The Terran Federation grew out of the United Nations in the first quarter of the 21st century once the implications of TransNewtonian minerals became common knowledge. Given that the cost of extracting the minerals, let alone refining them into useful materials, was beyond most individual nations the talking shop of the UN soon became a power broker for the development of the new technologies between allied nations. Eventually the UN came to essentially control the flow of most TN material worldwide and the logical conclusion of this became the UN-backed space flight programme of the early 2020's which saw basic TN spacecraft take mankind to Lunar and Mars swiftly and safely.
The adoption of the US and European space programmes by the UN in 2022 in favour of pursuing a united dream of space exploration and expansion became a turning point in history, whilst those states which persisted in pursuing their own TN space programmes independently were soon crippled by the cost. In order to appeal more to those polities still remaining outside of the UN a period of reformation began in 2023-2024 saw the UN transformed into the Terran Federation, a union of allied states which all contributed to a combined spaceflight programme while remaining politically independent from each other.
The Terran Federation's bureaucracy and military were open to citizens of all nations who provided funding for the spaceflight programme and were formed around the nucleus of the former USA, European and Russian space programmes. Serving members of the Federation were bound to a constitution prohibiting interference on Earth whilst gaining exclusivity of all things beyond the atmosphere, headed by a council elected by global vote from citizens of the funding nations. Any future colonies would be administered by the Federation directly until they reached a worldwide population of 25 million, at which point they would be eligible to elect their own leaders and choose to join the Federation as a bespoke polity like the nations of Earth. While civilian space-flight under the Federation was actively encouraged it was made clear that all exo-atmospheric military capability would be controlled solely by the Federation Admiralty, which reported directly to the Federal Council.
[OOC: Unfortunately I lost the first part of this write up almost immediately, so everything up until the 29th September 2032 has been written from memory and what I could glean from the Events log. From September 2032 the write-up will take place in a more linear as-it-happens style similair to Steve’s amazing AAR’s]
The Early Years (2025-2026)
Exploration of the solar system began in early 2025 with the launch of the Earth’s first naval vessel, the multi-purpose Science Vessel Enterprise. Tragically the Enterprises year long mission of geo- and gravitational-surveying was cut short when the vessel was destroyed by an engine malfunction after only two months out of spacedock. With no additional ships capable of mounting rescue operations the whole of Earth was forced to watch as the 98 survivors drifted alone in space before their supplies ran out.
[OOC: There never was an Enterprise, nor were 98 souls condemned to a cold and lonely death. I just wanted to role-play and use the fast OOB to generate a few science vessels and destroyers to kick start the game]
The nascent Terran Navy immediately began an investigation into incident. Swift recommendations followed, including a complete redesign of the next series of Science Vessels, now named the Enterprise-Class. 4 ships of the Enterprise-Class were laid down to operate in squadrons of two, so that no vessel would be left alone. In addition a small squadron of 2 equally sized military vessels were also commissioned, capable of performing search and rescue as required.
Enterprise class Science Vessel 7,500 tons 691 Crew 1299.2 BP TCS 150 TH 600 EM 0
4000 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 1-34 Shields 0-0 Sensors 60/60/2/2 Damage Control Rating 3 PPV 0
Maint Life 4.19 Years MSP 1325 AFR 150% IFR 2.1% 1YR 121 5YR 1812 Max Repair 225 MSP
J7500(3-50) Military Jump Drive Max Ship Size 7500 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
MilSpec Ion Engine E8 (10) Power 60 Fuel Use 80% Signature 60 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 600,000 Litres Range 180.0 billion km (520 days at full power)
Thermal Sensor TH10-60 (1) Sensitivity 60 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 60m km
EM Detection Sensor EM10-60 (1) Sensitivity 60 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 60m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (2) 2 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (2) 2 Survey Points Per Hour
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Resolution class Destroyer 7,500 tons 551 Crew 1325.34 BP TCS 150 TH 540 EM 0
3600 km/s Armour 3-34 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 4 PPV 40
Maint Life 3.39 Years MSP 442 AFR 112% IFR 1.6% 1YR 59 5YR 879 Max Repair 315 MSP
Magazine 310
MilSpec Ion Engine E8 (9) Power 60 Fuel Use 80% Signature 60 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres Range 60.0 billion km (192 days at full power)
S1-R10 Missile Launcher (10) Missile Size 1 Rate of Fire 10
Size 5 Box Launcher (40) Missile Size 5 Hangar Reload 37.5 minutes MF Reload 6.2 hours
AMM Fire Control FC13-R1 (2) Range 13.2m km Resolution 1
Missile Fire Control FC52-R100 (1) Range 52.9m km Resolution 100
AMM-N1-Sentinel Anti-missile Missile (110) Speed: 33,000 km/s End: 0.7m Range: 1.4m km WH: 1 Size: 1 TH: 209 / 125 / 62
ASM-N5-Starburst Anti-ship Missile (40) Speed: 25,800 km/s End: 32m Range: 49.5m km WH: 5 Size: 5 TH: 129 / 77 / 38
Missile Search Sensor MR18-R1 (1) GPS 315 Range 18.9m km Resolution 1
Active Search Sensor MR50-R100 (1) GPS 8400 Range 50.4m km Resolution 100
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Geo-survey scans of Sol soon began to show significant mineral deposits on Mercury, Luna and Mars. While Mercury and Luna were inhospitable Mars itself offered the opportunity for settlement, even though colonists would be limited to domed shelters unless some form of terraforming could be undertaken. Plans were immediately put in place for the construction of the necessary life support infrastructure and in early 2026 the keels of the first 2 Alpha-Class freighters were begun.
Alpha class Freighter 39,350 tons 382 Crew 693.2 BP TCS 787 TH 1500 EM 0
1905 km/s Armour 1-103 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 4 PPV 0
MSP 44 Max Repair 38 MSP
Cargo 25000 Cargo Handling Multiplier 20
Comm. Ion Engine E0.8 (10) Power 150 Fuel Use 8% Signature 150 Armour 0 Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres Range 114.3 billion km (694 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
Further exploration of the solar system through 2026 revealed further deposits of several minerals on the moon of Titan in addition to several asteroids containing large amounts of specific minerals. In June 2026, with all 4 Enterprise-Class vessels in service, the Terran Navy switched from geological surveying to gravitational surveying in the hopes of proving the new ‘jump point’ theory correct. Although each Enterprise-Class vessel was equipped with a jump drive the device itself had never been tested, a huge gamble on the part of the Terran Navy.
June 2026 also saw the first flight of the 2 Alpha-Class freighters, which began carrying infrastructure built on Earth to the site of the new Martian colony. Once the colony had been established they would begin ferrying mining and construction equipment to the new world. Given the mineral resources found on Luna, Mercury and Titan it was also decided to begin automated mining with delivery to Earth achieved through mass drivers. A second series of 2 more Alpha-Class freighters were laid down to facilitate this expansion, as well as the first Hope-Class Colony Ship. By the time the vessel was ready to launch there would be enough infrastructure on Mars to support nearly 2 million people.
Hope class Colony Ship 26,500 tons 384 Crew 1089.2 BP TCS 530 TH 1500 EM 0
2830 km/s Armour 1-79 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 2 PPV 0
MSP 51 Max Repair 38 MSP
Colonists 50000 Cargo Handling Multiplier 20
Comm. Ion Engine E0.8 (10) Power 150 Fuel Use 8% Signature 150 Armour 0 Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres Range 127.4 billion km (520 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
August 2026 saw the completion of the gravitational survey of Sol. In line with current FTL theories 4 jump points had been discovered between the orbits of Mars and Uranus. Next would come the first test of the Navy’s jump engines. The Enterprise-Class Science Vessel Endeavour, under the command of Captain Forest Outlaw, was chosen to undertake humanities first steps into the wider universe. At midday on the 27th of August, the Endeavour approached Sol jump point 1, engaged her jump drive and disappeared. Tense moments passed. Then suddenly the Endeavour reappeared and Captain Outlaw reported that they had almost instantaneously travelled to and from the system of Alpha Centauri.
Over the next few hours the other science vessels of the Terran fleet carried out similar operations on the remaining 3 jump points, revealing the systems of Epsilon Eridani, Bernard’s Star and FL Virginis. All four systems contained over a dozen planets and attendant moons, though interestingly none contained any asteroid belts. Bernard’s Star also contained a single world within the terraforming range of current technology, being rated on the M-class chart as a 2. 59 grade world compared to Mars’s 2. 1 grade. However all attention was focused on Alpha Centauri, the first system visited by humanity, which contained not 1 but 3 colonisable worlds ranging from 1. 9 to 3. 64. The immediate geo- and gravitational-surveying of Alpha Centauri became the number one priority for Fleet Command and all four science vessels were dispatched to the new system.
Meanwhile the progression of activities from being based solely within Sol to now being an interstellar operation raised new challenges for the Fleet. Accordingly plans for a jump capable freighter, a jump gate construction vessel and, to support the 2 fleet Destroyers, a jump capable Destroyer Leader where put into action.
Beta class Jump Freighter 40,600 tons 537 Crew 861 BP TCS 812 TH 1500 EM 0
1847 km/s JR 2-25(C) Armour 1-105 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 10 PPV 0
MSP 133 Max Repair 121 MSP
Cargo 15000 Cargo Handling Multiplier 15
JC41K Commercial Jump Drive Max Ship Size 41000 tons Distance 25k km Squadron Size 2
Comm. Ion Engine E0.8 (10) Power 150 Fuel Use 8% Signature 150 Armour 0 Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres Range 110.8 billion km (694 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
JCB class Construction Ship 70,700 tons 945 Crew 1872.4 BP TCS 1414 TH 2250 EM 0
1591 km/s Armour 1-152 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 3 PPV 0
MSP 50 Max Repair 38 MSP
Jump Gate Construction Ship: 180 days
Comm. Ion Engine E0.8 (15) Power 150 Fuel Use 8% Signature 150 Armour 0 Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres Range 79.6 billion km (578 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
Resolve class Destroyer Leader 7,500 tons 711 Crew 1416.34 BP TCS 150 TH 540 EM 0
3600 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 3-34 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 6 PPV 10
Maint Life 3.63 Years MSP 708 AFR 75% IFR 1% 1YR 83 5YR 1248 Max Repair 315 MSP
Magazine 110
J7500(3-50) Military Jump Drive Max Ship Size 7500 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
MilSpec Ion Engine E8 (9) Power 60 Fuel Use 80% Signature 60 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres Range 60.0 billion km (192 days at full power)
S1-R10 Missile Launcher (10) Missile Size 1 Rate of Fire 10
AMM Fire Control FC13-R1 (1) Range 13.2m km Resolution 1
AMM-N1-Sentinel Anti-missile Missile (110) Speed: 33,000 km/s End: 0.7m Range: 1.4m km WH: 1 Size: 1 TH: 209 / 125 / 62
Missile Search Sensor MR18-R1 (1) GPS 315 Range 18.9m km Resolution 1
Active Search Sensor MR100-R100 (1) GPS 16800 Range 100.8m km Resolution 100
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
At 70,700 tons the JCB-Class Construction Vessel would be humanities biggest ever vessel, and only one shipyard had the capacity to build such a ship, but would enable the construction of jump gates at each jump point allowing unrestricted traffic to flow between star systems. The Beta-Class Jump Freighter could carry only a fraction of the cargo an Alpha-Class Freighter but could use jump points without requiring a jump gate and could also escort an Alpha-Class Freighter along with it. Finally the Resolve-Class Destroyer Leader could not only transport both of the Navy’s current Destroyers but also mounted a new 100 million kilometre range sensor array and 10 defensive missile launchers, greatly enhancing the squadrons field capabilities.