet. A fleet would soon be gathered in response. Time to go a-viking!


The lush jungle world teemed with live. A race of predators, challenged by willy prey and contenders for food in this wild and savage environment, developed cunning, and then, sentience. They learned to communicate, and build tools. But still, they often had miscommunications, born from misunderstandings about the others needs. And these lead to conflict. Wars, small and large, ravaged the world, shaping the survivors into more cunning and aggressive warriors, driving technological development until the stars grew close to the races grasp. And yet, misunderstandings ruled the daily conduct, leading to strife and death. Until one brilliant scientist realised a dream...  a virus designed to alter the genetic code of the race, to allow the new generation to communicate with electrical receptors from brain to brain, removing all outside barriers to communication. And the virus spread, transforming the race of high technological jungle predators into a race of telepaths.

Telepathy is a gift. It allows you to feel your fellow being, to know what he is thinking and thus to be able to react to his needs and consider them along with your own. It removes the need for conflict, enhances cooperation and sharing of knowledge. In knowing one another, it allows rapprochement and growing into one civilisation which really is for the good of all. Or for the greater good of the many, as the happiness of many overrides the unhappiness of individuals. Knowing the pain of others, the many move to remove pain from their mids, cutting short its impact on the happiness of the many. Telepathy is a curse, as in knowing each other perfectly, one cannot understand others who do not share the gift any more. And the unknown is feared. Thus, knowing each other perfectly breed fear of those one does not understand. Fear creates conflict, as one lashes out to remove the source of ones fear.

There is much to fear among the stars....
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 06:28:48 AM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #116 on: December 06, 2013, 05:17:11 AM »
The Jarl stared at the warp point intensively. A pinnace send through to scout the Meirica side had not returned two days ago. But now, seven had been send and none had returned again, indicating that the warp point was closely guarded. In response, the captains of war had met on the home world, and now the high priest of Odin was speaking to the massed warriors.
“A fearsome and treacherous foe has come to our door step. The Regia have declared war, and come thinking their technology will grant them victory, but already they have been bloodied, and their advance has been stopped. Now it is time to fight! Now it is time not to think of loss and pain, but of the glory to feast in Valhalla, the swords of your slain foes piled before you, drinking the mead of the gods as the warriors past will salute you as brethren, as worthy victors! It is time to gather the souls of the Regia to serve forever under you! It is a day to show that we too have new and powerful weapons, and that one is not save hiding behind a hole in space!
It is an axe day! It is a blood day! It is a fighting day! Raise berserkers, and fall upon our foes! Odin watches you, the Valkyries are a flight, and the gods themself will fight alongside you! For the glory of the Aesir!
In response, a few hours later, new and modified pinnaces began to rise from their landing fields on the planets of the closer primary, where they had trained in the past month. Young and enthusiastic were the crews, and eager to show their skill in battle. Two large swarms joined forces while the ground crews already waited for the delivery of new, freshly produced crafts, and aided by destroyer sized carriers the apn shuttled to the close by warp point, ready to fall upon the foe. Ships already guarding the warp point prepared to exploit any success.
Furthermore, the repaired Task Force Meirica was send out, strengthened with more scouts and Slashers and some apn carriers to explore an warp point where one was certain the RM should lie, according to navigation data gathered long ago. In Rafla, the yards also where busy, assembling a second fast striking force to explore the new point of contact found two months ago. And in Oraiste the last ships destined for Task Force Mjoelnir where shaking down after a refit. The delays imposed had given them time to catch up and now strengthen the hammer to fall.


The Warp point to Meirica, day 5 00:00 hour. The Thing fleet sat waiting, several formations of ships clustered up near the warp point to respond accorrdingly to the reports soon to comey. The 144 apn from the planetary bases of the closer planets of the binary star had arived at the warp point and lined up for the assault. They were joined by six pinaces. Then, upon the signal, 144 apn raced foreward piloted by eager young men and women fresh out of the academy and transited into Meirica. There, they apeared in a blib and then a flash as 24 of them interpenetrated. Then six pinaces followed them more leisurely. Facing them where five squadrons of fighters and four assault shuttles. The small crafts of both sides tore into each other, witth most of the fighters activating and killing twenty apn. In return, 35 of the transit addled apn had to expend their two external rockets to augment the fire from their degraded guns to kill the fighters in a dog fight wich barely lasted a minute. The four shuttles died as an afterthought. Thereafter the apn spread out a bit for two light seconds but found no further contacts. Thus they returned to the warp point to close into one heavy wave, while the pinaces transited out and summoned eight corvettes through the warp point. These, once recovered, detected drive fields waiting in direction of the sun. The closes group at eight light seconds was nine contacts with 20 engines and six with fifteen. Then, at 8.5 ls there were another three 20 engine contacts and seven nine engine contacts. Then, at 13 ls there were 14 four engine contacts and two twelve engine ones with a fifteen engine one. And beyond them three more nine engine contacts and two twelve engine ones.
As the Thing had gained scans from SBM missiles and antimatter, they knew that they would have a hard time in the deep space fight. And that their apn would have to charge througha lot of anti-fighter fire to reach the ships and carriers waiting for them, they considered the scouting information and the destruction of 30 fighters a good gain for 44 apn spend and broke off the assault. The RM did not interfere with their exit from Meirica.


Dark red ships like blood poured upon the stars swam through the void. Brutal practicality dominated the designs, no embellishments marring the efficiency of their construction. The six dreadnaughts, six battle cruisers, three heavy cruisers and seven light cruisers joined the four light cruisers waiting survey fleet. Together they all lined up and slipped through the warp point which was closed on the other side. With the survey cruisers spreading out they set out to travers the unsettled rock ball system, towards the system with two live giving worlds which the survey fleet had discovered two months ago. Periodically, small craft would detach themself from the silent hulls and sweep space, chasing possible lurkers ahead and to the sides of the fleet in a spread out pattern, swimming like a school of minnows though the void, circling around sharks. Within two weeks they would reach the planets and the fleet the undines had scrambled to react to the intruder who had not responded to the planets hails.


In the third week of the month, a drive field approached the Thing warp point in Meirica from outsystem. THe Regia Marina commander on the spot send several corvettes to intercept it and discovered a light cruiser of an unknown race. Soon a contact was established, and they seetled in to deal witha  first contact. The new races proved to be man-sized hairy spiders of fierce demeanor, but for now amiable to learn the Regias language.


The red fleet finally had transited in system and closed upon the planets, coming to a stop just a bit outside of a quarter light minute while refusing to answer any of the hails for communication send towards them. As the waiting undine fleet of nine battle cruisers, nine heavy cruisers, nine frigates and three corvettes watched, small craft launched and approached. Thirty-six armed pinnaces crossed the distance and settled at four light seconds, staying ahead of the undine fleet while waiting for any reaction. Aside from launching their own small craft as a close range patrol, the undines did not start chase the waiting pinnaces. Then, the red fleet launched further waves of small craft of a type so far not seen by the races of known space. Over two hundred prototype gunboats separated from their cradles and divided up into two flights which arced out to flank the undine fleet at ten light seconds, while the red fleet slowly advanced to match them at this distance while the red survey ships, a light cruiser and the three pinnace carriers remained behind. With the other light cruisers guarding the dreadnaughts, the six battlecruisers inched closer, testing whether they would draw any fire by long range missiles, but the undines did not fire upon them. Thus they moved closer, edging into capital missile range while the dreadnaughts stayed by a light second behind them, and the gunboats closed to skirt the edge of capital missile range. The undines now faced a quandary. Turn towards either group of gunboats and hope to chase them down, or face a hostile fleet of about even weight and by now evident superior technology. But if they turned to flee the prototype gunboats might catch them and they would leave the planets exposed.

The undine fleet moved in an arc swinging hard right to chase down the gunboat group which lurked in that direction, but the gunboats turned away and ran before the fleet, while the other group paralleled the undines course, keeping at range. Only the red BCs closed to 6.25 light seconds, and the red dreadnaughts to 7.5 light seconds of the undine battlecruisers, taking advantage of the arc movement the undines followed while turning away. They also split up, with the dreadnaughts and the light cruisers keeping a straight course and the battlecuisers turning left to parallel the undine’s course. In the following exchange of fire the red battlecruisers finally managed to hit the undine corvette with two missiles. Spitting defiance  the undine battlecruisers targeted one of their hostile counterparts  and managed to reduced its shields. But the dreadnaughts in return send a total of 36 missiles scything towards one of them in two salvos, and scoured five hits. Titanic fireballs smashed through the undines heavy shields, leaving the armor slightly scorched. The red fleets missiles seemed to have more explosive force than the undines nuclear and fission missiles. Could they have weaponised antimatter? The engineering to keep antimatter and mater in contact for any significant reaction to occur was beyond the undines keen, but it implied advances in other disciplines which might be equally devastating.
The chase continued, with the red battlecruisers still being denied further success by the damaged corvettes point defense. Unfortunately, the undines did not really like capital missiles, and thus only three of their battlecruisers were armed with the weapon, and only four launchers, making the dual at longer ranges very one sided. Still they valiantly returned fire, and punched a missile through against the same battlecruiser they had engaged with the last salvo. Then the dreadnaughts returned fire, though one salvo being ineffective the other one scoured away the remaining heavy armor of the undine Whiskey battlecruiser, exposing the vital datalink to further damage.
Keeping their heading the undines would have exposed their blind spots to the dreadnaughts, and thus the fleet turned left, nearing the crimson battlecruisers as the gunboats refused to be caught. And the gunboats continued to shadow them outside of capital missile range except the left group who now found themselves in the battlecruisers blind side and lunged closer. This brought the undines somewhat closer to the red BCs, and they now where able to add their XO launched missiles to their salvo, but the enemy ECM continued to deter their accuracy and the dense point defense web shot down most missiles. The next salvo from the red dreadnaughts further tore at the Whiskey, and though the point defense crews shot down all but two missiles, the advanced warheads of the red fleet gauged deep chunks out of two engine rooms slowing the valiant ship, with the salvofrom the next datagroup gutting the ship. In Retaliation the Victor BCs scoured a solid hit with their XO launched salvo, punching three capital missiles through the point defense to abrade the alien BCs shields further. In return the alien BC took potshots at an undamaged Whiskey BC, but only one missile was on course, revealing a powerfull laser warhead.
In the next thirty seconds, the undine fleet had to hook around again, and though with the gun boats remaining elusive they did manage to close onto the red battlecruisers, cutting down the range with the frigates and corvettes closing in to 4.75 ls. In response the armed pinnaces moved to interpose themselves though so far staying out of range for any point defense fire. Again the red dreadnaughts opened the exchange, with their capital missiles ripping the armor of the second Whiskey, ignoring the launched EDMs as laser beams stabbed from the exploding missile warheads. While the undine’s return salvo failed to penetrate their targets point defense, the other dreadnaught datagroup stripped the armor of the third whiskey in the same way, leaving them open for further salvoes. Continuing the exchange the undines Romeo CAs used their XO launched CMs to strip the shields of the target BC further, the red BCs launched their small salvoes of laser torpedoes to remove the datalink of the second Whiskey.
The battle continued to draw closer, with the undine fleet turning upon the enemy BC, and now the Victors where able to engage with their force beams, and used their normal point defense on the apn who had tried to slip in behind the frigates, killing one. In return the red BC targeted their previous victim, the Bravo 07 corvette, and hit with two missiles. Luckily the crew had been able to reset their shields some, saving it from destruction. The alpha frigate flanking it was not so lucky, as twelve powerful lasers stabbed out, ten hitting it at almost 3 ls and cutting it in half. The other Victor datagroup split its fire, with the force beams finally removing the red BCs shields, and the point defense taking out three apn, while their rapid fire launchers tried to engage gunboats, but the missiles on target where shot down by the gunboats point defense. The other red BC group also tried split fire, with mixed results. While two missiles hit Whiskey Two, the lasers did not eliminate either of the two remaining corvettes.
The exchange of fire between the fleets continued, with the apn salvoing their rockets into the frigates until none where left, and 21 peeling off towards their carriers for a reload, leaving 10 to complicate things. In the end, the six red CL added salvoes of standard missiles, swatting the crippled corvettes from the field, and as an afterthought the left gunboat group fired fighter missile salvos at long range into the crippled Whiskey until it was destroyed.

((Ok, forgot to write down further battle as I've been at for some time and it was getting late. :( )

The apn break the CAs out of link, as do the dreadnaughts. The red CL eliminate cripples, as does the left gunboat group. The BCs of both sides close to brawling range in two rounds and exchange salvoes, and the right gunboat group slips into the blindspot at 9 and uses the fighter missiles to reduce the CAs and BCs to weaponless wrecks. 14 gunboats and a battlecruiser die from the red fleet, and one BC is stripped of armor, dooming 20 gunboats anyway, so six gunboats get ditched in the end due to a lack of cradles. The fleet closes on the planets and settles down while the survey cruisers spread out.)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 05:51:20 AM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #117 on: April 21, 2014, 03:39:47 AM »
Turn 203, T-5 hours untill the start of Operation Mjoelnir

"They have offered what?"
"Yes sir, they offered a cease fire agreement, and to withdraw their fleets upon our agreement to Keep the border Systems demilitarized but for Corvette patrolls."
It took the exclesiarchy not long to decide, given that there where still other fires to stomp out. The danger from the regia Maria was for the momet turned away, and the war between the Thing of Odin and the Regia Maria ended just as the Thing was about to Launch its counter-stroke. But this saved them ships and resources for their second conflict with the Norse Yeti, and with all the apn carriers they now had that promised to be over quickly.

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #118 on: May 02, 2014, 08:52:32 AM »
Turn 206
The Things fleet had been shifted quickly after the cease fire. While the battleships and most of the Eagla BCs had remained behind, in the case of the Eagla for a refit, the Norse Yeti Cave system patrol has been reinforced with many light units and some battle cruisers, among six Serbhis assault BCs and the refitted and updated Skadi laser BCs originally captured from the Yeties. And twenty-one apn carries and twelve older style pinace carriers, providing 126 apn and 75 pinaces for the renewed thrust into unconquered yeti territory. Since fleeing through the warp point, the 14 battle cruisers of the yeti had not been seen again, suggesting that the systems beyond must have either been lacking in industry or shipyards to reinforce them significantly.
A quick probe by a pinace confirmed this, as the fourteen BC were defending the warp point together with five frigates and some buoys, but no other reinforcements unless they are hiding beyond the pinaces sensor range. But also no bases had been build.
Now the pinaces would be send through to eliminate any of the automatic weapons, and the apn would follow them to help deal with the battle cruisers. In order to fix them against the warp point, the three Iasc II SD which had guarded the warp point would then spearhead the attack, together with the three Skadi BC, followed by a second wave of Serbhis and a third of Eagla to deal with fleeing ships. But as long as the Regia Marina had necessited the concentration of the Thing fleets at the points of contact and for Operation Mjoelnir these ships simply had not been available. Hopefully the remaining yeti systems could be swept up rapidly, as beyond the Yeti Cave system another empire, recently contacted in the hopes of gaining an alliance, had apparently send forces forward.

(Battle will be resolved on the weekend. The remaining Yeti are a sprawl, but having had no good source system to further colonization and no shipyards until building up some they had no good ways to strengthen their remaining economy nor to build up much, as their income was straining to supply the remaining fleet. But they are scattered across far more systems than the Thing realizes. And the Empire of Tarnax is going to cause them trouble, with a solid fleet now cutting their ring of systems apart next to the Yeti Cave system. And if they liberate any Yeti systems....  watch for further fun to happen.).

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #119 on: May 04, 2014, 06:37:07 AM »
It is a Military Axiom that no plan survives contact with the enemy.
This was definitely pressed home on Bainiesteor Aethehild, the commander of the Cliath Fleet after she received the report from her units who had won the assault in a short but very bloody clash. Up to now, the Yeti had preferred a standoff defence, relying upon their superior gunnery to win a medium range beam duel. But the assault upon the Yeti Cave System had used the Seirbhis class battle cruisers and their heavy advanced missile launcher salvoes to outgun them at that range, and pinnaces to eliminate the buoy fields. And apparently the Yeti had learned, and detected the pinnace probe earlier. They had moved theit ships in to a location barely over a light second from the warp point, hoping to deal with pinnace waves as they transited in. But they were unable to stop the simultaneous transit of 75 pinnaces and 125 armed pinnaces who swamped the warp point and started to eliminate the detected buoys. So far so good, but this had put them into position to deal very harshly with the next wave, the three Iasc II superderadnaughts and the three Skadi battle cruisers. One Iasc and two of the Skadi got ripped apart by the battle cruisers who had closed by half a light second, and damaging two of the battle cuisers. Only the apn swarming out and eliminating one of the frigate groups and a data group of battle cruisers gave any hope of immediate failure. The third wave, six Serbhis class battle cruisers, added their fire, while the Yeti ships closed to a quarter light second and vaporised the remaining Iasc superdreadnaughts and another Skadi battle cruiser, while loosing another two of their number to the return fire. But the armed pinnaces removed another data group of battle cruisers and the remaining frigates, leaving only four Yeti battle cruisers on the field and a lot of burning wrecks. The yeti, knowing that they could not delay the systems fall any longer, surrendered at this point. The warp point had been taken, but at what cost. Three superdreadnaughts and three battle cruisers, and 31 apn and 20 pinnaces had fallen in just 90 seconds of a very vicious fight. The Yeti had lost five frigates and nine battlecruisers. Cliath fleet now will have to wait for a new assault element to be build and brought forward.

Thing Ship Classes
IASC II class SD     AM    26 XO Racks    130 Hull    TL 8
[4] S0x30Aix46Z(BbM)(IIII)Q?2H(IIII)QWax5(IIII)TiDzXrsWax5M5Dz(IIII)!2Wax6DzLhQMgx3Dz(IIII) [5]
130 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:6  Bmp +4  Tem -2        Cost =  3333/ 500
HTK 131   S0x30  Aix46  Dzx4  Wax16  Tix1  Mgx3 

BC SERBHIS III class BC     AM2    16 XO Racks    80 Hull    TL 8
[2] S0x16Aix16Z(BbS)(III)QWaH(II)Wax3(III)(II)Wax3M4Dc(III)!2?2DcWax3MgMgLhQDc(II) [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2        Cost =  1989/ 298.4
HTK 71   S0x16  Aix16  Dcx3  Wax10  Mgx2 

BC SKADI II class BC     AM    15 XO Racks    80 Hull    TL 6
[3] S0x20Aix20ZH(BbS)Q(II)(III)(II)FLxLxLxDcDc!1XrTPLx(Dec)MgM4(III)?1LhQ(II)(III) [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:5  Bmp +2  Tem -1        Cost =  1631/ 244.7
HTK 75   S0x20  Aix20  Dcx2  Lxx4  Px1  Tx1  Mgx1 

Yeti ship classes
GRENDEL class BC     AM    16 XO Racks   80 Hull    TL 5
80 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:5  Bmp +1  Tem -1        Cost = 1528/229.2
HTK 61   Sx8  Aix18  Dx2  Fx9 

BERSERKER class FG     AM    4 XO Racks   22 Hull    TL 5
[1] SSAix4ZH(I)(I)(I)FDXc?0Qs(I)(I) [7]
22 RCP  3 MCP       Trg:1  Bmp +1        Cost = 568/85.2
HTK 18   Sx2  Aix4  Dx1  Fx1 

Morale: Elite crews hurt a lot when you have to assault into them.