Author Topic: End of Times  (Read 5560 times)

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Offline backstab (OP)

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End of Times
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:54:37 AM »
State of the World as of January 2015

People said that from 2012, things around the world would change for the better, but they were wrong.
2012 saw the European Union teeter on economic ruin.   If the Euro was to continue as a viable monetary unit then Britain, Germany and France would have to bail out the other struggling economies.  Britain, never an enthusiastic member of the EU, resisted the economic measures put forward by France and opted to withdraw from the Union.  Britain now looked towards reinvigorating the long neglected Commonwealth of Nations.  By the end of the year, the Eurozone had stabilized thanks to massive French and German economic assistance.  This bailout came with a price, France and Germany insisted in a serious timeframe for complete integration and formation of an EU Constitution by 2017.

By the start of 2013, the United States began withdrawing from Afghanistan, leaving it much like they found it when they first intervened.   The constant pressure of playing world policeman placed even more strain on its buckling economy and with the Democrats winning another term in Government, it was a sure bet that the Military Budget would be trimmed to balance the books.   Among cost saving measures was the closure of most major overseas facilities and the return of these forces back to the continental United States all by the end of 2014.

In the Far East, Kim Jong-un looked towards China to help save his impoverished nation and it was not long before Chinese advisors were helping to breathe life back into the rotting carcass that was the DPRK.  But this would come with a hefty price with Kim Jong-un expected to align economic and foreign policy with the Peoples Republic.

Iran would cease rattling its Saber at the west, which some experts theorized that they were extremely close to testing their first Nuclear Weapon. With economic troubles considered more important, the United States and the West just tightened sanctions and put their diplomatic heads in the sands hoping Israel would solve the problem like what they did with Iraq.

Vladimir Putin manages to gain the Russian Presidency in 2012 despite the accusations of electoral fraud.  During his term, tensions between China and Russia over Central Asia would cause him to withdraw Russia’s support of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. By the end of 2014, Russia is rapidly expanding their industry base as well as modernizing the floundering Russian Military in anticipation of a future conflict with China.

With Russia’s attention firmly set in the East, the nations of the NATO treaty agree that such an alliance is no longer productive.  All parties agree to disband NATO by the end of 2014 with the last US Troops scheduled to leave Germany by mid 2015.

In the Middle East, Arab nations continue to experience massive unrest as successive Governments in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Morocco began fall one after the other.  The Saudi King only held onto power by using the Military and the Saudi National Guard to brutally put down any insurrection.
The only region to show any sings of normality was South America.  Brazil’s economy continues to grow as they slowly put pressure on near by countries to stabilize their Governments and reduce corruption.  By the end of 2014, Brazil becomes South America’s economic, political and industrial powerhouse.

As the 2015 New Year is celebrated across the globe, no one would ever think that by first light of 2015, the world will change forever ……


0209 Hrs 1st January 2015

CNN News Flash…

We break our regular program to bring you this important News Flash.
No more than three minutes ago the United States of America experienced no less than 60 nuclear detonations across the nation.  It is unclear whether it was a pre-emptive strike from Russia or China but so far there has been no indication of retaliation from STRATCOM or a follow up strike.  Initial reports indicate that the President of the United States may have been at the Whitehouse when Washington DC was targeted.   More to follow…..

Radio Mayak, Russia

…… President Putin only survived because he was out camping with members of his family.  The Military has since airlifted him and his surviving Cabinet Ministers to Volgograd which President Putin has named the temporary Capitol of the Russian Federation ……

slamic Republic of Iran Broadcaster, Iran

…… Ayatollah Kh?mene’I has vowed revenge against the Great Satan, the United States, for its nuclear destruction of Tehran.  The Ayatollah has taken personal command of the Iranian Military and has ordered full mobilization …….

CNN News, United States

…… So far only the Secretary of State, Shaun Marano, is believed to have survived.   In a press statement, the Secretary of State has told the American People that he will assume the duties of the Presidency until the whereabouts of the President can be ascertained.   He also indicated that the origin of the nuclear attack is yet to be determined but since China and Russia have suffered similar attacks, it is highly doubtful that they are responsible.

BBC News, Britain

….. emergency services are overwhelmed with casualties from the London Strike.  Conservative estimates puts the initial casualties at 1 600 000 with more deaths from radiation expected in the future. Acting Prime Minister Emily Godfrey has issued a statement that martial law will be necessary until the situation is stable.

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, Brazil

…. Riots continue is Brasilia as the interim Military Governor declared martial law.  Reports of fighting in Bolivia have been dismissed as renegade military formations from Argentina but the Brazilian Emergency Council have agreed to strengthen the border as refugees continue to flood from devastated Bolivia.  All  efforts to contact surviving members of near by Nations have met with failure ……. 
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Offline ShadoCat

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Re: End of Times
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 03:48:39 AM »
That's one way to reduce the starting population.  I can't wait to wee how this develops.

Offline Rastaman

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Re: End of Times
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 07:03:37 AM »
Putin survives a nuclear strike, but can he into space? 
Fun Fact: The minimum engine power of any ship engine in Aurora C# is 0.01. The maximum is 120000!

Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: End of Times
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2012, 10:22:21 PM »
0600 1st January 2015

It has been four hours since the majority of world nations suffered nuclear attacks from an unknown source.  The strike was precise and swift leaving behind confusion and fear.  The exact global casualties would never be known but after the nuclear winter, untold millions especially in the third world would die a slow lingering death.
The source of the strike would not be known until later that day but some years in the future, a forgotten note from the Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance Facility on Maui Island, detected an anomaly mere seconds before the holocaust.   
Most nations across the globe faced a similar scene of nuclear devastation. Surviving Governments initially looked for some nation or organization to lay the blame but it was obvious that such an attack was beyond the capability of even the United States.

By 1400 hrs, surviving Deep Space detection systems across the world picked up a large object approaching Earth.  Surviving militaries across the world were taken from civil aid duties and put on full defensive alert as the object began orbiting the earth and dropping hundreds of pods.
Any aircraft attempting to lift off was shot down and naval vessels were targeted with high energy beam weapons. Pod landings were tracked to Mexico, North Africa, Ireland, South Korea, Ukraine, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Jordan and Iraq.  Within an hour of landing, all information coming out of these areas had ceased.

2nd January 2015
By the next day refugees and the remnants of military formations began moving across nearby borders seeking safety and bringing with them stories of utmost horror.    Rumors of robotic monstrosities laying waste to all in their path began filtering throughout the world.   
By midday, the object orbiting earth had entered the atmosphere over India and began the finishing touches of destroying every Indian population centre.  At 1400hrs the object passed low over Jaysalmer when the surviving Indian Air force Base detonated its stockpile of Nuclear Weapons as the Object passed over it.  The ensuring explosion must have somehow damaged the internal structure and set off its own missile magazine. Everything within 50km of Jaysalmer was vaporized.  Even though India would cease to exist as a nation, the sacrifices of its Soldiers gave the surviving powers the break they needed.  For the next ten days, each surviving power moved combat formations to their marshalling areas in preparation to strike back.  With no satellites in orbit, Intelligence was sparse.  Small SF units tasked with providing recon and target identification often found themselves compromised and destroyed before they could provide much needed intelligence on the situation.  For the moment, the invaders seemed content to remain close to their initial landing sites.
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Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: End of Times
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2012, 05:38:26 PM »
I'll put the game on hold until the new update
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