C# Aurora > C# Mechanics

v2.1.0 Changes List


Steve Walmsley:
Changes List for 2.1.0 (released but with wrong version number - shows 2.0.3)

This post includes bug fixes or minor changes. Any more significant changes will have their own post. (DB) indicates a database-related fix.


* Fixed mineral costs of terraforming installation and repair yard (DB).
* Fixed starting temperature on Luna so that water is not liquid (DB).
* Fixed power plant description text on Research tab of Economics window (DB)
* Fixed display of size for miscellaneous components (DB)
* Small Craft Refuelling System given correct name and better description (DB).
* Only one refuelling system may now be added to a class design (DB).
* Fixed a bug that is causing NPR ships to move at 1 km/s after running out of fuel (they should move to refuel instead).
* Fixed incorrect popup after using Leave Overhaul - display issue only.
* Leave Overhaul now works for fleets as well as individual ships.
* You can now scrap fractions of installations.Changes

* Added a new class naming theme that names every ship after the class without a numeric suffix (DB).

Steve Walmsley:
Automated Parasite Assignment

A new dropdown on the Shipyard tab of the Economics window allows you to select a fleet as the source of parasites for that population

When a new ship is built, if it has a specified strikegroup listed, it will automatically create a squadron called <Ship Name> Strikegroup, then assign and land parasites from the parasite source fleet. If the entire specified strikegroup is not available, it will land a partial strikegroup based on the ships available in the source fleet.


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