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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2015, 04:10:30 PM »
United States - 2nd September 2106


Earth: 645m
Columbia (Lalande 21185): 122m
Astoria (WX Ursae Majoris): 18.9m
Oregon-B II: 0.86m
Gateway II: 0.55m
Eta Cassiopeiae-A III: 0.37m
Gliese 205-A II: 0.34m

The United States remains the largest power in terms of population and industrial capacity, although it is eclipsed by Japan in terms of technology. Over the last two and a half years, the primary strategic goal of the United States has been to protect that industry by moving it to the Columbia colony in Lalande 21185. The process is well underway as all nine US shipyards are now in orbit of Columbia and a large number of installations are in operation on the ground, including twelve research facilities and one hundred and twenty-nine construction factories. In fact, the movement of industry has been so successful that Columbia is now unable to effectively man all installations, despite being the largest colony apart from Avalon and the Centauri home worlds. The number of available workers in the manufacturing sector has slowed down the transfer of industry for the moment. A second problem for the Columbia colony is that the mineral deposits on the planet are low accessibility so the vast majority of mineral resources needed for production have to be shipped in from off-world, mainly from the Sol system.

Since February 2104 American survey ships have added only four systems to US charts. This is partially due to a concentration on surveying existing systems but mainly because most of the survey ships have been undergoing overhauls. As described in the UK update, the United States has discovered a link between the American and Avalon Arms originating in the Eta Cassiopeiae system and connecting to EV Lacerte, four jumps from Sol via Bernard's Star, Pendragon and 61 Cygni. An agreement has been reached with the UK to allow non-military traffic to use this route to Eta Cassiopeiae. Eta Cassiopeiae has been added to the jump gate network of the American Arm. Work is now underway to extend that network through EV Lacerte to link with the jump gate network in the Avalon Arm.

Eta Cassiopeiae-A III is home to a preindustrial race, the Confederation of Ebensburg. A ruined alien outpost was discovered in the same system on the second planet of the companion star. A small American enclave has been established on the alien home world, which requires infrastructure to support it as the oxygen content of the atmosphere is too low for human tolerances. Relations with the Eben are generally good, although they seem disconcerted at the size of the US colony, which has reached 370,000; small in human terms but very large by the standard of Eben cities. While the Eben only have a technological level equal to Renaissance Earth, they are very intelligent and some of their scientific knowledge is more advanced. They have noted the two terraforming installations emplaced within the American colony and their primitive telescopes have observed the five 70,000 Gaia class terraformers in low orbit. An Eben delegation has contacted the leaders of the US enclave and asked why oxygen is being added to their atmosphere. As the actual answer is that the United States wishes to create a large colony on the Eben home world and exploit its resources, the enclave leaders have been reluctant to provide too many details, which is creating some tension with the Eben. Ten mobile infantry battalions are already in place on Eta Cassiopeiae-A III in case relations with the indigenous population deteriorate.

Before their arrival in Eta Cassiopeiae, the US terraformers visited the adjacent Oregon system and added a sufficient quantity of a safe greenhouse gas to Oregon-B II to transform it into an ideal habitable world. Oregon-B II is home to an alien research installation that will double the output of any research facilities decided to energy weapon technology. The United States has also established a colony on Gliese 205-A II, located in a system two jumps from Oregon via a brown dwarf system. Gliese 205-A II has a breathable atmosphere and a temperature of -58C giving it a colony cost of 2.02. It has deposits of all eleven minerals, albeit at minimal accessibilities with the exception of Duranium, and an alien installation dedicated to construction research.

In the last thirty months US shipyards have completed two Shiloh class cruisers, a Ticonderoga class escort cruiser, three Spruance class destroyers , two troop transports, four fuel harvesters, a jump freighter and two Pegasus class tugs. Ship construction had been interrupted by the movement of the shipyards to Columbia but is now ramping up once again. The US economy is in good shape with a substantial wealth reserve, adequate minerals supplies and a significant fuel production capability. The United States has a single shipping line that operates twenty-three ships totalling over a million tons.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 02:48:16 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #31 on: September 27, 2015, 04:25:00 PM »
Overall Comparison - 3rd September 2106


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2015, 09:39:10 AM »
United Nations = 10th May 2107

Scientists from several countries reported anomalous readings from the Sun during April 2107. The UN formed an international panel to investigate and they delivered their findings on the 10th of May 2107. The Sun has entered a period of heightened activity and its luminosity is steadily increasing at a rate of approximately 2% per year. While this will have no immediate effect, in the longer term it will result in rising planetary temperatures across the Sol system, including on Earth and Mars. If the luminosity continues to grow for several years at its present rate the temperature on Earth could rise from its current 14 Celsius beyond the upper range of human tolerance - around 38 Celsius. Mars would also be affected, albeit to a lesser degree as its average surface temperature is only 8C.

If that situation arises, Earth would no longer be an ideal habitable world and special infrastructure would have to be constructed to prevent millions of deaths, with an increasing amount needed as the temperature increased. The current global population is seven point six billion, around half of which is in neutral nations that lack trans-Newtonian technology (see below). While the trans-Newtonian nations have the capability to build the required infrastructure or transport their populations to off-world colonies, those options are beyond the abilities of the less-developed nations. The latter would face the full force of the looming catastrophe. Therefore the United Nations has requested assistance from the more advanced Solarian powers. So far that assistance has not been forthcoming.

United Nations: 3713m
United States: 655m
Japan: 533m
Manchuria: 464m
Caliphate:    459m
Russia: 450m
Brazil: 365m
Germany:   279m
France: 239m
Argentina: 129m
Canada: 126m
Australia: 119m
United Kingdom: 72m
Total: 7602m

Note: The disaster option in Aurora is now fixed (would only increase, not decrease) and I have added 2% increase / decrease options

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #33 on: October 24, 2015, 10:28:47 AM »
Argentina - 7th January 2108

Earth: 131.8m
Dias de Solis (Alpha Centauri): 14.9m
Sancti Spiritu (Procyon): 0.3m
Tucuman (Tau-6 Eridani): 0.22m
Rio de la Plata (Gl 231.2): 0.19m

Mining Colonies
Alpha Centauri-B V - Moon 5: 3x Automated Mine

Argentina continues to expand known space in the area beyond Procyon, although the logistics are becoming ever more challenging given the distances involved, limited fuel production and the lack of a jump-capable tanker. Even so, a new Argentine colony has been established in the recently discovered system of Tau-6 Eridani, ten transits and almost thirty billion kilometres from Sol. The Tucuman colony is located on the fourth planet of the yellow-white F3-V star, a world with a breathable atmosphere but an average surface temperature of -28C, making it colony cost 0.74. 220,000 colonists have already been landed on the planet, along with enough infrastructure to support three times that number. Each colony expedition is mounted by a single group of ships, comprising five freighters, one of which is jump-capable, and four colony ships.

Although Argentina has three San Luis class jump-capable gravitational survey ships, the single, smaller geological survey ship Rio Quequen is not jump-capable and cannot move beyond the jump gate network without assistance from a San Luis. As the network doesn't even reach Procyon and the gravitational survey ships are usually far beyond that point, the Rio Quequen has been unable to survey more than a few systems. The colonies of Rio de la Plata and Tucuman are both on worlds that have yet to be surveyed. Since the current survey ships were designed and constructed, Argentina has developed ion engines and improved fuel efficiency technology. Therefore the San Martin class, a very long-range, jump-capable geological survey ship, has been developed and the first ship of three planned was launched from the Vasquez Navy Yard on December 17th 2107. The Argentine Navy believes it has the best geological survey ship in known space. The San Martin has crew accommodations and engineering systems intended for deployments of up to eight years, while sufficient fuel is carried to allow the highly efficient engines to run at full power for almost four and a half years, giving the ship a range of two hundred and eighty billion kilometres.


San Martin class Geological Survey Vessel    6,000 tons     142 Crew     728.4 BP      TCS 120  TH 240  EM 0
2000 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/2     Damage Control Rating 9     PPV 0
Maint Life 8.77 Years     MSP 683    AFR 31%    IFR 0.4%    1YR 16    5YR 239    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 96 months    Spare Berths 1   

Caballero Drive Systems CDS-60 Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 6000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Vaca-Casillas VC-240C Commercial Ion Drive (1)    Power 240    Fuel Use 8.49%    Signature 240    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 800,000 Litres    Range 282.7 billion km   (1635 days at full power)

Medina-Casárez MC25 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 4800     Range 23.5m km    Resolution 150
Geological Survey Sensors (2)   2 Survey Points Per Hour


Since the start of 2106, Argentina has built the first San Martin, a second Cormoran class troop transport, two fuel harvesters and a colony ship, Currently under construction are two more San Martin class geological survey ships, a fuel harvester, the first ion-engined colony ship and the first ion engined destroyer of the Capayan II class. Argentina has more than a million tons of civilian shipping, making it the fifth largest civilian shipping sector. Due to economic constraints, Argentina has not expanded its shipyards in recent years and still has four shipyards with a total capacity of 28,000 naval and 170,000 commercial. The financial crisis continues, despite the trade treaty with Japan, so Argentina has closed down most of its research facilities. Mineral supplies are adequate, although fuel is a problem. Argentina's four fuel harvesters and forty-one refineries are struggling to keep pace with demand. The current strategy continues though with Argentina concentrating on establishing small colonies far from the other powers. This may not be viable in the long-term given the increased solar output affecting Earth and Argentina may have to find a colony location closer to Sol if evacuation becomes necessary.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 02:54:47 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2015, 03:59:05 PM »
Australia - 5th February 2108

Earth: 121.8m
Avalon: 60.1m
Pendragon: 9.0m

Mining Colonies
Pendragon Asteroid #27: 18x AM
Tempel-Tuttle (Sol): 3x CMC

Australia's two primary goals over the last few years have been to expand the colony on Avalon and to expand fuel production capacity. To support this goal two fuel harvesters and two colony ships have been constructed since January 2106. The colony on Avalon has grown to sixty million, gaining more than twenty million in the last two years. Seven fuel harvesters are now in operations, extracting gaseous Sorium from the atmosphere of Bernard's Star VII, and the fuel situation has improved considerably. A stockpile of eight million litres has been built up on Earth, even with the seven Australian colony ships operating non-stop to transport Australian colonists to Avalon. Joint terraforming efforts with the United Kingdom continue on Pendragon. The temperature has risen to -42C, giving the planet a colony cost of 1.32.

A secondary objective was the development of jump technology. This objective has now been met with the design and imminent completion of two Adelaide class geological survey ships, which are scheduled for launch in late February 2108. The Adelaides are capable ships, with three geological survey sensors, a five year endurance and a range in excess of one hundred and ten billion kilometres. While this is significantly less than the new Argentine survey ship, the Adelaide is fifty percent faster and intended to operate closer to its base. A gravitational survey equivalent, the Warramunga, is also planned.


Adelaide class Geological Survey Vessel    6,000 tons     152 Crew     865.6 BP      TCS 120  TH 360  EM 0
3000 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/3     Damage Control Rating 7     PPV 0
Maint Life 5.73 Years     MSP 631    AFR 41%    IFR 0.6%    1YR 33    5YR 489    Max Repair 135 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 1   

J60 Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 6000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Nelson-Hutchinson NH-360E Ion Drive (1)    Power 360    Fuel Use 20.46%    Signature 360    Exp 7%
Fuel Capacity 760,000 Litres    Range 111.4 billion km   (429 days at full power)

Ryan-Blackburn RB-20A Active Sensor (1)     GPS 3840     Range 21.0m km    Resolution 120
Geological Survey Sensors (3)   3 Survey Points Per Hour


In the middle of 2107, Australia's economy was struggling due to a lack of Gallicite. The remaining deposits on Earth had fallen to 0.34 accessibility and Australia had a limited number of automated mines. There were no suitable sites for manned mines within the Avalon Arm so the Australian prime minister contacted his British counterpart and requested that the restriction on moving Australia manned mines to Avalon be lifted. He emphasised that the matter had become more urgent due to the growing problems with Sol. It was likely that in the long-term Australia's main population centre would not be on Earth. As more mining sites had been found deeper within the Avalon Arm, beyond the reach of Australia's non-jump-capable survey ship, and UK mines were likely to move to them eventually anyway, the United Kingdom acceded to the Australian request. Furthermore, as the UK and Australia were effectively going to be sharing the same planets, Avalon and Pendragon, the British Prime Minister proposed a formal military alliance. Australia accepted and both parties agreed to invite Canada and also to allow Canadian mines on Avalon in exchange for mining rights on the Canadian colony of Acadia. Canada quickly accepted as well, completing the tripartite alliance. The three English-speaking countries were drawing closer and closer together.

As Avalon would be the primary source of minerals for Australia for the foreseeable future, it made sense to also make Avalon the location of the four Australian shipyards. Unfortunately, Australia had not yet developed the tractor beam. Therefore, in the spirit of the new alliance, Australia requested the loan of one of the United Kingdom's three Hercules class tugs. All three were idle so the request was granted. As of February 2108, two shipyards have been moved to Avalon and two remain in Earth orbit.

The EV Lacerte system was added to the jump gate network in 2107 in order to facilitate the movement of US commercial traffic from Sol to Eta Cassiopeiae. As this also opened up the system to Australian ships, the lone Australian geosurvey ship Darwin entered EV Lacerte to search for new sources of minerals. In July 2107, a small colony ship of the Panzer Shipping Line, an American company, traversed EV Lacerte and entered Eta Cassiopeiae. As the freighter's transponder was active, per international treaty, the transit was detected by two geological survey ships in EV Lacerte; Darwin and a Dubai class survey ship of the Caliphate, which was also not jump-capable. Australia was aware that Eta Cassiopeiae lay beyond EV Lacerte as the UK consulted it before agreeing to US commercial traffic passing through the Avalon Arm, although no astrographic information was made available. Even so, it was possible the jump point led somewhere else. As a jump gate was in place, Darwin transited and confirmed that she system in which she arrived was Eta Cassiopeiae, Under the agreement with the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK would not survey Eta Cassiopeiae or attempt to explore beyond it and in return the United States would not explore the Avalon Arm or establish colonies within it. As per that agreement, Darwin transited back into EV Lacerte to continue her survey.

Australia's economy is improving. The fuel shortage is effectively over and mining production will increase as manned mines are moved from Earth to Avalon. Wealth is a concern, as the reserve is very small. Even so, all research facilities are at full capacity so it would be possible to reduce research and invest in other areas, such as shipbuilding. The size of the Australian civilian sector has increased by fifty percent over the last two years and has become the sixth largest, with twenty-one ships totalling close to a million tons. Australia's strategic goal is now to move as much of its population and industry to Avalon as possible and to begin to explore the Avalon Arm.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 07:47:52 AM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #35 on: October 25, 2015, 10:13:02 AM »
Brazil - 22nd February 2108

Earth: 374m
Novo Rio (Kruger 60): 29.4m
V1581 Cygni-B I: 0.27m

Mining Colonies
Stephen-Oterma (Sol): 32x AM
Kruger 60-B VII: 8x AM
GJ-1253-A II: 8x AM
Kruger 60-A III: 4x CMC
Herschel-Rigollet (Sol): 3x CMC

In the last two years Brazil has not significantly expanded its colonies, with less than five million settlers being added to the colonial population. Focus has now shifted to the military option as the primary method of increasing the Brazilian colonial domain. Since February 2106 Brazil has launched two 15,000 ton Antares class kinetic battlecruisers, the largest warships in known space except for the equally-sized Japanese Akagi class missile cruisers, a 9000 ton São Paulo class kinetic cruiser, two 6000-ton Tridente jump frigates and the first Guaporé class troop transport. A third Antares and two more troop transports are under construction. The commercial sector was a lower priority, with three colony ships and a single freighter completed. While Brazil plans on taking the colonies of other nations by force, it still plans to send its own colonists to any captured worlds, hence the three additional colony ships.

The target of Brazilian aggression is the Centauri Federation, partly because of the substantial amount of valuable real estate in Alpha Centauri and partly because the Brazilian navy with its massed point defence would fare best against a missile-only opponent. No action is planned though until the additional troop transports ships are available. There would be little point in devastating the very worlds that Brazil intends to conquer so a sufficient ground force is required to win the battle on the surface and sufficient transport capacity is required to land as many troops as possible, as quickly as possible. To improve the chance of success, negotiations were conducted with the Caliphate, resulting in an agreement to launch a combined assault on the Centauri. With three habitable planets in Alpha Centauri there are sufficient spoils to share. A side-effect of these negotiations was a trade treaty intended to boost the economies of both nations. In recent weeks, however, the Caliphate appears to be delaying further discussions on the final operational plan. The Brazilian military liaison officers involved believe than some unknown event has distracted the attention of the senior Caliphate leadership.

In addition to the ships listed above, Brazil has also launched a pair of Rio de Janeiro class Gravitational Survey Vessels. These 6000 ton ships have already begun surveying the systems around the Brazilian colonies. Brazil is finally becoming a serious jump-capable power, with frigates, survey ships and freighters all capable of jump point transits. In Sol, Brazil has moved all forty of its automated mines from the comet Wolf, as Gallicite deposits on the comet were exhausted, and emplaced most of them on the comet Stephan-Oterma. Eight mines were relocated to the second planet of the GJ-1253 system, discovered after a non-jump-capable Brazilian survey vessel followed a UK freighter through a gated jump point in Chi Draconis. More automated mines would have been moved to GJ-1253 but Brazil is facing a fuel crisis due to being one of the few nations with no fuel harvesters. The technology has finally been developed though and the first Brazilian harvester is under construction.

GJ 1253-A II Survey Report
Duranium 1,089,146  Acc: 0.7
Neutronium 2,073,539  Acc: 0.3
Corbomite 2,232,002  Acc: 0.2
Tritanium 3,048,309  Acc: 1
Vendarite 544,501  Acc: 0.7
Sorium 1,052,615  Acc: 0.3
Gallicite 3,111,515  Acc: 0.9

The Brazilian economy has two major problems; a shortage of fuel and a shortage of Gallicite. The fuel stockpile is less than one million litres while the Gallicite stockpile is less than 500 tons and shrinking. The former problem can be eased through building fuel harvesters, one of which, as noted above, is under construction, but the latter is not so easily solved. Gallicite deposits on Earth are running out and the accessibility of the remaining deposits continues to fall. Brazil needs a new location for its manned mining complexes or it need to convert them to automated mines. The Brazilian leadership is pinning its hopes on the planned invasion of Alpha Centauri to solve both problems for the foreseeable future.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 02:05:38 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #36 on: October 25, 2015, 01:43:39 PM »
The Caliphate - 7th March 2108

Earth: 469m
Medina-A II: 60m
Eta Cassiopeiae-A III: 0.66m

Mining Colonies
Faye (Sol): 38x AM
Medina-A V - Moon 10: 20x AM
Medina-A VII - Moon 7: 16x AM
Hesperia (Sol): 2x CMC
Medina-A V - Moon 4: 1x CMC

The Caliphate does not yet have any jump-capable ships, although the technology is currently being researched, so the increase in its astrographic knowledge during the past two years has been relatively small. However, that small increase is of great significance. In July 2107 a Dubai class survey ship was conducting a geological survey in EV Lacerte, a system that had recently been added to the jump gate network, when it detected a civilian colony ship of the United States entering a previously unknown gated jump point. The Caliphate survey ship completed the survey of EV Lacerte before investigating the new jump point and discovering Eta Cassiopeiae, a binary system with a yellow G0-V primary and an orange K7-V companion star. A total of eleven planets orbited the two stars, including an ideal habitable world, a planet with an almost breathable atmosphere and two other colony cost 2.0 worlds. The Dubai headed in-system to begin a geological survey.

On October 12th 2107 the Dubai class survey ship detected an alien population on the ideal habitable world. As it closed in, the ship also detected a small US population on the same planet. The Dubai could not detect any alien or American ships, although there were three US troop transports and a tanker in the system en route from the alien ruin on Eta Cassiopeiae-B II to the Oregon jump point. On learning of the discovery the Caliphate leadership decided this was a huge opportunity. The aliens appeared to be low tech and could be conquered easily, while the system itself might yield valuable mineral discoveries. Although the United States had already discovered the aliens and established a small colony, they did not have an obvious military presence. Two Mersin class FAC transports, carrying twelve FACs, were dispatched to Eta Cassiopeiae, along with a Mosul class FAC tender, an ammunition transport and the first Ankara class troop transport with six battalions of Janissaries. Once the Caliphate colony fleet returned to Earth from its mission to Medina, it would also be dispatched to Eta Cassiopeiae with the first Caliphate colonists.

The United States woke up to presence of the Caliphate survey ship when ten Liberty class freighters arrived in orbit on October 24th carrying automated mines. The Caliphate ship also detected the freighters, starting a race to move forces into the system. First to arrive was a US task group comprising the cruiser Shiloh, the escort cruiser Valley Forge and the destroyers John Rogers and Kinkaid. The United States had sent the ships through the American Arm to comply with the agreement with Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, although that route would also avoid any other nations wondering why an American task group was heading up the Avalon Arm. The US ships arrived on December 21st 2107. On January 7th 2108 the Caliphate troop transport arrived to unload the Janissaries and that was followed by the FAC carriers and the ammunition transport on January 17th and by the FAC tender on February 3rd. Two American troop transports entered orbit on February 5th, substantially increasing the US ground forces to fifteen mobile infantry battalions, four headquarters units and a replacement battalion. The Caliphate colony fleet unloaded 660,000 settlers on February 21st. By this point the Caliphate survey of the planet was completed, revealing significant and accessible deposits of all eleven minerals.

Eta Cassiopeiae-A III Survey Report
Duranium 378,279  Acc: 1
Neutronium 80,408  Acc: 0.6
Corbomite 156,311  Acc: 0.9
Tritanium 62,443  Acc: 0.8
Boronide 96,211  Acc: 0.9
Mercassium 52,811  Acc: 0.9
Vendarite 188,572  Acc: 0.4
Sorium 251,476  Acc: 0.7
Uridium 84,275  Acc: 0.7
Corundium 108,311  Acc: 0.9
Gallicite 76,572  Acc: 0.4

Neither side was making any aggressive moves toward the other but both were ready to respond to any threat. The Caliphate was not ready to take action until more troops were in place while the political leadership of the United States was still debating what course of action to take. It was already agreed however that the Caliphate could not be permitted to conquer the Eben. That was not through any altruistic intent but rather to avoid a situation where the Caliphate had a large workforce to mine the planet. The first discussions began regarding a pre-emptive ground offensive against the Eben to protect them from the Caliphate.

The Caliphate was also active in the German area of the American Arm. Three German jump gate construction ships were at work, which was opening up previous inaccessible systems for geosurvey. The German colony systems of Neu Brandenburg and Neu Bayern were connected to the jump gate network so Dubai class survey ships entered both systems, ignoring German diplomatic protests. The Caliphate terraforming fleets moved through new German jump gates connecting Medina to Sigma Draconis via WISE 1506-7027 and began terraforming the second planet in preparation for a new Caliphate colony.

The situation in Eta Cassiopeiae has complicated the Caliphate agreement with Brazil to launch an attack on the Centauri Federation. Until the last few months, the Centauri attack was seen as the best option for the future of the Caliphate. Now, another possibility has arisen, especially if a successful conquest of the alien homeworld can be carried out without American interference. While Alpha Centauri does have substantial resources that could be exploited in the event of a successful attack, it is also equally attractive to all the other nations, particularly Japan. Possession of the Alpha Centauri system might invite a counter-attack from a third party, plus there is the uncertainty of what action the Martian Union might take. While the United States is certainly a powerful opponent, it is just one nation. A successful first strike against US forces in both Eta Cassiopeiae and Sol might prove decisive in securing the Eta Cassiopeiae system and preventing any US counterattack. Recent construction, including  two Mersin class FAC carriers, twenty-four Ashdod class FACs and six Matrah class FACs, has increased Caliphate strength to the point where the total tonnage of Caliphate naval forces is now the greatest in known space. With the above in mind, negotiations with Brazil on the final details of the attack plan have been delayed until a final decision on the future strategy of the Caliphate is reached.

In the last two years, Caliphate shipyards have also completed two colony ships, three fuel harvesters and the first Caliphate troop transport. Currently under construction are three more troop transports, three harvesters, two terraformers and the first Mersin II, a new 24,000 ton FAC carrier design capable of carrying twelve fast attack craft. The Caliphate economy is in good shape in terms of mineral supplies and fuel, although the recent high spending has eliminated the last of the Caliphate wealth reserve. There are two Caliphate shipping lines, comprising seventeen ships with a total tonnage of 770,000.

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2015, 04:11:24 PM »
Canada - 14th March 2108

Earth: 127.5m
Avalon: 48.6m
Acadia: 12.65m
Manchu-B I: 0.99m
Kuiper 79 IV: 0.57m

Mining Colonies
Pendragon Asteroid #68: 19x AM
Stephan-Oterma (Sol): 4x AM

Over the last two years Canada has continued with the same strategic priorities; transporting colonists to Avalon, building an effective fuel production infrastructure and expanding its terraforming capability. Because of the steadily increasing output of Sol and the diminishing deposits of minerals on Earth, those priorities have now been modified to include moving industry and shipyards to Avalon as well as population. An agreement was reached with the United Kingdom that Canadian mines could be emplaced on Avalon in return for allowing the UK to establish a mining colony on Acadia in the future. As part of the same diplomatic process, a formal tripartite military alliance was agreed with the United Kingdom and Australia.

Canada has not yet developed jump point theory, mainly because there are no Canadian propulsion specialists. However, Canada does operate four Kingston class geological survey ships which have surveyed a large number of systems within the jump gate network. Several new jump points have been located by detecting the transits of foreign ship, primarily from the United Kingdom. Five systems have been explored in the Avalon Arm over the last few years using this method, the most recent of which was Vega, home to a UK colony and an alien ruin. However, due to the fuel problems that have plagued Canada for years, the survey ship had to return home without a full geological survey so the ruin remained undetected. All four Kingstons are now in Earth orbit, where they will remain until the fuel situation improves.

Since March 2106 Canada has constructed two terraformers and three fuel harvesters. All four Canadian terraformers are in orbit of Acadia, continuing the long task of creating a breathable atmosphere and bringing the temperature up from the current level of -60C. Five Saint Laurent class fuel harvesters are in orbit of Bernard’s Star VIII, along with their UK and Australian counterparts. The harvesters were beginning to ease the Canadian fuel crisis but the agreement with the United Kingdom regarding mining right on Avalon has substantially increased consumption due to the constant use of the five Annapolis class freighters.

Australia secured the loan of a Hercules class tug from the United Kingdom to move its shipyards to Avalon. Seeing the benefits of such a move, Canada also requested the use of a Hercules and has moved three shipyards to Avalon, including a newly built commercial yard. Two shipyards remain in Earth orbit while they complete their current tasks, constructing a terraformer and a Halifax class destroyer.

The Canadian economy is still fragile. Fuel continues to be an issue, there are no wealth reserves and supplies of Boronide, needed for both fuel harvesters and terraformers, are extremely limited. One upside though is the continuing development of the Canadian civilian shipping sector. A third shipping line, Reynolds Container Limited, has recently been formed and has launched its first two ships. In total there are twenty-eight Canadian civilian ships totalling 1,275,000 tons, giving Canada the third largest civilian sector, slightly ahead of the United States and only 11,000 tons behind Japan. The growth in this area bodes well for the financial future of Canada.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 02:06:24 PM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2015, 04:40:58 PM »
Centauri Federation = 7th April 2108

Asgard: 214m
Vanaheim: 152m
Midgard: 64m
Delta Pavonis-A I: 1.45m

Mining Colonies
Alpha Centauri-A II – Moon 24: 44x AM
Alpha Centauri-A Asteroid #159: 6x CMC
Alpha Centauri-B V – Moon 18: 5x CMC
Alpha Centauri-B V – Moon 9: 4x CMC
Alpha Centauri-A Asteroid #97: 4x CMC
Alpha Centauri-A Asteroid #421: 2x CMC
Alpha Centauri-A Asteroid #318: 2x CMC

During the last two years the Centauri Federation has concentrated its efforts within Alpha Centauri rather than establishing colonies in other systems. With the exception of fuel harvesting, Alpha Centauri may be the one system in known space that is self-sufficient over the long-term. In addition to three ideal habitable worlds, there are six colony cost 2.00 moons and seven other planets or moons with colony costs ranging from 5.55 to 7.05. The system has huge, accessible quantities of all minerals, including eighty-five million tons of accessibility 1.0 Duranium on Asgard. The Centauri have deployed forty-four automated mines to a moon of Alpha Centauri-A II and six civilian mining colonies have been established within the system. Outside Alpha Centauri, Federation science vessels continue to expand the boundaries of known space. The six Saga class vessels have discovered sixteen new systems in the last two years.

The lack of gaseous Sorium is the one significant problem for the Centauri. Only two gas giants within Alpha Centauri have any deposits; the best option is Alpha Centauri-B V with 66,000 tons at accessibility 0.7, the current location of ten Gungnir class harvesters, and the alternative is Alpha Centauri-A II, which has five million tons of Sorium but with an accessibility of 0.4. An agreement is in place with the Martian Union to protect any Centauri fuel harvesters deployed to Uranus in the Sol system, which has one point eight million tons at accessibility 0.9. For the moment the Martians could only protect the Centauri harvesters with the small patrol ships that are protecting their own harvesters. However, additional Lancea class AMM bases are under construction in Martian shipyards, which would provide significant protection if they were deployed to Uranus.

Since April 2106 the Centauri Federation has constructed two Grendel class missile cruisers, two terraformers, a fuel harvester and a colony ship. There are now seven Grendels and a further two have recently been laid down. Due to a prolonged financial crisis the Federation neglected military development which, given the huge resources of the Alpha Centauri system, was an invitation for the Solarian powers to take advantage of that situation. In recent years the Centauri invested heavily in technological development to boost their economy which, combined with almost thirty percent growth in both civilian mining  and civilian shipping during the last two years, has turned the situation around. The mining and shipping sectors now each contribute approximately fourteen percent to the overall economy, with tax revenue from the three major colonies providing the other seventy-two percent. The much improved economy is able to fund a program of warship construction.

In addition to the new Grendels, the Centauri Federation is retooling a shipyard to build a new design; the Valhalla class destroyer. The Valhalla is a basic design intended to provide an energy combatant for escort and jump point defence duties. Although the Federation’s energy weapon technology is still less advanced than its missile technology, it was deemed more important to have a less capable ship available sooner than to wait until technology had improved.


Valhalla class Destroyer    8,000 tons     254 Crew     1166.4 BP      TCS 160  TH 648  EM 0
4050 km/s     Armour 4-35     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 45
Maint Life 2.79 Years     MSP 364    AFR 128%    IFR 1.8%    1YR 68    5YR 1019    Max Repair 108 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 15 months    Spare Berths 1   

Bóndison-Arnmundarson BA-216 Main Drive (3)    Power 216    Fuel Use 57.4%    Signature 216    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 19.6 billion km   (56 days at full power)

12cm Railgun V2/C3 (9x4)    Range 40,000km     TS: 4050 km/s     Power 6-3     RM 2    ROF 10
Nyström-Sjögren NSB-96 Beam Fire Control (3)    Max Range: 192,000 km   TS: 4000 km/s
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (6)     Total Power Output 27    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Nyström-Sjögren NS-20A Target Acquisition System (1)     GPS 3840     Range 21.0m km    Resolution 120
Nyström-Sjögren NS-3M Missile Acquisition System (1)     GPS 48     Range 2.9m km    MCR 314k km    Resolution 1


The Federation economy is now in good shape, with a budget surplus, substantial stocks of all minerals and a growing supply of fuel, although the latter may become an issue in the medium term. The current Centauri priorities are to continue the improvement in military preparedness and to invest in economic expansion within the Alpha Centauri system.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 02:08:32 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #39 on: October 31, 2015, 11:57:09 AM »
France - 22nd April 2108

Earth: 243m
Astoria (WX Ursae Majoris-A II): 17.1m
New France-A II: 16.1m
New Quebec I: 2.9m

Mining Colonies
New Quebec-A II - Moon 1: 37x AM
Stephan-Oterma (Sol): 13x AM

France is continuing its efforts to develop New France and New Quebec and to explore the nearby systems. New France is receiving a small but steady stream of colonists while French cargo ships are moving automated mines from the comet mining colony in Sol to a moon in New Quebec. Terraforming of New France is progressing well with the atmosphere projected to be breathable within a few weeks. However, the temperature is 61C so there will still be significant terraforming required after that point. The New France system has four jump points and the two Rubis class survey ships have been exploring down the three jump chains leading away from Sol. After four systems in a row, the chain beyond the outermost jump point, which contains New Quebec, has been confirmed as a dead-end. Both survey ships are now concentrating on the chain beyond the second jump point.

As a result of technology and components discovered in the ruins on New France, France developed Delta-level shield generators and designed an upgraded version of the Clemenceau class missile cruiser with strength-50 shields and strength-3 armour. One new Clemenceau-S was completed in November 2107, along with the fourth of the original Clemenceau class in January 2017. Two of the original Clemenceaus have already been refitted to the S model with a third expected to complete its refit by mid-May 2108. The new technology is providing France with a small but very modern fleet.

In December 2107, the first Surcouf class jump gate construction ship was launched from the Delafuente Shipyard. Unlike every other major power, France's primary colony is outside the jump gate network. From Earth, French ships must pass through Lalande 21185, WX Ursae Majoris, Gl 452.1 and NN 3667 before arriving in New France. Only the first two systems are connected to the network, due to American-built jump gates, so jump-capable freighters and colony ships are needed to escort their non-jump capable counterparts. There is also no way for French civilian traffic to visit New France or New Quebec. The first Surcouf has begun work on a gate from WX Ursae Majoris to Gl 452.1 and will soon by supported by a second Surcouf, currently under construction.

France is plagued by financial problems, partly because of the restrictions on civilian traffic and partly because France has a relatively small population compared to some other powers so tax revenue is lower. This was alleviated for a while by the recovery of wealth from the ruins on New France but the ruins are now fully exploited so the underlying weakness of the French economy can no longer be offset. Despite having substantial fuel supplies and plentiful minerals, the French expansion is being held back by a lack of a wealth. Due to this issue, France decided to seek out a trade partner in order to boost revenues from the civilian sector. An agreement was reached with Manchuria in April 2107. The two nations are expanding in opposite directions and have no competing strategic interests. As a result of the trade treaty, the single shipping line, Breze Container Services, has increased in size by sixty percent since April 2106 and now has sixteen ships totalling 620,000 tons.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 08:38:39 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2015, 03:29:58 PM »
Germany - 12th May 2108

Earth: 286m
Astoria (WX Ursae Majoris): 19.8m
Neu Brandenburg II: 17.1m
Neu Bayern II: 11.3m
GJ-1230-A II: 0.41m

Mining Colonies
Neu Bayern-B III - Moon 12: 58x AM
Wolf (Sol): 1x AM
2004 TY364: 5x CMC

In contrast to its European rival France, Germany is among the nations most dedicated to exploration. In the last two years, Germany has added twelve systems to known space, including 15 Sagittae, which has an colony cost 1.26 world with a breathable atmosphere, and Neu Westfalen, which has a colony cost 1.05 world and three colony cost 2.0 worlds, including one that requires only minimal terraforming to become an ideal habitable world. Germany has also found a ruined colony on Woolley 9242. The existing ruins on Neu Bayern and GJ-1230 II have both been fully exploited. Even so, the discovery of the new ruin increases the total number of known ruins to four, including a partially intact colony on GJ-1235-A III with more than two hundred and fifty installations. The fortunes of German survey commanders are beginning to rival those of their Russian counterparts.

Germany has three Scheer class construction ships in operation. Over the last two years they have extended the jump gate network into the German colony systems of Neu Brandenburg and Neu Bayern, through Sigma Draconis into GJ-1230 and are partway through extending the network to the partially intact alien colony in GJ-1235. Germany is fast making up for its previous lack of construction ships. The Caliphate has taken advantage of the new jump gates by sending a terraforming fleet into Sigma Draconis to prepare the second planet for a Caliphate colony.

Since May 2106, Germany has completed two troop transports, three fuel harvesters, a jump gate construction ship and the first pair of Prinz Eugen class frigates. The Prinz Eugens, armed with eight 15cm lasers, complement Germanys existing missile combatants, the Scharnhorst class battlecruisers and Deutschland class frigates, making the Deutsche Marine one of the few navies with a full spectrum of capabilities. Until recently, Germany was suffering a financial crisis. Discoveries of wealth in the ruins on New Bayern have ended that crisis so Germany is taking full advantage of its secure financial situation by building two Scharnhorst class battlecruisers, to add to the four existing ships, plus two more Prinz Eugens. Two fuel harvesters and the first pair of German tugs are also under construction.

The German economy is in reasonable shape with adequate fuel and mineral supplies to support its financial position. The only cause for concern is the supply of Gallicite. As with several other powers, Germany is finding the rapidly diminishing Gallicite deposits on Earth have the potential to became a major problem. A moon in the Neu Bayern system has a large deposit of accessible Gallicite but requires automated mines. Therefore, Germany has begun a program of converting manned mines to automated. The single German shipping line has twenty ships totalling 927,000 tons.

Neu Bayern-B III - Moon 12 Survey Report
Duranium 257,225  Acc: 0.9
Neutronium 30,864  Acc: 0.7
Corbomite 121,184  Acc: 0.6
Boronide 670,425  Acc: 0.9
Vendarite 370,565  Acc: 0.7
Sorium 258,125  Acc: 0.9
Uridium 135,584  Acc: 0.6
Corundium 420,526  Acc: 0.9
Gallicite 357,806  Acc: 1

Germany's strategic priorities are to exploit the various ruin sites and begin moving industry to the colonies, particularly shipyards. That program will begin in earnest when the first tug is launched in early 2109. For the moment, Germany has no serious issues with any other power, although low-level tension continues with the Caliphate, due to the need for German ships to pass through the main Caliphate colony system of Medina. The Caliphate is also beginning to use the German-built jump gate network in the American Arm, which creates the potential for future confrontation.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 08:41:55 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2015, 06:08:57 PM »
Japanese Empire - 19th May 2108

Earth: 540m
Edo II: 125m
Kyoto-A I: 22.1m
Daikoku I: 0.96m
Delta Pavonis-A I: 0.67m
Nara-A II: 0.36m
Gamma Pavonis-A I: 0.29m
Gamma Pavonis-A III: 0.09m
Ginruku II: 0.28m

Mining Colonies
Stephan-Oterma (Sol): 60x AM
Kyoto Asteroid #167: 38x AM
Io (Sol): 7x CMC

In January 2108, Japan completed its multi-year program of towing its eight shipyard complexes from Earth to the primary Japanese colony of Edo-A II. During this period Japan was very restricted in taking any action that might increase tensions with other powers due to the extreme vulnerability of the in-transit shipyards. With the shipyards now relatively safe in Edo, Japan's freedom of action has been restored. Significant industry has also been moved to Edo and maintenance facilities are under construction, enough of which are already in place to support Japan's survey ships and Kagero class destroyers. Further transportation of industry is on hold however as the colony's one hundred and twenty-five million population is insufficient to support all the current shipyards and installations.

Japan continues to explore and has discovered eight new systems in the last two years. Two new colonies have been set up; the first on the innermost planet of Daikoku (previously GJ 1075), a terrestrial world with a thin nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere that is home to a ruined alien city, and the second on a dwarf planet in the Ginriku system (previously Gliese 86), which is colony cost 2.00 and has substantial, accessible mineral deposits. A dozen construction brigades are at work on Daikoku I and only twenty-eight alien installations remain. Among the installations and other items recovered so far are three research facilities, three terraforming installations, a ground forces training centre, numerous mines and factories and almost fifty million litres of fuel. The Japanese Empire will not have to worry about fuel supplies for the foreseeable future. However, a lack of cargo capacity is preventing Japan from making full use of the other installations so a shipyard has been retooled to resume production of Seisho Maru class freighters, eleven of which are currently in service.

Ginriku-A II Mineral Survey
Duranium 1,080,404  Acc: 0.9
Neutronium 244,994  Acc: 0.6
Corbomite 1,071,203  Acc: 0.4
Tritanium 837,189  Acc: 0.7
Boronide 342,184  Acc: 0.8
Sorium 119,004  Acc: 0.4
Uridium 216,210  Acc: 0.3
Corundium 189,189  Acc: 0.7
Gallicite 27,194  Acc: 0.6

Despite the interruptions and delays caused by the movement of the shipyards, Japan has completed an Akagi class missile cruiser, three Kagero class destroyers, three terraformers, three colony ships and a troop transport during the last two years. The Kagero class now totals fifteen ships with a further three under construction. Japan is also working on a seventh Akagi, two fuel harvesters, two terraformers, two freighters and a colony ship. Japan's civilian sector has been boosted by a trade agreement with Russia in April 2107 and by the creation of a third shipping line. It now comprises twenty-eight ships with a combined tonnage of 1,354,000, second only to the United Kingdom.

The overall Japanese economy is in good shape, with extensive fuel supplies, a healthy reserve of wealth and reasonable mineral stockpiles, although occasional logistical problems are caused when minerals from Earth and Kyoto are late arriving in Edo. Japan still has the best technology, the second most productive economy and the third highest population. The main strategic priority for Japan is to transport sufficient colonists to Edo to provide a workforce for the factories, shipyards and research facilities in that system. Also under consideration is the potential for action against the Centauri Federation, now that the shipyards are out of harm's way. The Centauri continue to send survey ships into areas that Japan regards as within its sphere of influence, their home system lies astride the primary route from Sol to Edo and the Federation home worlds would provide both resources and Japanese colony locations close to Sol. The latter benefit has assumed much greater importance since the problems with Sol became apparent in May 2107.

A much more short-term issue has Japan’s immediate attention though. A large portion of the Brazilian Navy has broken orbit and is en route to the Alpha Centauri jump point, the gateway to the Centauri Arm and Japanese space. The substantial force includes both of the formidable Antares class battlecruisers, six heavy cruisers, a pair of frigates and a 42,000 ton troop transport. Three additional Brazilian frigates departed several days ago, heading deep into the outer Sol system on a course away from any known jump point. The only Brazilian ships remaining in Earth orbit are a heavy cruiser, two jump frigates and two kinetic frigates, plus a collection of commercial vessels. The Kagero class destroyer Arashi is shadowing the Brazilian force, along with destroyers from Russia, Canada and the United States.

Six Kagero class destroyers are based in Edo and these ships have been ordered to take up position at the Luhman 16 jump point to guard against any potential Brazilian strike at the main Japanese colony (via Alpha Centauri and Luhman 16). A reinforcement group consisting of the missile cruisers Akagi and Kaga and the escort cruiser Kongo was already en route to Edo when the Brazilians broke orbit so these ships will rendezvous with the Edo squadron. A further reinforcement group comprising the missile cruiser Hiryu, the escort cruiser Fuso and the destroyers Amatsukaze and Hagikaze will follow the Brazilian task group but cannot reach Edo if the Brazilians leave the troop transport behind first due to the speed advantage of the Brazilian designs. Japanese Naval Intelligence believes the Brazilians are far more likely to be mounting some type of operations against the Centauri but the commander of the Combined Fleet, Kaigun Taisho Tagawa Masamura, is not taking any chances.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 08:47:22 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2015, 06:08:18 PM »
Manchuria - 19th May 2108

Earth: 476m
Manchu-A I: 60m
Tau Ceti: 0.32m

Mining Colonies
Stephen-Oterma (Sol): 40x AM
Faye (Sol): 20x AM
TZ Arietis-A I: 14x AM

Manchuria's eight Yinchuan class Science Vessels continue to explore the systems of the Russo-Manchurian Arm. Eight new systems have been discovered during the last two years, none of which was particularly remarkable. Manchurian survey efforts have been less rewarded than those of most other nations and Manchuria has still to locate any alien ruins. A Russian claim on Epsilon Eridani restricted one potential avenue of exploration but that was not seen as a major problem given the multitude of other options. However, those options have now been reduced once again.

In January 2108, the survey ship Shenyang transited into TZ Arietis, adjacent to Novaya Rodina, from the brown dwarf system of WISE 0254-0223 to find a Russian squadron sitting on the jump point. The Russian commander announced that no further traffic would be permitted to enter the brown dwarf system. Manchuria ships had explored seven systems beyond WISE 0254-0223  and carried out geo surveys in all but one. There were some potential colony sites but nothing worth fighting over and none of the systems were part of the jump gate network. The Manchurian leadership could not understand why Russia would try to restrict access to the area. A protest was registered but no further action was taken as there were still many systems in the Russo-Manchurian Arm without gravitational surveys. Even so, this second territorial claim created the first significant tension between Russia and Manchuria  nations. Two other Manchurian ships were in the claimed area at the time but there was no way to contact them. One has now left and the other is running low on fuel so is likely to return home soon.

The rise in tension has increased the urgency for Manchuria to move its shipyards from their vulnerable position in Earth orbit. Two tugs are under construction and will begin moving the shipyards to the Manchu system, two transits from Sol via Proxima, as soon as they are completed. However, Manchu I, the primary colony of Manchuria, has no significant mineral resources so a long-term problem for Manchuria is to secure good mining sites. Gallicite in particular is becoming a serious problem as Earth’s deposits run out. The few current options are not ideal and all require automated mines so Manchuria is beginning to convert its manned mines. Even so, that is a long and expensive process so Manchurian scientists are continuing their research into genetic engineering in order to create colonists that can survive on lower gravity worlds, increasing the options for colonies with manned mining complexes.

During the last two years Manchuria has completed a Jianghu class destroyer, a Jiangwei class destroyer, two troop transports, three fuel harvesters and six Xining class terraformers. The new terraformers have speeded up the terraforming of Manchu I and the planet now has a colony cost of 0.24. Given the problem with the growing output of Sol, the entire Manchurian population on Earth will eventually have to be relocated to the planet. A further two destroyers, two terraformers and two Houxin class tugs are under construction.

The Manchurian economy is in a tolerable condition. Wealth reserves are low but the budget deficit is small because of a slowdown in ship construction due to the Gallicite shortage.  Although adequate fuel is being produced for current needs, no significant stockpile has been established. Any serious increase in demand, such as for combat operations, would quickly exhaust the available supplies. With the exception of Gallicite, mineral stockpiles are ample for anticipated future needs. In order to boost tax revenues from civilian shipping, Manchuria has signed a trade treaty with France. While Manchuria still has the smallest civilian shipping sector of any power, the new treaty should produce faster growth than in the past.

Manchurian sensors have been tracking the Brazilian task group, the two smaller Japanese forces and the single destroyers from other nationalities heading for the Alpha Centauri jump point. While some in the Manchurian government have raised the possibility that Japan and Brazil could jointly be moving through the Centauri Arm and into the Russo-Manchurian Arm through the connection in Gliese 832 in order to attack Manchu, this is deemed to be highly unlikely. There is no reason for the Japanese and any allies not to attack straight through Proxima. In fact, using the longer route would involve sending a large military force through Novaya Rodina, which would certainly provoke a strong reaction from the Russia Federation. The conclusion is that Brazil and possibly Japan are moving to attack the Centauri Federation.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 08:54:19 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #43 on: November 08, 2015, 09:02:33 AM »
Martian Union - 23rd May 2108

Mars: 331m
Vanaheim: 16.4m
Colonia Antium (Alpha Centauri-A II - Moon 17): 5.1m

Mining Colonies
Stephan-Oterma (Sol): 50x AM

The general state of the Martian Union has improved over the last two years. The financial crisis, fuel shortage and Duranium shortage that were plaguing the Martian economy have now eased. Nine fuel Decius class fuel harvesters are in orbit of Uranus and a Pyrrhus class tanker has been built to ferry the fuel to Mars. Three hundred thousand tons of civilian shipping has been added since June 2106 and, due to a period with very limited ship construction, the Duranium stockpile has increased to three thousand tons. Every other mineral has a stockpile of more than ten thousand tons. The Martian Union has continued to expand its colonies in Alpha Centauri, transporting almost ten million settlers to Vanaheim during the last two years. Colonia Antium, on the seventeenth moon of Alpha Centauri-A II, has grown by fifty percent to more than five million.

In addition to the Pyrrhus, the only recent ship construction was a pair of Trident class patrol ships, taking the total for the class to fourteen. Eleven are in Mars orbit, two are guarding the fuel harvesters and one is in orbit of Colonia Antium. However, due to the improvement in the Martian economy, a more substantial shipbuilding program is now underway. Three AMM-armed Lancea class orbital weapon platforms are under construction, along with two fuel harvesters and a colony ship. The first Lancea will be completed by mid-July 2108, at which point it will be towed to Uranus to guard the Martian fuel harvesters, plus any Centauri harvesters that may be deployed in Sol in the future.

The vulnerability of the fuel harvesters becomes apparent when three Brazilian Almirante Saboia class kinetic frigates move into orbit of Ferdinand, the outermost moon of Uranus. The appearance of the three frigates, which departed Earth orbit ten days ago, is especially concerning given that a powerful Brazilian task group is heading for the Sol - Alpha Centauri jump point. Brazil has no fuel harvesters so there is no defensive reason for the frigates to be anywhere near Uranus. For the moment, the Brazilian frigates make no offensive moves but their presence is enough to cause a strong reaction from several of the nations with harvesters in Uranus orbit. In addition to the nine Martian harvesters there are six from Argentina, three each from Canada and the United Kingdom, two from Germany and one from the Caliphate. Apart from the Martian harvesters and four of those from Argentina, all are civilian ships. The Martian Union dispatches a further four patrol ships to reinforce the two on station, the United Kingdom sends a task group from Avalon comprising an escort cruiser and three destroyers while Argentina sends a Capayan class destroyer and an Esperanza class destroyer escort.

The suspicion on Mars is that the Brazilian frigates are a warning to the Martian Union that any Martian interference in the mission of the main Brazilian task group, whatever that may be, will result in the destruction of the vital Decius class fuel harvesters. For now, the hope is that the additional patrol ships will arrive before any overt action to support the Centauri is required. If not, the two patrol ships already on station will have to defend the harvesters against the superior Brazilian force. The Martian leadership has already decided that if the Centauri call for aid then Mars will provide it, regardless of the immediate cost. The long-term survival of the Union may depend on the reciprocal support of the Centauri Federation.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 08:59:39 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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Re: #3 National Updates
« Reply #44 on: November 08, 2015, 12:36:04 PM »
Russian Federation – 29th May 2108

Earth 462m
Novaya Rodina: 64m
Novaya Zemlya (EZ Aquarii): 19.3m
St Ekaterina I: 0.55m
St Petersburg-V III: 0.12m
St Petersburg-V IV: 0.12m
Tau Ceti-A II: 0.08m

Mining Colonies
Stephan-Oterma (Sol): 73x AM
EZ Aquarii-B III - Moon 29: 13x AM
TZ Arietis-A I: 3x AM
TW Piscis Austrini-A Asteroid #7: 1x AM
Venus (Sol): 2x CMC

The Russian Federation is finally beginning to benefit from its discovery of three major alien ruin sites. The first Russian troop transport was completed on September 26th 2106 and the first construction brigade disembarked on St Ekaterina-A I on November 25th. Eleven brigades are now on the surface and have recovered fifty installations so far, including four research facilities and a variety of factories and mines. Two of the research facilities contained sufficient technical data for Russia to gain knowledge of more advanced missile agility technology plus compressed fuel storage technology. The latter is a brand new area of research unknown to the other human powers that allows fifty percent more fuel to be stored in the same volume. More than five hundred installations remain to be recovered from St Ekaterina and the other two sites.

Russia’s survey forces, comprising four Project 1205 Vishnaya-E class Geological Survey Vessels and six Project 1205 Vishnaya-R class Gravitational Survey Vessels, have discovered fourteen new systems since July 2106. In addition to the new systems, two links were found from systems within the Russia-claimed territory beyond Epsilon Eridani to systems within the remainder of the Russo-Manchurian Arm. The first connected EP Eridani to Gliese 87 while the second linked Luyten 1305-10 system to NN 3146. The second connection was more worrying as Luyten 1305-10 was only two jumps from the vital St Petersburg system. Both of the systems now connected to Russian-claimed territory were part of the same jump chain, extending from the innermost jump point of TZ Arietis through WISE 0254-0223 to five other systems. TZ Arietis also connected to Novaya Rodina, the main Russian colony system, and Teegarden’s Star, where a Russian squadron guarded the jump point to Epsilon Eridani, the gateway to Russian-claimed territory.

The Russian leadership felt they were left with little choice but to picket the TZ Arietis - WISE 0254-0223 jump point and to claim the systems beyond. That would block both of the new connections to the area containing the major ruin sites. When this decision was made, in August 2107, it was not known whether any Manchurian survey ships were already in the chain. Ultimately, the best way to eliminate the potential threat from Manchuria was to eliminate any Manchuria presence in the Russo-Manchurian Arm. However, that course involved considerable risk, especially with all Russian shipyards still in Earth orbit, while delaying any action would only improve the balance of power in Russia’s favour due to the likely gains from the ruins. Therefore a full confrontation with Manchuria was viewed as a last resort, at least in the short and medium term.

In January 2108 a Manchurian science vessel transited the jump point from the WISE 0254-0223 side, entering TZ Arietis and finding a Russian squadron in close proximity. The Manchurian commander was made aware of the Russian claim on the territory beyond the jump point and informed he would not be able to re-enter the brown dwarf system beyond. Once informed of the incident, the Russian ambassador passed on the same message to the Manchurian government. Following an icy diplomatic exchange between the two nations, the Manchurians informed the Russians they would order their ships not to enter the TZ Arietis - WISE 0254-0223 jump point. They also explained two other Manchurian ships were in the jump point chain beyond but due to a lack of jump gates in the area, they were out of contact. They would return as their fuel ran low. Despite the Manchurian acceptance of the new Russian claim, the tension between the two powers has risen considerably.

The Russian leadership is determined to ensure Russian industry will be safe if future tensions reach breaking point. Most of the Russian research facilities are already on Novaya Rodina and two tugs, currently under construction, will eventually tow the Russian shipyards from Earth to the same location. Even the movement of industry to Novaya Rodina is only the first stage of a longer-term strategy with the eventual destination being the systems in the Russian-claimed territory. As part of the same strategy, the Russian fuel harvesters are currently on a one-year journey from EZ Aquarii to Kazan, the first system beyond Epsilon Eridani and the crossroads of the new territories.

Since July 2106 the Russian Federation has built five troop transports, two fuel harvesters, a jump gate construction ship and two Project 1216 Fyodorov-B class terraformers. The Fyodorov-B is a new 64,5000 ton design intended to support the four existing 36,300 ton Fyodorov-As. Russian terraforming efforts are currently concentrating on St Ekaterina-A I, one of the major alien ruin sites.

The Russian economy is in reasonable  condition. The budget is running with a very slight deficit and a small wealth reserve but there are no immediate problems. Mineral stockpiles are adequate for future needs. The main issue is a lack of fuel, primarily due to the fuel harvesters being offline during their journey to Kazan. Once they arrive the situation should ease and may even be resolved sooner if any fuel caches are recovered from the alien ruins. Russia operates three civilian shipping lines, comprising twenty ships with a combined tonnage of 900,000. Tax revenues from civilian shipping should soon improve due to a recent trade treaty with Japan. The two nations have no competing interests and are establishing trust due to their border agreement in the Kyokai system, which keeps the ships of each nation within their own Arm.

A Russian destroyer is shadowing the Brazilian task group crossing Alpha Centauri at a distance of five million kilometers. So far, the Brazilian warships are on course for the Luhman 16 jump point at 2142 km/s, restricted by the speed of the accompanying troop transport, and are preceded by two Japanese task groups. As Luhman 16 is the direct route to Edo, the Japanese are no doubt becoming very nervous. However, the Luhman 16 jump point is much closer to the centre of the Alpha Centauri system than the Sol jump point so it is equally likely the Brazilians are simply disguising their approach to one of the major Centauri colonies.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 02:13:50 PM by Steve Walmsley »