C# Aurora > Spoilers

Spoiler Tech advancement?

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by any chance, is there a Timeframe, within some sort of Standard Deviation, whereby they learn how to go through an unstabilized jump point?  or do they start with it?

Pretty sure they start with this capability, as there are a few recent AARs showing Swarm invasions through jump points quite early in the game. Rainyday's Manticore AAR is one example, if you go a bit older then Steve's Crusade test campaign also features some relatively early (~10 years?) Swarm activity.

Yeah Swarm and Raiders always used to curb stomp me in long slow games as well. It was just the standard way games always ended for me - NPRs spawn in and wipe out the galaxy.

In 2.2 Steve got rid of the bug that Raiders and Swarm tech would keep advancing right from the start of the game, regardless of how slow everyone else was going, before they even spawn in. This guaranteed that when they did spawn they'd be end-game tech, while I usually only had ion engines by that point. Now they are created and start advancing their tech when you hit the trigger number of explored systems you defined when you created the game, and then have a chance to actually spawn in with each additional system you explore.

Swarm have always had the capability to traverse jump points. I had a game back in VB6 days where one Swarm spawned 2 jumps from Earth and I only had two small carriers. After eating my survey ships, the Swarm jumped into Alpha Centauri, ate my carriers since they were too slow to escape and then began eating civilians and the evacuation ships that were bringing colonists back. I restarted the game when they jumped into Sol and proceeded to do the same to Earth. Fun if a short game, that one.

Ahh... so, they start TECHING when you reach the system-count in the options menu, regardless of when they actually spawn.  That's good to know.

Is that the number of systems that --I-- know, or the total created between me and all the NPR's combined?


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