New Players > C# Tutorials

New player on TN start

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I’m relatively new to this game and have been reading and watching a lot of tutorials however all seem to be conventional not TN? I have a game that’s TN with 30% research, terraforming etc, should I start again with conventional.

What differs between the tips given for conventional vs TN e. g I know in conventional to research TN tech but what production should I start with as TN for example

What are the sort of things that I need to do for a TN start?

A TN start is the normal start, conventional starts are harder.
You will start off with industry already built.  You also have points to spend on free research, if you go to the research screen you will see this. Assign them how you want. You also have points ot build ships and troop so design some starting ships and troop units then build them,  after that you are playing as normal but without having to spen a vast amount of time waiting to develop the tech to ennable you to do anything.

What should be my first steps in a TN start like production etc?

Its really up to you there is no right or wrong choice.
In your initial tech setup you may or may not develop jump drives. Without jump drives you will be surveying an exploring the Sol system so Geo survey ships, freighters and automines. If you want to terraform mars terraformer ships and maybe colonisers. Other people use infrastructure, mines and populations so also colony ships.
Personally I would develop jump drives initially and also get some warships built. Depening on what size ships and fleet you want you also need to build up your shipyards and add maintenance facilities.
Then get the minerals you need, explore and improvise.
If you ever plan on invading an alien homeworld start building ground troops and never stop.

Start play around with things and when it all goes wrong start again having learnt vital lessons

I'd say leaving out jump drive in your start tech is fine, since you will need time to discover a jump point anyway, but certainly including it is fine too - it's not like spending research points on the power tech tree is something you'll likely regret.


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