Astra Imperia > Rules

Smallcraft Modification


since several of my starting civs are starting off with the small craft tech, and not enough other techs to build ships, I thought this may be useful

Science Instruments      Cost:500 LP:20 Effect: 1 survey point per day per generation per hour.

ps the note saying fighter engines don't apply on shuttles should probably include cargo shuttles in the list

Erik L:
1 day per hour? ;)

20LP is 4x the amount of 1st generation science instruments.

Science Instruments only require Electronics I, so it's pretty much a tier 1 tech.

I added science instruments to missiles and drones. They gather 1 and 2pts per day respectively, and do not require Science Instrument tech. I also gave drones a strategic mode.

we have incredibly short days :P


Science Instruments Cost 500 LP:5  2 survey points per day would fit closer then?

you keep teasing me with all these things added to the rules you know :P


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