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Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Immigration policy
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:34:03 PM »
As my planets have started getting developed, they have a need for ever larger work forces.  Additionally, I have some far flung colonies that I am trying to bulk up.  Those are set as destinations, and everything else as sources.

Close to Earth, I have a few worlds with substantial excess population, and a few worlds with huge worker demand.  I don't necessarily want fast immigration OR emigration from those worlds which utilize their workforces; but I would like worlds without the utilization to supply the colonists to the distant planets.

Setting some sort of immigration\ emigration flags would be helpful here.  Maybe a priority button in the civ\ind so i could set earth to a low priority destination for colonists and Mercury to a high priority source for colonist, allowing you to drain citizens to more distant worlds.  As it stands now, what I usually do is drain all the colonists from mercury to earth, revert mercury to a destination, and they all come back to mercury!  A money maker to be sure, but not how I want to use those people.

Heres another example:  I have an population farm, an industrai world and a research world in one system. The research world needs a set workforce, but only needs to grow at its natural rate.  The industrial world needs bodies.  Lots of bodies.  Set the industrial world to destination, and the other two to source, and the research world drains of people.  Set the research world to a destination, and the population farm populates the research world.  At the end of the day, I still dont have bodies in my industrial world and run a worker shortage.  I can set up a fleet of population movers I suppose, but its pretty annoying.

I don't want to flag "never move pop" on a world, I'd just like to have some sort of input between on and off.

Offline Narmio

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Re: Immigration policy
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 09:48:19 PM »
To some extent this should be handled by available jobs.  Colonists should be more likely to leave worlds where there's a labour surplus and more likely to arrive at worlds where there's a labour shortage. It shouldn't be iron-clad - sometimes you want a world with a labour surplus to grow just as a population farm or trade income enclave, but it should be a factor. Certainly no colonists should leave a world that has a labour shortage, unless it is the *only* world you have set as a population source. And equally, colonists should only migrate to a world where there's a surplus if there are no other available destinations with jobs open.

Offline Brian Neumann

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Re: Immigration policy
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2011, 05:58:19 AM »
To some extent this should be handled by available jobs.  Colonists should be more likely to leave worlds where there's a labour surplus and more likely to arrive at worlds where there's a labour shortage. It shouldn't be iron-clad - sometimes you want a world with a labour surplus to grow just as a population farm or trade income enclave, but it should be a factor. Certainly no colonists should leave a world that has a labour shortage, unless it is the *only* world you have set as a population source. And equally, colonists should only migrate to a world where there's a surplus if there are no other available destinations with jobs open.
The problem with this is that a lot of the jobs on a colony are not represented by the workers available for the player to use.  You might consider them to be just the heavy industry part of the job market.  Colonists would have good reason to move to a new home even if it shows a labor surplus.  Traditionally this has been to get a place of one's one. 


Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Re: Immigration policy
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2011, 01:01:33 PM »
I suppose in the interim I can make an overgrown ice cube tray and just tug them around myself.

Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: Immigration policy
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 11:38:42 AM »
I have the opposite problem, I opened up three worlds for colonies within the same year and in response my civilian shipping went into overdrive building colony ships. I've now had to dump troops on all the planets as an extra infrastructure I get out to them is almost instantly filled to over capacity again!

An imigration policy for planets not to accept a new population would be great.

Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Re: Immigration policy
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 12:58:31 PM »
Hm.  This game I built up about 90 orbital terraformer modules, so I have terraformed worlds with no population on them yet, the problem is certainly growth rate.  Maybe I won't exterminate the first alien race I encounter.  Have you researched the civilian economy +20% techs yet?  A couple levels of that and they should do a better job delivering infrastructure themselves.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Immigration policy
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2011, 03:11:11 PM »
I have the opposite problem, I opened up three worlds for colonies within the same year and in response my civilian shipping went into overdrive building colony ships. I've now had to dump troops on all the planets as an extra infrastructure I get out to them is almost instantly filled to over capacity again!

An imigration policy for planets not to accept a new population would be great.

You can change a planet from 'Destination of Colonists' to 'Source of Colonists' once the pop reaches 25m. Use the Civilians tab on the F2 window.


Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: Immigration policy
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2011, 07:42:49 AM »
Thanks, all three of them are sitting at about the 12m mark at the moment so they have started screaming for some protection as well!

I've expanded the civilian economy and have set up orders for the 4000 odd infrastructure sat on Mars to be shipped over to the three planets but its still not keeping up!

45 Terraformers (90 modules) in orbit at another planet trying to get the place set to allow for normal mines to go across before my looming Duranium crash hits so no chance of relief from that for a few more years.

Oh and I've uncovered some precursors that look like they occupy about 20 systems next to me...

Great game Steve, looking forward to seeing what else you add to it whilst you are finding something to do on those long winter nights on the Island.