Turn 8
Pre-turn phase:-
Initiative - Red 10 / Blue 4 - Red moves first. Note this is important for Blue as he needs to keep his damaged shield away from the Red ship. If he had to go first and fire last, he would either have to move to keep away or roll the ship to bring an undamaged shield into arc. This would reduce his other options i.e. to roll in the combat phase or turn in the movement phase.
Red - rotate 2 hexsides for 2 thrust. Move 4 in direction 4 (see direction compass on map).
Blue - rotate 2 hexsides for 2 thrust. Move 3 in direction 1 and 1 in direction 2.
Combat - Range = 6
To hit die roll = 58 or less.
Blue to fire first. Any damage applied to Red's starboard shield (as ship has rolled in previous turn).
Starboard volley rolls 27 / 70 / 26 - 2 hits
Blue then rolls and fires port volley. Die rolls - 19/39/92 - 2 hits.
Each pair of hits does 4 EM and 8 Thermal reduced to 2 EM and 6 Thermal.
The 6 thermal reduces the starboard shield protection from 14 to 8 and the collapse drops from 17 to 11. The 2 EM bypasses the shields and reduces the armor protection to 6 and the collapse to 1.
The second volley reduces the protection value to 2 and the collapse value to 5. The 2 EM bypasses the shields again and drops the protection to 4 and breaches the armor.
The armor will not protect the ship from further attacks.
Red then returns fire, rolling the ship after the first volley. Damage will hit Blue's port shield (it rolled in the combat phase).
Starboard volley die rolls - 44/73/30 - 2 hits
Port volley die rolls - 3/17/20 - 3 hits
Volley 1 does 4 EM and 8 Thermal reduced to 2 EM and 6 Thermal. The 6 thermal reduce the port shield thermal protection from 12 to 6 and the collapse value drops to 4. The 2 EM bypasses the shields and armor (already breached) and does 1 structure damage (from 680 to 679) and one internal damage point. Rolling 2d10 on the damage table, result is 13 (structure hit - reduced to 678).
Volley 2 does 6 EM and 12 Thermal reduced to 4 EM and 10 thermal. The 10 thermal reduces the protection value to 0, collapses the shield and allows 4 damage to hit the internal systems. The 4 EM bypass everything. Total internal hit points = 8. 4 hit structure (674). The other 4 roll 2d10 each - 14/9/14/12 = 4 structure (670).
Bookkeeping phase.
Blue - shields are at 12/0/12/11 Thermal but cannot regenerate or rebalance as they have collapsed. If Blue cannot repair their shields next turn, with no shields or armor, they are in deep trouble.
Red - shields are at 13/14/13/2 with a collapse value of 5. They regenerate to 13/14/13/4 and then rebalance to 11/11/11/11. Although they are still quite strong, the collapse value means they will probably collapse next turn. *EDIT* The collapse value also gains regeneration points to end at 7.
Over to Erik for comments. Question - if a DCC repairs the Blue shield, does this mean its collapse value returns to its starting value or something else?