Author Topic: Precursor Return: The Years 2045 to 2050  (Read 3284 times)

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Precursor Return: The Years 2045 to 2050
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:27:30 AM »
February 20, 2045
The geological team has made another large discovery.  Another huge deposit of a Trans-Newtonian material has been found.  One hundred thousand tons of  Corbomite.  There is a large concern about the fact of being essentially blind to alien ships until they are already in orbit and bombarding the planet has forced the construction of a deep space listening post.  Over half the required communication chips have been manufactured.  A new missile has been designed.  It is a size 10 anti-ship missile, with a size 5 warhead, a size 4. 9 nuclear thermal engine, and 0. 1 fuel.  The missile will last for two minutes, and current magazines can hold 24 of them.  This missile sadly cannot be used to it’s full potential until sensor and missile launcher technology is improved.

December 5th, 2045
We have finished manufacturing all of the communication chips, and are implanting them now.  The CommNet is about to become fully functional, and a revolutionary technology is about to be unveiled.

January 7th, 2046
There was a slight delay, but none the less, the CommNet is fully operational.  The flow of data is purely amazing.  The Archive is handling it perfectly, and recovery teams can work faster than ever.  The benefits will get even better over time.  Additionally, construction factories are much better co-ordinated, and have gained around 25% efficiency due to this.

June 5th, 2046
Our Trans-Newtonian missile has left it’s prototyping phase, and is ready for production.  Ordinance factories are ordered to produce enough for one magazine.  Since R&D is freed up, they can now return to restoring The Archive.  They are working on something that they believe will vastly increase their defensive capabilities; active sensors.  These sensors send a wave of gravity that will “bounce” off of objects; ships, missile bases, space stations.  The thing that sets these apart from conventional sensors is that they use warped space to give near instant results, at a very long range.

August 4th, 2046
Bath Iron Works is finally done a large project, that was set back major due to material shortages, has finally completed it’s upgrade.  It can now construct ships of up to 6500 tons, exactly the size of the Malaika Class Cargo Ship.  It’s role is to move automated mines; a design in the archive that has not yet been built, and mass drivers to literally “shoot” minerals back to Earth.  This is hoped to somewhat alleviate the material problem.  The Earth geological team is completely sure that they have found every single Trans-Newtonian deposit on Earth, so once the Malaika is constructed, they will board it and start surveying planets for materials.  The Chief Engineer assures us that it will be ready in October this year.

October 27th, 2046
The First Malaika Class Cargo Ship has been launched.  It is truly a momentous occasion, finally, we have joined the stars, and are now one step closer to completing our mission.  Once the geological team, captain and crew are aboard, there will be a live broadcast planet-wide, showing the launch from Bath Iron Works, in one week.

October 29th, 2046
One of the crew members was conducting a test on the thermal engine, and accidentally left it on overdrive without turning it off.  Thankfully, the engine’s emergency shutdown protocols deactivated it before it could explode, it suffered major damage, and will require atleast six months to repair, as all the maintenance facilities were shut down to conserve power, and need to be re-activated to perform the proper repairs.  The CommNet is abuzz about the incident, and although everyone is a little bit annoyed, it is only a minor setback.  The engineers did however, give the ship two engines, so it is ordered to limp to Mars, drop off the survey team, and limp back.  A round trip should only take about a week, since their orbits bring them very close to each other.

September 10th, 2047
A new geological survey ship hass been designed, and sadly, the Malakai’s last engine catastrophically exploded.  Luckily, no one was injured, as the ship had been disembarked for repairs.  Althoguh, this still does raise concern about the quality of ship systems.  Data recovery agents have found a promising find in the Archive; a damage control unit, that will automatically repair damaged ship systems.  This will be the next priority for recovery, after research in active sensors are complete.  Another Data Recovery Facility has been activated, and will be extremely helpful in further efforts.

Editors Note:
I was being stupid and did not think of the amazing idea of looking at the ships maintenance clock before actually building one. 

October 11th, 2047
The Survey Ship Galana; a new design, has been laid down in Bath Iron Works.  She is 1000 tons, has enough fuel for ten years, and has a maintenance life of twenty.  Retooling the shipyard will take two months, and the ship itself shouldn’t take too long after that.

May 17th, 2049
Due to some dataloss in the Archive, the Galana was forced to be redesigned.  This, along with resource shortages have delayed the launch of tge first Galana class Geosurvey ship.  Finally though, it has been launched, and is headed to Mars to do a orbital geological scan, so the team based there can start their own work.  Active sensors have been developed, and a missile fire control using this technology has more than 25 times the range of conventional controls.  Recovery efforts shift to damage control systems; a part of a ship that, should any part of it be damaged; by error, or by alien ships, so long as it has enough time, it can repair itself on it’s own.

July 11th, 2049
The last of our ship fuel reserves are about to run dry.  We need to start up sorium fuel production, or we may quickly become stranded.

January 1st, 2050
Twenty five years have past since our activation, and we are really starting to make progress.  We have built our own ships, with varying success, and have started to explore our solar system.  We are almost ready for a new generation of missile bases

Population: 55. 67m
Construction Factories: 12
Recovery Facilities: 3
Ordinance Factories: 1
Mines: 13
Maintenance Facilities: 5
Manufacturing Sector:
Shipyard workers: 1. 65m
Maintenance Workers: 0. 25m
Construction Workers: 0. 6m
Mine Workers: 0. 65m
Ordinance Workers: 0. 05m
Researchers: 3m
Available Workers: 19. 64m
2x Missile Base