VB6 Aurora > Aurora Bugs

Point Defense vs CIWS

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I've come across a problem, and I don't want to continue on in my campaign until I've figured out whether its something I'm doing wrong, or if it is a fundamental problem with Aurora. 

I'm using the latest (last) version of Aurora for the Corporate Federation campaign.  The situation is - I've got two squadrons of ships facing each other.  Side A launched a bunch of size 1 AMM's in offensive mode against Side B's ships.  Side B exhausted its AMM's intercepting Side A's AMM's, and then was forced to use its laser, gauss cannons, meson cannons, and CIWS to defend itself.  I had some of the fire controls for Side B's energy and kinetic weapons set to area defense and some to point blank. In the early portions of the battle, everything seemed to be going as expected. 

Then the problem happened.  Side A's missiles were targeted on Side B's cruiser, which had two CIWS installations.  The CIWS acted as expected, but none of Side B's other weapons engaged the missiles, only the CIWS.  I figured I set something wrong, so I changed all of Side B's fire controls to "Final Defensive Fire-1".  This worked as expected for several salvoes, with all of the fleet's energy and kinetic weapons engaging, but then came a salvo that was targeted on a frigate equipped with a single CIWS.  The frigate's CIWs engaged, but no other weapons fired, and a bunch of AMM's got through to hit the frigate.  Almost all of the fleet's energy weapons have a five second cycle time, so I know they weren't recharging.  It appears that if the missiles are targeted on a ship with CIWS, no other weapons will fire in point defense mode.  This has happened twice now in this battle, so it's not a fluke, and it happened with different fire control PD settings as well. 

I can't figure out what, if anything, I'm doing wrong.  Is this a known issue?  I've been out of touch with the board for some time, so things might have gotten by me.  If this is an issue with Aurora then CIWS is almost completely useless as it negates all other point defense weapons.  If it's something I'm doing wrong then I'd like to fix it before the battle goes any further. 

Thanks -


I haven't used CIWS in a loooooooong time, so I have not had the opportunity to come across this issue.

Michael Sandy:
I vaguely recall there is an issue with ships that have both AMMs and beam PD, but since I don't build ships with both, have never experienced that issue.

Are you sure the weapons was not set to Area Defense since it can be the case they don't have time to fire?

I often have mixed weapons on many ship types and have not experienced this little problem so far.

Steve Walmsley:
If a ship has CIWS it will attempt to use those first. If any missiles remain it will use any 'normal' point defence. If missiles still remain, any other nearby ships will use their point defence.
At least, that is how it supposed to work. I just checked the code and I didn't see any obvious problem (which doesn't mean there isn't one)

There hasn't been a report on these lines before but it may be that this situation hasn't happened before.


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