Noticed a bug where terrorist attacks were 'succeeding' but returning an error for the target. Digging into the second page, I found the problem was that my Federation Separatists were reading the target from the Totalitarian government's rebellion target line. This seems to be the case for every government type above Totalitarian on the sheet, which is most of them.
It's a simple fix - just change the E374 in the formula of the cell labeled "DAMAGE" to E"whatever row the cell is in" to make it read the target line for that government. Figured I'd report it in case anybody else stumbled across this behavior, or in case an update is ever made.
I've really enjoyed the extra texture this adds - it's nice to step back every few years and match up notable figures with parties. Even just considering how the party in power will change how things are run is neat even without the voting bits. Also a lot of fun when the party that held power for the first three election cycles lost to electoral fraud, but had pushed their agenda hard enough with legislation that the rebellion that lead me to post this was set off. The new guy had to manage low-odds defense of the Constitution to tamp down on the opposition while dealing with infrastructure and banks blowing up over the nascent colonies of my conventional start.
Thanks, after looking into this, I realized that the issue is slightly different. What is happening is that to avoid the 0 appearing I leave a blank space " " so that the UI remains clean. This happens when the rebels have no chance to attack. and cells in the B column have an N as a result of the rebellion checklist. The second checklist is the government form which should be matching as well. So the file itself doesn't have any error and the VALUE return you get is not relevant as long as it doesn't appear in the main UI.
Now, for gameplay purposes, you could decide to activate the rebels by keeping them always ON. To do that you need to implement the following:
B241 = change value to Y
B269 = change value to Y
B305 = change value to Y
B336 = change value to Y
B374 = change value to Y
B412 = change value to Y
After that, you need to identify a minimum amount of chance to rebel. I would recommend for that to be set between 1% and 10%, depending on your preferences. You could even set different values as perhaps a Republic may have slightly lesser organic rebels than a Totalitarian State or such. The formula to edit is in the following cells and you looking to add a value in the blank setup " ".
D241 " " change to X where X is your preferred number
D269 " " change to X where X is your preferred number
D305 " " change to X where X is your preferred number
D336 " " change to X where X is your preferred number
D374 " " change to X where X is your preferred number
D412 " " change to X where X is your preferred number
I.E. =IF(B241="Y",MIN(((G156+C156)/H156)+I71,100%)," ")
will become
=IF(B241="Y",MIN(((G156+C156)/H156)+I71,100%),0.01) The above leaves a 1% minimum chance of rebellion in the Republic Government.
Please note that the value is numerical but indicates percentages, therefore 1% will be 0.01, and so onThis could be a valuable addition, and as I am planning to release a new version once 2.2 comes out, I will keep it in mind as I think this amount could be set the same as the amount of unrest. I have been trying to refurbish the unrest for a long time and I think this could be a very possible scenario. The other part I am implementing is a more differentiated population where age groups do care for different values or benefits, I am just struggling with making it dynamic without too much intervention from the player.
Thanks again.