Author Topic: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread  (Read 126802 times)

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Offline IanD

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #705 on: November 02, 2015, 05:45:48 AM »
Would it be possible to program the NPRs to stop "feeding" the Star Swarm, just jumped into a system with two comets, but 1322 soldiers, 138 workers and a Queen!  :o   All because the local NPR has kept feeding in a few ships at a time. Could NPR meets Star Swarm = need 10X more ships than sent last time?


Edit: It's worse than that the NPR goes "where is there a place to build a jump gate, Oh! There" and sends an unaccompanied Gate builder into a Star Swarm system. What it should do is:
1) Where is there somewhere to build a gate?
Yes, XYZ system
2) Are there enemy forces present?
3) Do not send gate builder.

I would have thought the threat rating could be used as the basis of such a mechanic

« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 07:36:27 AM by IanD »

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #706 on: November 05, 2015, 06:06:42 AM »
Please add a checkbox to disable the display of fleet names, I know I can turn fleets off altogether, but it would be so handy if I could keep the dots, after all there is the handy rightclick menu which shows what fleets are at each point.
An example.
Currently I have 2 options: fleets on:

Or fleets off:

It took ages to find that bloody ship. With fleet dots on it should look like this:

Edit: I need to shrink these images sorry XD
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 06:09:44 AM by MarcAFK »
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Paul M

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #707 on: November 06, 2015, 02:34:28 AM »
You can turn off show next order, show next time and show velocity...leaving you with the ship/fleet dot and name so far as I know.  Basically what you want I'd think.

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #708 on: November 06, 2015, 02:48:06 AM »
The names still all stack together becoming unreadable, btw those images do have next order, and time and distance turned off.
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Yonder

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #709 on: November 06, 2015, 06:14:07 AM »
On a related note, I would love to be able to turn off visibility just for my civilian fleets, or better yet turn off the fleet names just for my civilian fleets. I have Mercury, Luna, Earth, and Mars inhabited, so it's pretty much impossible to read the fleet names for any of my own fleets in the inner Sol system.

Offline 83athom

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #710 on: November 06, 2015, 06:42:11 AM »
Didn't  someone else just ask this and get an answer?
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Offline Yonder

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #711 on: November 06, 2015, 09:29:25 AM »
Oh boy! I only checked Display and Display 2. Thanks a bunch!

Offline linkxsc

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #712 on: November 09, 2015, 01:53:11 PM »
Nah forget that old stupid request, heres a new 1.

Ability to change the background color.
For those of us with bad eyes, and eye strain problems. We already have the ability to on the "intelligence window" tune the colors of the various contacts onscreen.

Perhaps something in the options menu to change the background color of the system map. The deep blue/purple is murder on my eyes personally, and I can only look at it for ~30 mins at a time (even having bits of it around ship design windows and such can cause me migraines.) As such, I spend most of my "playtime" with the system map minimized, and only open it if I need to fight or something.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 02:37:59 PM by linkxsc »

Offline Jumpp

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #713 on: November 12, 2015, 07:09:46 PM »
It'd be nice if, in the Environment/GMC tab of the Population and Production display, Planetary Albedo were reported to three decimal places rather than the current two. The "ice has melted" message reports three decimal places, but the dialog only gives two, and so when there hasn't been an ice melt message, I kind of have to guess.

Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #714 on: November 16, 2015, 07:07:35 AM »
Given the change in jump point creation and the extended distances being travelled I think it's high time that the scientists of Earth pulled them thumbs out and designed some life pods with more than a two week endurance...

Offline 83athom

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #715 on: November 16, 2015, 07:48:42 AM »
I believe people will evacuate to the Emergency Cryo module (if one is available) in the event of *boom* and will last a lot longer, but don't quote me on that.
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Offline Jumpp

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #716 on: November 19, 2015, 09:01:47 AM »
Fleet Action: Load Any Ordnance

First, everyone in the fleet does an ordinary Load Ordnance. Then, after that, everyone fills whatever remaining magazine space they may have with any missiles that happen to be lying around, entirely without regard to the ideal loadout for the ship.

Great for when you want to move all the ammo from point A to point B. Much less fiddly than manually filling every collier.

Fleet Panel Quick Button (like, along the bottom): Reload

Reloads all ships in the fleet from colliers in the fleet. Much less fiddly than double-clicking on each fighting ship in the fleet, clicking on the ordnance management tab, and hitting reload from colliers.

Offline 83athom

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #717 on: November 19, 2015, 10:11:37 AM »
Ordinance; this is already partially a thing. If you have a standard loadout with a missile of every SERIES you have they will just reload anything (so putting a number of what you want then 1 of every series you'll get what you want then anything extra).

Reload; I believe ships can do that automatically if there are any colliers in the fleet. "When a fleet reloads magazines during a turn, they will reload from the magazines in any collier in the fleet."
But I do agree there could be a bit more automation in this like a conditional. Condition; "Ammunition less than xx%" Order; "Reload from nearest collier/colony within 4 jumps" (4 jumps wont be an issue as Steve is expanding the pathfinding to possibly endless but this is an example like current conditional orders) (anyone else think I like using parenthesis (cause I use them a lot)).
Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

Offline Jumpp

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #718 on: November 19, 2015, 10:30:05 AM »
Well of course it's already partially at thing. The suggestion is about making it entirely a thing.

Suppose, for instance, you've got "Harpoon" missiles of size 5, and "Nike" missiles of size 1.  You have five colliers, each with a magazine of 700. They're set to load 100 Harpoons and 200 Nikes.

You've got a colony in the rear where you're manufacturing ammo. You want to move all that ammo to a depot nearer the front. That colony has got 3500 Nikes.

Your colliers can do that job in a single go, but you'll have to manually load them. "Load Ordnance" will get them to load 200 Nikes each. You'll have to click on the first ship, tab over to the ordnance management tab, select "Population" in the drop-down, click on the "1000" radio button, and then double-click on the pile of Nikes. The process is a little simpler for the remaining ships, but it's still tedious.

The point of "Load Any Ordnance" is that these colliers would just automatically fill their holds.

Offline Jumpp

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #719 on: November 23, 2015, 01:18:26 PM »
Suggestion: Waaaaaay up the tech tree, a black hole-related installation that works as a sort of extremely crude terraformer. It's like an ordinary terraforming installation except:

1. It only removes atmo. It can't add any.
2. It operates at about 100x the speed of an ordinary terraformer.
3. It targets all available gases, in proportion to their part of the whole. (If the atmosphere started out as 100 atmospheres of CO2 and 0.1 atmospheres of Methane, this thing would reduce it to 10 atmospheres of CO2 and 0.01 atmospheres of Methane along the way toward 0 of both.)

Call it the "Venus 3000" maybe.