Author Topic: The Siliconate War: Damnatio et Memoriae  (Read 14990 times)

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« Reply #45 on: September 04, 2007, 09:50:01 AM »
@Kevin, any suggestions as to which mags I should try? Since I never considered the magazine route.  :D  And I was using JK Rowling as my inspiration. I hope to eventually become the Yank version of her.  :D

Chapter Twenty Eight

                                                (L + 5 months)

Principale Metellus peered through the darkness and into the rainy Nova Tarentum sky from his hastily dug fighting position. Numerous bolts of fire streaked overhead from the Siliconate positions surrounding him. A tired growl was the only sound he uttered as he tried to spot the positions of his manipularii.

I knew things were going to well, he sighed to himself. They fell back just a little too easily during the attack and we fell for it. Metellus tightly gripped the wet stock of his gauss rifle, the knuckles standing out white with his suppressed rage. If we can?t get out of this damn pocket before long, they are gonna roll over us come morning and there won?t be squat we can do about it.

He looked to the right, hoping that Optio Varus hadn?t left the place he had taken cover when the Rocks sprung their trap. ?Varus!? he whispered urgently into the darkness. There was a brief pause and a tired voice came back to him.

?Yeah Principale, what?s the plan??
Metellus smiled for a moment to himself and thought, part of the problem with having a reputation is that everyone always assumes you have all the answers. He moved to the forward slope of his muddy fighting position and in a few moments, sketched out his idea to Varus. After a moment of confusion, the Optio grasped his Principale?s plan. He began to pass the information to what was left of the assault teams. The troops, in their hastily fortified perimeter, were just too tired of taking fire and too exhausted to argue with their new orders.


Decurio Longinus?s fist slamming on the table caused several of the coffee cups scattered about it to nearly overturn. ?Damnit Tribuni, you HAVE to let me lead a relief force down there and get those men out of there! We can?t just leave them down there to be annihilated! With all due respect Tribuni, but we can ill afford to lose that much of our remaining combat power. We have to at least make an ATTEMPT at a rescue.?
The slam of Tribuni Khitai?s calloused palm on the table decided the matter of the cups and coffee ran over the maps and overlays on the table. The spreading liquid reminded one of the staff officers of blood running across the map surface.
The Tribuni?s voice brought the whole headquarters tent to silence. ?Don?t you think I know that Decurio?? Khitai?s voice hissed out. ?And don?t you think that the Siliconates know that to and will be waiting to hit any relief force that heads out there to punch through to them? I need those troops, yes? but I can?t afford to lose even more men and equipment on some half-assed rescue attempt.?
The two officers glared at each other over the mapboard, neither giving an inch. The gathered staff officers were careful not to draw attention to themselves as the impasse continued.

Finally, realizing that neither would yield, Sempronius drew himself to attention and saluted Khitai. ?Forgive my impertinence Tribuni, my concern for those men overrode my judgment. Do I have the Tribuni?s permission to prepare my Centuria to carry out whatever orders he decides to make??
Tribuni Khitai gave him a baleful glare and nodded. ?Make them ready Decurio, I will pulse you orders when we have an acceptable plan.?

Sempronius moved out of the tunnel and marched briskly to his Legati command apc through the driving rain. With well-practiced hands, he pulled himself on top of the armored personnel carrier without conscious thought and he lowered himself into the small turret with no wasted effort.
He keyed his comm as he settled into his seat. ?Scout Centuria, lets make sure all vehicles are 100%, we are moving out to Phase Line Colonia. Once there, we will wait for orders to rescue those poor bastards trapped down there. Fire Support Team, I want a tormenta fire support plan uploaded for any possible scenario, including a frontal assault through the Rock lines, you got me??
There was a long pause before Principale Gallenus, his FIST commander, transmitted back a quiet. ?Yes sir.? It was a tribute to the quality of his leadership and the professionalism of his people that eight minutes after he gave the command, the Centuria was rolling towards their objective.


Normally a meeting between Praefectus Classis Horatius and Legatus Classis Labienus would have produced much betting and speculation among the officers and men of the fleet as to which would kill the other first. A few months earlier and that would have been the case for this meeting, but circumstances and realities had changed things.

Praefectus Horatius moved across the Aratus?s cavernous docking bay to greet his commander. ?Legatus, glad to see you and your ships out here, we had a little excitement when some Siliconate ships decided to make an appearance. Luckily for us, they came through the Apollonian Gateway in three separate waves. It looks like they have the same problem that we do keeping different speed ships together. They still took a chunk out of my squadrons before we took them down.?

?Also, we have managed to gather some good intelligence as to the main Siliconate troop concentrations that should give us some tactical advantages when we land our ground troops. How many Consular Armies did you bring for the initial landings??

The gathered staff and Manipularii in the landing bay watched Legatus Labienus guide Praefectus Horatius to a far bulkhead and begin speaking quietly to him. The Staff Officers of both Commanders watched as Labienus continued to speak with a face like iron. They saw the blood fade from Horatius?s face and it seemed as if whatever goodwill had built up between the two officers was draining away rapidly.
At one point, they saw Praefectus Horatius?s hand twitch towards his holstered sidearm, but he seemed to get control over his emotions. There were a few words spoken between the men before Horatius, his fists balled in rage, marched back to his shuttle. His staff scrambled aboard as the hatch began to close without warning.

Labienus watched the shuttle take off with Horatius on board and sighed with regret. He didn?t notice the quiet figure appear alongside him until the man spoke. ?That could have gone better,? Salonius commented.
Labienus shook his head sadly. ?It will take him some time, but he understands what is required. He is just pissed because he can?t come up with a decent alternative.? He sighed. ?He?s also angry that I ordered his Classis to escort the troop transports through the Apollonian Gateway immediately so he won?t be here when it happens. He hates the thought that I?m protecting his career by ensuring that he?s out of system when I give the order. He?d feel obligated to attempt to stop me if he was here.?

The two officers walked in silence to the flag bridge of the Aratus. The bridge crew was unnaturally quiet and tense as the Legatus and Tribunus entered.

Labienus looked at his sensor tech. ?Principale, status of Praefectus Horatius?s Classis??
The Principale paused a moment as he checked his board. ?IV Classis is beginning their jumps through the Nova Tarentum Apollonian Gateway. Estimate the last ship will jump in 10 minutes.?
The Legatus barely nodded. ?Let me know when the last of his Classis has left the system, then have all ships begin the englobement of the planet according to Plan L55K.

The lighter ships of Legatus Labienus?s Fleet scurried away from their larger brethren and formed a picket globe outside the orbits of the heavies. The ponderous Quinquiremes and Sexiremes of Labienus?s Fleet slowly positioned themselves above the surface of Nova Londinium IV.

Quetzalmantzin, the former Praetor of Tlacopan, wrestled another broken piece of rock-crete from the destroyed main highway bridge onto the nearby sled. He waved at the two figures on top of the riverbank and they began dragging it up the slope. Several Siliconate soldiers stalked around the area, keeping a tight watch on the workers for any signs of laziness or rebellion.

The sled was lowered again to him and Quetzalmantzin grabbed another piece of rubble. This piece was too heavy and he waved another worker over to assist him. An older man, still showing the remains of a potbelly, moved over to him and between the two of them they maneuvered it onto the sled.

The older man, formerly the Quaestor of Vigiles, whispered quietly. ?Any clue who pulled this one off Praetor? Whoever it was, did a magnificent job. The Siliconates were really pissed about losing this bridge. I hear that the main supply route for their southern army ran over it.? At a sharp glare from a nearby Siliconate, the two men moved to another large piece of rubble and maneuvered it out of a crater in the ground.

The whispers of the two men continued as they worked among the ruins of their town?s main bridge. ?I heard a rumor from one of the people who work in the Rock Headquarters that our classis is in orbit. We should have legionarii landing any day now.?

The Praetor sighed. ?Quaestor, we?ve been hearing that rumor for months, don?t you think that if they were going to land, they would have done it by now??

The Quaestor shrugged his soldiers. ?Takes time to plan an invas? ?uffffffffff.? The Quaestor collapsed to the ground as a Siliconate soldier rammed the butt of his rifle into the kidney of the big police chief.
It?s voice rasped out angrily. ?No talking, you are here to work. Serve and live. Disobey and die.?
The Quaestor got to his feet with teeth clenched against the pain and glared into the faceplate of the armored soldier using the look that had backed down many a troublemaker over his thirty-year career as a vigiles. He turned it into a grin and a rough chuckle as he saw the Siliconate back up a step and level its rifle at his belly.

Punks are punks no matter what star they were born under. He thought to himself. He drew himself up into what his men used to call ?Boss Mode? and looked right where the Siliconate soldier?s eyes should be and projected his anger from the depths of his belly at the poor bastard in front of him.

?You had best remember exactly WHOSE ships are sitting overhead right now, boy. When my people come knocking, we?re gonna remember guys like you and hold a special party for them. So if you don?t wanna end up for the slow, 2 week burn over hot coals when all this is over, you had best back off and let us get back to work.?
The Siliconate soldier looked at the big officer, then up at the sky and then back at the Quaestor. In a subdued tone it stammered. ?Work? get to work? you must work and serve.? It backed up the slope still muttering to itself.
The Praetor looked at his friend of many years and shook his head in amazement as they wrestled another large chunk of rock onto the sled. ?You take too many chances Flavius.?
?Maybe so Praetor, but when my boy and his friends come back the Rocks won?t know what hit ?em.? The two men chuckled a bit as they moved another piece of rock-crete from the pile. They both suddenly felt a general uneasiness for some reason.


Deep in the bowels of the ships overhead, armament specialists carefully unpacked the black warheads under the watchful eyes of the ship?s Manipularii. The careful mating between pila and bomb was done according to a manual that none had ever seen before, and by the look of the yield specs, none wanted to ever see again.

Once the weapons were assembled, 3 red flagged safety lockout pins were removed in specific order from each of the weapons. Pila Techs loaded each pila into their tube with the delicacy of surgeons. Once each pila was loaded, a key sequence next to the tube was entered and the signal was sent to the Flag Bridge of the Aratus where a counter recorded another pila ready. Aboard each of the ships, men began assembling the pilas of the second wave.


?Now children, what is the square root of 9?? Sabina Flavius asked her fourth grade class. A chorus of ?Three? came from her students. ?Correct? she told them with a faint smile. Her class had noticed that she didn?t have her normally cheery disposition and it worried them. They watched their teacher move to the classroom?s window and look off in the distance as she asked very distractedly. ?And the square root of 25??


The Communications Officer looked at the Legatus. ?All ships report in position Sir.? Labienus looked at his pale and nervous looking Weapons Officer who nodded briefly.

?All tubes loaded Sir, all stations report that reload should take no more than 10 minutes.?
Labienus got up, straightened his uniform, and walked to the Weapons Station. He looked at the young officer. ?Centurio, I relieve you. Please take up station at the point defense console.?

The young officer looked at his Legatus and stammered. ?Bu? but Sir, it?s my duty? I shou? d be the one.?
Labienus shook his head sadly. ?Not this time Centurio, this is my duty to carry out and it will not reflect on you as a lack of confidence. It is my responsibility.?
Labienus looked around at the bridge crew. ?Ensure all extra recorders are on and as soon as this is finished, get a copy onto the communications pod for transit to Imperial Command.?
Labienus cleared his throat and spoke as his hands danced across the Weapons Station controls. ?Due to the nature of our enemy and after examining all relevant data on the requirements for re-taking the planets occupied by Siliconate forces, I am forced to conclude that re-taking the worlds currently occupied by the enemy would prove impossible with the forces available to the Roman Republic."

"I have also concluded that bypassing intact, enemy occupied planets would be risking the Classis and the safety of the Republic. As a consequence, I have made the decision as Theater Commander; to destroy all enemy forces on Nova Londinium IV by strategic bombardment, this is to eliminate any possibility of forces being constructed behind us as we advance upon the enemy. I do not take this action lightly and I am the only one responsible for its implementation. Legatus Classis Labienus out.?

Labienus made one last check to ensure that all ships were tied into his console and pressed the main firing switch. From every ship in orbit around the planet, dark missiles spat forth from their tubes and arced towards the planet?s surface.


Corporal Thinks-Too-Much glanced towards the sky from the doorway of its barracks; a hot gust of wind blew against it, and for some reason gave it a cold chill despite the heat. It re-entered and watched the soldiers of its company still playing their game of Zac?d?tri.

Shaking its head, it wondered which race that the game had been stolen from. We steal too much and invent too little, it thought for the hundredth time. Watching its fellow soldiers play the game involving small plastic pieces, dice on an ever-evolving map surface and changing rules normally brought a relaxed frame of mind to its thoughts, but not this time.

An ill wind was coming and it gave voice to its nervousness. ?I wish these humans would get on with it an land already? this waiting with them hovering over us like Labrania after carrion is frustrating. I don?t know what they are waiting for.?
Sergeant Blood-From-Stone chuckled at Thinks-Too-Much?s discomfort as its deft fingers moved its pieces before the map or rules changed again. ?The one thing you will learn when you have been through as many hosts as I have is that battles come when they come and we can?t change it. Why borrow trouble by wishing them here sooner??
?When the humans land, we will crush them like we did their defensive forces and we will hold the surface until our Fleet gets here and chases off that great flock of Labra overhead. Until then, we wait??

 The Sergeant rolled several dice and removed pieces from 3 of its opponents, ??and I win? again. Pay up all, and no promissory notes, cash only. ? It grabbed the money its opponents threw on the board and snarled as the wind whipping through the door blew several bills across the barracks floor.

?And close that thrice damned door before you find yourself assigned to bridge guarding duty.?
Thinks-Too-Much began to pull the door shut when a glowing streak overhead caught its eye.


For many decades after, those who were there and those who claimed to be there would try to describe what they saw. Some would describe it like the flashbulbs of hundreds of photogs snapping pics of a holo-vid star. Others would compare it with rocks being dropped into a pond, the flashes slowly rippling outward. Still others likened it to the slow ignition of a star, crawling across the surface of a once green and beautiful world.


The Flag Bridge was silent for many minutes after the impacts. Labienus looked over at his Sensor Tech. ?Principale? Talk to me.?
A pair of bleak eyes lifted from his detection board. ?Nothing Sir.? He whispered. ?There?s nothing alive down there bigger than a cockroach. The people? they?re all? gone.? The crew watched as the blackened globe slowly rotated beneath them.

A voice cut through their musings. ?Have all Weapons Techs secure the pilas of the second wave, it looks as if we won?t need them here. Navigation, have all ships of the Classis gather at the rally coordinates and ready a course from there to the Nova Tarentum Apollonian Gateway. We aren?t done with this yet.? The bridge crew looked to him in horror as they realized what was ahead of them.
Labienus walked off the Flag Bridge and marched slowly to his quarters. To the nautas who passed him in the passageways, he radiated control and calm. Labienus palmed the switch to his quarters and entered. The sound of the hatch closing behind him was the signal for him to sprint to the head as his stomach began to turn over. He made it to the toilet just in time.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 01:40:10 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2007, 11:27:59 AM »
Here is a wee bit from my Roman government doc. I thought it may help to illuminate the Romand govt structure I have set up for my Space Romans. I hope you enjoy this sneak peak.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

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« Reply #47 on: September 05, 2007, 11:10:02 AM »
This is great stuff, being a history major, I am enjoying the heck of out this.

I agree with you though, the Latin terms are probably freaking out your potential publishers. Unfortunately, the big publishing houses are now run by accountants, and as a result, they are loath to publish new IP unless its a derivative of an already successful franchise.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Arwyn »

Offline kdstubbs

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Re: Siliconate war
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2007, 05:35:56 PM »
Quote from: "Steve Walmsley"
Quote from: "kdstubbs"
Having published I can tell you the first thirty rejections are nothing, its the next twenty that are fun--I am only half kidding.  I tried to get my book published at Harvard, Texas A&M and then Praeger.  Praeger picked up my book.  Go figure.  
Is your book "Race to the Front: The Materiel Foundations of Coalition Strategy in the Great War" ? Sounds like the type of thing I would find interesting but its ?60 ($120) on Amazon :)


Yes Steve that is my book.  It is an elaboration of my Dissertation and represents something like 11 years of research.  I actually had the good fortune to locate a previously unknown German Military Archive from the First World War.  It seems the Entente and the US had historical teams at the Kriegsarchiv at Potsdam from approximately 1920 until 1937,  these teams traded documents with at least the Americans concerning the prosecution of the war.  These included records from the Supreme Command files.  I found the German Casaulty files for most of 1918, by division on the western front.  I converted the 138 page file into a 24 page table containing casualties for each German Army on the Western Front, from 21 May until 21 Sep 1918.  Notice they did not allow the American Historical Section to have the casualties for the March offensive nor for the period of the Meuse-Argonne offensive.  

I find the pricing policy of Praeger to be strange.  They originally priced the book at 72 USD in 2002, now the price is at or over 100 USD.  It is truly amazing.  

58 Statistical Tables, 20 period maps or just after post war.  I haven't touched it in five years.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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Siliconate War
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2007, 05:39:38 PM »
I would go to a good book store and just check out the Magazine rack looking for the most popular science fiction mags.  Market would have driven the store to stock them.  Also, once you've done that survey, go on line and check out places like Baen Books and other science fiction publishing houses, and simply ask them.  

finally, an internet search should turn up the literature on this business.

Hope that will help
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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Re: Siliconate War
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2007, 06:02:10 PM »
Quote from: "kdstubbs"
I would go to a good book store and just check out the Magazine rack looking for the most popular science fiction mags.  Market would have driven the store to stock them.  Also, once you've done that survey, go on line and check out places like Baen Books and other science fiction publishing houses, and simply ask them.  

finally, an internet search should turn up the literature on this business.

Hope that will help

Yeah it helps, but Baen was one of the publishers that turned me down, along with Tor and Ace.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline kdstubbs

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siliconate war
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2007, 12:11:43 AM »
Sorry about that.  Try the short story route.  If you get your roman story sold to a scifi journal, then perhaps you can serialize the thing, and build up an audience.  Basic problem with all of these stories is plot.  You need to develop a story and a universe that is believable and easy to recognize, without losing the fun of your Roman world.  Your going to have to develop characters, plot twists, something to advance the story and capture your readers imagination.  

For example, the original bolo story by Keith Laurimer, Forgive my spelling its late where I am, his story of the Mark XX BOLO, self aware battle tank, advancing to defeat his enemy at the cost of its life, but all for the honor of the regiment, was a wonderful short story, and launched a complex future history of the Bolo universe.  

That's what you need to do here.

Easy to suggest, damn difficult to pull off.  But don't give up.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2007, 08:09:16 PM »
Chapter Twenty Nine

                        (L + 5 months)

Praefectus Classis Horatius was not a happy man. To have his career saved by that drunken Gaul was the utmost in insults to him. He had almsot pulled his sidearm and put Labienus out of his misery, yet, in the deepest parts of his mind he knew Labienus was correct, and it burned to not be able to come up with an alternative option. He knew it had to be done...

"Praefectus! We have detected signs of combat on the planet Nova Tarentum II! All indications are that the remnants of the combat forces dropped several months ago are still actively resisting the Siliconates!" The Sensor Centurio shouted out.

Horatius immediately knew what he was going to do. "You do not get to slag this world Labienus," he muttered under his breath. He began to quickly record a message to Labienus. "Legatus, we have detected signs of combat on the surface of the planet, which indicates to me that the forces originally dropped here are still in active resistance. Therefore I have ordered the deployment of the IX Manipularii Army and the XXIV Consular Army to be dropped immediately to assist the forces still in active resistance.?

Horatius paused a moment and hit the record button again. ?Legatus, I firmly believe that if we act swiftly enough we will not have to implement the 'Damnatio et Memoriae' directive on this planet. So I urge you to proceed to Nova Tarentum with all haste and bring the reinforcements to retake this world.?

?You may relieve me but as soon as the manipularii carve out a drop zone, I am going to send down the other two Consular armies to reinforce the forces on planet. Praefectus Horatius out.? He turned to his Comm Officer, ?Get that sent out now!?

He turned to the Classis Gunnery Officer. ?Tribunus Yamashiro, I want a bombardment plan to hit anything that can be confirmed as Siliconate. I don't care where it is located, if it is Rockhead, we kill it. I want them to know we are up here, to stay, and our vengence will be terrible. The look on all the faces in the CIC showed that all were in agreement with Horatius. The Siliconates would find out just how deadly Humanity can be.


In the end, even with the artillery fire, there was nothing Sempronius' Maniple could do.

The Siliconates, having found a way through the flank, had attacked without pause, wave upon wave of the rocky bastards, climbing over the bodies of their dead to close with the human defenders. With only 140 troopers and 5 papilio's, including his legati, left. There wasn't enough fire pressure to stop them cold and they came on, yard by yard, against a relentless tide of fire.

"I'm running dry!" one of the legionarii cried as even the seemingly inexhaustible supply of gauss rounds started to run low. "I need resupply!"

The cry went up all down the line as legionarii after legionarii found his ammo supply running lower and lower, the counters going from the hundreds to the tens and then zero.

"Breakthrough on the left!" Saturninus called, standing up out of the driver's hatch and lowering his rifle to fire. The group of Siliconates had forced their way through to the remnants of III century and broken the center by the simple expedient of swarming the legionarii.

With the sundering of the line the beleaguered Roman legionarii seemed to give up hope. legionarii after legionarii lifted himself out of his fighting position, stepping to the rear, those with remaining ammunition firing to try to keep the Siliconates at arm's length.

"NO!" Sempronius cried, scrambling out of legati. "INTO THEM!"

"Centurio's down!" a legionarii from III century called out and was cut off in mid cry.

"By Iuppiter's Bloody balls, Decurio!" Saturninus cursed, sprinting forward to the side of Sempronius while laying down blasts from his gauss rifle. "GET BACK IN THE LEGATI!"

"I Am Not Going To Give Up On Those Men!" Sempronius snarled, shooting to his left. But the tide was irresistible and even he could finally see that. II and III centuries were either falling back or just gone. The Siliconates had the line and nobody was left to defend it. The legionarii still in the line were dying far too fast.

"Fall back!" he called, glancing at his surroundings. "Fall back on the base!"


Metellus was firing as fast as he could line up the targets, flipping out magazines one handed and reloading as each expended mag dropped from his rifle. But nothing seemed to help. The remaining legionarii were running from the oncoming tide of Siliconates and no firepower in the world was going to stop them.

"Manipularii, prepare for short-ranged final protective fire," he called as the Siliconates passed the line of fighting positions that had once been filled with Roman manipularii and legionarii. He didn't even bother to try to figure out who was left. It was him and his manipularii and that was more or less that.

"Have to die someplace," he muttered. He flipped another magazine in as Varus slithered over the side of the fighting position followed by Macer.

"Hit the deck and continue firing!" Metellus called out, flipping around and starting to lay down fire.

"Ammo! I'm out!" One of the legionarii scrambled into the supply cache, tearing open boxes, and then cursed. "triari ammo!"

"Triari, open fire!" Metellus called as the front of the Siliconate assault came within thirty yards.

The four Triari, early Roman Powered Armor, were each mounted with four gauss mini-guns, and the hail of metal slivers opened a huge rent in the Siliconate mass, even checking it for a moment. But the pressure from the rear pushed the front ranks forward against the tide of fire and the down side to the horrendous amount of fire the mini-guns could put out was that they ran dry fast.

"Dry!" Antipater called. "I'm running dry!"

"Gotcha," a legionarii said, popping open the ammunition container and opening the triari's reload bin. "Ammo coming up!" he said, tipping the container up and dumping the contents into the bin.

"Feed me!" another triari called, laying down a wall of fire to the north.

But as the triari went through bin after bin, and the remaining legionarii, most of them commanders, laid down their fire, the ammunition ran lower and lower and the wall of Siliconates closed in on the surrounded fighting position.

"I'm dry!" Antipater called, then looked around at the person behind him. "Hey, Met."

"Then use those mini's as fancy clubs!" Metellus snarled as his magazine dropped into the fighting position.

"Boxes are empty!"

"I'm out!" Varus called as his last magazine dropped free. He reversed his rifle and swung it into the face of the first Siliconate to the fighting position. The heavy duty stock smashed at the impact, leaving him holding only the tritanium barrel. Which he then used to smash the next skull in line.

Metellus smashed two of the Siliconates before the first melee weapon caught him on the shoulder. He hardly noticed it but then another descended and then another and he could feel himself tiring, trying to slash and crush in all directions, but it was no use, the triari were backed up to the rear of the position, trying to beat the Siliconates back with their fists and Macer and Antipater were down under a tide of bodies and Varus was nowhere to be seen and...

The sky lit in fire. For just a moment he could see the pupils of the possessed human's bloodshot eyes tighten down to a pinpoint and the reflection of the Thunderbolt of Iuppiter in their irises. And he hit the deck just in time.

He dug his hands into the ground and focused all his effort onto holding on as, again, the hammer blows descended on his back, lifting him up and slamming him down over and over again. He felt himself lifted up and slammed against the wall of the fighting position and his arm cracked backwards, painfully. He could feel that it was broken. He waited and waited, for a moment, for an eternity, but finally the last echoes of the Thunderbolt died away and he could look around.

For a time, it seemed like hours, he could not determine anything in his surroundings. But then slowly the dust settled and he could get some sense of what was around him. he took a look around and there wasn't much. A legionarii here. A legionarii there.




Metellus scanned his surroundings but the Decurio was nowhere in sight. Varus and Macer were both heavily injured and no officers were alive. Even with an arm so dislocated and broken, he was as good as it got. But he had less than half of a century left so it wasn't a particularly heavy burden of command.

"Yeah. I'm alive. I'm in contact with the classis overhead. That blast was a friendly love tap from them, hope you didn't mind?" Sempronius said, imagining the look on the principale's face.

"Nah, I don't mind Decurio, but next time do you think you could move the aim point just a wee bit further away?"

"I will take that under advisement principale." Sempronius said with a chuckle. "Meanwhile I've contacted the Retarius; it's prepared to deliver on-call fire from now until the local Siliconates overrun us or somebody comes to save both our asses. You look like you're in the clear."

"Yes, sir. No Siliconates in view."

"They seem to be trying to reconsolidate by Dionysopolis. I'm calling for fire. But it shouldn't affect your position. Hunker down and hold what you got. You look to be clean for the near future."

"Yes, sir."

"Longinus, out."



"Go, Decurio."

"One pila strike, UTM North 496506 East 284965."

"Roger that. Ah, what's your position, over."

Sempronius looked down at scorched legati; "Secure. Please launch the pila."

"Launch, out."

Sempronius smiled as the nuclear fireball consumed the gathering enemy host.

He waited until the majority of the dust had dissipated then looked around for more targets.

"Relief commander, we can reach the surrounded legionarii. And we'll be there sooner."


The voice Metellus heard on the comm frequency was in metallic-accented Latin and in the background a song was playing, just too faintly for Metellus to pick out. As Metellus watched a streak of fire like a meteor descended from the heavens and a nuclear fireball, followed by a mushroom cloud, erupted over other Siliconate positions.

In the distance he could see beams of light leaping into the sky and more beams, and streaks of fire, coming down. He looked around and the same could be seen in every direction into the distance.

"Defenders of Nova Tarentum, hold what you got," another voice entered the comm net. Presumably all the nets. "This is Praefectus Classis Horatius, Commander IV Classis. Heavy fire incoming. Stand by."

In the distance a wave of fire seemed to leap from the ground as fireball after fireball erupted into the sky. It was clear that energy weapons were taking out every single Siliconate position and settlement for as far as the eye could see. And undoubtedly beyond. Around the whole globe.

Metellus looked up and half shook his head as a line of transports and shuttlecraft, seeming half matter and half fire, dropped out of the sky. Manipularii began spouting from the sides, dropping on pillars of fire then assembling at impossible speed. They were Median, and like the ships, seemed only half there, as if one with the land and sky. The air was filled with music and he shook his head and laughed hysterically again as the strains of "Galerius Orianus" poured through the air.

He lifted himself out of the fighting position as a shuttle approached and an armored figure dropped to the scorched and blackened ground. He waited until it approached and then saluted the figure with the Double Eagle of a Roman Pro-Consul on its metallic shoulders.

"Pro-Consul," Metellus said, dropping the salute as it was returned.

"Principale," the Pro-Consul replied. The face was hard, metallic and very familiar.

" Sorry we took so long, we had a wee bit of trouble on the way," Pat-142 said, then wrapped the smaller human in his arms as he collapsed from exhaustion.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 10:48:20 AM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #53 on: September 23, 2007, 01:29:25 PM »
Ok folks, I have been thinking about this for a few days now.

I have written this story up to the point where my notes on the siliconate war ended. Since I lost that campaign in a HDD crash, I do not have anything else Starfire-wise to base this story on. So I was going to end it here at this point.

Any comment, agreement or objections are heartily requested since I want to see how all you feel about me ending it here. Since anything after this point is pure fiction and not based on anything from a campaign.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline wildfire142

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« Reply #54 on: September 23, 2007, 04:02:18 PM »
Quote from: "??rgr?mr"
Ok folks, I have been thinking about this for a few days now.

I have written this story up to the point where my notes on the siliconate war ended. Since I lost that campaign in a HDD crash, I do not have anything else Starfire-wise to base this story on. So I was going to end it here at this point.

Any comment, agreement or objections are heartily requested since I want to see how all you feel about me ending it here. Since anything after this point is pure fiction and not based on anything from a campaign.

Cheers, ??rgr?mr

Please continue, what you write is both easy and good to read, at least for me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by wildfire142 »

Offline coldsteel

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« Reply #55 on: September 23, 2007, 09:08:54 PM »
Quote from: "??rgr?mr"
Ok folks, I have been thinking about this for a few days now.

I have written this story up to the point where my notes on the siliconate war ended. Since I lost that campaign in a HDD crash, I do not have anything else Starfire-wise to base this story on. So I was going to end it here at this point.

Any comment, agreement or objections are heartily requested since I want to see how all you feel about me ending it here. Since anything after this point is pure fiction and not based on anything from a campaign.

Cheers, ??rgr?mr

Sir, if you cease at this point, I shall expound about your parents including things like elderberries and hamsters...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by coldsteel »
ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oi oi oi!
ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oi oi oi!
ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oi oi oi!

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« Reply #56 on: September 25, 2007, 08:48:50 AM »
Thanks for the comments gents, I appreciate them.  8)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline kdstubbs

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Siliconate Wars
« Reply #57 on: September 25, 2007, 07:32:07 PM »
You've obviously got a situation where you've established that the Siliconate can be defeated in space and on the ground.  Obviously you have some of the astrographic details of the story still around, so you sort of know the lay of the warp points.  

So questions of technological advances, combat on the ground, fleet actions and warp point assaults.  Compared to your arachnid war that supposedly happens in the future of this scenario, I would assume you know the technology gaps, so you won't end up like David Weber creating SDE's and MTE's in SHiva Option, but having CLEs guarding the flanks of Super Monitors in Insurrection.  Question is how much detail do you want to build into your scenario before you finally wipe out the Silicoid threat.  

Your characters and story line are fascinating, and I enjoy what you do with the Roman Empire--it gives you a robust back story to use as historical examples, much in the vein of H. Beam Piper's Terro-Human Future History.  

So relax map out your story line and get busy writing.  Or its Hampster's and Eldeberry's for you

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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Re: Siliconate Wars
« Reply #58 on: September 26, 2007, 09:39:07 AM »
Quote from: "kdstubbs"
You've obviously got a situation where you've established that the Siliconate can be defeated in space and on the ground.  Obviously you have some of the astrographic details of the story still around, so you sort of know the lay of the warp points.  

So questions of technological advances, combat on the ground, fleet actions and warp point assaults.  Compared to your arachnid war that supposedly happens in the future of this scenario, I would assume you know the technology gaps, so you won't end up like David Weber creating SDE's and MTE's in SHiva Option, but having CLEs guarding the flanks of Super Monitors in Insurrection.  Question is how much detail do you want to build into your scenario before you finally wipe out the Silicoid threat.  

Your characters and story line are fascinating, and I enjoy what you do with the Roman Empire--it gives you a robust back story to use as historical examples, much in the vein of H. Beam Piper's Terro-Human Future History.  

So relax map out your story line and get busy writing.  Or its Hampster's and Eldeberry's for you


I do have a vague rememberence of the warp points in the Siliconate territory, but only the first few though.

Yeah I pretty much know the tech levels of the sides. The Romans were tech level 10 and the Rockheads were tech level 12.

I myself always found that rather funny too. SDE's earlier and then the less capable ones later. But I guess one could argue that the government was once again reducing the navy's budget, so they had to cut it somewhere and the large escort classes got the axe.  :D

Thanks for those kind words my friend. Ever since I was a boy, I have been fascinated by the Romans and their world. Some say to a unhealthy level.  :D

If I have to I will reload SA and set up the universe as bast as I can then play the Rockheads to flesh out their holdings. Since I would need that detail once I have finally cleared the Rocks from Roman space.

Cheers, ??rgr?mr
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline kdstubbs

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Siliconate Wars
« Reply #59 on: September 27, 2007, 07:24:02 PM »
Sounds like that could be fun, you could almost write the back story of the Silicoids from their perspective, and then write up their wars against the dastardly Romans.  It would be interesting to see how you switched perspectives from Romans to Silicoids.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs