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Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #150 on: October 08, 2014, 03:54:34 AM »
Month 223, Undine Conglomerate expanses, Rhenium system

Six battle cruiser sized bases and three old Victor class battle cruisers floated near the warp point to the Helium system, at two and a quarter light second. Slightly closer before the battle cruisers three of the new escort destroyers held a vigil, and fourteen of the new plasma gun armed corvettes held a position closer to the warp point, at just slightly more than a light second distance. Last month, pinace had been scouting the warp point, and thus a certain apprehension was present among the undine defenders.
Then a disturbance was visible in the warp point, and six battleships materialized in quick succession and scattered all over, disgorging a brood of 72 prototype gunboats from their external racks. A quick but quite inconclusive exchange of fire took place, with the battleships sending lances of hetlaser fire into the destroyers and melting through their armour, while two bases and a battlecruiser, joined by several corvettes managed to almost whittle away the shields from a battleship. Allmost as  an afterthought, the gunboats fired small uncoordinated salvos of fighter missiles into the corvettes, but only managed to slowly grind away 4 of them, breaching shields and armor and digging deep into their vitals. The gunboats also destroyed 50 of the defenders IDEW buoys with their point defense, taking out most of them.
Then the battleships turned around and vanished back into the warp point, leaving the gunboats behind to exchange fire with the defenders. Their datagroups now restored, the second salvo of fighter missiles was large enough to overwhelm the capital point defense on the corvettes, leaving most of them air bleeding wrecks floating in space, only destroying one outright. The fire from the bases and ships cost them twenty-one of their number, with more undouptly lost when they too turned around and vanished simultaneously into the warp point.
Corvettes, though quickly build, definitely could not stand up to the firepower the red shipped invaders could bring against them.

This was prooven even more so three days later, when six dreadnaughts breached the warppoint and started to fire salvos of capital missiles onto a base, slowly eroding its shields and armor and digging deep into its vitals. They also launched 96 prototype gunboats, but these declined to fire yet. In return, one group of bases managed to get a blind spot shot at one dreadnaught, eroding its shields, and another one lost a good chunk of its shields to the plasma guns of those corvettes who went active and where in its blind spot, and the first dreadnaught lost most of its armor to the battlecruisers and destroyers salvoing sprint mode missiles and forcebeams into it. The next wave consisted of six battleships, while the dreadnaught with heavy armour damage transited back out. They deployed a further 72 gunboats, and those of the first wave started to volley the corvettes off the field while their bigger brethren battled it out with bases, breaking one out of the second datagroup and damaging the first damaged base further. The battleships again used hetlasers to whittle away at the destroyers, taking two out of the conflict by removing their remaining weapons. In return the defenders, rushing to their stations all over, managed to align blindside spots on one battleship and deal heavy damage to its shields, armour and engines with their ADM and other weapons, finally breaking its armor and in a flurry of explosions taking out internal systems.
The damaged battleship retreats back through the warp point and six battlecruisers reinforce the invaders. While the defenders concentrate on the dreadnaught with damaged shields, they now get take significant damage from the invaders, with the battleships taking out another base, the remaining destroyer and damaging a base,  the dreadnaughts whittling away at the damaged bases and the battlecruisers with their x-ray lasers dealing heavy damage to the damaged bases, thus removing all coherency from the defenders, who by breaking through the dreadnaughts shields and deep into its armour give a good accounting of themselves. But now the end comes swiftly. While the damaged dreadnaught retreats and the gunboats remain on the warp point, the battlecruiser, now with recovered electronics, wreck havoc. The undine battlecruisers closed the range to deal more effective fire with their forcebeams and sprint mode missiles. Although this has some effect, the x-ray  lasers from the red battlecruisers are devastating and take out both undamaged battlecrusiers, while the battleships deal with the third. The dreadnaughts reduce the bases to impotency, and within less than three minutes no defender able to fire a weapon remains for the undines. Then, the invaders fire capital anti-mine missiles into the thin minefield and breach it, enabling them to pursue the buoy command frigates and mopping up the wrecks around the warppoint with their lasers. Then, they probe into the system and wait for the light cruisers to arrive. The undine settlers and their cartell cohabitants can only watch in horror as bomb after bomb scours the planet clean of their presence. 37 million undines and 7 million cartell citizens died in the fire, joining the 180 million dead of Helium and Tungsten.
Although the undines dealt significant damage to three capital ships, putting them out of action for several month, the defenses weren't massive enough to stop the invasion. But Thantalum, probably next on the invaders list, was defended way more seriously, with eighteen bases, six dreadnaughts, six cruisers and many smaller vessels waiting the expected assault. Especially the fighter bases nearing completion could change the situation significantly.


Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #151 on: October 08, 2014, 09:45:16 AM »
[ooc]wew, another lengthy battle. not in terms of turns, but.. as soon as you add sc/fighters there are a lot more dice involved and no easy resolution via the starfire assistant. Main reason why the gunboats didn't advance through the minefield and add to whiping outth defenders beyond some fM2 salvos into the CTs. [/ooc]

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #152 on: October 16, 2014, 07:47:53 AM »
Month 222  Benthian Space: Perginon System-Blue Lagoon Space Traffic Control Centre

Under assistant scan tech J'nkins was bored beyond belief his tentacles were limp as he watched the returnes from the satalites established in orbit around one of the newest colony worlds in the realm.  It was true that WP 5 had spewed forth the slavering religious maniacs known as, of all names, "The Thing" but they had retreated quickly much to everyones relief.  Aliens were...unpleasent.  The Shanirian's were somewhat less so but they were still repelent creatures whose ability to maneuver in water was pathetic and they had only 10 tiny tentacles on the end of two main tentacles and were therefore to be pitied.   But the rest of them...the though of the teaming hordes of repulsive aliens caused J'nkins tentacles to knot.  The survey force was doing its job...surveying a system a transit past the system beyond WP4.

An ultraviolet flash and ping sounded and AST J'nkins turned one large eye towards the hologram projecting the feed from the area of space "south" as the system was normally shown.  He blew water through his vents and his tentacles tapped out a command to reset and make a system check.  Ninety seconds later the return that could not be there stubbornly refused to go away.  No Benthian flagged ships should be there.  The monthly colonist transport fleet would come from a different bearing, all the systems "tramp" freighters and shuttles were accounted for, the patrol force wasn't due for some time...and a drive field was there.  He flicked on the communicator.  "Tracking to Command, Lesser Viceroi Nonmon, I have an unidentified contact on course for this planet, uploading data now."

Lesser Viceroi Nonmon, was far less bored than AST J'nkins but even less happy when the picture on his holotank changed to show the contact and its projected course which would intercept the planet in some two days.  "Good work J'nkins.  Let me know if things change."  He turned and waved a tentacle at the communications station.  "Send to them to halt and identify themselves."
The ACT made a complex tentacle curl of acknowledgement and spoke into the pickup "Unknown vessel, this is Blue Lagoon Traffic Control, you are to come to a full stop and broadcast your identification details, your communications gear is not transmiting properly.  Acknowledge.  Over."

Nearly 3 hours later the only reply was silence.  "Full communications attempt."  The Shanirian's had provided this to the Benthian Council of Lords, it held a standard first contact message in several languages.

Another 3 hours later there was no reply and no change in the on coming ship's course.  "Communications, start a feed to the ready drone and send an alert to the Govenor and to the Navy."  He knew that one system out in L'Orient there was a mobile construction force building defences and several transits core ward was Nantes the gateway to Sea the seat of the Council and homeworld of the Benthians.

The ship maintained standard cruise velocity for a vessel of destroyer or cruiser size, continuing to ignore the repeated messages sent to it as it closed.  The range continued to drop as it continued to close on Blue Lagoon.  The Govenor moved into the Traffic Control Facility and complicated the lives of the workers there.  Orbiting telescopes and high resolution sensor sats soon resolved the ship to be a light cruiser, but neither the drive field readings nor its hull configuration where familier.  The ship inserted itself into a polar orbit and then a shuttle detached from it, decended through Blue Lagoon's atmosphere and landed in the tropics far from any Benthian settlement, which were underwater anyway.  It remained on surface for a few hours then left; after recovering its small craft the light cruiser completed one more orbit before heading back out the way it came, essentially towards the, as yet unexplored, WP6. 

Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #153 on: October 25, 2014, 04:29:39 PM »
Month 224, Undine Conglomerate, Tantalum system
Wind Lord Walrus was intend on keeping Tantalum defended, and he had a powerfull fleet under his command. Unfortunately, due to the imminence of any
possible assault, a modernisation of it had not been practical, and thus his bases and dreadnaughts where still of older design. But he had eighteen bases
and six dreadnaughts, and the new fighter bases where also finished and shaking down. Also gained though at tremendous cost in lives and material was
experience about how to handle the red fleet sitting at his door step. Unfortunately, it will be a grind, but if he could bleed them or even repulse them,
then the home system and the undines allies could act upon the opportunity and reclaim Helium, if not even Tungsten. Helium had inflicted some losses and
damage, as had Rhenium, and maybe they had gained time while the foe repaired his ships and brought foreward replacements.

Warning klaxons sounded throughout his flagship, and tore him from his deliberations. "Sir, emergence detected on the warp point. No pinace this time...  
counting 3, 4, 5...  make this five battleships. It seems they accelerated operations and did not wait for repairs to the one Rhenium damaged."
"I am on my way!" he bellowed and dove into the shallow channel outside his quarters leading to his comand center, internally cursing the murderous aliens
for coming against him before his fighter bases where all shaken down and ready.  
what happened next though made him allmost write a pretty scathing readiness report which reinforced his readiness assesment. Of his six squadrons of fighters on the warp point, none was ready to intercept the aliens probe. Of his six dreadnaughts, two got to action statins quickly enough and fire, and one of his three cruisers. And of his eighteen
missile bases, only six activated. Overall, their uncoordinated fire was enough to penetrate the shields on a battleship, and deal light armor damage to one
of the battleships. But not enough to hold them up. Instead, they calmly re-docked their parasite craft and vanished through the warp point after getting a
good look at his fleet. In return, the only frigate in his fleet which a actually managed to shoot, but miss, got send to the yards where the lasers from the
battleships had dug deeply into its armour. For a battle, this one had been allmost free of casualties.

Results: 16 pts of armour damage on a battle ship, 3 prototype gunboats lost in transit back out, 9 without a gunboat rack to dock in (can fly to a friendly
Undines: 12 pts of dmg to a frigate.

FG ALPHA IV class FG     AM    4 XO Racks    22 Hull    TL 8
[1] S0x3Aix4ZHs(I)(I)(I)P?2QsDc(I)P(I) [7]
22 RCP  3 MCP       Trg:1  Bmp +4        Cost =  438/ 65.7
HTK 19   S0x3  Aix4  Dcx1  Px2  

Turn 224, far Cannon Cartel Domination, Roundhouse system
Survey Commander Hatchet was uneasy. Ever since his fleet got into this system to survey it after its initial discovery sixteen months ago, there had been sensor shadows following his survey escorts around. Then as several congregated to probe the only warp point yet discovered in the rough survey, all hell broke lose as red fleet parasite crafts where detected boring in and transiting the warp point as well, trapping the defenceless ships between them and slaughtering them. As his ships fled back across the system, they were greeted by another ambush at their entry warp point. Several of them fled through, but not all managed to escape. While they had found a new point of contact, it was located beyond the Tantalum system and thus exploiting it would prove difficult if that system falls.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 03:16:45 AM by Starslayer_D »

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #154 on: October 28, 2014, 07:47:58 AM »
Month 224 Elvorfilas System, Urloki Space

Day 17 Warppoint to Cervii Homesystem

Since the failure of the attack on the Cervii Homesystem the Urloki and their Shanirian allies had rethought the situation.  Wargame after wargame had shown that the cost of an attrition strategy was prohibitively high.  That left securing the warppoint against Cervii adventurism and hoping for some sort of technological breakthrough that could deal with the combinations of mines and bases known to exist on the other side of the warppoint.  The Shanirians were contimplating a diplomatic solution but the Urloki were not particularily interested in talking to the Cervii right at this moment.

Both partners had produced pre-fabricated bases and assembled them in orbit around the systems habitable world.  The bases were then towed to the warppoint.  Currently 3 more Augadris capital missile bases were under assembly but a total of 6 standard base groups (BS2(C) Augfarthing, and 2 BS2 Augcating bases) orbited the WP at 3.25 LS.  Two sets of 3 Augadris capital missile bases orbited at 5.25 LS from the warppoint.  A dense mine belt seeded liberaly with IDEW-F had been established just past the point where the gravity from the warppoint would suck in the mines and destroy them.  The Shanirian's had assembled 12 Den and 3 Tripwire class bases and they were located 10.5 LS from the warppoint.  They had also added a wide belt of mines to the defences extending a significant distance from the warppoints location and a mix of IDEW-L and IDEW-E were located inside it to defend the minefields from breaching attempts.

Flying around the warp point were some 50 assault shuttles, 12 pinnaces, and a CAP of 9 Armed Pinnaces from TF10's Plaga class motherships.  This was sufficient anti-small craft firepower to ensure no pinnace intruding to attempt a recon would suvive to return home.

The Urloki's High Council Fleet was on station.  9 Trithding Battleships, 9 Pellail II Battlecruisers, 6 Bathalis III heavy cruisers and 6 Narithsol IV destroyers were split into 3 groups at 4 LS.  The cruisers and the destroyers orbited at 300°, 6 Battleships and 3 Battlecruisers were at 0° and 3 Battleships and 6 Battlecruisers were at 60°.  At 3 LS in direction 0° was a group of 6 Banallis C command cruisers and 6 Nathraas II destroyers.  The outer ships were standard Urloki deepspace combatents lacking passives but carrying massive missile batteries and exceptional pointdefence suits.  The inner ships were both shielded and armoured and were solely armed with force beams.

The Shanirian's TF10 was present.  The TF was broken up into 3 TGs assigned to the areas 110°, 170° and 230° at 3.25 LS from the warppoint.  Each Taskgroup was a mix of Battleships, Battlecruisers, Cruisers and Destroyers.  At 180° and 5.25 LS distant 6 Arbalist Mod2 class battlecruisers waited.  7 LS further out was the command ship of the first fleet, its Scutum class escort destroyers, a screen force and the Rego Auram a buoy/mine control ship.  At 8 LS were the 6 Plaga class mother ships and their three Scutum class destroyer escorts. 

Gen Angekelbauch, leader of the Urloki's High Council, was just calling up a letter from home in his command cruisers spacious battlebridge when the alarms sounded.  "Cervii transit! Battleship mass vessel emerging." He hit the pause button and ran for the holo tank which was updating to show a second battleship.  "All vessels this is command.  Execute Battleplan Victory."  He was speaking even as he settled the boom mike and its earbug over his head and according to the plot a fourth Cervii Battleship was transiting in.  As the Cervii didn't have the grav-stress patterns the ships were facing everywhich way, meaning that the allied fleet had plenty of, as the Shanirian's put it: "up the kilt shots."

The first Cervii Battleship to emerge targeted one of the three command cruisers in the data group containing the fleet flag and Gen Angekelbauch.  Powerful X-ray lasers spalled armour off the ship, but the response by the Urloki and their allies made the fire of those 6 Battleships pale in comparison.  Ship after ship of the Urloki's fleet reached action stations and the holoplot was lagged as it tried to update all the missiles bound for the warppoint.   First one then another of the Cervii ships deployed EDMs but in many cases those drones were the only thing standing between them and the missiles sleeting in from their blindpot.  The double salvos smashed the ships shielding flat and then started boiling off armour.  Force beams were nearly always on target as well.  Each Cervii ship was soon surounded by a halo of debries.

The ships of TF10 were not so swift off the mark but missiles flashed inwards from the SCN vessels as well.  More critically the crew of the Rego Auraum and 2 Augfarthing command bases reacted fast enough to send in targetting instructions per the Battleplan.  Activating the IDEW-F and IDEW-L buoys orbiting the warppoint, and after their targetting computers confired 120 IDEW-F fired at nearly point blank range while 78 IDEW-L sent cohernt light inwards from 0.5 LS.

30 seconds into the battle only 2 Cervii ships remained on the warppoint both with madly oscillating drivefields, shields down and streaming air.  The other 4 Battleships were dispersing clouds of flotsom.

"Cervii ship transiting out!  More transiting ships!  Battleship mass."  Gen Angekelbauch swore.  One of the Cervii battleships had manage to turn and slide back through the warppoint.  Most likely it had science instruments on board.  He could see the number of Cervii ships increasing and stopping at 6.  Clearly they were using tunners. 

On board the SCN battlecruiser Hasta flagship of TF10, Tribune Taylor was issuing instructions:  "TF10, this is the Flag.  Advance to maximum particle beam range!"  The Hasta had recieved no command from the Legate Bester on the command cruiser Octavious but Tribune Taylor knew his part in the battleplan.  Together with the shielded ships of the Urloki's the Shanrian's turned inward, advancing 0.5 LS and all ships that could modulated their drives making them hard targets for the transit shocked ships targeting systems.

The Cervii ships opened fire with plasma torpedoes but the base they were targeted on point defense's knocked them down.  The Urloki response was hail of missiles but mixed in with the fusion warheads were Anti-Drive missiles.  The were designed to induce engine detroying feedback on the targets drivefield and had been liberally distributed to the combined fleets ships.  The shields of the Cervii ships soon collapsed under missile fire, these ships being significantly less robust than the previous and subject to higher volumes of fire, plus for some unknown reason they lacking EDMs on their racks.  Anti-drive missile after anti-drive missile hammered into the Cervii ship's blindspots.  One after another the ships was left both shield-less and drivefield-less on the warppoint.  One Battleship fired on by a Urloki destroyer was obliterated as the drive field came down before the anti-ship missiles hit and they exploded nearly on contact rather than at standoff ranges.  The SCNs vessels then opened up with their particle beams and the targeted ships were soon wreathed in coronas of discharging plasma.  The Rego Auram sent its commands and 78 IDEW-E acquired the suriving 6 Battleships and send more charged particles into them.  The one Cervii ship to retain an operational engine room detonated it rather than surrender.  All the Cervii ships were under the guns of 1st Wing's 9 armed pinnaces which had them acquired for their close attack weapons.  The other surviviors were out of options now being both defenseless and unable to maneuver.

The SCN and Urloki ships continued to advance towards the warppoint but no further ships transited in.  After a few minutes small craft were launched to start picking up the surviors from the Cervii hulks.  The SCNs Battleships and Battlecruisers carried substantial SGF troops and these were employed in search and rescue missions.  The crews were processed and then sent to the Urloki's colony in small craft.

Eight hours later three CDs flash into existance on the Cervii side with a brief message saying that information on the fate of the Cervii crews will be sent in 90 seconds by 3 consecutively transiting CDs.  On schedule a CD arrives and begins broadcasting that it is the first of 3 drones and then starts with the names of the recovered crew members, plus the equivelent in Cervii identification information.  30 seconds later a second CD arrives to begin broadcasting that it is the second of three drones and then the same information a second time.  30 seconds later the third arrives, with the same information though it states it is the last drone with this information.  The Shanirians who insisted on this mission can only hope the drones are not destroyed before the information is collected. 

Twelve Cervii battleships had entered Elvorfilas, one returned.  The Urloki plan to deny the Cervii the grav stress paterns failed but they captured 5 Cervii battleships which would be both probed for intellegence and repaired and then refit.  The Urloki suffered moderate damage to one CA, and minor damage to a base.  The Shanirian's had minor damage to one of their CLs.  Also the Cervii had no idea what had caused the losses to their ships as neither the Shanirian's particle weapons nor Anti-drive missiles had been deployed against the the first wave battleships.  Nor had any ship been able to bring their military grade sensors on line so their knowlege of bases further than 5 LS from the warppoint was limited.

[ooc]My first time using ADMs.  The battleplan was simple:  the first wave was to be destroyed while the remaing waves were supposed to be E-beamed into submission.  The second wave didn't even get shot at by most of the Drake ships (they were shields down and the destroyer mix up was to be avoided).  The SCN didn't really like the plan as it was a bit too cold blooded for them.  The plasma torpedoes on the 2nd wave Cervii ships were a pretty dismal failure, though admittedly they were fired against an elite crewed base while transit shocked.  The speed of the Drakes activation was pretty horrifying...and at these ranges basically they could not miss to hit number was either 9 or 10.  And no matter which way a ship pointed someone was there to shoot into their blindspot.[/ooc]
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 06:18:24 AM by Paul M »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #155 on: November 05, 2014, 08:52:08 AM »
[ooc]Paul pointed out I should list what forces where used in the battle to reduce confusion. See below this post[/ooc]

Month 225, Undine Expanses, Tantalum system, day 16

Round 1
Three dreadnaughts and three battleships appear through the warp point und in the case of the dreadnaughts launch parasite craft, sending the undine crews of the bases and warships scrambling to their duty stations. Strangely enough, the red fleets admiral seems to have gambled upon the undines changing their disposition and move their ships. As they hadn’t, the heading the ships appeared out was very fortunate for the defenders. Taking the heading (4) away from the star, the invaders ships appeared with their rear aspects presented to the defenders, and even though they quickly turned aside, the last two battleships did not turn away in time before some of the defenders reached their action stations. They are followed by 71 armed pinnaces and 78 gunboats in a simultaneous transit. The small craft pay the price for this suicidal tactic and 12 apn and 14 gunboats vanish in glaring explosions.
The undines manage to activate three dreadnaughts and salvo their internal missiles and external capital missiles into the blind spot of the last BB. Unfortunately, the bases at heading (1) with the ships did not activate, nor those at heading (2) and thus no more ships could be engaged without their advanced point defense interfering with the undines fire.
The red fleets dreadnaughts and battleships are a new type, and respond with a broadside of five HET lasers each, and two internal capital missiles in case of the dreadnaughts. To ease reporting, the dreadnaught is named the Demolisher class and the battleships as Wolverine class.
The two damaged battleship with their rear aspects exposed also fire CAM from their XO racks but are very inaccurate. Nevertheless, two the dreadnaughts manage to rip through the armor of a base at heading (4) while the battleship also takes fire from the defenders heavy cruisers.  The third dreadnaught damages another base in the same group.
Several bases in various groups activate and while trying to kill gun boats with their missiles, killing only 4 against the gunboats point defense, they use their force beams to gradually reduce the damaged battleships into a glowing mass of vapors.
None of the undine fighter bases manages to reach action stations, but several of the control frigates activate and set the 60 IDEW-P to fire. The result is somewhat unexpected for the undines though, as the IDEW not only acquire the capital ships as targets, but also the gun boats. Thus instead of crippling five ships, 17 gun boats are destroyed and only three ships take internal damage from a beam.
Thus no longer needed, the control frigates turn tail and depart from the warp point.

The gun boats modulate and fly slowly though the minefield, losing 28 to the two rings of mines and approaching the damaged group of bases to 1.25 ls. Four battleships emerge and manage to turn away their blind spots, followed by three battle-cruisers which fail to turn away and offer their rear aspects to the defenders main firepower. While they disgorge a further 78 gunboats the two battleships remaining from the first wave turn away.
The Demolisher dreadnaughts from the first wave gut the base with breached armor, but undine retaliation is swift as another Quebec dreadnaught activates and joins its already active data group mate in stripping shields and armor from an invader battle-cruiser. This one quickly fires four XRay lasers and a capital missile but misses completely, thus revealing itself as a Quickdraw class ship.  The other two active Quebec dreadnaughts remove it swiftly from the field, confirming the relative fragility of the class who pays for its longer ranged lasers with increase space demands by the whole package of emitters and detonation chambers. A second Quickdraw battle-cruiser then demonstrates why the class is so dangerous and seriously damages the base whose armor was damaged in the last exchange. Thus in danger of elimination the base uses its force beams on the battle-cruiser and kills two gun boats with sprint mode missiles. The last battle-cruiser then damages it further while the base almost butted by the dreadnaughts kills two gun boats with sprint mode fire. The two surviving battleships from the first wave then fire on the third base in the group, stripping most of its shields with a salvo of CAM and the armor with their ten HET lasers.
The third Undine cruiser fails to activate, but his colleagues send twenty missiles and 3 XO launched capital missiles into the blind spot of the second battle-cruiser.
Retaliation is swift and one of the battleships in the second wave reveals itself to be a Daiku probe battleship and spears the second damaged base with two lasers, stripping further weapons and defenses. Various undine bases activate and while concentrating their weapons fire upon the damaged battle-cruiser they send anti-drive missiles from their external ordinance racks into the third battle-cruiser, or where possible direct their fire into the rear of a dreadnaught. Thus they manage to bring down one battle-cruiser and short circuit all engines on the other. So far, the Undines are presenting a formidable defense, destroying three ships and immobilizing a fourth. But their loses also accumulate, with two bases very damaged and a third denuded of its passive defenses. The gunboats from the first wave then salvo fighter missiles into the damaged bases, and despite encountering very heavy point defense fire manage to destroy one and bring the second one down to a shadow of its former self.

The third wave of dreadnaughts transits in facing the other direction, towards the sun and thus now presenting its rear aspect to the ravaged group of bases. They deliver another 96 gun boats from their external racks.  The gun boats who transited in continue towards the damaged bases while the ones which came from the three demolisher dreadnaughts swerve clockwise towards the next group of bases, all of them using heavy engine modulation to evade fire, and the undine CAP closes in, modulating.  The battle-cruiser without a drive field fires its lasers in defiance at a base in the group now approached by gun boats at heading (5), drilling deep into the bases armor. The less damaged base to be swarmed by gunboats reaches out, firing five force beams and seven advanced launchers, sending a beam and two sprint mode missiles into a squadron each and two sprint mode missiles into another two squadrons.  Only four gun boats approaching the base manage to evade this hurricane of fire, but their close range rockets are enough to destroy the valiant defender. A fifth gun boat takes out its surviving companion. While this plays out the exchange of fire between the defenders and invaders continues. The demolisher dreadnaught data group from the initial wave fires a full broadside, ripping off the armor of a base in the heading (5) group, with fire and fury eating deep into its weapons.  An undine group of Quebec dreadnaughts, now fully active, returns fire and removes the remaining shields and some armor of the middle Demolisher. The two surviving  Wolverines strip a second base in the data group of its armor and fire a total of 12 Dx at the approaching fighters, killing three of them despite their wild evasion. The second group of Quebec dreadnaughts then strip the demolishers armor further.
Two of the red Daiku battleships from the second wave fire, stripping the armor from an inactive base and any external ordinance it may have possessed, but fail to take out its data link. The most intact base left in the group at heading (5) fires and takes six of the gun boats in the approaching swarm, while the other two Daiku also take out armor from an inactive base, while a crippled base kills another four gun boats. . The red invaders do not seem to like ADMs at all.
In a tradeoff of fire the newly transited dreadnaughts reveal themselves to be of the catapult class and slowly erode the shields and armor of the last inactive base while the active bases damage the Demolisher heavily, taking out the armor, three engine rooms and various assorted other internals.
The remaining exchange of fire between combatants remains inconclusive, with the undine destroyers failing to take out either the damaged demolisher or the drive field less Quickdraw, while the red gun boats fail to eliminate the damaged bases despite sending a veritable hail of fighter lasers at them.

The two Wolverine battleships advance with high modulation into the minefield and draw down the fire of the thin field of ten patterns. They then pause fire three beams each in wide angle mode before advancing into the second belt, clearing it with their point defense and other two beams each. One of them loses its shields during the minesweeping operation. The damaged Demolisher class dreadnaught transits out and is replaced by six battleships which also emerge facing the sun and launch a further 72 prototype gun boats. The laser armed gunboats advance closer to the damaged bases using high modulation while the undine CAP closes the distance to the warp point weaving a tight pattern with their contrails and remains at 0.25 ls from the main mass of red ships. The Omega class bases launch their remaining fighters towards the warp point, except one base which is still not yet at battle stations. The fighters of the CAP also draw their first blood by eliminating 18 gun boats and the shields of a Catapult dreadnaught. Unfortunately the green crews of one squadron somehow fail to hit the drive field down battle-cruiser, with all but one pilots rockets going wide. While the gun boats on the warp point hold their fire, the armed pinnaces, less concerned about missiles use their point defense and external lasers to kill 21 of the 24 gun armed fighters.
Meanwhile the red Catapult dreadnaughts cripple two bases in two different data groups by raining massive salvos of capital missiles upon them and breaking them out of data link. The battleships are the Marauder class, smaller sized versions of the Catapults, and they build upon the damage done by the Catapult class ships and further damage the two bases, strip an undine heavy cruiser of its shields and try some pot shots at a frigate which lost its shields just beforehand to the catapults secondary capital energy beams. The undines respond by destroying the immobile battle-cruiser with a now completely active group of destroyers and sending all their firepower onto the damaged Catapult dreadnaught, penetrating its passive defenses and going deep inside the mammoth ships innards, removing most of its engine rooms leaving it adrift among the wreckage.  Overall losses where light on both sides in this exchange. Only the damaged bases at heading (5) and the laser armed gunboats rip into each other, leaving the bases destroyed and the gunboat group very depleted.

The next wave of red ships arrives, but it is only three battle-cruisers. The invaders seem to have run out of ships they want to risk in the intense firefight on the warp point. The Demolishers and Daiku dreadnaughts advance through the gap in the mines, modulating their drives to throw off the undine aim followed by the gun boats who do the same. The surviving fighters of the strike high-tail it out and head towards their bases to rearm, while the Undine fleet curves towards the warp point, edging close and also using modulation. The destroyers and frigates have completed their turn and head of counterclockwise passing the bases, trying to work their way towards the laser armed gun boats and possibly the rear aspects of the heavy red ships.
All the strong engine modulations left the following exchange of fire strange light in causalities. While the red Wolverine without shields and one of the newly arrived Quickdraws was damaged, the damaged Catapult was destroyed. The undines lost their damaged frigate and suffered crippling damage to a destroyer for ships, although another two bases where broken out of their data groups by the red missile combatants.

Seeing the two advancing Wolverine battleships and two Demolisher dreadnaughts, Wind Lord Walrus saw a decision point coming up. If his heavy forces could damage the exposed ships with their coordinated close range beam salvoes, the enemies firepower might be disrupted decisively before they could respond. Thus seizing the initiative the undine dreadnaughts swooped down upon the red ships, closing to 0.75 ls. But their crews’ exultation turned to horror as when, closing in and aligning their broadsides with the hostile ships, their data links suddenly went down hard and the gunboats pounced upon them. What followed was very ugly, deadly and quick. Even though the undines managed to get off the first broadside, their uncoordinated fire saw three Quebec dreadnaughts gutted and their cruiser escort damaged in exchange for one dead and one damaged Wolverine and one demolisher reduced to a crawl. And then the gunboats fired their close range rockets into the wrecks and annihilated Wind Lord Walrus and his crews with glaring antimatter fireballs.

The end now approached swiftly. The undine fighters closed in but were beset by gunboats who used their advanced point defense to eliminate 36 of the gun armed fighters from half a light second away. The Wolverine and the damaged Demolisher suffer further damage from the bases fire, in the Wolverines case up its rear aspect as it had turned around to flee through the warp point, but even that was not enough to slow it down.  The undine destroyers exchange fire with the laser armed gunboats and eliminate all but seven of them, while taking some fire in return which crippled one destroyer, while HET lasers from the capital ships damages two more. And the bases further take fire from the missile armed Catapults and Marauders, leaving only barely functional wrecks of the once mighty ring of fortresses.

The undine fighters continued in and engaged the four probe battleships, ripping away its passive defenses in a  firework of dying fighters caused by defensive fire. The undine destroyers added to the destruction, leaving only one intact engine room on the Daiku class battleship. But the gunboats then reduce the main fighter strike with their point defense, carefully keeping their distance from them. With the last bases dying to missiles the Catapults and Marauders surged ahead, bringing the distant fighter bases into range and destroying two while damaging two others. The last four squadrons of fighters swoop in and destroy the crippled Daiku and strip the defenses of the shield-less Catapult. The undine destroyers further add to the damage, closing into sprint mode range as the gradual damage upon them had reduced the speed of all destroyers, making an escape impossible as the Quickdraw battle-cruisers pursued them. Their defiant salvos barely failed to eliminate the damaged Catapult, and then their weapons where silenced by the battle-cruisers, leaving them at the gunboats mercy. With the capital missile combatants eliminating the fighter bases, the fighters were left to die without being able to rearm. At the for them high cost of two destroyed and two damaged dreadnaughts, three destroyed battleships, with two damaged, and three destroyed battle-cruisers the red fleet had forced the entry into the Tantalum system.

It dispatched a group of light cruisers to probe into the system, but upon detecting multiple space stations in orbit around each of the two habitable planets they retreated. For now, the contest for Tantalum was over.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 11:02:23 AM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #156 on: November 05, 2014, 09:11:44 AM »
[ooc]Ok, this time I took notes but writing this up took quite some time. Reason why I figured the red fleet didn't engage the planets was that there were way more spacestations than ever seen before, and possibly armed. Their buboat strength was depleted, and the had basically no functional beam armed ships left, and only 4 missile SD and 6 missile BB, with only small salvoes between them. Sending 12 SBM against a ship may get you into the shields, but against space stations probably less so, and the SS could send massive salvos. At least the red fleets stations can... Thus they retreated to repair, reamunition gather reinforcements. The undine response will be interresting, and most possible involve the cannon cartell as well. With the undines having all those refitted BCs in their home system it could be way more even a battle. Also in case people wonder. The undines dreadnaughts and bases were still TL7, and the S1, Ac, Dx, ?j, higher generation ECCM and ECM, capital beam weapons, capital missiles and antimatter defenitely offset the their initial disadvantage. The red fleet ships are also in a way undergunned bricks whose damage advanage lies in technology superiority, not the number of weapons on board. The heading of the initial 2 waves was determined by a die roll, as I figured the undines might redeploy, and thus one heading might expose you anyway. As the case was, the undines got lucky, but the reds battle plan still worked out. Most of Tantalums fleet was lost defending Helium, else all the fixed defenses would have had a way larger fleet defending them. [/ooc]

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #157 on: November 06, 2014, 11:08:05 AM »
Fleet OOB

Red Fleet

3 Demolisher dreadnaughts
6 Catapult dreadnaughts
3 Wolverine battleships
4 Daiku battleships
6 Marauder battleships
6 Quickdraw battle-cruisers
6 Essex heavy cruisers (never transited)
6 Jenner light cruisers (also never transited)
392 pgb
72 apn

6 Quebec dreadnaughts, TL 7 version
18 BS3 Echo, TL 7 version
3 Romeo IV heavy cruisers
9 DDE II destroyers
2 Alpha IV frigates
6 BS2 Omega
216 F0

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #158 on: February 24, 2015, 09:18:13 AM »
(I am missing my post about t226 here. Did something happen to the forum? Now I have to see if I can reconstruct it :( ) Ok, reconstruction done.

Month 226, Undine Expanses, Helium system, a point in space close to the Rhenium warp point.

A gravitational eddy surged and pulsed and disgorged a long line of ships. Nine Killer class battleships and three Creeper class battle-cruisers flanked by six Obliterator class destroyers and three Safe House class scouting corvettes formed the van of the allied fleet and is cartell component. Not yet refitted but more important available right now they provided heavy long range firepower. They were followed by the undine compliment of eighteen Victor class battle-cruisers, nine Romeo class heavy cruisers, twentyone Alpha class frigates and sic Bravo class scouting corvettes.
They proceeded into helium at best safe speed to cut off the hostile fleet in system, but at least some scouting element had been paying attention to the warp point to Rhenium as  drive field appeared way before the fleet and kept distance to them. Soon apparent as they took up positions on the warp point was that the red fleet was in no immediate hurry to assault them from their blocking expedition. To prevent a further consolidation of red forces, the allied fleet sailed forth to engage the hostiles in deep space. The enemy force they encountered consisted of five dreadnaughts, ten battleships, one battle cruisers, eleven heavy cruisers and eleven light cruisers. The heavy cruisers launched a swarm of 132 armed pinnaces, and 331 prototype gunboats followed from the external racks of most ships, then they closed for battle, leaving two light cruisers running on commercial engines behind themselves. At slightly over ten light seconds, the red fleet drew a course aside, inviting the allied fleet into a stern chase, and soon they revealed missiles with a far greater range than capital missiles when they send out probing shots at various ships, with only four missiles ripping the shield of a Killer. In response, the allies went to evasive maneuvering and tried to make the enemy thus spend his missiles for which they had no reply. This immediately helped, with the follow-up salvos mostly losing their lock on the damaged battleship, and thus only two warheads impacted against the ships drive field in the next half minute. Unfortunately, the third round of fire eliminated an engine room on the valiant ship, whereupon the fire of the capital missile ships immediately switched to another battleship. This one finally lost most of an engine room in the sixth salvoe.
Both fleets by now had changed to a parallel course, with the allies maintaining heavy modulation where possible to reduce the long range sniping success. The next swarm of missiles from the dreadnaughts was targeted on the two wounded ships, taking out a second engine room on each, while the Marauders targeted another battleship but only two laser warhead missiles managed to hit the Killer class ship. For the next salvo, the red fleet allows itself to close the distance to keep the damaged ships in range, and damages each further. Then their launchers fall silent and they close into capital missile range, allowing the allied fleet to finally respond to the threat. A sew-saw exchange of missiles follows, but with the better point defense and anti-matter warheads the red fleet has the advantage and slowly pounds the cartell battleships to slow them down. Then the red fleets fire shifted, and missiles exploded over the allied corvettes with mixed results, from unscratched to gutted despite the corvettes using full modulation. with the red fleets small craft slowly approaching the five light second distance, the allied fleet turned somewhat to be prepared for  the small craft pouncing, do draw out the closing distance.
round 15 (rest of post was lost in forum move, so it’s a bit rough draft from here on)
GB at 22, ships at 25.. red fleet stays in place, allied fleet half turns away with modulation, allied destroyers and corvettes advance some with high modulation to bring the GB  into range 20.

Gunboats face fire from the allied ships, but evade much, still, 26 are killed. Small allied ships take a beating from red capital missiles.

APN hunt down the allied small ships, GB turn back, red fleet moves past...  things settle down, both sides are low on ammo and thus the red fleet escapes.

Two weeks later, 14 Cl face down the allied fleet minus the four damaged BB and the damaged/destroyed DD and CT.
They meet relatively close to the WP, allies being unwilling to abandon the WP. First fire at 26, 4 cm hit. Allied fleet half turns back to WP, Red fleet CL advance. Cartell ships fire their XO with internal missiles at 24, but due to red fleet EM most miss. Next turn, allies do a dog leg, closing to warp point and then turning inwards to broadside the red CL at 23. Finally they manage to slow a CL.

Both fleets close at an angle, now distance 17. A datagroup of red fleet Jenners shots first, but only strips the shields of a cartell DD. One red CL dies, another one takes damage, and the Fc kill 13 GB. The nine Undine CAs then heavily damage the lightly damaged Cl and damage another.

Next turn, the allied fleet crossed the retreat path, and fired at 12. First, red fleet Jenners got lucky and the cartell destroyer got ripped almost apart. The cartell capitals retaliated, dealing damage to the Cl the CAs had damaged last turn, and the CL lagging behind now with engine damage. The other red CLs dealt light F damage to the cartell BC which was damaged in the earlier fight. 21 gunboats die to the force beams, and the damaged CL gets disemboweled by the Undine BCs, and then a Jenner gets his defenses reduced. The 9 CA then reduce him to a crawling wreck

Third minute, allies turn towards WP and move ahead, red fleet advances, distance 11. The two
 capable Jenners fire and hit the damaged BC with 11 missiles, ripping away shields and deep into the innards. 17 more GB died, and another Jenner was gutted. Then the alpha frigates fired, stabbing deep into the innards of three CL.

(Original post was eaten by forum move, so I am missing my edits and final rounds from this file, but in the end the red fleet survey elements got eliminated, taking the BC with them. The first victory for the Undine alliance. They reclaimed the system, although the cartell ships then were recalled for a refit. Events progressed elsewhere in the next months.)

KILLER class BB     AM2    20 XO Racks    100 Hull    TL 8
100 RCP       Trg:8  Bmp +4  Tem -2        Cost =  2586/ 387.9
HTK 77   S0x10  Aix20  Dzx4  Pgx5  Rcx7  Mgx1 
70x CM, 21x CM LT1, 7x BAM-Rc

CREEPER III class BC     AM2    16 XO Racks    80 Hull    TL 8
80 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2        Cost =  1934/ 290.1
HTK 57   S0x8  Aix8  Dzx5  Pgx6  Rcx5  Mgx1 
90x CM, 2x EDM (Mg)

OBLITERATOR III class DD     AM2    6 XO Racks    30 Hull    TL 8
[1] S0S0Aix3ZHs(I)(I)WaM3Qs(I)WaDz(I)Wa?2(I)QsMg(I)PgDz(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:4  Bmp +4        Cost =  783/ 117.5
HTK 25   S0x2  Aix3  Dzx2  Pgx1  Wax3  Mgx1 
90x SM, 3x CAM (Mg)

SAFE HOUSE II class CT     AM    3 XO Racks    16 Hull    TL 6
[1] S0S0Aix3ZHs(I)(I)RaDcMg?0Qs(I)(I) [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP       Trg:1  Bmp +1        Cost =  284/ 42.6
HTK 16   S0x2  Aix3  Dcx1  Rax1  Mgx1 
40x SM

BC VICTOR IV class BC     AM2    16 XO Racks    80 Hull    TL 10
[2] S1x18Acx18HQ(II)?2(BbS)(III)DzWaDcDc(II)DcFc!2WaM4XrsDzWaLhQZiDz(III)Fc(II)Fc(III)Mg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2        Cost =  2113/ 316.9
HTK 74   S1x18  Acx18  Dzx3  Dcx3  Fcx3  Wax3  Mgx1 
120x SM, 16x CM LT1

CA ROMEO IV class CA     AM2    12 XO Racks    60 Hull    TL 10
[1] S1x12Acx15H(BbS)(II)?2(II)QDzXr(II)Wax4!2M5Wax3(II)(II)DzLhQZiDz(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP       Trg:6  Bmp +4  Tem -2        Cost =  1663/ 249.4
HTK 60   S1x12  Acx15  Dzx3  Wax7  Mgx1 
140x SM, 6x CM

FG ALPHA IV class FG     AM    4 XO Racks    22 Hull    TL 8
[1] S0x3Aix4ZHs(I)(I)(I)P?2QsDc(I)P(I) [7]
22 RCP  3 MCP       Trg:1  Bmp +4        Cost =  438/ 65.7
HTK 19   S0x3  Aix4  Dcx1  Px2 

CT BRAVO II class CT     AM    3 XO Racks    16 Hull    TL 7
[1] S0x3Aix4ZHs(I)(I)(I)?0QsFDz(I) [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP       Trg:1  Bmp +1        Cost =  309/ 46.4
HTK 17   S0x3  Aix4  Dzx1  Fx1 
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 12:26:08 PM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #159 on: March 09, 2015, 09:49:10 AM »
[ooc]I notice that at least one of my last posts has also vanished :( [/ooc]

Month 232 Shanirian Confederation

War, war was always the same:  war was a pain in the pocketbook.  The Urloki were spending essentially 99.5% of their production to maintain their fleet at high readiness.  The SCN was at nearly 90% of their available internal GSP, without accounting for the SGF.  The Benthian's had been in an extremely good situation, with expenditures near to 35%, but the incursion of the alien cruiser had changed that.  They had been in a major military build up anyway now it had accelerated and the number of active combat ships was growing signficantly.  The Council of the Moon maintained a steady 45% or so expenditure on its defensive naval force.

The Cervii conflict was not one that could be solved by the existing Urloki-Shanirian fleet.  Attrition might win, but the Assembly was not willing to sacrifice so many lives.  Instead two relatively strong task groups were assigned to support the fortifications now assembled at the Elvorfilias-Cervii warp point and the main fleets of the Urloki and the SCN were pulled back for a long overdue refit.  The captured Cervii battleships were now nearing a point where they could be moved out of the system under Urloki crews.  The development of the habitable worlds of Elvorfilas had resumed, and of the worlds further down the warp chain.  The Urloki intended to resume survey operations at the other warp points in Elvorfilas inside of 6 months.

The Urloki High Council Fleet was in serious need of refitting with new technology, most notably improved ECM systems, advanced manuevering to make the ships more agile and lastly the introduction of the advanced datalink system buried deep in the hull.  The plan was to refit ships first that would be mothballed to gradually bring the income issue under control.  The force structure would also shift with the DN replacing the BB as the primary ship of the line.  Though, of course, of little value to the Cervii conflict the DN was a major improvement on the BB, one that the Urloki could exploit as they had no internal warp links smaller than 180 HS except for the link to the Cervii.

The Benthians were facing a re-organization and contruction issue more than anything else.  Their sole construction facility was in Sea, their homesystem.  They had otherwise only 3 groups of 3 battleship sized construction ships in operation.  They had started with a major update to Sea's defences, and then moved on to construction of Battleships and Battlecruisers plus the new support craft.   Up until the incursion at Perginon their fleet had been composed of a group of patrol squadrons and a single reaction force based in the nodal system of Nantes.  Perginon was a valuable system, but more critically it connected to 3 other systems of equal or greater value.  Its loss would be a significant blow to the Benthian pocketbook.  For this reason considerable effort had been made to secure the system and the critical warp point leading from it to the L'Orient system next door, one of the Benthian's construction groups had been fully employed with base construction and the efforts already had born fruit.  The start of a series of reinforcment waves was, as of the end of this month, in that same system heading for Perginon.  In Sea the 2nd Space Fleet (2eme Flotte Espace de Sea) was being organized to relieve the 1st Space Fleet (1ere Flotte Espace de Sea) so they could be refit to the latest standard while the 3rd Space Fleet (3eme Flotte Espace de Sea) was authorised as an active reserve to be stationed in Nantes.

Refits to the patrol groups were proceeding and new construction intended to reinforce their survey forces was in the planning.  The question at this point was time, as no one new when or if the aliens would return.  Each month though enhanced the preperations of the Benthian's signficiantly.  The SCN had authorised TG12.1 for rapid response to a Benthian request for assistance.  TF10 this month began the return to Shanir, and in 3 months would be available for reinforcement depending on refit status.

The SCN was reviewing their current force structure and projecting forward.  There was an ever increasing demand for hull volume for electronics; one that their most common hull, the destroyer, was slowly becoming too small to fit.  This lead to the decision to enhance light cruiser production and make the smallest tactical formation a DESRON with a light crusier and two destroyers.  Based on the current authorised number of 99 active destroyers that would require a minium of 49 light cruisers.  Additionally the standard task force was strengthed to include a CRURON of a heavy and two light cruisers, requiring a further 12 light cruisers.  Then there was a further 5 light cruisers in each of the x0 Task Forces, for a further 15 ships.  Thus a total of 76 light cruisers would be necessary, meaning construction would be ongoing for some time.

Also the utlity of the destroyer was shifting from combatent to screening vessel against small craft and fighters.  This meant the light cruisers and destroyer needed to mount some form of military grade targeting sensors.   Designers were looking at if it was even possible to move the destroyer to the internal datalink system.  For the moment the SCN was looking into a new design which would see the particle weaponry changed on the destroyers from the standard accelerator turrets [ooc]Energy beams[/ooc] to the focused particle beam arrays [ooc]Needle beams[/ooc] this would give the destroyers an ability to strike at shieldless heavy ships and to engage small craft at range.  Currently their were two destroyer classes the Lancea and the Scutum.  The later were intended as anti-missile escorts, the question was to convert all Lancea to the new standard or to generate a third class giving three types:  DDP (General Purpose), DDF (Fleet Escort), and DDE (Missile Escort).  The light crusiers would retain their standard accelerator turrets enabling them to knock down the enemies shields to allow their destroy consorts to engage the enemies internal systems with precision fire.  [ooc]A new type DESRON would have: 2 E, 2 N and 6 Ra.[/ooc]

Otherwise the SCN was aiming for an improved force structure where 2nd, and 3rd Fleets maintained active:  3 BBs, 6 BCs, 4 CAs, 4 CLs and 4 DDs in TF 20 and 30 at a minimum.  TF10 would be a reinforced force compared to this.  TF21, 22, 31 and 32 would then have 1 CA, 6 CLs, 8 DDs, and 6 CTs each.  These TF would operate, as now, as 3 TGs.  In the case of TF 21, TG 21.2 and 21.3 each of single DESRON with 2 scout corvettes are the frontier patrol forces while TG 21.1 was the reaction force (1 CA, 4 CL, 4 DD, and 2 CT). 

The SCN faces 5 internal trouble zones.
1.  Attica had a connection leading to Undine space.  A construction group has been working to fortify it and TG Centurion (a part of 2nd Fleet) is currently providing system security.
2.  Guidelight has a connection leading to Undine space.  TG41 is forming to garrision this system and a pre-fabricated fleet base is under construction at Shanir to be shipped to the system.
3.  Rubicon has been probed by an alien species.  TG31.1 is currently on station at the local fleet base providing system security.  As this system is the connection to the Council of the Moon they have been informed and their fleet is prepared to enter Shanirian space to assist.
4.  Waymeet has been probed by an alien species.  TG 22.1 is currently on station at the local fleet base providing system security.  As it is only 4 transits from Waymeet to Shanir this is a major concern.
5.  The Cataphract have not stabilized diplomatic relations with a treaty.  This means TF20 is currently on station monitoring the warp point connecting to the aliens home system while diplomatic efforts to secure a treaty continue.  This ties down a sizable force of ships as the Cataphract system is but two transits from the important system of Tarentum.

Add to that the deployment of TG Elvorfilas and possibility of the need to reinforce the Benthians and the desire of the Assembly to mothball ships is unlikely to be met.  Currently the Assault Fleet is fully mothballed, and the mothballed reserve contains only a small number of battlecruisers and the destroyer reserve.  The BCRs not assigned to TG Elvorfilas will be refit and mothballed to save maintenance costs. 

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #160 on: March 17, 2015, 12:39:59 PM »
[ooc]Check above Pauls last lost for the reconstructed T226. The posts below are chronologically before t232, but I've fiddled around writing them up and Paul posted faster :)[/ooc]
Month 229, Undine expanses, Telurium Salt system.

Thirteen months ago, an undine survey fleet had found a system of the red fleet by exploring a warp point in the Terbium system, which lay downchain from Telurium salt past the Gadolinium system. Unfortunately, the survey fleet was quickly destroyed, and the chain left open. Due to the scarce resources and the demands of the war elsewhere, and Telurium salt being far away from the central systems, assembling a defensive fleet had been slow and only been possible in lockstep with the rising supply levels in the system. Also compounding the troubles was that the chain was open and offered no diverting warp points, and thus by surveying Telurium salt would be found. Thus, a small fleet of nine heavy cruisers and nine smaller warships held positions off the warp point to Gadolinium.

But as events turned out, they were enough to discourage three probing battleships from unleashing their gunboats upon them. Unable to catch the undine ships and not having enough gunboats to chase them down, the red fleets probe turned and vanished through the warp point. No assault followed. It looked like both sides had a sideshow going on in this distant warp chain, and now rushed reinforcements to the point of contact.

Month 230, Cartell expanses, Bootlegger system
Theban First Survey Flotilla

Fifth Lay Magicia Nabu was worried. The First Survey Fleet under his command had explored beyond the Pedise system, and after exploring the rock ball Minkhat system found a system inhabited by the Cannon Cartell. They called their system Bootlegger, and immediately called upon military assistance. Apparently they and the inhabitants of the neighbouring bullet system where located in an isolated, newly developed pocket of the Cartell reaches. And now, their survey force in the also adjacent Gladius system was attacked by a foe the cartellians where already fighting with the undines. Now Bootlegger and Bullet lay defenseless before the foe, as local infrastructure was only being build due to the yet low income available locally.

Thus, Nabu ordered his small fleet forward to cover the Gladius warppoint and sincerely hoped that reinforcements would soon arrive, as his total force consisted of a small minefield and two armed survey ships, a light cruiser and two escort carriers. enough to deal with a light probe but definitely insufficient to deal with any heavy attacks like those the cartellians reported happening elsewhere.

His small fleet definitely was not prepared for six battleships breaching the warp point. The first fired upon his command ship, but only a hetlaser scratched the armour. retaliation was swift, and being presented with the blind spot of one battleship, he did not hesitate to order he cruisers external ordinance fired, later tipped capital missiles. Four of them hit and could not be intercepted. Apparently the Theban crews had been very nervous and trigger happy, as all three armed ships activated and managed to score a total of eight torpedo hits on the battle ship, and several standard missile hits as well. It made Nabu curse the ministry of exploration though for having all his ships designed only with auxiliary weapons for reasons of saving costs, as well for not having assigned a heavier escort able to keep up, like the new patrol class of battlecruisers being build currently.
Also, his lighter units fired their capital missiles, if equipped with them, from longer range.

The parasite craft from the battleships stayed with them as they all turned ponderously to face his small  The light Theban return fire was shot down by the battleships point defence fleet. While the first survey force turned to flee, the enemy hetlasers and capital missiles knocked both survey ships out of data link and slowed them.
Next the battleships advanced into the minefield, easily absorbing the attack and then sweeping the light field aside with their lasers, and damaged the light cruiser further. The Theban return fire, already reduced by accrued damage, just bounced off the enemy shields. also, the enemy was now reinforced by six light cruisers.
In the next exchange, the light survey cruiser was crippled, and the second survey cruiser was annihilated by the hostiles heavy lasers. But Nebu did not have long to ponder their fate. Despite a solitary spring missile spitting defiance against the enemies shields, his ship reached incandescence mere seconds later and sparing him from witnessing the remaining fight. The light cruisers chased down the remaining lighter fleet elements, accompanied by the hostiles parasite craft. When the six fighter squadrons finally tried to contribute, the light cruisers whipped them out with specialised missiles, followed up by the parasite craft delivering withering point defence fire scything down the charge of the light brigade.
Overall the Theban survey force concept had proven its teeth but against the weight of fire arrayed against it the first survey force melted like a snowball in the desert.

Month 231, Thing of Odin against the odd crabs. Odd Crab home system (Blue).

"Delays, delays, delays... with the constant flare-ups about the Yetis, with that ware see-sawing back and forth, this had been long overdue by four years. who knows what these unfriendly aliens might have prepared by now." Fourth Bainisteor Brunehild was actually feeling uncomfortable about her mission. Even though it was finally given a go ahead, her fleet was stripped down from its initial complement of ships, especially with no small craft carriers assigned to it. But she now had been told to go forth and secure this area from a potentially hostile species. No more surprises where needed, especially with the known threads and the undines having troubles of a most unpleasant sort, and thus any bad surprises in this sector had to be taken care off unless at a later date no ships where available and a potentially bad situation grew even worse.
The oddly formed crablike aliens never ever talked with the initial contact group, and thus had been ignored far too long. And then Survey fleet four had found an obvious colony system two years a go, so they were spreading. Best to nib them at the roots, namely their home system. The warp point was surprisingly undefended. And so the Task force Mjoelnur advanced in-system in a quick raid, having only supplies along for this dash in-system and then back towards the supply base, instead of the full compliment of freighters they were used to.

Racing into the system, they found the main planet well defended. Two space stations, three huge bases, and eight stupendous ships, larger even than Iasc class dreadnaughts orbited the planet. The six battlecruisers also present felt almost negligible compared to this. Definitely a mission of conquest now had become a probe to determine the hostile capacities. Luckily Task force Mjoelnur was composed of fleet ships, and thus almost certain to escape all but the enemy battlecruisers. Sending in the shorter ranged escorts to test the enemies missile capacity though was unnecessary, and only the twelve battle cruisers advanced cautiously, edging into the ten light second range. Nearest to the fleet was a space station and a base, and just ahead of it the superdreadnaughts and three of the battlecruisers. Modulating, the Eaglas slipped closer and then the base reached out towards them with a salvo of fourteen SBM missiles. But only one was on target and easily shot down by the point defence. The fleet returned fire, and one missile actually hit the base. Then two of the monitors returned fire, with a stupendous cloud of 42 missiles. But again none were on target. Then the enemy battlecruisers joined in, and one of their SBM penetrated the Eaglas point defence to reduce the shields. In return the Eaglas scored no further hits on the base. Electronic countermeasures on both sides seemed to be outstanding.
Still, the Eaglas advanced, reducing the range now to nine light seconds. The crab base fired again, but after achieving no further success the crabs held their further fire. Brunehild could understand their decision, given that of a total sixty missiles her ships fired in return, a single one was on target. But she ordered a further advance. In response the monitors and their three companion battlecruisers lunged ahead, engine tuners engaged and closed the distance to her Eaglas to seven light seconds. And the three battlecruisers back at the planet launched fighters. Cursing the high command for all their penny-pinching hides were worth, Brunehild ordered her battlecruisers to start turning away and switch fire onto one of the missile bearing superdreadnaughs, hoping she could at least extract some of her ships from this. The mission now had become survival. At least the reduced range helped her crews fire, and the first salvo saw two missiles take down the superdreadnaughts shields. She assigned the class the name Bumblepuff, after a jolly archer of fairy tales who could shoot many arrows quickly. Her ships engine modulation did confuse the enemies fire control, and from the 42 missiles only seven achieved a lock and five of them got handled by the point defence. The next salvoes eroded the superdreadnaughts armour further, but the crab battlecruisers also took the targeted Eaglas armour down further. and the next salvoes would be exchanged without any engine modulations.

The dogleg course the Eaglas had to take in order to turn around reduced the distance between both fleets by a furrther half light second. The Bumblepuffs where quick of the mark, and now targeted the damaged battlecruiser and one of its squadron mates, thus splitting the defensive fire and achieving hits against both. In return the squadron ripped into the superdreadnaughts innards. Apparently the bublepuff class was fairly thin-skinned. The eaglas concentrated on the damaged one and hurt it further, but the base got a parting shot in and killed the already damaged engine room from the damaged eagla.
The flight went on, and the bumblepuffs again shot first, splitting up on the two damaged battlecruisers, and this time slowing both. In return, the damaged superdreadnaught took further hits, and the other Bumblepuff was targeted as well, removing its shields. The chase went on, with the fleets keeping their distance. The last eagla of the damaged data group was slowly whittled into its armour, and the bublepuff was divested of its meagre armour and shields. Soon the two slowed eaglas would fall into range of the so far silent superdreadnaughts, but Brunehildes suspicion was high that they would be armed with capital beams in huge numbers.

One last service to the nation could be performed by the two crippled battecruisers, and Brunehild ordered them to turn into the oncoming fleet. The other superdreadnaught class proved to be armed with seven capital force beams and four Xray lasers. That was powerful, but still light for a ship twice the size of a battlecruiser, and so she suspected them to be heavy assault designs, most likely with corresponding amounts of passive defences. There was no way she could take them down with the missiles in her magazines, and thus continuing the engagement would be futile. The warp point would be guarded the next time though, she suspected. The one damaged Eagla got a salvo off and took out an engine room on the Bumblepuff, thus slowing down the pursuit and enabling her fleets escape, then it too became incandescent with beam fire. Unfortunately the bumblepuff had other ideas and managed to send a staggering six missiles into her lone Eagla, slowing it down as well. This markedly improved the motivation of her other crews, and they send a total of eighteen misisles into the huge ship, slowing it to a crawl, while the crab battlecruisers ensured the Eaglas doom by taking out the third engine room.

Now falling out of effective range on the Bumblepuffs, Brunehild made good her escape from the system, with the fighters not daring an unsupported attack on her fleet. It was a humbling lesson for the thing, who so far had been very confident in their ability to outfight any foe.. except maybe the Regia Maria, and even them they had brought to the conference table. The Things favourite battlecruisers are proving to be light now, and assuming the absence of fighters was no longer guaranteed. The following months would see a reshuffle of fleets and ships in order to face this new development. Unfortunately, the anthropoids had to be dealt with as their space was almost the only open avenue left for expansion.

Month 233, Cartell expanses, Bootlegger system

The Theban Ishtaq picket had moved into the system and was forced to send back its battlecruisers due to supply issues. But still the small flotilla was able to guard the warp point to the now silent and lifeless system from which the red fleet of invaders had come and apparently retreated to. Next door in the cartells Bullet system a mixed fleet from the Cartell and their military allies, the Norse Yeti assembled. It seems since the thing and the yetis no longer where busy with each other they respectively found new outlets now for their martial energy.
The three heavy cruisers, three lights cruisers, three destroyers and single corvettes guarded the warp point but for a pinace probing it from the other side nothing happened. For now...

Somewhere else in the galaxy.
They called themselves the chosen of the rain bringer, but due to their appearance everyone else they met just called them the spiders. Despite their spiky chitineous outer shell, spindly legs and powerful mandibles, they were relatively peaceful theocrats and merchants. Backed up by a strong and technological advanced navy, they decided to expand from their small cluster of systems after a survey probe by a reddish hued light cruiser penetrated the Teotihoachan system, a cluster of rocky worlds and asteroid fields orbiting in complicated trajectories around double suns. A subsequent survey revealed that Seven warp lines branched off from here, and one of the warp points was guarded by a solitary red destroyer, silent to all attempts of contact. Since then the spiders expanded outwards, meeting several races and colonising four systems. In the last one of these, the Michoacan system,  their survey fleet probed a warp point into another rocky system, emerging from a closed warp point. As the probing cruiser inspected various worlds, a destroyer started to close in. A retreat towards the warp point proved futile, as two other destroyers placed themselves ahead of the cruiser between the warp point and it, and shadowed it closely towards the location. All three ships displayed the familiar crimson hue and settled down on their side of the warp point to guard and wait.

Later this month, Bootlegger system, Theban Cartell relief.

3 Candace class heavy cruisers, 2 Aten class light cruisers, a Nekhnet command light cruiser, 3 Blackjack DD, and 1 Amathaunta II class CT.
all at 4 LS from warp point.
Six battlecruisers emerge on a convergent heading, and launch 60 pgb. Fire is very sporadic, with only a few XRay lasers hitting.
But also Theban ships are very slow of the start, with only a destroyer and a light cruiser activating. The Mitsuhide Akechi takes some armour damage, reducing it by 2/3rds, and the CT gets hit hard by two beams as well.
Then sic light cruisers arrive, heading the other way. The Thebans are still slow, but the Calvalcade Candace class manages to deal some damage to a battlecruisers shields. Then Theban fire smegs away to one of the arriving light cruisers, getting through its shields and into the armour. In return two destroyers take laser damage, but the light cruisers don't seem to hit well with their advanced missile launchers. ninety gunboats fly through the hole in the minefield and in a wide arc around it.
In response, the Theban ships move away from the warp point, leaving the enemy ships out of range but giving themselves more room to fight the gun boats. Calvacade and Candace fired upon gun boats, killing 6, but then the battlecruisers targeted Achilles, one of the Aten class cruisers, and their XRay lasers seemed to have more range than anticipated and damaged her. In return, the light cruisers damaged a red fleet cl further with XO launched missiles, and killed another gunboat. Mark Anthony and Mitsushide Akechi, both slowed by damage, hovered just at extreme range for their standard missiles and damaged the red light cruiser which now streamed air. In response, the light cruisers fired upon the two valiant destroyers. results were varied. Mark Anthony managed to shot down all but one missile, but Mitsushide Akechi managed to shot down only three of the missiles borrowing in on her and she vanished in a brilliant fireball as eleven antimatter missiles incinerated her.
The Theban ships moved further from the warp point, now definitely beyond range from all but the missiles, with the gunboats closing to two light seconds on them. Now also Claude Auchinleck joined her comrades, and the three Candace class cruisers proceeded to send 54 sprint mode missiles at the approaching gun boats, hitting eleven of them. The light cruisers killed another eight with 28 sprint mode missiles send their way. But Achiles in return was hit by a capital missile lobbed at it by the battlecruisers, and lost her forward engine room. With the destroyer Marcus Tulerius Cicero bagging another two gun boats, this exchange of fire was done.
although the gun boats ignored the damaged destroyer Mark Anthony, the battlecruisers didn't, but it shot down both capital missiles on target and then three gunboats. But elated by their success the gunners where unable to intercept the next two missiles and the brave ship was left burning along its hull and barely moving anymore. The Theban heavy cruiser then killed 16 gunboats Then a squadron of gunboats fired a salvo of fighter missiles at Achiles, with four of them penetrating her point defence. In return, the light cruisers killed another nine gunboats. Their targeting capacity prohibited more kills. Marcus Tullerio Cicero took out another two gun boats, but then faced a swarm of incoming missiles which reduced her to a floating magazine with an engine room. The next salvoes reduced the Theban corvette to an unarmed crawl, and the remaining five salvoes targeted Achilles and left her a burning wreck.
Thirty-three gunboats then broke off the charge, realising that they would be eliminated before they could bring significant weapons to bear. A somewhat shaken Theban fleet retreated, having lost a light cruiser, three destroyers and a corvette, in return for a damaged light cruiser and fifty-seven gunboats. The crippled ships soon were eliminated by the light cruisers.

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #161 on: March 19, 2015, 08:13:56 AM »
Month 233 Moon 4-4 Resource Extraction Colony, Bospori System

Bospori consists of a main sequence Yellow star surrounded by a variety of gas giants, ice giants, and minor planets with an asteroid belt.  Its primary importance is that it is neighbors with Nova Vox.  Nova Vox is one of two major out-of-Shanir Construction and Repair Facilities of the SCN plus the planet Mother Load is the capital of the Second Frontier Zone [ooc]It has an ICC[/ooc].  Bospori has several moons with high levels of strategic material and a constant flow of miners and support staff have resulted in a modest population in the system.  Bospori also posses an unprobed exit Warp Point.  This is true of three of the systems connected to Nova Vox.  For one reason or another Survey Command has always had a higher priority task for the Survey Fleet assigned to that area of space.

Traffic control was stuck ontop of the main colony mound built under the centre of a crater on the moon's surface.  The crater functioned as natural landing zone, after some construction efforts.  Traffic control was shared by the colonies computer mainframe and primary communications.  Its thick windows were one of the few places where one could see out of the otherwise underground facility.  A spectacular view of the gas giant the moon orbited was always available.  Luke Viers was looking forward to that view as he made his way up the spiral stairway from the maintenance area below, a covered cup of tea in his hand.  He glanced at Carol Black as he came through the floor and then frowned, her emotions were off.  Her attention was on her console and he could sense focused anxiety.  "Carol?" Her start made him wonder if she was using the workstation to play a game.  "Oh..Luke...we have...a visitor..."  she stopped, "I checked...even the base line angles agree...if it isn't a ship someone went to a lot of trouble to fake it." 
"A ship?"  He moved over to the work station and set the tea on the shelf above to lean and look.  A signal was clearly present on the screen, transponders marked the shuttles and the mail boat, "unknown contact" blinked over the one the display was centered over.  Emotional feedback flickered between them and then steadied down to a joint thread of concern, worry and amazement. 
"Course projection puts it originating at the exit warp point." 
"Call up...oh you have..." the First Contact Procol was on a secondary screen, he glanced at the list.  "I'll start spinning up two drones, send out the standard packaged hail."  The contact was slightly under 72 light-minutes from the moon.  He crossed the floor to his usual station at the communications station and started tapping quickly, then selected the pre-programed course packages for the two drones.  "Starting the hail."  Neither Shanirian knew who was there, but they one thing for sure it wasn't one of their ships.

DRONE READY FOR LAUNCH  Luke nodded and hit the button.  The top of the silo folded back and then then a trio of solid rocket boosters fired for less than a second hurling the oval shaped courier drone several tens of meters upwards where its drive field activated and its primary engine took over.  Once free of the moon's influence the drones speed climbed till it was moving a nearly three times the velocity of a standard civillian ship heading for the Warp Point to Nova Vox, due to orbital mechanics now only 6 Light Minuntes from the gas giant.  I would take an hour for the drone to cross that distance.  The hail from traffic control would not have reached the unknown contact.

Contact + 3 hours

Traffic Control was now full. 
Luke clamped down on his annoyance, and shook his head. 
"Nothing.  Carol?" 
"Velocity unchanged." 
The short man in a chair who had just asked for the tenth time the same question, shrugged appologetically and looked at the print out in his hand.  "Launch the follow up drone Luke."  Manning Muster was the moons administrator and had just tossed the pebble over the cliff. 


Nova Vox was a binary system, the primary star was a Blue giant and only highly irradiated dust swirled around it, the other star was a Yellow sun orbitted by Mother Load; another planet, aptly named Dirt Bag, whose atmosphere mix was simply not suited at all to Shanirian physiology though their Drake partners would have thrived there; a collection of hot and cold airless balls plus an asteroid belt.  A substantial part of the population of Bospori came from Nova Vox as its moons were better investments then the ones in Nova Vox itself.  The blue giant was orbited by 5 warp points: one leading to Corfu and then deeper into Confederation space, Bospori and Hibernia two systems of gas giants, moons and other rocks, Paxis a populated system and beyond that a series of other worlds, and lastly a starless void whose arrival was closed.  Each warp point was watched over by fortresses.

Contact + 67 minutes Onager Class Command Fort, WP Bospori Watch Bases

"Priority Flash from the drone, sir!" 
"What?...oh...send it to my station."  The Junior Officer of the Watch could be excused for being shocked, watching over the regular shipping to Bospori gave one plenty of time to day dream.  That ended as the message from the Traffic Control Techs scrolled up the screen. 
"Sir, we have a drone with a Pri-Flash...Aye aye Sir...First Contact...Aye aye Sir." 
Two drones flashed way from the command base minutes later, both accelerated smoothly to 10% of the speed of light.  One was headed for the ICN Comm base at the warp point to Corfu the other was headed for Mother Load.  At the same time the primary communications array aligned itself with the ICN comm base and a summary message was sent out at the speed of light, moments later another was on the way to Motherload.  Due to astrographics the warp point to Bospori was nearly as far as possible from Mother Load: 631 light minutes.  The signal would take 10.5 hours to arrive.

Contact+12.5 hours Spatha Class Cruiser (Flagship of TG21.1) Motherload Orbit

"Ma'am, signal from the station, Captain wants you on the bridge!" 
Centurian Alyssa Sula looked up at the junior officer standing at the door to the Officers mess, part of which she used as a workspace, she frowned at the anxiety she picked up.  'Do I have a reputation for shooting the messenger I don't know about?'  "Thank you.  Inform her I'll be there in a moment." 
"Aye aye Ma'am." 

The bridge was half manned when she arrived a few minutes later.   "What is up?"  Sula was curious, if it was a shore leave gone bad enough to involve her she was going to be very angry.  Her Flag captain looked up from the message she was reading.  "First contact in Bospori..." 
Sula sighed, "Getting round to it...just came home to roost..."  It was nearly 18 days at cruising speed to get to the Bospori warp point. 
"Yes.  I've sent the recall out and informed the other captains...started closing up, kicking off and battening down." 

Getting a force of 11 ships underway took more than a "tally ho" in this case it was 6 hours before TG 21.1 broke orbit and headed for the far distant warp point.  Before they were ready another message from Bospori arrived with some blurry photos of the ship, and the information that it had not answered or responeded to the hails from Moon 4-4 traffic control, based on the reported course and speed it would be now close enough to localize the colony's signature.  As the ships were underway the information arrived that the ship had stopped and merely hung there unresponsive to all radio and laser communication.  The colony had used up 3 of its 5 courier drones and said it was retaining the last two for emergency use.

Contact+18 days, 6+ hours Spatha Class Cruiser (Flagship of TG21.1) Bospori-Nova Vox Warp Point

"Got it Ma'am." 
The repeater station showed a blip, Centurian Sula straightned up ignoring the mental sigh of relief she picked up leaking through the junior officers shielding.  "Scout ships, this is flag.  Mission is a go, I want to know what is out there."  The two scouts would sweep outwards and then around the alien ships sensor range (they hoped) and would at a seperation of 120 LM sweep outwards towards the warp point the alien ship originated at.  "Captain, take up station 8 LS from the alien ship."

Range:  12 LS from Alien Contact

Centurian Sula rubbed her temples pressing in firmly with her gloved fingers, the shook her head. 'I have no time for this now.'  But whether she did or not, her head ached and it was interfering with her melding, infact she suddenly realized that the whole bridge crew was struggling.  Then alarms went off and the engineering officer swore and spoke quickly into his mike.  She bit her lip both due to the increasingly annoying throbing of her skull but also to prevent her from pestering her flag captain who was clearly busy running her ship.  'What the hell?' Her TG status pannel showed every ship suddenly slowing as apparently engines stopped working.  Of course Shanirian "engine rooms" weren't engine rooms but teams of highly trained telekinetics and powerful Psionic Amplifiers that boosted their output.  "Damn..."  The TG organization was coming appart and then the alien started moving away from the oncoming SCN ships when they approached 10 LS.  Centurian Sula was frustrated as her task groups coordination was nearly lost and no one knew why.

"Ma'am, the teams are just having trouble focusing...everyone is complaining they can barely think straight due to a pounding headache."  Engineers were...both, relatively speaking, rare and highly trained; they could hold a meld when most Shanirians would be throwing shields up or throwing up, so this statement was met with blank stares from the officers sitting around the table.  Their universe had just changed.

The SCN TG was now some 9 LS from the again stationary alien vessel.  The military sensors output, when compared to their database of alien ships, yielded a near perfect match with the ship that had given the Squids writhing tentacles and colour spots for days.  Adding to her headache, which she realized suddenly she didn't seem to have anymore was the fact her ships were facing serious mobility issues.
"Write it up, stick it in a drone and send it upstream."  She popped a pill in her mouth and dry swallowed, "And contact the colony to see how much headache medication they have."

« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 01:13:06 PM by Paul M »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #162 on: March 21, 2015, 01:14:37 PM »
Late in Month 234 in the Thing territory, in a warp chain of rocky empty systems, a fleet advanced relentlessly. The Baile Fersta Picket has been called forward though the recently discovered connection t the Helsinki system to execute a swift strike and retreat action. For a long time the Thing had known about the Blue Crabs colony system they were approaching now under the command of First Garda Marian. But only now, with Baile Fersta itself fortified did the high command dare to relocate fleets on such a massive scale. Although by the scale of fleets these times, the picket fleet was rather small. But now armed with laser war head missiles and a staggering fourteen of the nimble Slasher class corvettes designed for anti-fighter work. Nine battle cruisers formed the fleets core, though only six where Eagla III class ships, and guarded by three Iasc IV class cruisers and 5 destroyers. Almost as an afterthought six Leathpingen corvettes came along to round out the fast wing.
Silently they finally reached their destination and scouted through the warp point, determining that so far it had not been discovered and picketed, and thus set course for the inner system from their distant orbit. Both habitable planets where behind the sun, almost on a perpendicular line to their course.
"Sir, I have a drive contact in Orbit around the outer planet. Numbers can not yet be determined." The announcement from the scanner station roused the First Garda from his observation of a well practiced crew at work. "Send the signal to the scouts, they have detected us and they are to take up position ahead as planned. They now know we're there. No time yet to worry what they may have, we will see in a day at earliest." As the fleet advanced further, a contact approached them from the planet until  it resolved into four ships confidently approaching their force. Ordering a last meal break for their crews the thing force prepared for battle and stations where manned by the time they reached only 20 light seconds distance from the enemy fleet.
Then the Crab battlecruisers turned around, running ahead of the Thing fleet and slowing down somewhat to allow the Thing ships to catch up. The First Garda, seeing this, detached half his Slasher corvettes, his Leathpingen Fleet scouts and his five destroyers to swing around the hostile fleet in a wide circle out of SBM range. The Crab squadron, seeing this, turned away to keep the closure rate of the smaller ships, which had swung far out, down and slowed down to allow the main Thing fleet to just under ten light second. And they send a salvo of twelve SBM out, targeted of all  ships on one of the three Iasc heavy cruisers, and one with a very well trained crew. But one missile penetrated the point defence and cost the cruiser half its shields. The next two salvoes followed the pattern and chewed through its shields and damaged the armour. hen the crew finally hit its strides and shot down the following three salvoes completely. Then, to test the waters the Cab BC switched to a Slasher corvette but the small ship wove a dense net of countermissiles from its two capital point defences and shot the salvo down. Switching back to the cruiser, they peeled of its armour but then the SBM fire fell dry. Still, the damaged ship and its squad mates swung out of formation and fell back, as its was now vulnerable and the class was exposed as soft kills against capital missiles.
The next two minutes passed, and then both fleets reached capital missile range and commenced firing. The three Ballmuck class ships from the Crabs fired first, and managed to send one missile into an Eagla. The Things return fire was swift though, but utterly defeated by the Crabs fire confusion systems. Seeing this, the Crab ships kept open the range. The next exchange was more even, with a Ballmuck and the targetted Eagla loosing their shields. Then both ships lost chuncks of their armour, this time with the Thing coming out ahead.
Finally, in the seventh minute of the conflict, the Ballmucks armour was breached and it lost an engine room. The next salvoes from the Things ships were targeted on a different ship. In the ninth minute the Crab ships turned around to close towards the thing ships, with the last ship launching fighters as it bore in. The next exchange was pretty vicious, with capital beams flashing from both sides The light corvettes prudently hung back out of range from the heavy beams, but ready to dash in and deal with the fighters racing towards the battle cruisers. The exchange intensified as both fleets neared to just under two light seconds, and now the Slashers, with only one firing pass, proved to be not quite enough to deal with the fighters, killing only three.. Meanwhile the various capital ships ripped each other deep wounds, with the Crab ships all taking heavy damage and one Eagla being down almost to the last engine room. Then in an orgy of fire, the Crab fleet was destroyed, but the fighters took the two damaged Eaglas with them to the grave.
Having accomplished their mission, the Things ships turned back after checking out the planets for hidden surprises and retreated through their hidden entry point.

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #163 on: March 22, 2015, 02:22:27 PM »
Month 234 Shanirian Confederation

In month 233, the scouts had discovered a single alien light cruiser lurking at the type 11 WP (located 324 LM from the primary) that was the single known but unexplored warp point out of Bospori. Using two ships in this manner was typical of nearly every race in the known galaxy.  One of the two Drusus class scouts established a watch on it at 14 LS from the warp point while the other swung around to look for other ships.  The nearer ship also reports the disruptive effect of the alien's near presence.  TG Centurian arrives in Nova Vox near the end of this month, the two battleships Centurian and Dictator heading for the fleet base and a refit; the rest of the TG starting the journey to Bospori warp point.

A diplomatic team stationed in Pisea gets orders to head to Bospori and they will arrive in two months (236).

Both Tarentum's and Nova Vox's shipyards surge into full production mode, the construction intended to reinforce the local forces.  But the lack of apparent hostile actions from the aliens re-assures Admiralty House and the only orders that go out in response are to break off a small group of the returning Fleet Train to divert it towards Nova Vox.  TF 10 remains on course for Shanir, and a much delayed refit.

Month 234 System 1378, Benthian Frontier

Survey Fleet 1 was exploring the frontier two transits from Bergerac, the last colonized system in this warp chain.  The end of the chain was: Bergerac ==> System 55 ==> System 1378.  System 55 was an unremarkable collection of gas and ice giants, moons, plus hot and cold airless balls.  It also connected via a closed warp point to a system of the Undine...a xenophobic race of fur bearing, water living mammeloids that the Benthians had a non-intercourse agreement with.  They made the Benthian's tentacles twitch putting it mildly and the Shanirian's didn't like them much either.  System 1378 had been probed and it was un-inhabited binary system, but had 2 class T worlds at 6 and 10 LM from the A component's yellow star primary so was thus a great find.

All 10 Suffren class survey frigates of the survey fleet were inbound from the type 6 entrance warp point (at 336 LM from the primary).  They suddenly detected drive field signatures near the two habitable worlds.  The ships were still outside the asteroid belt that formed a wall around the component's planets.  1ere Captane de Fregate Musa in command of the survey effort was faced with a choice...withdraw or try to contact the alien scum.  If the entry warp point had been closed he would have withdrew as the enemy ships were unlikely to be able to close the gap before he escaped but the entrance warp point was open, so standard survey would soon reveal it.  Suffren 10 was dispatched to contact the aliens while the other ships turned back towards the warp point, at this range the aliens would not see that the Suffren was not alone, potentially taking it for a probe ship.  The advancing Benthian ship radioed back to report contacts closing on them shortly after seperating from the main body, which had contacted the waiting Packmule class survey support ship at the warp point.

The Suffren is unarmed except for 2 capital missiles on external hardpoints so there was considerable constrination when the ship's scanners revealed the approaching light cruiser was the same type as the one that had probed Blue Lagoon some months earlier.  The Benthian ship turned to flee as it was faster than the oncoming CL but some type of unusual small craft were deployed from the CL and began closing the distance at a speed the frigate could not beat.  As his ship was doomed, as the capital missiles were useless against armed small craft, Suffren 10's Captain ordered the ship to come to a stop to see what the aliens did.  To the surprise and relief of the crew the alien small craft fell back as the CL approached the now stationary Benthian Frigate.  It stopped at 9 LM from the Frigate and its small craft hovered around it.  Several other light cruisers showed up also stopping at the same distance.  After a tense several hours, Suffren 10 resumes its journey to the warp point as the aliens had ignored all its contact attempts.  The alien ships kept pace except for the original which dropped its drive field once the Suffren was over 15 LS away then headed back to the planet some 5 min later.  The other light cruisers matched the Benthian ships speed and escorted it to the warp point.  The Benthian ship transited back to System 55 without incident. 

It takes a bit of time to organize the information transfer back to the Office of the Navy on Sea as buoys had not yet been laid connecting these frontier systems.  Still the Office of the Navy hears about the discovery by the end of the month and the news throws their plans for a recon in force from Perpigan into a shambles.  Reinforcements, except for the 2eme Mine Layer group that is both faster and with a shorter passage, will begin to arrive at Bergerac from Sea in two months.  The decision is made to defend Bergerac, and only picket System 55 with the survey fleets defence force.  The distance from a major population means there is limited civillian shipping in the area to draw on for maintenance transport so supporting a major military force in System 55 is out of the question.  As no way exists to inform the Undine...and little incentive exists to do so anyway they are unaware of the existance of an enemy force only a single transit from a system with closed warp point into one of their systems.

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #164 on: March 25, 2015, 01:10:45 AM »
Economic Review of the Shanirian Confederation

The SC is a relatively loose alliance of four races that share trade agreements and have a mutual security pact with the Shanirian Government.  The races are:  the Shanirian's, the Urloki, the Benthians, and the Council of the Moon.  The member races share a common assembly with five representatives of each race, and a single vote per block.  A moderator works for 6 months on a rotating schedule.  Oddly enough the races don't really get along with each other so well.  Both the Benthians and the Council of the Moon are fairly xenophobic and isolationist, trading only with the Shanirian's.  While all races are obligated to come to the aid of the Shanirian's and vice versa they are free to refuse to support another member race.   The ties between the Urloki and the Shanirian's are the strongest, with a high degree of fleet intergration and several joint combat excersizes.  The various races have individual designs and perform independent research and development.  [ooc]In many ways think of the council in Babylon 5 to get a feel for what the assembly is like[/ooc]

Economic Details [ooc]I'm not 100% sure of the numbers as SFA reports different numbers for things in different places[/ooc]

Race               Population   HEL     Production (MCr)  Trade (MCr)  Misc (MCr) ||  Fleet Maint. (MCr)  PCF Maint. (MCr)  Misc (MCr)  || Capital Ships       Cruisers      Destroyers      Base Station 3+   Smaller Bases

Shanirian            30 762       9          81 650.9         35 083.1        678.1**             66 468.8              1 485.1                  0.0                 51                  98                  110                  81                    507
Urlocki                14 808      8          42 454.3          19 922.1        0.0                    41 822.3                 201.3              250.0*                41                  46                   43                  42                    142
Benthians           17 380       8          52 582.6            5 258.3        0.0                    32 105.3                 559.2                 0.0                 39                  63                    0                   44                     0
Council               10 397       9          31 304.2           3 130.4        0.0                    17 990.9                   79.2                 0.0                  29                   6                    0                   10                     12

Ship numbers do not include any in mothballs or survey vessels even if they are armed.  Carriers are included in the the catagory with the same sized combat ship.  Frigate and smaller ships are not included in any total even when armed as they are retained solely for scouting or exploration roles. 
*ongoing transfer to their IND2 allies supporting their tech development.
**Profit from government freighter fleet.  A new FT6 for the government fleet costs 426+20 MCr and normally takes 5 months to build, with 2 under construction at any one time.

Not shown are support ships, SS's or ground bases.  These facilities vary between the various races.  The non-Shanirian's, while having large ship yard capacities, are generally limited in that it is in a single system.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 02:58:57 AM by Paul M »