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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #105 on: September 01, 2012, 06:55:20 AM »
Solar flare caused EM damage to planetary electrical systems.  The planet went dark for now...

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #106 on: September 13, 2012, 07:59:44 AM »
Update: Turns out the damage was more severe than I believed at first. My hard drive is a total write-off, but I am getting a new one.

That also means I've lost my most recent aurora Wrix game. After checking our numerous other computers in the house, the latest version I could find was a 2011 save, which is quite a ways back. I was just about to call the game lost when I remembered my flashdrive. It turns out I had, at some point in the recent past, copied my game to my flash to transfer to my laptop, then never bothered putting it on the laptop itself. So, my newest version is somewhere in November 2014 which is basically just before I started all the business with First Stop and the transports.

I will do a combination of trying to follow my own story and fixing my mistakes, but I'm going to need some time to run the game back to where I was.
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Offline xeryon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #107 on: September 13, 2012, 08:29:33 AM »
I do believe mechanical failure is the doom of far more galactic empires than any Swam could ever hope to destroy.

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #108 on: September 13, 2012, 08:51:09 AM »
Update: Turns out the damage was more severe than I believed at first. My hard drive is a total write-off, but I am getting a new one.

That also means I've lost my most recent aurora Wrix game. After checking our numerous other computers in the house, the latest version I could find was a 2011 save, which is quite a ways back. I was just about to call the game lost when I remembered my flashdrive. It turns out I had, at some point in the recent past, copied my game to my flash to transfer to my laptop, then never bothered putting it on the laptop itself. So, my newest version is somewhere in November 2014 which is basically just before I started all the business with First Stop and the transports.

I will do a combination of trying to follow my own story and fixing my mistakes, but I'm going to need some time to run the game back to where I was.
Well looking forward to the point where you can continue the story...

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #109 on: September 17, 2012, 01:38:55 PM »
Okay, I've gotten my game back to where it was before, January 27th 2017. Unfortunately, a few things have changed, as you will discover. Hopefully I can make the transition plausible.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #110 on: September 18, 2012, 05:11:18 AM »
28 January 2017
Slowly, painfully, IM struggled to her feet. The last thing she remembered was reviewing some reports on the computer console in her office when the whole thing just exploded...
"What the hell just happened?" she mumbled to herself.
The lights were off. Not even the emergency lights were on, which, technically, were a complete impossibility. Standard and emergency lighting were on seperate grids, seperate generators, seperate everything! The odds against both failing at once were astronomical. Yet even with her extremely acute low-light vision, she could barely make out her hand in front of her face.
She could smell smoke as well, but it was somewhat difficult to pinpoint the exact source. Her computer? Probably. The light fixtures? Maybe.
"IM? IM, are you there?" a voice echoed up the corridor.
"I'm here. And alive" she called back. "Who is that?"
She heard the sound of feet coming closer and a light source appeared somewhere in the outside.
"Rescue party! Don't worry, IM, we're coming."
Finally, the light rounded the corner and she caught a glimpse of a few drones before she had to shield her eyes from the glare.
"Finally, we found y... Oh dear. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine!" IM snapped. "Just get the damn light out of my eyes!"
The light dimmed and several figures detached from the gloom to help, all the while staring at her as if they had seen a ghost.
"IM, your face..." one said.
She touched her right cheek with her palm and her hand came away slick with blood.

"Can you see anything?"
"Of course I can't bloody see anything if you stick your hand over my eye!"
"I meant out of your other eye."
"I had a look in the mirror, Doc, I know there is nothing there but blood and gore" IM cut back.
"Of course, of course, I had to check. There doesn't seem to be any fresh bleeding though, but that could be because it cauterized the wound..."
"What? What cauterized the wound?"
"Well, I suspect you got hit in the eye by an arc of electricity from your computer. It appears as if it superheated the fluid inside the eye, basically making it explode. On the other hand, the eye also absorbed all the energy that would otherwise have been running around in your brain. You are really lucky to be alive."
"Really? Then why don't I feel that way? Now where are the damn painkillers!?"

"Now can somebody tell me what the hell happened? And stop staring at my bloody face!" IM shouted. She and her inner circle were seated under a tree outside Swarm Command. Strange, dim lights were dancing across the sky.
"I really think you should get that checked out" PC suggested. "It looks rather serious. I mean, your eye..."
"Already had it checked out. Doctor said the eye is lost regardless and the bleeding has stopped. I'll get it properly cleaned and bandaged later."
US shrugged. "As far as I have been able to gather, we got hit by a massive solar storm. Blew out almost every electrical grid on the planet."
"Solar Storm? Like a solar flare?" IM interrupted.
"Sort of. It is technically called a Coronal Mass Ejection and it basically means that Wrixom got hit by a metric smegton of radiation and ionized particles. They reacted with the planets magnetic field and inducted a few gigavolt in everything capable of holding a charge. You should have seen the sky, it was lit up like a psychotropic spotlight."
A few moments of silence descended over the gathered group.
"We thought you were dead, IM. When you didn't evacuate with the rest of us..." PC began, but IM waved her sentiments off.
"Just give me the condensed version. What did we lose?"
US fished out a small - and surprisingly still functional - data console. "Let's see. We are still getting reports in, but it looks like we will be able to get the power grid back online within a few days. Drones are on it already. Academy only has minor damage, shouldn't impede operations... Our industrial facilities are fine, their built in safeties triggered... Ah, our research facilities. They had some rather sensitive equipment plugged in. All fried now, I'm afraid, and secondary fires caused quite a bit of damage. All in all, should take about six months to get everything back to fully operational. 'Till then they will be operating at diminished capacity. In addition, some files were lost, setting us back a bit on our research."
"Dammit. Any way we could have seen this coming?" IM asked.
"I think that was my fault" PC admitted. "When Epsilon's Myrkul-B went dark I should have..."
"Wait" IM interrupted, "were our ships affected as well?"
"Erm... yeah. The Drake and the Hudson had sufficient shielding and suffered only a few minor system failures, but the Myrkuls weren't so lucky. They had minimal shielding and are now little more than irradiated, lifeless hulks tumbling through space. All of them were either in orbit around Wrixom or caught between the sun and us. The commercial shipyard also suffered some minor electrical damage, though the Gamma Yards are fine. They were better shielded."
A horrible thought popped into IM's head. "What about the offworld colonies?"
"First Stop should be fine," US replied, "the colony was on the dark side of the planet when it hit. We've already picked up some transmissions from there. Rube on the other hand... we think it caught the edge of the storm. It's dead quiet."
IM jumped up. "As soon as we can make contact with either Gamma or the two starships, I want them sent out to Rube. We need to know what's going on there."

So here is the skinny. Because I lost about two years of progress, which I now replayed, I did things a bit different. For one, I never bothered to construct the Myrkuls. They were useless anyway. Also, I decided to construct ten factories before starting on my commercial shipyard and the subsequent research facilities. This has put me behind a little on my research and lab construction, but nothing serious. I also forgot to start expanding the commercial shipyard the moment it was completed, which means it is now behind as well. Oh well.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #111 on: September 22, 2012, 01:20:40 PM »
30 January 2017
"Main systems are online. No power fluctuations yet."
"Good, now start bringing up our other systems, one at a time. Start with defence. Stop the moment you see anything wonky."
US was sitting in what she usually considered 'IM's seat' in front of the comms display. The only difference was that this time the monitors were linked to mainenance stations all across Swarm Hive. IM had left her in charge of bringing their infrastructure back online while she received medical treatment.
"Defence systems powered up. Little bit of fluctuation, but nothing we can't patch up later" the drone reported from one of the consoles to her left.
"Good. The sooner our weapons are fully operational, the better I'll feel. You can't trust anybody these days" US mused. "Oh, hello, what's this?"
A small blinking icon had appeared on the screen attached to the chair. For a moment she considered calling over the drone who was working on getting their computer systems reinstalled, but then she noticed that she already had his full attention. He had positioned himself at his console in such a way that he could watch her out of the corner of his eye. Clearly, he was already aware of the somewhat suspicious icon and waiting to see how she would react without tipping off the other workers. Something was going on here, and US suspected she already knew who was behind it. The drone was from Lambda Hive.
After a few moments of careful thought, US shrugged and pressed the icon. There was no way an electronic file could hurt her physically and all their data had already been erased by the storm. She had nothing to lose.
A soft message began playing through the speakers built into the head of the chair, inaudable to the drones at the consoles.
"Hello US. Or should I say, Your Majesty?"
US froze. It was the voice of Lambda herself speaking.
"Don't respond. This is a pre-recorded message, sent because we have a rather narrow window of oppertunity to speak frankly to one another. The solar storm, while causing significant damage, also shorted out every bug in Swarm Hive, as well as wiping the memory banks of all the nasty spying viruses that infested your computer systems. For a little while at least, we have a chance to chat unobserved. If this interests you, simply initiate contact with me at my hive from somewhere private. Of course, this offer expires as soon as my drone's shift is over. I cannot guarantee the integrity of your communications systems after that. If you do not wish to speak, I will find others to speak to. About all sorts of things. Like identity. Goodbye Delta."
If Wrix were able to sweat, US would have been sitting in a cold puddle.

US carefully closed and locked the doors behind her. The computers in the Bunker had not been functional the last time she had checked, but she doubted that Lambda would have sent her the message with no way to communicate. Sure enough, one of the computers booted up successfully and connected to the hive network.
She tapped in the command to establish a private comms link to Lambda Hive, hoping that what Lambda had said about the listening devices was correct. There was an immediate response.
"You reacted quickly" Lambda remarked as her face appeared on the screen. "I was afraid you were going to leave me waiting for an hour or two out of spite."
"What do you want from me?" US hissed.
"Tsk, tsk, Delta. What makes you think I want anything from you?"
"How about the blackmail? And call me US-93 dammit. I don't trust that drone of yours at the computers to keep this line secure."
"The blackmail was merely to make sure you keep quiet" Lambda said. "And I trust him implicitly. There was a very good reason I sent my best computer technician to Swarm Hive."
"You have ten seconds to tell me what you want before I cut this connection and disappear."
"Ah, now what I want, that is something else entirely. I want to congratulate you on your brilliant move."
US hesitated. "Excuse me?"
"Indeed. At first I thought it was stupid, leaving your hive to become some lackey in a hive that wields no real power. Then I realized that while Swarm Hive may have no power of its own, it had a pretty significant say in how the rest of us controlled our own power. In the end, I was rather jealous that I hadn't thought of it first. After all, ruling a hive is somewhat small-fry compared to ruling an entire planet, don't you agree?"
"I don't know what you are talking about" US replied. "All I do is coordinate our industry."
"Oh please, cut the modesty. I've been watching you too close for too long for that to work. You have IM in the palm of your hand. Sure she can be a little erratic at times, but generally you can make her do almost whatever you like. I respect that."
"It's not that simple. IM is focused on the goal. She's just a little narrow minded on how to achieve that goal. All I've done is broadened her vision a little by showing how effective deceit can be."
"Regardless, I want in."
US stared at the screen in awe. "THAT's what you want? You want to join up? How the hell am I supposed to sneak you into Swarm Hive, do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to worm my way in here?"
"Don't be ridiculous!" Lambda replied. "I worked hard to get my hive where it is and I have no plans to leave it. Your little spat with Gamma over First Stop has highlighted a number of weaknesses in your organization."
"Like what?"
"Like a shortage of trustworthy drones. Like uncompromised communications and computer services. Like the ability to do ANYTHING without forty hives breathing down your neck. You need me, if only for a force on the outside."
"Almost every hive on the planet has attempted to covertly approach IM to become a 'secret ally' of Swarm Hive. She rebuffed them all. What makes you think you will be any different?" US asked.
Lambda began counting off on her claws. "Firstly, that mentality has already bitten you in the arse with the First Stop fiasco. Secondly, I already know all your juicy little secrets from my expansive intelligence network. Thirdly, I will have you to recommend me. I will have you to recommend me, RIGHT?"
US slumped with her arms on the console. "Fine. What do you want?"
"Not that much. I will help you with intelligence and military assets and I would appreciate it if you consult me every once in a while. Not all the time, most of your decisions are pretty mundane, just for the big things. In exchange, I might ask for a few favours every now and again. Nothing big, it is in my best interest to keep our business under the radar of the other hives."
"Very well, Lambda, but I don't like this. Not one bit. And I can't guarantee that IM will go for this deal. In the end, she is the boss."
"You better make sure she goes for it. For your sake."
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #112 on: October 01, 2012, 01:05:47 AM »
1 February 2017
"We have no other choice" RZ stated emphatically. "If we can't get the air scrubbers operational, we are all going to die before help ever gets anywhere close."
The mining complex on Rube was now a dark, frozen, airless wasteland. All the machines that had once toiled to dig through the rock lay silent, their circuits long since blown by the solar storm. Rube might only have caught an edge of the storm, but it's magnetic field was significantly weaker than that of Wrixom.
The group of drones around her huddled close for warmth. They were the last of the garrison from Epsilon and were lucky that the surface temperature of Rube 'only' dropped to around -20 degrees at night. Despite having no power, they had managed to cling to life, if only barely. Now, however, the air was starting to grow thin.
"We've already checked everywhere" one of the drones answered. "We just don't have the parts to repair the generator or even the circuits of the scrubbers."
"We've checked everywhere in THIS complex," RZ corrected it, "but there are two more out there we haven't checked out. For all we know there could even be survivors out there."
Several of the drones shifted around nervously. This was where the problem lay. While it was true that there were two other mining complexes out there, they were several miles away and the garrison only had a few long duration spacesuits and no functioning vehicles. They would be hoofing it over treacherous and freezing terrain in low gravity both ways, one of them carrying supplies. Nobody was looking forward that that job.
"Look, its either go or die. Which do you want to do?"
A sudden faint clanging echoed three times through the corridors.
"What the hell was that?" she asked. The only noise on Rube was Wrix-made. Wrix... or something else...
Nobody had moved when the second series of clangs echoed through the corridors. This time, everyone jumped to their feet at once.
"Everyone arm yourselves! Let's find where this noise is coming from!" RZ barked.

The noise was eventually, and perhaps unsurprisingly, tracked to the airlock. The cameras to the outside had been blown by the surge, but through the small glass porthole in the airlock doors, RZ could make out a few huge, bulky spacesuits with what seemed to be a vehicle of some kind in the background.
"Who the hell is that?" she wondered aloud.
"No idea" one of the other drones replied. "Perhaps survivors from one of the other complexes?"
"The other complexes were unmanned, you know that as well as I do! Besides, do those suits look like standard issue to you?" she barked back.
"Perhaps we should let them in and ask?" another drone suggested.
When nobody could think of a reason not to, the motion carried and RZ quickly took several drones to go suit up. She sent several others to find the equipment to manually operate the airlock compartment as all the automatic controls had been completely blown.
Eventually, six armed Wrix, among them RZ, wearing slim military spacesuits were in position in the airlock, their guns trained on the entrance as the doors behind them slowly ground closed and manually powered pumps started evacuating as much air as possible from the chamber. They were low on oxygen as it was.
When the big outer doors finally began sliding open, bulky suits carefully began making their way inside.
"Thank you for finally opening the front door for us. Took your sweet bloody time" a sarcastic voice piped up from RZ's built in suit radio. She had completely forgotten she even had one since they couldn't even penetrate the complex's outer hull.
"Identify yourself!" RZ demanded, her weapon carefully trained on the lead bulky suit.
"Put those things away before you hurt yourself" the voice suggested over the radio. "These suits are designed to hand over a hundred atmospheres of pressure. Those little pop guns of yours aren't even going to make a dent."
"Tell me who you are or I go fetch something bigger" RZ retorted.
"Fine," the voice sighed, "I'm HN-31 and this is my geology team. I assume we have finally reached the Rube Garrison?"
"You assume correctly. Where, if I may ask, have you come from?"
There was a few moments silence on the other end. The large vehicle from outside started to slowly ease its way into the airlock.
"From the frozen frakking wastes! Where the hell else, you nimrod?"

"Why is it that all your equipment is still fully functional while all stuff more complex than a gas-powered lamp have been reduced to fried paper weights?" RZ asked HN as she led her down to the power generator.
"Because your equipment is designed for use on Rube while ours is designed for use on the surface of the bloody sun. Now stop talking and show me this damage that your lot of incompetents have been unable to fix."
HN was in a foul mood. She had spent four days walking in her stuffy suit because her idiot navigator had originally taken them to the wrong complex. Now, her dreams of warmth and rest were shattered by the fact that these incompetents in command of the garrison had not been able to get any power up in all this time.
"We would have been able to fix it if we only had the spares. Unfortunately, whoever had designed this place had neglected to foresee everything getting fried at once, including several of our spares."
HN just grumbled something unintelligible.
"Here we are. Like I said, completely fried."
RZ shone her torch on one of the large generators and immediately it was clear that it was beyond repair. The smell of burnt electronics, having nowhere to go, still hung in the air.
"Seems about right" the drone HN had ordered along commented. "Pretty much as expected. What about the emergency generators?"
RZ shrugged. "Drones I sent to check told me it looked no better."
"I find that rather hard to believe" the drone commented again. "The emergency generators are designed for superior robustness with multiple redundancies. It is physically impossible for them to be in the same condition as the regular generators unless that condition is 'smoking crater'."
RZ lead the small group through several corridors, once stopping to consult a map, before stopping in front of another door.
"Through here" was all she said.
The other drone slipped inside with a torch and immediately the sound of panels being removed could be heard.
"Who is that anyway?" RZ asked.
"That is our chief technician" HN answered. "He's kept our geology expedition alive and functioning for months. Trust me, if this thing is fixable, he'll do it."
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Offline xeryon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #113 on: October 01, 2012, 10:12:06 AM »
It's been a while since any one commented in this thread.  On a forum it is kind of difficult to gauge reader response sometimes but at least for me:  I come to the Aurora forums every morning eagerly watching for your thread to show up on the 'unread since last visit' list.  Each morning I sit down with my fresh cup of coffee and enjoy your interpretations of your little bugs and how you handle fictionalizing the 'little bugs' of Aurora itself into your story.  Please, keep up the great work.

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #114 on: October 01, 2012, 01:54:28 PM »
I agree.  Really enjoy this  8)

Offline Ektoras

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #115 on: October 01, 2012, 02:03:46 PM »
Everyday i am checking the forum and a new post in this thread is one of the things i hope to see. Really enjoy Wrix stories  :)

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #116 on: October 02, 2012, 01:51:43 AM »
Yay, was wondering whether my fans were losing interest. If one does not write for one's fans, what left is there to write for?  ;D

Last while has been a little slow due to a semester test which is now finished (went well, I think). This week is vacation so hopefully I can get a few updates out while it lasts.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #117 on: October 02, 2012, 02:43:46 AM »
2 February 2017
"But IM..."
"I said no."
"Why? At least give me a logical reason we are declining the offer!" US pleaded. For several days IM had refused to even discuss Lambda's offer. It didn't help that they could only talk down in the bunker as they were now since US had no doubt most, if not all, of the fried electronic listening devices had now been replaced.
"Fine! You want a reason? How about the fact that Swarm Command holds NO real power of its own? That we are COMPLETELY dependant on the hives and playing favourites is a good way to get ourselves killed?"
US put her head down on the large central table they were sitting at. "So is not gathering allies!"
"Is that what you call it? No" IM replied.
"IM! Think carefully. Suppose the Swarm was to dissolve this second, which of the hives would have reason to dislike us?"
IM just stared grimly at her.
"Fine. Kappa feels you stole the Swarm from her so there is no love lost there. Gamma thinks you are holding her back. The Epsilon Coalition chafes under the restrictions you posed on them regarding arms and ship construction" US listed their enemies.
"If any of them had their way, they would doom us all through inaction, greed or lust for power."
"I'm not saying you do not have a good reason for having angered them. What I'm saying," US continued, "is that if you reject this offer from Lambda that she had clearly put a lot of effort into preventing the other Hives from finding out about, then she might not be too pleased with you."
"If I already have so many enemies, why would one more make a difference?"
"Because Lambda itself is a goodly sized hive. In addition Beta, the southern powerhouse, is on good terms with Lambda so odds are she wouldn't like us either. Then, if Lambda makes it public that I am not an infertile but actually the ex-Hive Queen of Delta Hive, every other hive will treat you with suspicion at best and outright hostility at worst, especially Delta."
"US, let me explain something to you. You haven't played this game as long as I have and none of that matters as long as the balance of power..."
"I have been playing this game FAR longer than you have!" US shouted, jumping to her feet. "I clawed my way to power when you were still moping around Lambda's tunnels, playing bookkeeper! I was dragging a backwards hive kicking and screaming onto the forefront of the political stage while you were still trying to figure out which side of a military division you give orders to! Let me tell you about your bloody balance of power! A balance exists only as long as it has to, as long as none of the players have any other alternative. The first shakeup or upset can bring the whole mess tumbling down, along with you!"
She took a deep breath before continuing, this time in a more reasonable tone of voice. "Why does the Swarm exist? For one reason and one reason only. To get the Wrix off our doomed home that is freezing a little bit more every second and out among the stars where it is safe and warm. What do you think is going to happen when we achieve that? What do you think is going to happen to you when we finally reach our goal?"
"I'll tell you what will happen" US continued before IM could gather her thoughts. "Your 'balance of power' will evaporate like mist in the morning sun and about six of the most powerful hives on the planet will realize that - finally - there is nothing preventing them from removing the most annoying thorn in their side that they had ever had. It will become a competition between them to see who gets your corpse first. The only way you will survive that coming storm is to be out of reach when the smeg finally hits the fan. Right now we can bargain from a position of strength to obtain allies but that won't always be the case. Lambda has made us an extremely generous and extremely covert offer. It will not get better than this, so take this opportunity while it is there."
There were a few moments of shocked silence in the Bunker, punctuated by the hum of the computer consoles along the one wall.
Just as IM was about to say something, however, a loud banging came from the door and it slid open. A drone stuck his head through.
"I'm so sorry for the interruption, but, IM, you said you wanted to know the moment we heard anything from Rube. Well, we just picked up a signal."
The drone ducked back out and IM jumped up to run after. US grabbed her arm as she moved past, however.
"We need a decision now. It could go away at any time."
"Fine, fine" IM said. "I still think we are making a mistake but your arguments are persuasive. Just do it."
As IM rushed out, US slumped into her chair and breathed a sigh of relief. If this had gone badly... well, her bags had already been packed, so to speak.
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Offline xeryon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #118 on: October 02, 2012, 06:59:14 AM »
If you want a gauge on your readership just take note of the number of thread views you get each day.  It might be fair to assume only half of the new hits when you post new content are actual readers.

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #119 on: October 03, 2012, 01:12:51 AM »
I just wanted to add my voice to the other complementary posts. 

I just found this thread a couple of days ago.  I am now caught up.  Now I have to wait like everyone else for your next post.  <sigh>

At first, I thought that I was going to see the creation of a galactic menace.  However, these guys need to build the pieces of their act from scratch before they can even hope to get it put together.  It is fun to watch.