C# Aurora > Spoilers

Boarding parties vanishing through raider gates


There's a 20kt raider ship obnoxiously jumping back and forth through one of their invisible gates I discovered.   
If you board it with marines, you get the usual notification about not having breached the armor, breaching charge being prepared etc.   When the ship jumps and reappears, the marines will be gone, as if the ship was deleted and recreated rather than jumping. 

Is this a mechanic to stop the player from raiding the raider home system? Or is it a bug I should report?


--- Quote from: Navalgazer420XX on September 17, 2023, 01:59:34 PM ---Is this a mechanic to stop the player from raiding the raider home system?

--- End quote ---

I would assume so, although I thought Steve was going to leave that in for enterprising players/hackers.


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