Author Topic: Campaign Year 3116  (Read 2357 times)

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Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Campaign Year 3116
« on: January 19, 2011, 05:21:01 AM »
10th January 3116 – After disassembling the Precursor systems, enough information is obtained to complete research into missile reload rate 5.  Also today, 2nd Heavy Assault Div (General Llwyd Dawes) starts to load onto the ships of Troop Transport Sqn #1.  The division will head into the Sirius system and capture the alien listening posts there.

16th January .3116 – Survey Sqn #2 explores one of the 2 unexplored JPs in the Sirius system and discovers the Epsilon Eridani system.

Code: [Select]
Epsilon Eridani-A  K2-V  Diameter: 1.25m  Mass: 0.75  Luminosity: 0.34
Asteroid Belt: 7
Jump Points
 1) Sirius:    Distance: 362m   Bearing: 6

3rd February 3116 – Survey Sqn #2 reaches the final unexplored JP in the Sirius system.  Waunoer 003 jumps through it and discovers the DX Canceri system.

Code: [Select]
DX Cancri-A  M6-V  Diameter: 417k  Mass: 0.16  Luminosity: 0.005
DX Cancri-A I:  Colony Cost: 18.96,  Temperature: 755.5,  Gravity: 0.51,  Orbit: 570k
DX Cancri-A III:  Colony Cost: 18.96,  Temperature: -134.5,  Gravity: 0.81,  Orbit: 34m
Jump Points
 1) Sirius:    Distance: 2.01b   Bearing: 132

With the final JP explored the extent of known space looks as follows:

Offline welchbloke (OP)

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« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2011, 04:47:54 PM »
12th August 3116 – 0500UST

Colonel Gwythyr Rothero looked around the cramped interior of the dropship.  The members of his command group were all strapped in and the green icons in his visor display showed that they were all wearing fully serviceable combat suits with full combat ammo loads.  Next to him Sergeant Major Davies shifted in his seat and touched the side of his helmet with his own.  Triggered by the contact, the private suit to suit comm channel opened and the Sergeant Major’s broad valley tones filled his earphones.

‘Boss, drop in 30secs.’

‘Copied, what’s the feeling from the Senior NCOs?’

Not even attempting to deny that he had instructed the Senior NCOs to report back on the status of their companies and their officers Davies gave a shrug, or as close to one as his armour would allow. ‘They say that the troops are as ready as they’ll ever be, morale is good.’

Before Rothero could speak a pulsing tone started to sound in his ear.  Keying his command group channel he tersely spoke two words.  ‘Stand By!’

In a fluid motion the command group stood up and turned towards the dropship’s exit doors.

The rear clamshell doors of the dropship opened and the dim light of the white dwarf star that was Sirius B lit the interior of the vessel.  Below them there was the pockmarked surface of the third planet.  Below the horizon, on the opposite side of the planet was the suspected Precursor outpost.

As a continuous tone started to sound in his earbud, Rothero gave a terse ‘Deploy!’ on the command group channel.  Immediately, the troops closest to the door jumped out into the dim light.

As he followed his command group out, Rothero checked the readout on his visor.  His battalion appeared to have made a near perfect deployment from their dropships.  Switching to the threat overlay, Rothero was pleasantly surprised to see no hostile fire indications.  The lack of fire caused him to think back 2 days to the briefing given by the divisional commander, General Llwyd Dawes.

‘Orbital augers have not detected any hostile emplacements; however, I am planning on a loss rate of up to 30% in the initial drop battalions.’

Rothero gave a wry smile in his visor as he remembered the look of shock on the faces of the battalion commanders who hadn’t served with the general long.  His pessimistic outlook was well known to those who served under him for any length of time.  It looked like the general had overestimated the threat.

While he had been lost in his reverie, Rothero’s suit had fired a series of attitudinal thrusters and corrected the spin induced by his exit from the dropship.  As he turned his head to look at the unforgiving terrain below him he could see the flares of thrusters as individual troopers slowed their descent and soft-landed on the surface.  Checking his visor, Rothero noted that he had another 30 secs before his thrusters would fire, changing channels he checked in with brigade headquarters and discovered that the lack of enemy fire was being reported across all the Division’s drop zones.

As his thrusters started to fire, Rothero brought his weapon up and scanned the horizon; he was at his most vulnerable during landing.  Once on the ground, Rothero keyed his battalion command channel ‘All company commanders report status.’

10 km away in the lee of a tall mountain, Mabon Peters watched the parade perfect deployment of the 11th Heavy Assault Battalion, Celtic Army in silence.  Once they had formed up and started to head towards what he assumed was the brigade muster point, he opened a channel.

‘Operative 1, Operative 3, remind me again why we the three of us are babysitting a full battalion of heavy assault troops?’

‘Operative 3, Operative 1, because their commanding officer will go on to win the High King’s Cross during the battle of Hushnak in 3120.  Our intelligence people think that there is something suspicious about what happens during the assault on this Precursor colony.  They want us to check it out and make sure nothing happens to the good Colonel Rothero.’

Offline welchbloke (OP)

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« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 09:21:44 AM »
16th August 3116 – 1730UST
Col Rothero looked at his gathered command group.  In the dim light of the star they looked a bit like ghosts.  Keying his command channel, Rothero spoke ‘We’ve received new orders from General Dawes, in 5 mins we take point for the final push on the enemy installation.  The order of march will be Alpha, Delta, Charlie, Bravo.  Make sure that the word is passed to all troopers that just because we’ve not encountered any serious resistance yet, it doesn’t mean we can let our guard down.  This appears to be the only installation on this forsaken dirt ball, if there are any defences they will be here.  Any questions?’

After 30 secs of static, he continued with ‘Let’s get this done, I don’t want any casualties.  Dismissed.’

As his command group set off to brief their units, Rothero looked around at the desolate landscape.  ‘I wouldn’t even set up remote mines here, so what the the Precursors doing here?’

He knew a great deal about mines, as the second son of Llewylln Rothero, scion of the Rothero Mining Corporation, it had been expected that he would take over one of the business’ divisions when was old enough.  Instead, and to the rage of his father, he had joined the Celtic Army and done well.

Pushing the regrest from his past out of his consciousness, he turned to head towards his lead company.  As he did, an agonising burst of noise drove him to his knees.  Disorientated by the noise, he didn’t see the puff of dust rise up to his left.  The trajectory of the round that had caused the puff passed right through the space where his head should have been had he not been driven to his knees.

2 kilometres away, Mabon Peters spoke into his throat mike, ‘Operative 1, Operative 3.  Sniper detected, range 5 000 meters from my position, location tagged to this comms.  Sniper is not, repeat not Precursor, sensors suggest that the snipers has equivalent tech to us.  I have a shot, request permission to fire.’

Less than 5 secs later there was a terse reply ‘Open fire.’

Making sure that his aim hadn’t drifted Mabon sighted his weapon on the target.  Sniper mode was already selected, the weapon was as steady as it could be.  Controlling his breathing, Mabon pulled the trigger and a the penetrator round was sent on its way.  Less than a sec later, the round hit the target squarely in the chest and it fell down lifelessly.

20 mins later, Mabon was standing over the corpse as his two team mates approached.  ‘This guy may have had equivalent tech but he was no soldier, he didn’t move after his first shot was way too exposed here.  What I don’t understand is how the first shot missed.’

It was the team leader that answered.  ‘I saw some movement over here and I assumed it was a sniper.  I sent an incapacitating signal to Rothero that forced him to his knees.’

‘It worked, where do we take the body?  It can’t stay here and we can’t take it back to the Hub in case it is booby-trapped.’

‘We have a facility we can take it too.  Once the Celts have moved on I’ll call in a transport.’

Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Re: Campaign Year 3116
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 09:24:44 AM »
17th August 3116 – In a rapid assault, the 2nd Heavy Assault Division overruns the precursor outpost in 5 days.  The outpost’s magazines contain 132 Carercyn ASMs.

19th August 3116 – 9th Garrison Bde arrives to take over from 2nd Heavy Assault Div.

23rd September 3116 – At 0406, 1st Survey Sqn discovers a new JP in the Procyon system.

26th September 3116Waunoer 002 (Space Captain Ffraid David)jumps through the unknown JP in the Procyon system and discovers the Wolf 294 system:

Code: [Select]
Wolf 294-A  M4-V  Diameter: 556k  Mass: 0.26  Luminosity: 0.012
Wolf 294-A I:  Temperature: 3852.2,  Gravity: 3.5,  Orbit: 510k
    Carbon Dioxide 97%, Nitrogen Dioxide 3.0%,  Pressure: 140.00
Wolf 294-A II:  Colony Cost: 1.90,  Temperature: 14.7,  Gravity: 0.26,  Orbit: 15.6m
Wolf 294-A III:  Temperature: -89.7,  Gravity: 0.09,  Orbit: 34m
Wolf 294-A IV:  Temperature: -174.0,  Gravity: 0.14,  Orbit: 82m
Wolf 294-A V:  Temperature: -197.7,  Gravity: 0.44,  Orbit: 188m
    Wolf 294-A V - Moon 13:  Colony Cost: 4.86,  Temperature: -192.0,  Gravity: 0.58,  Orbit: 405k
    Nitrogen (F) 81%, Methane (F) 19.0%,  Pressure: 0.02
    Wolf 294-A V - Moon 21:  Colony Cost: 4.70,  Temperature: -186.3,  Gravity: 0.26,  Orbit: 2.92m
    Nitrogen (F) 79%, Methane (F) 21.0%,  Pressure: 0.00
    Total Moons: 30
Wolf 294-A VI:  Colony Cost: 5.53,  Temperature: -216.9,  Gravity: 0.82,  Orbit: 241m
    Helium 79%, Hydrogen 15.1%, Neon 5.9%,  Pressure: 0.66
    Total Moons: 2
Jump Points
 1) Procyon:    Distance: 532m   Bearing: 68
2nd October 3116 – At 18:34 the gravitational survey of the Procyon system is completed.  The system has a grand total of 2 JPs.

22nd October 3116 – The first 4 marine bdes are formed on Daear.

3rd November 3116 – The CO of 303rd Marine Inf Btn, Colonel Rhioganedd Rheseus is killed in a training accident?