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Old book series by Paul O Williams


Having suffered a stroke several years ago that makes brain "jump" around a bit.
Saw a map, and thaught aboit a doom in the forrest, Pelbar also surfaced.
Have anyone read these books from late 70s and in to the 80s, read 1 book, the dome in the forrest, dont remember much, more than its in the US several 100 years after our civilizations fall...
Should I pick them up again?

Pelbar... I habe that Serien on my shell. Enno ablegen but not easyJet Reader. Been decades since ist Reader it though.

Oh my god, what did autokorrect make from my post there.

I have the serie son ym shelf. In german translation, but still. Not an easy read. Been decades since I read it though.

Paul M:
They are available on Kindle but are not cheap ($11-12 each) and the first book is "The Breaking of Northwall"   "The Dome in the Forest" is book 3.  There seems to be 7 in total.

thanks guys, shall se what I can find on the internet. :)


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